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Outreach Ministry Int.
Inc. Research Center
Scientifically; Prophetically studies are freely available!
There are also
several other Scientifically organizations involved who gave their
permission & their devotion to add their information about this subject on
this site; to serve the L-rd and to serve you as well! See at list below
this site! As editor & Graphic-Art-Web-Designer; I, Paul van Beek; really
appreciate the authors
This ministry Teaching’s web site, with many of Scriptural/Biblical studies is
always freely available for everyone! Some studies are going far deeper and
find their source in the Jewish Studies, Writing's and sages, which is not
common for traditional Christianity. Mostly it is written on “Neutral Site’s",
which you can link to your web-page as well! (Please inform us) As such, these
detailed teaching’s site’s cost a lot of precious time and financial
commitment for the author and the publisher as well! Every study, that
takes you only minutes to read, and few the pictures according the story,
takes many hours of work to write, to edit, to design, to format and
technically make available & maintain on the web server.That is the
simple reality of the situation!
van Beek See also at:
Graphic Design
Throughout the Hebraic
roots we can 'see' the types and shadows and how the Old Testament is
filled with ‘pictures’! Things what’s going to happen in near the future!
(Daniel; Revelation)
There are some
teaching's studies that are not meant to scare
you, but to enlighten, clarify, shaken, awake and teach you how to be
prepared! What can we expect in the coming years?
Learn about the End Times from thinking of a Middle-Eastern Messianic Jewish
Please, be with
an open mind & spirit and learn some of the secrets or mysteries in the
Book of Revelation has been written from an
ancient Jewish perspective and how G-d is going to use the
His nowadays people from all Nations in the End
Time Harvest Revival!Most of the
writing's are prophetically!
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy
Related to Online "Students"
Outreach Ministry Int. Research Centeris open for any online students; religious leaders; ministers, professors,
teachers, Rabbi's and Pastors of any race, color, national, or ethnic origin
to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded
or made available to any online visitor. It does not discriminate on
the basis of race, color, gender, handicap, national, accent and ethnic origin in
administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship
and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. The
Research Center
reserves the right to withdraw a student for cause at any time.
Prejudiceand in combination
with any form of discrimination in a disaster for human kind. None of
reasonable & capable human beings thought's & speeches is immune from
harboring prejudice! It often will take deliberating efforts and also
awareness to eliminate any form of prejudice; with the right and (G-dly)
sufficient motivation, it could be dealt with it! The right information &
education is a powerful weapon against prejudice! It is a way also to expose
the root causes prejudice, enable to examine the attitudes more objectively,
or the pride & arrogance in that specific person or group associate with the
same issue and/or thoughts! It could be a way to help certain victims of
prejudice in a more wisely and tactfully way!A [self-confident] 'fool' has no delight in understanding but only in revealing his personal
{and} himself. (Proverbs 18:2)
is a form of discrimination that its roots have from
mostly pride! It causes people to distort, or even ignore the facts that is
in conflict with their predetermined opinions, without any knowledge of the
facts; but just by
assuming! Prejudice may have its beginning in seemingly innocent, but it is
misguided; with a wrong mentality, without a real reason, but more in a
different way of (wrong) opinions. It may be sown by those who deliberately
promote warped or miss-understanding, not having the willingness even to try
to understand views of other races, cultures, religions, denominational
differences! It is
'product' of
inordinate pride!
Outreach Ministry Int. Inc. web-site
has been placed on the List of Messianic Jewish Web Top 100 under “G”
MinistriesWeb-Site's Each
Web-site will have it's own identity
also sharing several web-pages
They all are a part of God'sOutreach Ministry Int. Inc.
È Click
on the link of your choice to
that specific Ministry Web-site!
Description shortly
Web-site Address & Link
To find
out more about God'sOutreach MinistryInt.Inc.,
(Cover-Ministry) and one or more of the pages that you are
excited in: Discover the awesome pages designed to enhance your
personal growth and knowledge, and see what great things G-d has in store
for you personally! As you browse through these web-site's, my persevering
prayer is that you will be strengthened and built up in your most Holy faith. You will also find information about the
Prophetic Ministry
and links, which
will direct you to our beliefs, real testimonies,
prophetic revelationsand many others!
Are you prepared for a new move of G-d in the form of a very specific "End-Time-Anointing-Outpouring"?It will effect and shake the Church
by the millions all over this planet
Earth! It will be far greater than
what happen in earlier moves! But
you need to understand that it will
not a move from people, but a
End-Time move from the very G-d
Himself! If people even try to
control it, G-d will take it away
from them! There is only a short
time of preparation to get people
You have come to this
page to find out more about “the
Prophet's Office”
which is a
part of God'sOutreach
One of
5-fold ministry;
the ascension gifts of
Messiah Yeshua! And He gave some,
apostles and some
and some evangelists;
and some, pastors and teachers. (Ephesians 4:11) You are able to find many pages that you are interested in. Especially there
is the site of "Prophecies",
where you can find all theprophetic revelationslisted!
The most exciting,
important and dramaticScripturesin theWord of G-d,
the Scriptureis a
most misquoted and
misunderstand which resulted
in confusion for many. It is
on the first place theBook
of the revelationof theMessiah Yeshua or
Jesus Christ! Not only just
read but study these
Chapters with an open heart,
involving the Holy Spirit in
your progress. Through an
angel of the
Messiah; He Himselfreleased the revelation to
His own Apostle John!
Especially we now live in
the End-Time and to the
we as
Christians need to
understand in whichprophetic time cyclewe live today by going to
understand by studying theBook of Revelation
and related propheciesby
theancient prophets!
Today G-d is opening His
servants who will have an
open mind the understanding
revelation about the visions
written by Apostle John.
Shofar is an
instrument made from the horn of a ram or other "kosher" animal. It was
used in ancient Israel to announce the New Moon (Rosh
Kodesh) and call people together. It was also blown on
Rosh Hashanah, marking the beginning of the
(Jewish) New Year, signifying
both need to wake up to the call to
repentance, and in connection with the portion read on the second
day of Rosh Hashanah, the Binding of Isaac (Genesis 22) in which
Abraham sacrifices a ram in place of his son,
Catastrophism such as the Noah's floodhas been clearly and consistently associated with
Biblical doctrines! The Scriptural Books of Genesis and Job are similarly found to be correct with respect to Earth
history! The writings' on the Biblical Flood; this is why it is
essential to understand the nature of the Flood, as well as the scope of
the effects!
Video recording in 7 parts about the End Time DEBORAH'sA giving understanding about the women in Ministry,
expressed in the End-Time Deborah's;
part of G-d's End Time Divine Army
Divisions. (A PowerPointDEBORAH'sAvailable!) See more at:
The Deborah's of the End Time (Scroll button)
Charles G. Finney Revival Lecture
Autobiography of Charles G. Finney
Extract from the Evan Roberts'
The mantle of humility - Paul
van Beek
Battle-Line Grace Warnock
Revival Fire on PowerPoint!
Vision for a local Church in
Lakeland - Paul van Beek
Hezekiah's Revival Restoration
Worship!- Paul van Beek
Vision over the State of Florida
- Cindy Jacobs'
“The hour is late, it’s time to
gather the intercessors”- Pray
Lakeland Grace Warnock
AWAKE AMERICA! - Paul van Beek
G-d's Tolerance! - Paul van
Revelation Chapter 11;2
witnessesThese two tribulation
witnessesare literal2 personalities who are going to appear in the70th week of Daniel!
Theyareancient (2) Prophetsfrom historical OT Israel!
They are preparing the way of the
second coming of the
Messiah, Who will come as King of kings and as
L-rd of lords! In Scriptural history (records)
only two mortal men escaped death and were
translated into Heaven.
Prophet Elijah
was the
second man to be taken to Heaven in a natural body,
(2 Kings 2:11),
being the first
(Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5; see Enoch)
Both now reside in Heaven in their natural mortal bodies,
having never died! However,
they will die their own appointed death on earth as the 'two
witnesses' of the future tribulation period
(Zacharias 4:11-14; Malachi 4:5-6; Revelation11:3-12;)
But also
could be a "candidate", because he represented the Law of God,
but he died!
