The ability to receive more of His Divine Light ![]() ![]() |
The ability to repel selfish reception of pleasure is called humility!
The ability to receive more of His
Divine Light
However, in order to achieve this
perfect state, we must go through a gradual
process of transformation of our inner
properties (desires), which corresponds to the
spiritual ascension from our worldly mindset
through to the Heavenly realms of our eternal
Creator. The fact is that our Creator created
nothing for naught. Rather, everything serves
His purpose! This indeed is possible via our own
personal and desperately reaching out {request} for spiritual elevation raising
devoted prayer. In response, we will receive
Divine spiritual strength from the L-rd that will help
us improve our qualities. It depicts what we go
through and in what state and at which spiritual
we are now.
Depending on everyone's
spiritual level and qualities, on the degree of
ones attainment we are able to perceive the
Creator’s Shekinah Glory & Light differently at
each of the levels we can comprehend to the
Creator’s desire to bestow His Shekinah Glory
upon us. Sometimes speaking of the general
reception of the Light of G-d, by us in our
humanity. As the Creator bestowing upon us, with
this property (desire), man would ascend
spiritually to a degree above his/her
worldly mindset. He/she would sense the Creator
as spiritual Light, great knowledge &
understanding (these two, in the properly
balance) which is resulting in Divine Wisdom,
and attainment of supernatural thoughts and the
essence of existence!
To oppose our own "egoism'...
The more strength we as human
has to oppose our own egoism, the greater the
anointing in His Shekinah Glory that can fill
us. However, although one works on our own
correction, he or she receives the strength from
Divine origin from his or her devotions and
efforts in its subtler desires. In other words,
there is an inverse proportion between the
vessel and the the L-rd: the more the desire
that is corrected, the greater the Divine
Glory that enters into that ‘vessel’.
To repel selfish reception of pleasure is called humility
(Source: “Judaism/Torah studies…” Text is edited
in a readable and understandable way by Paul van
The sum of mans desires is referred to
as his heart
The sum of mans desires is referred to as his
heart. Since the {carnal} nature with which we
are born is absolute egoism, man does not feel
the spiritual point in his heart. However, at
some point in one of his deeply hidden spiritual
senses, man begins to gradually strive towards
attainment of the causes of life, its
development *
in grow toward the Creator; he yearns to attain
himself, his source, just as you do right now.
Man's aspiration to the Creator is precisely this
aspiration to attain his origin. Man's discontent
and trials in life often helps him in this
search, when there's nothing that appeals to him
in his surroundings. Such circumstances are
under control from Above in order for man to
start feeling an empty point in his heart, and
to stimulate in him the desire to fulfill it and
going to face His Creator.
Depending on everyone's spiritual
qualities, on the degree of ones attainment we
perceive the Creator or His Light differently at
each of the levels we can comprehend. The
Creators desire to bestow delight {His Shekinah
Glory} upon us
Man’s ability to refrain from selfish
reception of its carnal mindset
However, if one raises the request for his
spiritual ascent, by making efforts to free
himself from his/her own selfishness and egoism
and by his/her devotional prayers and
intercessions to the Creator Himself for help,
His Divine interference and His Light descends
from Above. It brings him/her altruistic
strength and enables him/her In other words,
man’s ability to refrain from selfish reception
of its carnal mindset is complemented with the
strength to receive His Shekinah Glory for the
Creator's sake, and becomes reactivated!
As a result, he/she can ascend to the level of
the Holy One. To give from the lower place where
ones (man) the opportunity to ascend to the
Heavenly realms of Infinity, up to the Creator
Himself. In order to establish this contact, the
the L-rd G-d Himself deliberately “diminishes”
itself, descends to the level of the lower level
of the person and becomes similar to the
him/her’s one in its properties.
