God's Creation
kind of rule does the Moon over Planet Earth!
G-D is in charge...
And, Thou, Lord, in the
beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the
works of thine hands:
(Hebrews 1:10)
Universe: beyond human comprehension
creation of the Universe is beyond human comprehension and bewilders the
most learned scientism. That G-d cannot be comprehended by the senses
but by the soul, for He is above sense perceptions! The universe is so
vast it is not comprehensible by the human mind. It will always be
fascinating us, without even to be a scientism – most of us never give
it any thought whatsoever, but it's rather dazzling to realize;
recognize and experience the greatness of our God into it! |
G-D’s existence and perfection God appealed to the Heavens as proof of His existence and perfection, and as a demonstration of His greatness and power (Isaiah 42:5; Isaiah 44:24; Isaiah 45:18; Isaiah 48:13; Isaiah 51:6-16; Psalm 19:1-6; Psalm 97:6; Psalm 104:2; Zechariah 12:1). |
Divine established precision The planet, moons etc… orbit eternally with such a “Divine established” precision so that man can accurately foretell their location in the heavens hundreds of years in advance, as well as the exact hour, minute and second when eclipses will take place! |
The Sovereign Creator of the laws of nature Only as the Sovereign Creator of the laws of nature, He may suspend those laws anytime or anywhere He pleases and able to stop the movements of all or part of the solar system, if He sees fit to do so to further His purpose! (See below this site at Joshua) |
'Our Moon' |
Moons in “our” solar system There are 31 known moons in ‘our’ solar system. The earth has 1; Mars 2; Jupiter 12; Saturn 9; Uranus 5; and Neptune 2. A number of other natural satellites are very faint and have been discovered only in recent years. How likely are there other planets like Earth, or how likely how are there with their moon, like Earth in other solar systems? |
“Our” Moon… The name given to the only natural satellite of Earth! The Moon (also called “Luna”) is the second brightest object in Earth’s sky, after the Sun, and has accordingly been an object of wonder and speculation for people since ancient times. The natural satellites of the other planets in the solar system are also sometimes referred to as moons. |
Gravitational Influence of
the Moon The Moon orbits the Earth because of the force of Earth’s gravity. However, the Moon also exerts a gravitational force on the Earth. Evidence for the Moon’s gravitational influence can be seen in the ocean tides. The Moon, being much nearer to the Earth than the Sun, is the principal cause of tides. Because the force of gravity decreases with distance, the Moon exerts a stronger gravitational pull on the side of the Earth that is closer to it and a weaker pull on the side farther from it. The Earth does not respond to this variation in strength, because the planet is rigid—instead, it moves in response to the average of the Moon’s gravitational attraction. The world’s oceans, however, are liquid and can flow in response to the variation in the Moon’s pull. (Also the ground-water levels and the liquid lava under the Earth's crush) On the side of the Earth facing the Moon, the Moon’s stronger pull makes water flow toward it, causing a dome of water to rise on the Earth’s surface directly below the Moon. On the side of the Earth facing away from the Moon, the Moon’s pull on the oceans is weakest. The water’s inertia, or its tendency to keep traveling in the same direction, makes it want to fly off the Earth instead of rotate with the planet. The Moon’s weaker pull does not compensate as much for the water’s inertia on the far side, so another dome of water rises on this side of the Earth. The dome of water directly beneath the Moon is called direct tide, and the dome of water on the opposite side of the Earth is called opposite tide. These tidings are stronger when the eclipse of the Moon is the closed to the Earth, and can be a influence for Earth-quick's and Volcano eruption! |
Scientifically Facts!
