Bitterness and grieve can come in the heart-beam of the Prophet’s
spirit! A prophet can be angry at seeing the condition of (Christianity) people
and their attitude against a Holy G-d, His message and against own brothers
and sisters, Nations,
wickedness, cruel political leaders,
etc... He will be filled with righteous indignation which G-d inspired
against the sins
he was called to denounce. This means that he was strengthened by Divine power
for his mission, which could be difficult and hard on him! YES, he still can
speak about judgments (Harbinger) of G-d over people, nations, wickedness, cruel leaders
Like the Prophet…
The Prophet Ezekiel was called
and sent to the children of Israel, to
a rebellious nation that had rebelled
against G-d. The Impudent
children and stiff-hearted!
And whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear:
This rebellion house,
yet, shall know that there had been a prophet among them. And he shall
speak His Words
unto them! (Ezekiel 2:1-7)
Like the Prophet Jeremiah, who was seeking after G-ds
righteousness and wanting immediate action of dealing with the people who came
so against him! How many times he did warn the King and the Israel’s
people of the coming judgments; the total destruction of Jerusalem? But G-d also provided a “way” out of it through his
prophet! A solution, even if the circumstances were terrible! Is not my word like as
a fire?
saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? (Jeremiah
Like a (consuming)
a great purifier which destroys all that is false
and leaves only the “genuine one”, like that of purifying Gold!
Like a hammer which rouses and strengthens the life and conscience, crushing
everything that is evil
within the hearts!
Like David was compared to his grown up brothers, he was not
even counted important enough to be urged to attend the feast. He remained yet
the youngest, and behold, he kept the sheep’s, perhaps smaller than the other
sons of Jesse, in people eyes, but he was a chosen one of G-d, Who was looking
on the heart and not the outward appearance. He had the true qualities to be a
prophet and a great king!
The L-rd guards the prophet!
The L-rd guards the prophet from dwelling exclusively on the
national character of his specific mission. In the midst of general
superficiality &
rejection the prophet has to stand alone before his G-d and give account of
himself according to his own works (Ezekiel 3:17-27; Ezekiel 18:1-23;
Ezekiel 33:1-20).
Sent out to, like...!
Like Abraham
I was sentout of my country, to go to the nationsand to preachHisWord...
Facing the Nation's hostility for no reason, conflicts with people with
predetermined opinions, without any knowledge of the
facts; but just by assuming!
Like Joseph, I had to go out of
my comfort and security of ... and be tested on many ways!
Falsely accused and faced the challenges of
the accusers.
Moses I was askingG-d, "Who
am I that..?"
Like David was compared to his grown up
brothers, he was not even counted important enough to be urged to attend the
Like the ProphetEzekiel,
he was called and sent tothe children of Israel,
to a rebellious nation that had rebelled against
G-d. The
impudent children and stiff-hearted! And whether they will hear, or whether
they will forbear: This rebellion house,
yet, shall know that there had been a prophet
among them. Andheshall speakHisWords unto them!
(Ezekiel 2:1-7)
Purpose: To bring the
ones of to repentance that they might avert
further judgment of G-d; to encourage the G-dly ones to continue
being true; to reveal punishment of other nations for their part
in the rebellion; to reveal a future restoration of
the nation and the eternal reign of the Messiah
on earth.
Like the Prophet Jeremiah,who was seeking after Gods righteousness
and wanting immediate action of dealing with the people who came so against
him! Is not My Word like as a Fire? [That
consumes all that cannot endure the test] Says the Lord, and like a hammer
that breaks in pieces the rock? (Jeremiah 23:29)
Like the ancient
Prophet Daniel.
He was one of the greatest
ancient Prophet of Israel, during
his captivity in Babylon. His unblemished character and perseverance
in his unparalleled quality for his understanding given from the
angel Gabriel (Daniel
9:23; 10:11; 19); the future especially the
End-Times! From all the ancient Prophets, Daniel provided even
for us today, the most detailed description of specified the
major events & timing in the "End-Times"! (Daniel 12:9)
The main themes of Christian eschatology were developed by the
great ancient Prophets, especially
by Daniel &
Ezekiel. Several "New Testament" prophecies found there
source in the Book of Daniel. This prophet
heavily influenced the concept and language of the
prophet Zachariah &
Haggai and the Apostles Paul &
The prophet
in his day is fully accepted of G-d and totally rejected by men. Years back,
Dr. Gregory Mantle was right when he said, "No man can be fully accepted
until he is totally rejected."
The prophet
of the L-rd is aware of
both these experiences. They are his "brand name." The group, challenged by
prophet because they are
smug and comfortably insulated from a perishing world in their warm but
untested theology, is not likely to vote him "Man of the year" when he
refers to them as habituates of the
synagogue of satan!
