Compromising or not?
When the prophet is expected to preach good, sound comfortable words, to “please” to people who receive the message, and make them “feel comfortable” by pleasant words. So they accept it and think its ok? They can still go to hell, because the prophet has refused to speak the straight truth to them! That’s compromising! It's irresponsible that the Church or common Christianity complains of the plain and strict words of a Prophet or a person sent by G-d. “This was in the “old Testaments Times; not in this time anymore!” they explained. Are these persons still asleep, still in a low and cold state of unbelief?! Why so much resistance and superficiality over 'plain' words, when the prophet had exposed the sins that prevail among the saints? Is this rebelling against the Church and the truth, by that specific Prophet? "He should not speak so plainly to the Church before the world!" But if you have something to hide, is it not the hidden sin, you try to hide? Than do not put blame on the prophet, by his plain preaching's, when he is revealing the sin and even rebukes in love, even though it could be openly, with all respect for dignity! What if they are offended? So often ministers are trapped by satan: "well-pleasing to man, people and leaders to obtain a good impression?”! This it is wrong! It also called hypocritically! Yeshua can get along very well without them! He dealt also with it!
Money by Gene Lapansie (
When prophets
fall into the temptation to give “good prophecies” (?) to those who
treat them well and “bad prophecies” (?) to those who don't show them
special deference, then the L-rd may cease speaking to any of the prophetic
people. ...“People pleasing” are a killer for all ministries, and
especially prophetic
Prophetic people
who tell people what “they
A true prophet should not expect the praise of men (Luke 6:26), they will seek only the approval of G-d! {YHVH} ... Human compassion can taint a word and blinds the prophet, causing him or her to give “a good prophetic word” when the L-rd wanted to give a word of correction! ... Regardless of which ministry we are called to, we must not copy or emulate other people, but rather the One whose image we are called to bear. Schools for prophets may be helpful, but they will be counterproductive if they just bring forth "parrots", who all prophesy the same things!
G-d knows the secrets of your innermost hearts...
G-d knows the secrets of your innermost hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is... abomination in the sight of G-d! (Luke 16:15)
Who are they that which justify yourself before men?
Revival is...
It’s a (new) beginning of unconditional obedience to G-d. The first step for a converted sinner or backslider convicted by the Holy Spirit {Roach HaKodesh} is a deep repentance. Deep repentance requires a broken and contrite heart and then a forsaking of the old worldly (dead) man before the Throne of G-d.{YHVH; Bema-seat} The curse on the sinner’s life is broken, and the sinner is transformed into a new creation, according to the image of Yeshua, the Messiah or Jesus the Christ!
Many people have to experience first
great affliction
before they will seek the L-rd and turn to Him with a whole heart. How much
suffering they could save themselves if they would do such seeking first?
Lift up your vision higher! Than you will hear His voice, the voice of G-d
that cries out to you TODAY!
Outreach Ministry Int.
P. O. Box 93404;
Lakeland; Florida; 33804-3404, USA ' (863)