* The moon is a climate regulator for planet Earth! Joshua spoke to the sun and moon, not the earth, for they are the influences causing tides and seasons and day and night and must influence the rotation of the earth! (Genesis 1:14-18). If the Moon should be too close (than normal) to the planet Earth than the tides of the oceans should result in massif gigantic waves more than the tsunami in the East, and will be disastrous to the earth and its peoples with deadly propulsions! If the Moon should be too far (than normal) from the planet Earth than the tides of the oceans should result in weak tides or nothing. The 23.5 degree inclination of the earth's axis causes the change of seasons and varying lengths of night and day as the earth journeys around the sun. Also by the moon’s gravity the axel of the Earth is moving, which brings the seasons in existing, and by turning around the Sun! |
Gravitation by G-D’s unerring precision! Gravitation is the power that holds all these heavenly bodies in their own orbits. They orbit eternally with unerring precision so that man can accurately foretell their location in the heavens hundreds of years in advance, as well as the exact hour, minute and second when eclipses will take place. There is nothing co-instant! It is in the most mathematically precision way designed and settled under the “Divine” nature laws! It’s proving that God’s “clock” is perfect and comparing with even the most precisely expensive Earthly clock will not compete! |
The Moon in Scripture The moon is mentioned 62 times in Scripture. It is nearest the earth of all celestial bodies (except meteors and an occasional comet), being about 221,000 miles away at the nearest point and 253,000 miles at the farthest point of its monthly cycle. (32,000 miles different between the nearest and farthest point of its monthly circle) The Bible describes it as the ruler of the night (Genesis 1:14-18; Psalm 136:9) and the seasons (Psalm 104:19). The half turned toward the sun is always bright, the other half unilluminated. While the moon revolves around the earth (making a complete circle each month), different regions of the illuminated half are turned toward us, causing the different phases of the moon. Just as the sun has a north and south motion in a period of a year, so the moon has a similar motion in the course of a month. It rises about 50 minutes later from day to day in the month's cycle. The moon is the lesser light; it merely reflects the sun's light. |
Magnetic Properties of the Moon The Moon has no global magnetic field as does Earth. The Moon has small, local magnetic fields that seem to be strongest in areas that are on opposite hemispheres from large basins. The origin of these local magnetic fields is unknown. Some scientists speculate that the magnetic fields were induced by the extreme shock pressures associated with the large asteroid collisions that created the basins. Others believe that the Moon originally had a global magnetic field generated by the movement of liquid metal in the core as on Earth. The moon’s diameter is 2’159 miles (3,475 Kilometers) and its circumference is 6,790 miles (10,864 Kilometers). The moon is 27% the size of the Earth! |
Origin of the Moon
Before the modern age of space exploration, scientists had three major models for the origin of the Moon. The fission from Earth model proposed that the young, molten Earth rotated so fast that it flung off some material that became the Moon. The formation in Earth orbit model claimed that the Moon formed independently; but close enough to Earth to orbit the planet. None of these three models, however, is entirely consistent with current knowledge of the Moon. In 1975, having studied Moon rocks and close-up pictures of the Moon, scientists proposed what has come to be regarded as the most probable of the theories of formation: a giant, planetary impact. Forming of the Moon… The giant impact model proposes that early in Earth’s history, proximally well over 4 billion years ago, Earth was struck by a large planet-sized body. Early estimates for the size of this object were comparable to the size of Mars, but a computer simulation by American scientists in 1997 suggested that the body would have to have been at least 2.5 to 3 times the size of Mars. The catastrophic impact blasted portions of Earth and the impacting body into Earth’s orbit, where debris from the impact eventually coalesced to form the Moon. After years of research on lunar rocks during the 1970s and 1980s, this model became the most widely accepted one for the Moon’s origin. The giant impact model seems to account for all of the available evidence: the similarity in composition between Earth and Moon indicated by analysis of lunar samples, the near-complete global melting of the Moon (and possibly Earth) in the distant past, and the simple fact that the other models are all inadequate to one degree or another. Research continues on the ramifications of such a violent lunar origin to the early history of Earth and the other planets. |
The distance between Earth and Moon The relative sizes shown are appropriate for viewing both the Earth and Moon from a distance of about its nearest the earth of all celestial bodies (except meteors and an occasional comet), being about 221,000 miles away at the nearest point and 253,000 miles at the farthest point of its monthly cycle. (About 400,000 kilometers) Though its lack of atmosphere and oceans make it relatively dull looking, the Earth's moon is one of the largest moons in the solar system - even larger than the planet Pluto. Gravity between the mutual physical forces attracting the two “bodies”! The gravitationally bound between the two objects held them in orbit in each other by their gravitational attraction. |