Than in
the book of Zechariah;
Chapter 4
there are also 2 other potential candidates (?) to be the 2 witnesses: Zerubbabel
& Joshua! (Also
men must also die to fulfill
Hebrews 9:27)
But...after 3½
days they will rise again! It is the Lord our
G-d Who will raise them back to life before
audience world-wide. It seems to be possible to comprehend, how this can
ever happen! Probably the Apostle John had a view on our day
technologies. Now it can happen and all around the world throughout
cable news people can watch such an "incomprehensible" spectacle!See more on the 2
web-pages by clicking one of the 2 left Icons.
I added some illustrations of my last restoration of the Teakwood Outdoor
furniture work. The table set is about 22 years old, and was in a very bad shape, but
after intensive restoration, it started a new life.
So Our Master.
He gave us new life after we came to Him with repentance, and He,
Yeshua, will make us a NEW creation!
Their purpose, essence and why...!
God brought forth types & symbols throughout the Scripture from Genesis to Revelation!
He was very specific about Colors
& Numbers in the building of Moses Tabernacle, because it was a
picture and type of the Heavenly Tabernacle! Not only were these
types & symbols important for Moses’ Tabernacle, but also for
the building of New Jerusalem. The color-codes
that are used in studying the Word of God, or in good Christian
books are a remarkable help!. It is an intensive way of
studying, and also gives very clear arrangements of the matters
in the Word of God. There are Advantages / benefits &
Disadvantages described! The colors are used so far as possible
according biblical norms in these Ministry web-sites as well!
In Numbers
15:37-41 and Deuteronomy 22:12,
the ancient Israelites were commanded to wear fringes, tassels,
or twisted coils on the corner of their garments to remind them
of the commandments of the Lord and to do them! Ancient Jewish
tradition holds that the threads of the tassels were white to symbolize righteousness, that there
was a conspicuous blue/purple thread among them to symbolize the heavenly
origin of the commandments, and that the arrangement of
threadsand knotssymbolized the 613 precepts
of the Law Even today the Jewish people say that the
is a religious symbol, a garment, shroud, canopy, cloak which
envelops the Jew both physically and spiritually, in prayer and
celebration, in joy and sorrow.
Blowing the Shofar
A Shofar-blow - A powerful catalyst to bring the glory of God! "In unison when the Shofarers and the
singers were to make themselves heard with one voice to praise
and to glorify the Lord, and when they lifted up their voice
accompanied by Shofars and cymbals and instruments of music,
and when they praised the Lord saying, 'He indeed is good for
His loving-kindness is everlasting,' then the house of the Lord,
was filled with a cloud..." (2 Chronicles 5:13)
There is a great deal of symbolism tied in with the legal
requirements for what constitutes a proper Shofar. The
Shofar whose purpose it is to rouse the Divine in the
listener, may not be constructed of an artificial instrument,
but in its natural form and naturally hollow, through whom sound
is produced by human breath, which God breathes into human
beings. This pure, and natural sound, symbolizes the lives it
calls Jews to lead. What is more, the most desirable Shofar
is the bent horn of a ram, which reminds one of Abraham's
willing sacrifice of that which was most precious to him. The
curve in the horn mirrors the contrition of the one who repents!
This will be a new dimension to intercessory prayer and
spiritual warfare! The Lord has revealed and still is revealing
today to our generation the spiritual dynamic and tremendous
power by using properly the Shofar! This is a 'neutral' site
with several Ministries involved!
The sound that we produce on our “percussions”-
sets is an extension of our musical voice. When we are left to
worship God in our own way, we simply will NOT worship Him! For
our flesh will not allow us to worship Him in the Spirit! We can
choose to align our sound with the sound of Heaven! We need to
understand that using these kinds of instruments, we need to
have also the approval and anointing from God! Otherwise we are
playing not for God’s honor and glory, but for our own, which is
in vain! It is about the talents, gifts and anointing that we
can bring the anointed Heavenly sound! It have to come from
above! The word percussion comes from the Latin word
“percussion” for hitting. The human voice is undoubtedly the
oldest instrument around, the drums are second. Drums along with
other percussion instruments were probably among the earliest
instruments. Several instruments as example are described!
There is a lot of confusion & miss-understanding
about the Office of the Prophet! Therefore we hope and trust to clear up issue's
through this web site about the real character of
the Prophet!
Spend some time with these web-site! Discover the awesome pages
designed to enhance your personal growth and knowledge,
specific about the Prophet's Office!
Touch not mine
and do my
no harm. (Psalm 105:15)
Much of the irrelevancy in the nowadays church is a result of
misguided and neglected gifts that ultimately create a class of
behavior that misrepresents
and prejudges with
superficiality & religiosity the true
The prophet carries certain
aspects of future events as determined by God. He is a
contradiction to present circumstances because of the
foreknowledge/foresight that inspires him. He is merely a useful
vessel and is often unaware of the implications of the
impression, but carries a certain burden until this is released.
His words always bring hope, vision, acknowledge; enrichment and
revelation to an individual, congregation, community, saints and
also to the unsaved one! The prophet has the ability to “set Gods destiny
before you” as well “Lost destiny” in way of choices with their
consequences! Mostly very precise in what, how and which kind of
function and anointing! In spite off in the face of present pain
and despair! It guides you with hope and joy to your place of
Divine destiny! It is of essential importance of
the Prophet to
the voiceofthe Holy Spirit
herein and obeyHim!
Also if
was commanded to understand the vision and consider it,
then we are to do likewise! God's secrets are revealed to His
the prophets
to hear His counsel to cause people to hear His words, so that
they shall turn themselves from
their evil way,
from the evil of their doings! Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealed his secret
unto his servants the prophets! (Amos 3:7)The
mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his
the prophets!Ancient Old Testaments Prophets often brought them before Kings. They spoke of
great events that shaped the destiny of nations. The
Prophet Elisha
also used "his" powers to help an ordinary family. God's power &
love are shown in quiet, as well as spectacular way! "Operating
in the
Office of the Prophet"I will not have rest until I have release the messages! Even
I often have to risk my position as minister to be rejected or
accepted! Part of the reason is that even my life is such a
dangerous one because people will not always believe or accept
the message you have to release as a
Especially when you have to predict bad future
events for a specific Nation and Church
people (suppose to be God's people!? he prophets
reminded them of their errors and consequences as results of their
presumptuous lifestyle!
There should be NO different from ancient prophet
as the nowadays
Just like the prophet Jeremiah,
we live in a time when the heart of "Gods people" inside
the Church walls are hardened against the Lord! Also today
I have to speak the words of warning again, but it is fearful to
know ahead of time that many people will refuse to listen! The
release of serious warnings
will go in the similar way as the ancient Prophets
did to their Kings! Similar examples the Lord allow me to use,
mostly to clarify! Truth
sometimes hurts! When it does we are tempted to want good news,
even in spite off, it is not true. This is even foolish for
ourselves!"...Paul van Beek.
Prophetic Revelations, visions, warnings etc revealed in a very
orderly way!
The mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to
his servants the prophets!Ancient Old Testaments Prophets often brought them before Kings. They spoke of
great events that shaped the destiny of nations! This site will
give a detailed overview of the ancient Prophet in chronological
way. Every prophet is described, according their goal, destiny
even that is after all these centuries accurate TODAY! Included
with pictures! This page will be educational especially for
Bible School who want to study
the ancient Prophets! Naturally the people will wonder
why these 'Old Testament Prophets" are telling them
(ancient Hebrew mostly) these (horrible)
future things, and why these terrible
things also happen to them! "For what do we deserve this kind of horror upon us?"Forsaking God in nearby every
area in this Nation! TODAY, in Government, in schools, in public
buildings, representing the foreign affairs. "people of God" or
what they proclaim to be, became much worse
they have been ever, following their own stubborn will;
turning away more and more from God, His law, His statures,
"His" (original) constitution...! This is an example about the
way God will cause the pride of
a Nation to "rot"! People of God
need to understand and to realize in a intense way that their
relationship to God was meant! Now in this time for "God's
people" or presumed to be "God people" This was in ancient time
revealed by the Prophets of God
and still it continues by God's prophets
The burning Fire
of G-d!
from among the cherubim means fellowship with G-d by worship and
praise and by obeying His Word. For the coals of fire, you have
to go in among the wheels, and fill your hands with it. A
minister ought to be filled with the
Holy Spirit
and His
always so that his hands can bring down the stronghold
of the enemy.