The prophet
comes to set up that which is upset. His work is to call into line those who
are out of line! He is unpopular because he opposes the popular in morality
and spirituality. In a day of faceless politicians and voiceless preachers,
there is not a more urgent national need than that we cry to G-d for a
prophet! The
function of the
prophet, as
Austin-Sparks once said, "Has almost always been that of recovery."
The prophet is G-d's detective seeking for a lost treasure. The degree of his
effectiveness is determined by his measure of unpopularity.
is not known to him!
has no price tags. He is totally "otherworldly." He
is unquestionably controversial and unpardonably hostile. He
marches to another drummer! He
breathes the rarefied air of inspiration. He
is a "seer" who comes to lead the blind. He
lives in the heights of G-d and comes into the valley with a "thus
saith the L-rd!"
shares some of the foreknowledge of G-d and so is aware of impending
judgment. He
lives in "splendid isolation." He
forthright and outright, but he claims no birthright. His
message is "repent, be reconciled to G-d or else...!" His
are parried. His
truth brings torment, but his voice is never void. He
the villain of today and the hero of tomorrow. He
is excommunicated while alive and exalted when dead! He
is dishonored with epithets when breathing and honored with epitaphs
when dead.
He is a
schoolmaster to bring us to Yeshua/Christ, but few "make the grade" in his
class. He
is friendless while living and famous when dead. He
is against the establishment in ministry; then he is established as a
saint by posterity. He
eats daily the bread of affliction while he ministers, but he feeds
the Bread of Life to those who listen. He
walks before men for days but has walked before G-d for years. He
is a scourge to the nation before he is scourged by the nation. He
announces, pronounces, and denounces! He
has a heart like a volcano and his words are as fire. He
talks to men about G-d. He
carries the lamp of truth amongst heretics while he is lampooned by
men. He
faces G-d before he faces men, but he is self-effacing. He
hides with G-d in the secret place, but he has nothing to hide in the
marketplace. He
is naturally sensitive but supernaturally spiritual. He
has passion, purpose and pugnacity. He
is ordained of G-d but disdained by men.
national need at this hour is not that the dollar recover its strength, or that we find the answer to the ecology
and economic problems, we are facing today! We need a G-d-sentprophet!
I am bombarded with
talk or letters about the coming shortages in our national life: bread,
fuel, energy. I read between the lines from people not practiced in scaring
folk. They feel that the "seven years of plenty" are over for us. The "seven
years of famine" are ahead. But the greatest famine of all in this nation at
this given moment is a FAMINE OF THE HEARING OF THE WORDS OF G-D (Amos 8:11).
Millions have been
spent on evangelism in the last twenty-five years. Hundreds of gospel
messages streak through the air over the nation every day. Crusades have
been held; healing meetings have made a vital contribution. "Come-outers"
have "come out" and settled, too, without a nation-shaking revival.
Organizers we have. Skilled preachers abound. Multi-million dollar Christian
organizations straddle the nation. BUT where, oh where, is
the prophet?
Where are the incandescent men fresh from the Holy place? Where is the Moses
to plead in fasting before the Holiness of the L-rd for our moldy morality,
our political perfidy, and
sour and sick
G-d's men are hiding until the day of
their showing forth,
they will
The prophet
is violated during his ministry, but he is vindicated by history. There is a
terrible vacuum in evangelical Christianity today. The missing person in our
ranks is
the prophet.
The man with a terrible earnestness! The man totally otherworldly! The man
rejected by other men, even other good men, because they consider him too
austere, too severely committed, too negative and unsociable.
Let him
be as plain as John the Baptist!
Let him
for a season be a voice crying in the wilderness of modern theology and
stagnant "churchianity" !
Let him
be as selfless as Paul the apostle!
Let him,
too, say and live, "This ONE thing I do." !
Let him
reject ecclesiastical favors!?
Let him
be self-abasing, non-self-seeking, non-self-projecting, non-self- righteous,
non-self-glorying, non-self-promoting!
Let him
say nothing that will draw men to himself but only that which will move men
to G-d!
Let him
come daily from the Throne room of a Holy G-d,
the place where he
has received the order of the day!
Let him,
under G-d, unstop the ears of the millions who are deaf through the clatter
of shekels milked from this hour of material mesmerism!
Let him
cry with a voice this century has not heard because he
has seen a vision no man in this century has seen!
G-d send us this
Moses to lead us from the wilderness of crass materialism, where the
rattlesnakes of lust bite us and where enlightened men, totally blind
spiritually, lead us to an ever-nearing
G-d have mercy! Send us PROPHETS!
P. O. Box 93404;
Lakeland; Florida; 33804-3404, USA ' (863)
information to the Editor/Web-designer/Founder
Going with the
Prophetic 'End-time Harvest Revival'!