Who, although being essentially one with G-d
{and} in the form of G-d [possessing the
fullness of the attributes which make G-d G-d],
did not think this equality with G-d was a thing
to be eagerly grasped {or} retained, But
stripped Himself [of all privileges and rightful
dignity], so as to assume the guise of a servant
(slave), in that He became like men {and} was
born a human being. And after He had appeared in
human form, He abased {and} humbled Himself
[still further] and carried His obedience to the
extreme of death, even the death of the cross!
Therefore [because He stooped so low] G-d has
highly exalted Him and has freely bestowed on
Him the name that is above every name, That in
(at) the Name of Yeshua/Jesus every knee should
(must) bow, in Heaven and on earth and under the
earth, And every tongue [frankly and openly]
confess {and} acknowledge that Yeshua
Messiah/Jesus Christ is L-rd, to the Glory of
G-d the Father {YVHV}. (Philippians 2:6-11)
Just as a
little child in our world….
Be clothed with “humility”
(1 Peter 5:5)
With “the mantle of humility” you will be able
to sense G-d’s voice and experience His Divine
Shekinah Presence! Because of this “mantle” of
humility” you are made ready for battle! You
will be able more and more to love Yeshua
Messiah and appreciate what He has done for you
in His sacrificial; painful; agony; -more than
our comprehension-; process at the crucifixion!
In G-d’s eyes you are wearing a mantle covered
with His grace and it is esteeming to a far
higher level of authority; spiritually! It goes
even further than your comprehension! Those who
are still in rebellion and without humility will
be under the dominion of
the enemy! By your real humility and by
your own willingness to sacrifice your own
desires for the sake of G-d’s Kingdom and for
the sake of others; growing to your Spiritual
maturity will be a reality! Everyone is
different; together, not individually, we will
be able to sense, understand, receive and to
know the secrets mysteries of the L-rd!
But he gives more grace. Wherefore he said, G-d
resisted the proud, but gives grace unto the
humble. (James 4:6)
Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the
elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to
another, and be clothed with humility:
for G-d resisted
the proud,
and gives grace to the humble. (1 Peter 5:5)
(Source Last Part: “Wearing the clothes of
humility…” by Paul van Beek;
Prophet Office;
Text is edited)
Come to My appointed secret place!
"Come to My appointed secret place. This is the place where I am waiting so long for you! I want to be your best friend! I want to take your hand, to take a walk with you and show you My glory. I will heal you! I want to fight for you!* My Blood is shed for you! My stripes brought your healing**. Accept it! Believe it! Is there anything too much for me? My desire is for you! I will give you My glory, My healing, My love, My goodness, My blessing, My anointing, My victory and so many things more! COME to the Throne of My Father. COME! And I shall be there for you on this appointed secret place..."
Yeshua Messiah - Jesus the Christ (*2 Chronicles 20:15; **Isaiah 53:5) |
This "web-page" of:
ability to repel selfish reception of pleasure
is called
The ability to receive
more of His Divine Light
” is created &
© by:
Source-Information of Study materials for use on all web-site's:
Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible © Copyright 1961, 1989 by Finis unless otherwise stated, some scripture quotations are taken from the Jennings Dake 13-Th. printing-January 1997 (King James Version) Using as a study material: The Amplified Bible (1987); Orthodox Jewish Bible; New Strong’s exhaustive concordance; Virtual Jewish Library; The Chumash; Jewish Orthodox Torah {Haftaros & Five Megillos - Stone version}; The Ancient writing's such as the Book of Zohar; Several Bibles with illustrations are mentioned by the Picture as source.
All rights reserved. written permission must be secured from the
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Please note:
Correct forms of translations...of the Name of Yeshua/Jesus/Christ...
Joshua, Jeremiah, & Daniel all give us insights about the faith, courage, & compassion of the Messiah. “Joshua” and “Jesus” even had exactly the same name! “Yeshua”, meaning the Salvation of G-d, “Joshua” is an English transliteration of the original Hebrew Name “Yeshua”, and “Jesus”, is a transliteration of the same Name from the Greek!
Violating grammatical rules...?
Take also note that the
name of
related names
are not capitalized. We choose not to acknowledge
even to the point of violating grammatical rules.