of the living God burns these things deep in our hearts, IF we
the Holy Spirit
to do this tremendous work! Break up your fallow ground. (Hosea 10:12)
All-consuming FIRE
of G-d will burn, deep, deeper in our hearts so that
every religious spirit
will be burned and consumed! May freedom come back into the
church and in our lives! G- can restore in our church that
has stolen out of the church; that which was originally G-ds
provision! We can have a closer and deeper walk with G-d! Now is
the time that the Father is sending His ministers like arrows,
with Holy Divine
Directed by the
Holy Spirit
to pronounce and to prepare His people for the
great Move
of God, world-wide and to get a deeper relationship with the
Father. It’s now time to cooperate with G-d. It’s now
time that ministers go out and bring
among His people. It’s now time to
and speak unto to the dry bones, to come alive! Ministers must
be prepared to pay the price for their ministry and buy from the
L-rd gold, tried in the
so that they become rich, and have white raiment, so that they
are clothed with the glory of G-d and not naked! (Revelation 3:18) If
you are ready to go through the
of G-d, then you are going through a transaction of your own
will, not of a sentiment! If you do not transact in will with
God along this process, you will end in awakening sympathy only
for yourself! Your sacrifices on the altar, on the Merci-seat of
G-d, means going through the all-consuming
of G-d! The burning, purification and insulation for one purpose
only, the destruction of every affinity that G-d has not started
and of every attachment in God. You do not destroy it, G-d
does! Resulting in that you will not allow giving way to
self-pity when the
begin! After this painful process of FIRE, there is nothing that
oppresses or depresses anymore!
Separate Web-site
Moreover the L-rd spoke unto Moses, saying, Take thou also
unto thee principal spices, of pure myrrh
(1) five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon
(2) half so much, even two hundred and fifty shekels, and of sweet
two hundred and fifty shekels, And of cassia
five hundred shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of
oil olive
an hin: (Exodus 30:22-24; KJV) The holy anointing oil compounded any like it, it’s holy, it’s
pure, and it shall be holy unto you! There is so much to reveal
about the Holy Anointing Oil in Exodus 30:22-33. What is the purpose of the Holy Anointing Oil? Although,
I will not claim to have any authority of accuracy, I simply
would like to share the information I have acquired through many
years of research and prayer. May the Holy Spirit reveal the truth in your heart as well! The term "fresh oil" in
the Scripturesis
translated from the Hebrew word: "Yitshar"! It is also most
frequently used in parallel with the term "New wine" of the Holy Spirit! Our purpose is to fulfill God’s perfect will, not
to please or to compromise with the leaders Church
organizations, but being carriers of G-d’s Holy anointed oil –
the anointing of the
Holy Spirit–
with power! That sacred anointing flowed through the
righteousness of God, releasing a Divine capability – a power
and authority they never had experienced before! Anointing oil
very detailed explained...How, why, when, etc...
Living Waters
I will open rivers
in high places, and
in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water,
and the dry land springs of water. (Isaiah 41:18) The Living Waters: It’s on his way! It will not stop! It is on his way like a
flood! It will be refreshing! It will not be possible to avoid
it! It included the most valuating things of God’s Kingdom!
The Living Waters include: The precious Blood of Yeshua, Jesus Christ;
of God;
Sanctification & Purification;
Healing & Restoration; Redemption; Repentance & Salvation; Warfare, Deliverance & Victory!; Purifying Fire; Refreshment; God’s Shekinah Glory & Presence; God's
Anointing; And so much more…! The Holy Spirit
filled the house and moved upon the 120 flowing out of their
innermost beings like “Rivers of
Living waters” (John 7:37-39)
and "pour out" (Acts 2:17)
which literally means to gush out, to spill out freely, or pour
out abundantly like mighty Niagara’s of Living waters
and power from on High (Luke
24:49; Acts 1:8). It was
like a "rushing mighty wind"
or the blast of a clap of thunder sweeping before it (1 Kings 19:11-12).
Along with this mighty thunder or blast came visible forked
tongues like fire
sitting upon each of the 120 disciples!
Living Waters & God's refining burning Fire are going together
as well!
Flags & Banners
To raise a banner or a flag, is a form of
expression, to demonstrate to the world the presence of God in
our lives, the Kingdom of God itself, the triumph over the enemy, a celebration of
the establishment of
Divine Reign
(Isaiah 11:10&12),
etc.. To carry out a message! It is telling you something in
when you raise a standard or ensigns in specific colors (See
also the website of Color codes), each with its own destination,
purpose and expression. It is a form of proclamation
(Leviticus 23:11).
To express the Word of God in the form of Flags & Banners!
It will work together with Music, Worship, dance, dance with
flags, to raise up banners, pantomime in in combination with
preaching & teaching the Gospel, etc. Pronounce His victories
with each war cry, His mercy with each tear.
jezebel-spirit a contending principality
Jezebel: A master
It is time
for the spirit of jezebelto be exposed and resisted in
our generation! We cannot continue to except her to seduce,
"teach", "prophesy", and control the Church or Ministry masked
and unchallenged! Jezebel has proclaimed war against you and has
the persevering intention whatever it takes to try and destroy
your Church or ministry and...your life as well! You better
prepare yourself for serious war!
Just having a "nice" Christian Church meeting, a performance
of a so "anointed" "worship" leader and than everybody clapping
their hands and saying "Hallelujah Jesus" from their
seats and than having the intension "you are so blessed"!?;
...is NOT specific the sermon to have the ultimate
spiritual climate, so you are able to discern the spiritual
climate in your church, Ministry and in your area (City)!
Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Zidonians
or Tyre and Sidon. King Ahab of Israel, the son of Omri, did
evil in the sight of the Lord, took Jezebel in marriage and went
and served
Baal. Jezebel is a
figurative and spiritual name for us. Jezebel is covering her
face to appear more attractive with a type of delusion; that
is given to the church so that they might not recognize
the “real spirit” behind her the influence! “more
supposal truth” (?); it suggests a type of evil not exposed to
those that are under or becoming under her spell!
or Hell?
Testimony of Aline Baxley
there is also a Hell! I've walked in Hell. God answered my mother's prayer that He would
let me experience the Hell I had described. My Hell would be
separation from my God Whom I loved so much and Whom I had
accepted as my
at the age of eleven. When the soul sees it's going to be
separated from its God for all eternity, it plunges into such a
terrible spiritual fire, as can never be kindled on earth. It is
the spiritual torture of a soul that has once known God and now
is cast into that outer, outer darkness, separated from God, his
Creator, forever and ever. My friend, I truly found out there is
a Hell. I walked in the pits of Hell. You must choose while you
are in this life where you are going to spend eternity, in
Heaven or Hell. "You may say, “I do not believe in Hell!” But my friend,
two minutes in Hell amidst the weeping, wailing and gnashing of
teeth will change your mind, when you realize then, as everyone
in Hell realizes today, that the Bible is the Word of God,
that you are a sinner, that Christ died for you and that you could have been saved if you had believed
and accepted Him as your personal Savior. As you weep, wail, and
gnash your teeth, you will be crying aloud in agony, “What
a fool I was! Too late! Too late! Too late!” There are
no unbelievers in Hell; but they believed too late! Every soul
in Hell would give anything in this world to be me or you, back
in this life, with one more chance to cry out, “God forgive
me!” If we come to that dark Valley of Death with
un-repented sin in our life, it will be too late."...Aline
ancient country in A remarkable role; Its future role for
Israel's protection!
Remarkably, King Mesha’s own account of the ninth-century B.C.
war of Israel and Judah against Moab has been preserved in a
block of black basalt stele discovered near Dibon, east of
Jordan in 1868. The Moabite Stone bears the oldest known
reference to Israel’s God, Yahweh, outside the Bible! It records
Mesha’s capture of Israel’s sacred vessels and his presentation
of them to “Chemosh”. The Moabite Stone bears an inscription in
the Moabite language; dates to c. 840 – 820 B.C.; describing a
9th-century-BC - victory of King Mesha of Moab over the
Israelites! Ruth, the central figure of the Book of Ruth, was a
Moabite! Moab will maybe protect Israel until the very end of
this age, until the end of Antichrist, until the
spoiler ceases to be, until the oppressors of Israel are
consumed out of the land, and until the throne of David is
established again under the Messiah (Isaiah 16:4-5)
Jewish Persecution
the almost complete destruction of
Jews in Europe by Nazi Germany
and its collaborators during World War
II (1939-1945)! The leadership of Germany’s Nazi Party
ordered the extermination of 5.9 million Jews! Nazis also
established extermination centers to kill entire populations!
Many centuries “Christians” in Europe discriminated against
Jews! Many harbored a prejudice against Jews that is known as
terrible darkness and destruction of World War II remains the
most devastating and costly conflict in human history! The horrific speed nowadays of the global revival of raw
hatred, even encompassing countries without Jews, is
mind-boggling. The obscene level of anti-Jewish incitement is
comparable to the worst days of the Nazis in the early 1930s!
Ancient Israel turned out to be a false vine
producing “wild grapes”
(Isaiah 5:1-7).Every
believer in
the Messiah
is referred to by this illustration or it is meaningless. If the
believer is fruitful he is purged to produce more fruit. If
he is fruitless he will be taken away
or will be removed from being part of the vine! It will
cut off, withered, gathered with other dead branches and cast
into the fire and burned (John
15:2,6). The branch itself
is helpless to produce fruit of itself (John 15:4-5).
The vinedresser would be able to prune the vine and remove the “dead”
branches! The cleanliness referred to here was a present
experience before the cross with a real heart of purity! It
plainly explains that there are ways whereby all men can know
who is right and who is wrong,
who is for the truth and who is against
it, who is a true Christian and who is not,
and who is a true teacher and
who is a false one!
Strongholds of the climbing vine-plant are long, slender,
“growing” like shoots rely on their victim as objects for their
support. In addition to winding or twining around supporting
structures, strongholds may use thorns, tendrils, or hooks to
climb and anchor to its victim and maximize exposure to “light”
taking away expending energy light and air from its supporting
victim. As illustrations here expressed: Strongholds are growing
into your life. They are worldly-connected, long, slender,
“growing” like shoots rely on their victim as objects for
"their" support. In addition to winding or twining around your
inner life. Strongholds may use "thorns", "tendrils", or "hooks"
(These are the tricks satan use for his deceiving and cruel
strategy, which he can connect with your life) to climb and
anchor to its victim and maximize exposure to “Light of God”
taking away expending energy light and air from its supporting
victim. At the end the "Light of God" will vanish and you will
find only darkness
The Jewish people in the ancient times have common things in
the Scriptures to refer for illustrations to their
occupation, environment and to the scenes with which the Jewish
people in ancient times are familiar! Even Yeshua's teachings were based mostly on this way! So
also this teaching is based on the common things that surrounded
us. This time it is (still) coming from G-d's revelations to me
in my own yard!
A most perfect and beautiful fruit tree outwardly will sometimes
be so diseased inwardly that it produces the worst kind of
fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth corrupt fruit and a
corrupt tree cannot produce good fruit. Every tree brings
forth of its own kind whether it is good or bad. The ways
whereby man can be discerned is "by their fruits" and
not by their outward appearance and refinement, which is so
deceptive! One of the illustrations: "I am a "kampfer-tree"! You will not see me on this picture! I
was so covered with climbing vines. Strongholds
of the climbing vine-plant are long, slender, “growing” like
shoots rely on their victim as objects for their support. In
addition to winding or twining around supporting structures,
strongholds are indeed a killing force, that takes away all the
light and space to grow. More and more over the years the weight
of the strongholds crashed my branches! If I did not not get
properly help, I should die soon"
Religion kills the remaining life by illustrations of old Citrus
Almost dying totally far away from to be perfect and beautiful
these Citrus-fruit-trees outwardly
Dead & hollow
branches are overwhelming the tree! There is still life and it
is still bearing fruit. For how long? Even the living branches
will be in danger when their support becomes more and more weak.
Parasites, termites, bugs are eating their way inside the
branches. Dead Branches are
representing “religion and customs”
which will bring forth death!
The “Hollowness” represents the
emptiness into people’s life, without the reality of the Holy Spirit!Parasites, termites & bugs
represent the enemies’ work
inside a human life! The remaining life is force to die
also, unless the pruning work will be accomplish!
Religion represents the killing
force into a weak individual Christian
The Amplified
does this through the use of explanatory alternate readings and
amplifications to assist the reader in understanding what
Scripture really says. Multiple English word equivalents to each
key Hebrew and Greek word clarify and amplify meanings that may
otherwise have been concealed by the traditional translation
method. The story of the Amplified Bible is a remarkable story
of faith, hope, and love. It's the story of a woman, a
foundation, a committee, and a publisher. Commitment, energy,
enthusiasm, and giftedness--these are the words that paint the
picture, the picture of the making of a translation. This page
provides you the Amplified Bible online!
The 'well-dressed Christian'
still has more to put on in order to follow the Lord's example!
"Clothe yourself with...humility"! Humility is the next
instruction from the
This humble mindset gives us a low opinion of ourselves, and
only the Holy Spirit can
provide us with such a rare garment. It is so easy to be proud
because of what we feel are our superior talents, possessions or
achievements. Pride is so subtle. Even when people are dirt poor
and have great limitations, they can still be very full of
God pours out His
Revival Spirit
upon His people. To bring us first to a deep sense of our own
sins and impurities! Then He can bring us into a spirit of
humility & brokenness! Without to be "broken" by God's
Holy Spirit,
revival is limited!
In times of disasters and the horrible effect of natural
disastors, but experience G-d's Wise teachings! G-d has
always sought for a man—even one man to stand in the gap and
build a hedge to turn away
from men and their nation or area—and has been disappointed in
many generations and with many nations! Can He find a man with
influence enough to turn away the evil
from his land? Can He find a man with influence enough to turn
the hearts of the people away from sin
and back to Him, so judgment had to fall? Instead of encouraging
the people to repent and turn to God in the time like these, the
so many Christians with name would not stand in the gap.
Instead, they caused the people to hope in things which would
bring the judgment of G-d and resulting in the ruin
of this nation! In times when natural disasters with their destruction we become in
jeopardy! Again, the question of faith in G-d is before us! To
have fear is to lack faith in G-d and His providence &
protection! Easy? No!
In the year 2000 the
eyes of the nation and even the world was on Florida for the
presidential election, (Bush versus Gore with less than 500 votes different) and than the eyes of the nation are on
Florida again for a
different reason. For Florida; it has been
a season of
despair, frustration, and anxiety
during natural disasters {Hurricane's} summer 2004!You could literally feel and
sense this in the atmosphere over the state.
The State of Florida was been hit hard
by hurricanes
that have battered the state that summer in 2004
(which affected many homes)
and it was time now for refreshing and renewal! The atmosphere was shifting toward
an awakening within Florida and the nation.
Prophet Elijah
was the
second man to be taken to heaven in a natural body,
(2 Kings 2:11),
being the first
(Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5; see
Enoch) Both now reside in heaven in their natural bodies, having never died! However, they will die their own appointed death on earth as the 'two
witnesses' of the future
tribulation period
(Zacharias 4:11-14; Malachi 4:5-6; Revelation11:3-12;)
But also
could be a "candidate", because he represented the Law of God,
but he died!
Than in
the book of Zechariah;
Chapter 4
there are also 2 other potential candidates (?) to be the 2 witnesses:
& Joshua!
So we do
not know really for sure who are to be the two witnesses, but some day in G-D's
Divine appointed moment of time they will appear during the
Tribulation-time! Personal, I believe that
is one of the 'candidates'!
Behold, I will send you
Elijah the prophet
before the coming of the great and dreadful day of
the Lord: (Malachi
(See more at "2
being the first
(Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5)
Prophet Elijah
was the
second man to be taken to Heaven in his natural body!
(2 Kings 2:11),
3. The bodies made
part of the multitude of captives
captured from satan in the
And the graves
were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And
came out of the graves after
and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. (Matthew 27:52-53)
see for
more at the site; scroll down to subject: 'Raptures'!
Catastrophism such as the Noah's flood has been clearly
and consistently associated with
The Scriptural Books of Genesis and Job are similarly found to be correct with respect to Earth history!
The writings' on the Biblical Flood; this is why it is essential
to understand the nature of the Flood, as well as the scope of
the effects! The fact remains that Genesis, remarkably good source material on Earth
history! An reviewing of the ancient celestial motifs, and the
story of a global Flood. An serious investigation of the
circumstances of our solar system, and its neighboring stars is
required! A reviewing of the structure of our fragile little
sphere, as it spirals through galactic space.
Could this be a clue as to the Ice Epoch which engulfed the
Earth at another time in the history of our solar system? The
dating of the Ice Epoch Catastrophic is approximated 2,800 B.C.
+/- 500 years!
Earth catches up with its neighbor 'Mars' and passes relatively
close to it! The suspicion that planet Mars may have indeed
interacted with the Earth, but rather may have been responsible
for the primordial hydrocarboniferous catastrophic era!
SO OFTEN THE FLOOD has been pictured as having been caused only
by excessive rain! The proposition herein set forth is that the
Flood was caused by tidal movements of the oceans, tides in
sub-continental proportion. Rain was also involved, but its
ratio was the proverbial drop in the bucket!
ASTRAL CATASTROPHISM (or celestial catastrophism) is a basic
view for the history of our planet, and of the other planets in
our solar system. It presumes periodically disturbed and
conflicting conditions, and those, at least to an extent, have
been relatively recent. Evidence is derived not from just one or
two planetary systems, but from most, and perhaps from every one
of them.
Since there was a maximum of interest in Biblical history and
Biblical doctrine in this era, and with catastrophism so
prominent in Biblical themes, it is apparent that here,
catastrophism was reinforced! So it has been with the historic
and pre-historic catastrophes, some more severe, and others,
though fearful, were less severe. Genesis and Job are similarly
found to be correct with respect to Earth history! The Earth's
location within the solar system indicates that it would be
unlikely that it would be excluded from such ancient conditions!
The acknowledge that sediments, sea shells, and other marine
materials have been found at nearly every altitude!
Pale climate information may help resolve the dating of
Noah’s flood as well as clarify some of the obscure details
of history between Noah and Abraham. Probable contributor to the
shortening of human life spans recorded in
Genesis 6:3.
"Some people think climate change is a modern phenomenon, but
it's not." The curiosity become contagious as The discusses one
of the great mysteries of climatology. "Around 4,100 years
ago a major discontinuity appeared when the entire tropical
climate system around the world appears to have shut down! The
land around the Mediterranean Sea used to have a lot of trees,
but it became mostly rocky hills. Egyptians saw the Nile dry up
and the Sahara grasslands where hippos once roamed turned into
the Sahara Desert. The Old Testament mentions of major droughts
such as the one of Joseph’s era
(Genesis 41-47),
among others, seem consistent with this pale climate evidence.
Dramatic climate change provides a powerful time marker in
Earth’s history."
Climatologists have yet to discover the cause of some ecological
transformations! They do surmise, however, that some of these
changes may help explain human migration. A drought may have
coincided with the famine that compelled Abraham's move from
Canaan to Egypt
(Genesis 12:10).
reality may be as follows:
*Genesis, like
Job, is a valid historical document, and may be a
valid spiritual one, too. *The Flood is an historical, global fact, and is not a fanciful,
Sumerian myth. *Orogenesis historically was accomplished suddenly and by tidal
upheaval. *The Ice Epoch enveloped the Earth suddenly, and was composed of
celestial ice. *The astral motifs of ancient civilization contain a core of
historical truth. *The earlier Greenhouse Effect promoted longevity, flourishing fauna
and flora. *Historical Earth tides and not the hypothetical solar tides, are
the fact. *Galactogenesis, and not heliogenesis, is a reasonable
cosmogenetical approach. *The changes
in the earth's crust have generally been effected suddenly by
physical forces!
Old Testament's Catastrophism; Christian Science & Archeology
"Ancient Chinese knew Mars as 'the fire star!' Sumerians
thought Enlil (Mars) was the cause of the Great (Noahic) Flood. Classical Greeks indicted Ares (Mars) as the 'bane of
mortals.' And the Romans saw Mars as the god of War. ...Why?" Volcanic outflows comprise a measure of how much
internal distress Mars experienced from flybys of the
Earth. These ordeals of Mars were repeating, were cyclic in
108-year cycles. The astronomical history of Mars has been one
of repeated, massive cosmic squeezes.
There are numerous aspects to scenes painted by the ancients
who saw the flybys of planet Mars and left records of their
views. Words were used describing aspects of planetary
catastrophism. Day for all the Hebrews that followed Moses. In space,
Mars was advancing on the Earth at a velocity of 30,000 miles
per hour!
like Hesiod, was a reporter of the last cosmic waltz. Among
his predictions were forecasts of [high voltage] crashing cosmic
lightning discharges, gigantic killer shock waves, terrible
claps of thunder [heard for thousands of miles], rocking
earthquakes, vigorous volcanic eruptions and an unsettling of
the cardinal directions, hence a spin axis relocation. All of
these had occurred during the flyby of Mars
of 756 B.C.E., And so much more!!!
with permission! Online!
È(Last Chapter)
(More will be added soon; Permission already granted!)
web-page; with all pages connected in user friendly way
On this site of "Introduction"
you are able to find the total overview of all (Chapters) site's
related to Noah's
Flood Catastrophism! All (linked) Chapters with their subject are having its
own overview related to that specific Chapter and are having its own
subject-links of choice in the contents!
continued up to the very day Noah
entered the ark, so also sin will continue up to the day of the second coming of
Vile propensities of our generation parallel
those of
The evil & wickedness that was at hand in that
time is thriving in nowadays generation! Unrestrained fornication, violence, corruption and abortion
are the many signs that we live in those days as
the days of
Judgment is on its way! Just as
has to deal & to endure with the ridicule of those prediluvian scoffers,
even the nowadays Prophets are many times mocked, pursued, when they try to warn
this wicked generation of the coming unavoidable judgment of G-D! There message it the
same as Noah: "Repent or meet the consequences of the same tragic catastrophe!" Likewise this generation are still ignoring
God's warnings that are revealed throughout the
signs in the heavenly realms. Just likewise in
Noah's days, these many warnings will be swept
away with likewise the coming flood in the form
of the tribulation period! Destroyed them all (Luke 17:27), that is, the
ones that needed to be destroyed, and saved
and family. So Yeshua/Christ will destroy some at His
coming and leave some to replenish the earth in
the Millennium...
It is fair to say
that the patriarch Enoch was as well known to the ancients as he is obscure to modern Bible
readers. Besides giving his age (365 years), the
Book of Genesis says of him only that he "walked with God,"
and afterward
"he was not, because God had taken him"
(Genesis 5:24). This exalted way of life and mysterious demise made
into a figure of considerable fascination, and a cycle of legends
grew up around him! Enoch biological father became the oldest person
the Scripture was Methuselah. He died when he was 969 years old!
Science align with the Word of God?
The creation of the Universe is beyond human comprehension and
bewilders the most learned scientism. That God cannot be
comprehended by the senses but by the soul, for He is above
sense perceptions! The universe is so vast it is not
comprehensible by the human mind. It will always be fascinating
us, without even to be a scientism – most of us never give it
any thought whatsoever, but it's rather dazzling to realize;
recognize and experience the greatness of our God into it! When
I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon
and the stars, which thou hast ordained; (Psalm 8:3) The planet, moons etc… orbit eternally with
such a “Divine established” precision so that man can accurately
foretell their location in the heavens hundreds of years in
advance, as well as the exact hour, minute and second when
eclipses will take place! The Moon orbits the Earth because of
the force of Earth’s gravity. However, the Moon also exerts a
gravitational force on the Earth. Evidence for the Moon’s
gravitational influence can be seen in the ocean tides.
The moon is a climate regulator for
planet Earth! The moon is an essential important element to
sustain a habitable planet! Life on Earth is almost certainly
subject to the “rhythms” of the moon! Without the moon, there
will be course serious life threatening issues for life on
Earth! Without the moon Earth will loose all its stability and
will wobble on its axel more than 23.5! There is nothing
co-instant! It is in the most mathematically precision way
designed and settled under the “Divine” nature laws! It’s
proving that God’s “clock” is perfect and comparing with even
the most precisely expensive Earthly clock will not compete!
It was over the valley that Joshua saw the moon rising as
the sun was setting over Gibeon. He commanded both to stay where
they were, and God listened to him
(Joshua 10:14). And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed
(Joshua 10:13) If we will take the Scripturesliterally as to what it says about God, as we
do with other things the subject will be very clear; and if we
see God Divine work throughout His creation! It is no
co-incident... Could there be a creation without a creator?
Prophetic Time Cycles & Numbers:
area of
that are all being used all throughout Scripture. That one’s God established of what that number represent
in the Bible the pattern of what that number represents falls
all the way through the entire 66 Books of the Bible! Biblical
have a meaning!There are Divine time-cycles! When God
established ‘Time’ itself in the very beginning, the ‘days’
were original numbered not named! Then there were cycles of
years! These cycles of years; that’s what makes Biblical
numbers important! Numbers
introduced in the Book of Genesis,
there are the pattern of that specific number all the way
through the Scripture! `Online!
Priest of G-D; King
of Salem!
Who was Melchizedek? He
was obviously a G-D-fearing man, for his name means “king
of righteousness,” and "king of Salem" means “king of
peace.” He was a “priest of G-D Most High”
(Hebrews 7:1-2). He recognized God as Creator of heaven and earth. What else is
known about him? Four main theories have been suggested:
In this Torah Portion,
whose name in Hebrew means
hires Balaam
to curse
Israel. Balaam, the great seer of the gentiles (nations) surveys
Israel from three separate vantage points, yet all God allows
him to speak are words of blessing. Balaam himself is only saved
from destruction after God opens the mouth of his donkey to warn
Balaam. Today, the spirit of Balaam can be related to spiritual
leaders that are not walking in the Torah. God blinds
these spiritual leaders, yet they are saved from destruction,
and again, by a donkey.
Hosea, a prophet
to the Northern Kingdom, gives the parallel:
To be an achiever
and an over-comer,
by God's
you likewise need to recognize an adversary, and recognize that
the adversary's presence is the announcement of your promotion
and your future. An adversary is recognizable. The common will
resent the uncommon; the impure despises the pure. The unholy
hate the holy.
and Balaam
sought to sabotage
the children of Israel.
Balaak was a destroyer, and the spirit of Baalak is a spirit of
destruction. The spirit of the adversary seeks to influence
people against the
of God. Yet God has given you authority
over the adversary,
the realm of death.
The realm of death (yetzer hara-the evil inclination)
and the realm of life (yetzer hatov-the good inclination) are
also inside you. You must enter every battle against your
for the purpose of bringing
Glory to God.
Speak His blessings! Take authority over your
for you are inclined to do good because the power of the living
God is rising up within you.
What Balaam meant for evil,
the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob used for good. The battle
may not be over, yet the victory is assured.
You are called as
messengers of His truth; pulling down strongholds, setting
the captives free, and preparing the way of the LORD!
See more at Page...
The L-rd will
fight your battle! Here, faith without doubting is the
condition to meet if one wants the fulfillment of the benefits!
The prediction or promise is that everyone who meets the
condition will be answered, even to the moving of mountains
(Matthew 17:20; Matthew 21:21-22).
Everyone without exception is promised everything he asks in
prayer, provided he qualifies for an answer!
Have unlimited faith without qualifying and limiting G-d's will
or what you want! (or your urgent need!)
Refuse to doubt in your heart!
Never say "if it be Thy will" concerning anything you ask
that is definitely promised of G-d in His word!
to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit";
Out of the book: Chapter 3; Author Paulus van Beek
This site is based out of the revelations! This book accentuates
how important and indispensable it is to clearly understand the
voice of G-d {YHVH}, and to discern His voice through others. Also to
know which voice is speaking to you:
1.) The voice of
the Holy Spirit {Roach HaKodesh}!
2.) The voice of your mind!
The voice of the enemy or an evil spirit!
By examples it shows how Biblical persons understood the voice
of G-d.
Faith Statement
Basic doctrines of faith are based on the Word
of G-d. They are essential for every Christian to know and
believe without compromise! Salvation is only through faith in
Yeshua, the
not through works, rituals, water baptism, communion or all kind
of traditional efforts.
(2 Timothy 3:15, 16, 17)
Denominations may differentiate themselves through different
levels of belief and different denominational visions, which we
will respect and tolerate. Denominational distinctions are
tolerable to the extent that they are based on Biblical
principles, not blemishing the Word
of G-d, or taking the Word
out of context. We strive to avoid distortions for selfish
motivations, or to manipulate people the Word
of G-d. We believe that
the Scripture
is the inspired Word
of G-d!
of the Father
The Person of the Father; G-d; the Superior Divine Person of the eternal
Godhead! He is the Beginning; He Who WAS, and IS, and IS TO COME! He is the
Source! He is Light, Life and Love! The creator of the ATONEMENT! The
Eternal, Invisible, Father {YHVH}!
He is the Creator of the Universe, Galaxies or Space. There was, there is
and there shall be no end of His creations!
Could there be a creation without a creator? To believe in the Creator of
the Universe, and the world; The G-d of this creation, is not just a result
of cultural conditioning or a result of traditions of men. No, belief is a
serious act of faith that is consciously made by a person. The revelations
required to genuinely believe are a gift to man from the Creator Himself!
Mankind possesses an inner sense of right and wrong as well as a sense of
responsibility to keep to what is right and avoid that what is wrong! To
believe in the existence of the Creator or a personal G-d, is in harmony
with all the inputs of mankind's moral and mental given nature and
Person of Yeshua
Jesus Christ
Person of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) Without
G-d there is no hope for mankind! It is obvious that man is separated from
when we view the
ever-worsening situation
in the world today. That is why God
sent Yeshua, the
Messiah, Who
came to deliver us from our sins and to bring us into a new life
Did you know that you have found the Messiah
who said: "Do not
think that I came to abolish the law or the
did not come to abolish, but to fulfill!" (Matthew 5:17)? The
Word refers
Yeshua or Jesus Christ
and proves His
Pre-existence. He
is an eternal Being as are also the
and the
Holy Spirit.
They make up the
Divine G-d-head.
Not only was the Word with G-d, but He
was G-d
and always will be as much Divine
as the other two
Members of the Trinity.
is the Alpha and
Beginning and the End; the
First and the Last! There
is no other way to reconcile with a Holy G-d
or escape eternal judgment, G-d's wrath, except through the propitiatory
sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Living Sonof G-d and
the shedding of His innocent blood! In the Person of
Yeshua HaMashiach or Jesus Christ, there
are two natures, human and Divine,
each in its completeness and integrity. They are distinguishable but
indivisible; also that He is fully man andfully G-d! It
is this sinless union of theDivineand human natures that qualify Him to bethe only sacrificial
Mediatorbetween God and man.G-dtaking onHimselfhuman flesh! He was
crucified even though He
was completely innocent. He
received the punishment that we deserved.Hewas the
Hewas put into
our place and took onHimself the
sentence of death that should have been ours!
For we all have sinned, and come to
short of the (original) Glory of God (Romans 5:8) The blood of G-d's Sonwould pay for sins
complete!His precious Bloodwould satisfy the demands of justice and provide
a basis for one-for-all forgiveness! Forever and ever! Jesus
Christ the Messiah (Yeshua) is our High Priest in
Heaven! He is
interceding for us with the Father in
Heaven {YHVH}.
Thesacrifice of Christ on the cross, His
death and
resurrection, marked the beginning of the
age ofthe New Covenant.
The Old Covenant
showed mankind, what they ought to do, but it did not change their hearts so
that they would want to live G-d's Way.
TheOld Covenantalso had sacrifices that coveredsins,
which are NOT taken away! But... the New
Covenantprovided for aperfect sacrifice
(Messiah Himself), that would takesinsaway and provide eternal
Person of
the Holy Spirit
of the Holy SpiritPerson of
the Holy Spirit; The Third Divine
Personof theEternal
Godhead. His
Ministry is to convict and convert man as well as to reveal, and glorify
the Son, Messiah Yeshua, Jesus Christand the Father {YHVH}to the believer and to the
unbeliever! The Holy Spirit also ministers the saving work of Christto menHeconvicts and
draws sinners to the Lord Jesus Christ,
impartsnew lifeto them, continually indwells them from the moment
of spiritual birth andsealsthem until the day of redemption. Hisfullness, power
and control are appropriated in the believer's life byfaith. It isthe Holy Spirit, Whois working through all who believein the Father
throughthe Son.
Therefore the believer should seek to know all he
can understand, appreciate, and experience the importance of, the Person,ministry and work
of the Holy Spirit,
as revealed inthe Wordof God!(John
14:15-26)The Holy Spiritcan NOT be associated as
just an "influence"! It would be as impossible to have a relationship with
an impersonal "influence" or just a "force". We have to know the Holy Spirit as
our friend, helper, and comforter. Described: The 9-Gifts; The Baptism 3x; The
Emblems of the Holy Sprit;
Characters; related to the 'prayer-shawl', etc
Is it Jewish
to believe in
Is it Jewish
to believe in
Yeshua, the Messiah?
To some, the concept of a Jew believing in
Yeshua as the Promised Messiah
seems to be a contradiction! About 2000 years ago we discover
was a Jew living as a Jew in a Jewish land among (His own)
Jewish people! All the apostles were Jewish as well as the
writers of
the Old & New Covenant
and for many years this faith in
was strictly a Jewish one! From
the Book of Acts
and other historical evidence, many believe that in the first
century there were literally hundreds of thousands of Messianic
Jews.* In addition, there were Messianic Synagogues scattered
throughout the Roman Empire and beyond!
The real issue we must recognize is not whether it is Jewish to
believe in
because the Jewishness of
is historically unquestionable. The real issue at stake here is
Yeshua is truly the Messiah
or not. If
is, then it is the most Jewish thing in the world to believe in
If He is not
the Messiah,
then we should not follow
There is only one way to find out and that is to go back into
the Jewish Scriptures ourselves and study the
prophecies. One
of the pieces of pottery containing the "Messianic
discovered in the grotto on Mount Zion. An item described as the
of the Jerusalem Church was discovered on several pieces of the
first Century pottery in Jerusalem. The emblem appeared to be a
Jewish seven branched Menorah drawn with triangular base, with
the triangular tail of a small fish overlapping the bottom half
of the Menorah. This intersected to form the Star of David!
93 Prophecies about
the Messiah
Prophecies - Fulfilled in
Yeshua, the Messiah (Jesus Christ)
In the order of their fulfillment!
Holy Supper
Holy Supper L-rd
Yeshua Messiah's Passover - Seder - feast "Holy Supper"! THIS
COURT! This is not just a result of cultural
conditioning or a result of traditions of mankind , but is a serious act of
faith! At the Passover Seder, we usually drink four
cups of wine (and listen and respond to the "four questions" posed by the
"four sons") in correspondence with the "four expressions of redemption"
promised by G-d to the children of Israel through Moses. The bread of Passover is unleavened. It is a
symbol of purity, of a lamb without blemish or sin. It was this bread that
broke and distributed to His talmidim at His last seder, as He said,
“Take, eat. This is My body which is broken for you.”
secret to this mystery is revealed when the original event is placed back
into the Jewish context of the Passover Seder, and not simply as some
sort of 'man-made ad-on'! Messiah
was not trying to invent a new ceremony. Viewing the event through the
mindset of a Jewish Seder is the key that unlocks this mystery. Yeshua,
the Messiah
is well-pleased to receive you, when you seek the face of the Father before
His throne. But it grieves His heart, that there are people who come before
the Throne of G-d, and want to join the table of the L-rd,
that are not prepared!
Ascension gifts of Yeshua
Ascension gifts of YeshuaThey are
all headship ministries, and they are called to guide, gather, ground,
govern and guard the people of the L-rd!
According of each with their given grace and gifted ability in their own
area! We will not limit these “fivefold ministries” to certain ministerial
activities or leadership positions! Nor will we put them in "described
boxes", as we humanly would like to do! There are no
that even suggest this! Together we must receive from one another and be
prepared to be corrected and be taught from each other! And
He gave some, apostles
and some prophets,
and some
and some, pastors and
(Ephesians 4:11) They are
all called as ministers to perfect the saints, to edify the BODY OF
to unify men in to faith,
to unify men in doctrine. To "perfect" the (universal) church and to bring
mankind to maturity in Yeshua/Christ!ApostlesProphets,
The Atonement
The AtonementThe
atonement is God's
provision for
those that wish to escape G-d's penalty for one's sin.
The Holiness of G-d{YHVH} versus the sinfulness
of mankind produced the reaction of Divinewrath. The righteousness of G-d demands that
sin be exposed, judged, and punished. G-d gave Adam
& Eve one law, the law of loving obedience. To transgress
this law was a sin. Sin is therefore the transgression
of the law of G-d. It made man a lawless
rebel at heart.
Sin separated mankind from G-d. They lost
G-d-consciousness and gained self-conscious.
Mankind violated the principles of righteousness
by willful disobedience; mankind
broke the holy law of God. This brought man
under the power of sin, (the curse), and made his
conscience laden with guilt. So Divine
penalty of death began! Without G-d there is no hope for mankind! It
is obvious that man is separated from G-d
when we view the ever-worsening situation
in the world today. That is why G-d
sent Yeshua, the Messiah, who
came to deliver us from our sins and to bring us into a new life in
Him. G-d
is looking for a intimate relationship with His people! This from the
beginning of the human race!
A Christian must believe...!
Christian must believe...!
Facts and important subject about what a Christian should know and believe.
facts! Christian Doctrine.
Counterfeit Faith!
Cultural Faith!CourageousFaith!
Counterfeit Faith!(Source:
Victory Church Lakeland)
zeal to win converts to “God” (?), but with no view in mind other than to make
instruments to serve their own oppressions and cruelty!
Cultural Faith!(Source:
Victory Church Lakeland)
It’s an integrated pattern of human knowledge
or belief.
Its foundation is human intellect.
It’s following their dictator’s principles!
Victory Church Lakeland)
Held on to real faith in
Messiah Yeshua or Jesus Christ!
Sharing relationship with
Yeshua/Christ, not its own
Placing your own life at risk for what you
believe (or be) in Yeshua/Christ!
To persevere or stand strong in the face of
challenge and difficulty!
What God will do for those...(God'sOutreach
Ministry) Put on the whole armor of
Ministry) Explanation of "Faith"(God'sOutreach
Growth to maturity
Love towards others!
Responsibilities to our family
G-dly life style...? Just
reasons we should love others:
Hypocritical religious foolish life-style!? If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love!
Warfare Prayer
Warfare PrayerIntensive
prayer to put in your position in the Heavenly Realms against the enemy!
We encourage you to pray this prayer on a regularly base! It will be a great
help in your spiritual battle!
timeless ancient prayer that produces timely results even for
the nowadays generation! It takes readers to
Chronicles 4:10)
to discover how they can release God’s miraculous power and
experience the blessings God longs to give each of us. The life
of Jabez, one of the Scripture’s most overlooked heroes of the
faith, a five-part prayer that brings him an extraordinary
measure of Divine favor, anointing, and protection! Readers who
commit to offering the same prayer on a regular basis will find
themselves extravagantly blessed by God, and agents of His
miraculous power, in everyday life!
Scriptural Inspiration basically from
Daniel 9:1-19
In the first year of
his reign I Daniel
understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the
Lord came to
Jeremiah the prophet,
that he would accomplish .... (Daniel 9:2)
This prayer came in inspiration to me when I was studying the book of
Daniel. It was a time of hope-deferred position in a period of my life!
I was encouraged to pray this prayer daily! It was the
Holy Spirit, Who
was and still is my teacher, that brought this kind of prayer up in my
disrupted and concerned mind!
(1 John 2:20; 2:27)
This prayer ‘Prayer
from the mind”
is constructed out of the information assembled from the Book: “Battlefield
of the mind”!
(Joyce Meyer)
Pages: 41; 42; 46; 48; 50; 52; 66; 107; 114; 125; 172;
Extract from the Evan Roberts'
Welch-RevivalSection shortly...
* Of all the names that are linked with the 1904 Revival, Evan
Roberts is the most well known. At 26 years of age in the fall
of 1904, he was to become an instant spiritual celebrity in
Wales as the local and national newspapers of the day chronicled
the spreading Religious Revival.
* Not only were individual lives changed by the power of the
Holy Spirit,
but whole communities were changed indeed society itself was
changed - Wales was again a God-fearing nation.
* Public houses became almost empty. Men and women who used to
waste their money in getting drunk were now saving it, giving it
to help their churches, buying clothes and food for their
families. And not only drunkenness, but stealing and other
offences grew less and less so that often a magistrate came to
court and found there were no cases for him.
* Men whose language had been filthy before learnt to talk
purely. The dark tunnels underground in the mines echoed with
the sounds of prayer and hymns, instead of oaths and nasty jokes
and gossip.
* People, who had been careless about paying their bills, or
paying back money they had borrowed, paid up all they owed.
*5 Extract from the Evan Roberts'
Section partly... In some parts the
Revival Lakeland
will be comparable, but definite not the same!
With the mantle of humility you will be able to know
God’s voice! Because of this “mantle” or “clothes of humility”
you are ready for battle! You will be able more and more to love
Yeshua Messiah
and appreciate what
has done for you in
sacrificial; painful; agony; -more than our comprehension-;
process on the crucifixion! A plain and ordinary cloth, which in
the first place seems to refer in the world to poverty, but in
God’s eyes you are wearing a mantle covered with His grace and
it is esteeming to a far higher level of authority; spiritually!
It goes even further than our comprehension! Those who are still
and without wearing this “cloak” will be under
the dominion of the enemy!
By wearing this “mantle of humility” and by our willingness to
sacrifice our own desires for the sake of God’s Kingdom and for
the sake of others, the grow to our Spiritual maturity will be a
fact! Everyone is different; together, not individually, we will
be able to receive and to know the secrets mysteries of the
Rev. Grace Warnock is a "Intercessor-warrior"
with a heart for the nations and for "City Transformation" and
carries a great love and call to prayer for the nation of
Israel! The Lord has instructed her to begin a "House of Prayer
for All Nations" and to help raise up an army of
intercessors who will "stand in the gap" for the land and become
a "Prophetic
voice" to this generation and the generations to come!
The Word of the Lord: “The battle lines”: “The battle
lines are being drawn in the Spirit.
It is time for the women of God to rise up and declare war on
the enemy!
The battle is raging; the winds are blowing fiercely, but My
army is rising to the occasion!”…
Grace Warnock
Vision for a
local Church in Lakeland; Florida…01/31/2007
During the worship of the second meeting Sunday 28 January 2007
at a local Church in Lakeland, with the Pastor, I saw in the
spirit-ground a different picture, than you can see usually the
sanctuary. Just on the front platform I saw the
Ark of the Covenant
placed in the middle. There was a High-priest with the smoke
incest and several other priests in ancient priest clothing’s.
They were worshipping and bowing down before the ark! Then I saw
a crowd of people in white (priest) clothing worshipping around
this ark and still inside the church building. It seems to be
that everything was lifted up into Heavenly atmospheres! It was
a super-natural event, which I can not comprehend with my
natural and fleshly nature! In some way I saw that all this
worshippers were touching the Merci-seat of the ark with both
Restoration Worship!
This reveals
the apostasy
of the remnant of the ten tribes showed the sincerity of their
consecration and the depths of the
sweeping over Judah at King Hezekiah's time! You children
of Israel turn again to Jehovah, the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac,
and Israel; and He will return to you
(2 Chronicles 30:6)
If you turn again to the Lord He will put it into the hearts of
the Assyrians (your enemies) to have compassion on your captive
brethren and send them again to this land
(2 Chronicles 30:9)
Don't be stiffnecked, as your fathers were, and your brethren,
trespassed against the Lord God who
gave them up to desolation, as you see, but yield yourselves to
the L-rd; enter His sanctuary, which He has sanctified forever.
(2 Chronicles 30:7, 8)
The L-rd is gracious and
will not turn His face away from you, if you return to Him!
Serve the Lord your G-d that the fierceness of His wrath may
turn away from you!
Cindy Jacobs' Vision over the State of Florida;
Saturday, July 9, 2006;
Champions Gate; Haines City at "Champions Gate Suite" of Omni Resort.
Releasing the
Prophetic Vision over the State of Florida by Cindy
Jacobs in short terms:
Florida is a KEY-State (authority,
evidence of property or trust)
Florida is a Prophetically
Even the smallest person is
able to change history
Ordinary people need to be
Reformation of thinking in
truth in the Light of God
Reformation State like John
the Baptism ordained by the Lord
Always a ”Key” related
God’s whirlwind into the
right direction
Special geographically –
rather of a ship – Sea to sea!
Kingdom - Dominion State –
from shore to shore – you have a “Key” to do!
St. Augustine
Huguenots (see footnote)"Missionaries (Killed)
“The hour is late, it’s time to gather the intercessors”-Pray
That is the purpose of this letter. This is a personal
invitation to every pastor, leader, intercessor and believer in
Christ to be a part of a prayer initiative called “Pray
Lakeland”. This will be a monthly prayer and worship gathering.
A time of focused prayer for the city of Lakeland! God has a
plan for every individual; every city, state and nation on the
earth and it is a good plan.
(Jeremiah 29:11-13) Over
the years, many
have been birthed in the city of Lakeland, many ministries
established and many ministers sent out from this beautiful
city. I believe Lakeland is destined to be an apostolic city - “a
city of revival”!
It is time to re-dig those
wells of revival!
God has a plan to liberate our cities from darkness.
He wants to transform the spiritual climate of our community and
establish His house, “the house of the Lord” - a house of prayer
for all nations. (Matthew
AWAKE AMERICA! In this vision I am allowed to reveal
things where natural disasters who had hit the United States of
America. Just in the recent past Hurricane
Katrina &Rita
did and on his destructive path! Again
another Hurricane Wilma was as
the record monster storm in the
Atlantic ever recorded is a serious treat for the Caribbean and
for Florida! There is a patron and a strategic way of working!
Is not God shaking the United States to get awake!? Paulus van Beek -
Prophet Office
Imperial Lakeland prophetically - Proclamation:
released by Rev. Grace Warnock
Imperial Lakeland Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that
build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman wakes but
in vain. (Psalm 127:1)All
works of men built independent of God are vain. This psalm
teaches man to depend on God for success in building lasting
things—whether houses, families, businesses, national security,
or anything else. When
the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the
wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. (Proverbs 29:2)
the wicked are in power
the righteous retire; when the righteous rule godliness is
Prophetic Revelation
God's Tolerance! How long will God tolerate the evil
doings into this Nation, that supposed
to be a Christian Nation? Revelation from inside Church walls.
God is willing to settle the differences between us! There is a
command to remain, to continue, to dwell, and abide in Yeshua Messiah!
The reason is given here because you will be powerless to
produce fruit if you do not
abide in Him.
And much more!
to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit";
Out of the book: Chapter 3; Author Paulus van Beek
This site is based out of the revelations! This book accentuates
how important and indispensable it is to clearly understand the
voice of God, and to discern His voice through others. Also to
know which voice is speaking to you:
1.) The voice of
the Holy Spirit!
2.) The voice of your mind!
The voice of the enemy or an evil spirit!
By examples it shows how Biblical persons understood the voice
of God.
Chapter 3 of Book
Gedichten (Dutch)
- Poem's (English)
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Poem's available from Paul 's younger years!
Poem's are translated from the Dutch language
into the English Language!
Original Poem's were written in the Dutch language! (1980 - 1988) Contest
of the different
"Poem's' - web - page's
Under construction! Translation is still in progress among the other
When title-link is connected, poem is ready to read!
Your Battle…(I)
...ready! The Storm in my life!
...in process! My enemy
- my Friend
...in process!
...in process!
...in process! The wisdom of
the Holy Spirit
Heavenly Wisdom!
Prayer (Author onknown!)
...in process!
The beam and the mote!
6:41-42) ...in
...in process!
Poem's available from Paul 's younger years!
Poem's are translated from the Dutch language
into the
Italian Language!
Original Poem's were written in the Dutch language! (1980 - 1988)
La tua lotta…
process! Il mio nemico
- Il mio Amico
...in process!
...in process!
Poem's available from Paul 's younger years!
Poem's are translated from the Dutch language
into the Spanish Language!
Original Poem's were written in the Dutch language! (1980 - 1988)
Dear G-d,
please provide us a Christian Spanish Interpreter?
While we encourage your questions or concerns, we must now address
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seriously any message that is done in a manner unbecoming a Christian, and
are keeping an active file of these messages; and if the content is
considered a threat in any way or improperly language, sex propaganda,
politic propaganda; etc., the proper agencies (like FBI) will be notified. We care deeply for all of
you, and look forward to your continued correspondence.
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