Earth…so remarkable! Water (Dihydrogen Oxide, H2O) is a truly remarkable chemical compound, fundamental to life on Earth. So far we have the scientific knowledge and assumed that the Earth is the only planet in the Solar System (Universe: Everything that exists, including the Earth, planets, stars, galaxies, and all that they contain; the entire cosmos. There are discoveries made recently of planets like Earth in the same way as 'our' Galaxy; not confirmed); (Galaxy is the component of our universe made up of gas and a large number (usually more than a million) of stars held together by gravity. When capitalized, Galaxy refers to our own Milky Way Galaxy and (Solar System, the Sun and everything that orbits the Sun, including the planets and their satellites; the dwarf planets, asteroids), where the surface temperature and pressure allow the three forms of water, solid (ice), liquid (ocean), and gas (water vapor condensing in clouds) to exist simultaneously on its surface. Water in one of these forms accounts for everything visible in this view of Earth from space. The earth is about 25,000 miles in circumference and has a solid content of 264,544,875,944 cubic miles. It is small compared to other planets. The sun is 1.3 million times bigger than the earth! The earth turns on its own axis eastward at more than 1,000 mph. Each year the earth revolves more than 584 million miles around the sun at the rate of 66,700 mph, or 1.6 million miles a day. The earth's revolution round the sun establishes our year; rotation on its axis establishes our day. The 23.5 degree inclination of the earth's axis causes the change of seasons and varying lengths of night and day as the earth journeys around the sun. The earth requires 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds to complete one revolution around the sun; and 23 hours and 56 minutes to complete one rotation on its axis. |
The Works of G-D's Hands When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; (Psalm 8:3) Because of their immense variety and splendor of God! God has made, form, prepare and establish their respective spheres—space to matter and matter to space—all adjusted in number, weight and measure. The heavens are belonging to God and are the works of His fingers. The word finger is used twice of God's power (Exodus 8:19; Luke 11:20). The word in the plural is always used in a literal sense. Here it is used in the same sense as the word hands which God used to form all things out of material which He created or brought into existence by His Word (Psalm 8:6).
1. The earth
(Psalm 8:3, 6; Psalm 90:2;
Psalm 95:5)
Here (and in several other places) God appealed to the heavens as proof of His existence and perfection, and as a demonstration of His greatness and power (Isaiah 42:5; Isaiah 44:24; Isaiah 45:18; Isaiah 48:13; Isaiah 51:6-16; Psalm 19:1-6; Psalm 97:6; Psalm 104:2; Zechariah 12:1). This argument is becoming more impressive as men learn more about the heavens. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)
The Word refers to
(John 1:14;
Revelation 19:13)
and proves
His pre-existence
(Micah 5:1-2;
Revelation 1:8, 11; 2:8; 22:13-16).
He is an
eternal Being as are also the Father and
the Holy
He was the Creator of the heavens, including the sun, moon, and stars! (Genesis 1:1; Col. 1:15-18; Psalm 8:3; Psalm 90:2; Psalm 95:5; Psalm 102:25; Isaiah 40:12,26; Isaiah 45:12; Isaiah 48:13). In the dateless past…! (Genesis 1:1; Proverbs 8:23). |
Gravitation Gravitation is the power that holds all these heavenly bodies in their own orbits. They orbit eternally with unerring precision so that man can accurately foretell their location in the heavens hundreds of years in advance, as well as the exact hour, minute and second when eclipses will take place. For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else. (Isaiah 45:18) |
Joshua And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed (Joshua 10:13) Then spake Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. (Joshua 10:12) It was over the valley that Joshua saw the moon rising as the sun was setting over Gibeon. He commanded both to stay where they were, and God listened to him (Joshua 10:14). And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed (Joshua 10:13) Scientific Facts ó Scriptural Facts This was a genuine miracle. The sun and moon either stopped their influences on the earth, or stood still; until a whole day more of fighting. (Joshua 10:13-14). Also this was a miracle in itself: God strengthened the army of Joshua, for they fought three whole days and one night!
Ø The sun was over Gibeon at the time (Joshua 10:12). Looking back from the east where Joshua and his men were pursuing, it could be seen setting in the sky over Gibeon. Ø The moon was coming up over the valley of Ajalon (Joshua 10:12) and could not have been seen with the naked eye in the afternoon sun. Ø The statement that the sun "hasted not to go about a whole day" indicates that it was setting at the time the command was given (Joshua 10:13). Ø If it had been in the middle of the day, Joshua would not have known whether he and his people could avenge themselves before the day was over because he would have had six hours or more left in which to fight.
Our Scar-Faced Satellite--The Moon! Our Scar-Faced Satellite--The Moon. Our scar-faced satellite exhibits yet other examples of astral catastrophism. The Moon has been presumed to be a solid; yet recent observations have indicated the possibility that it may be substantially fluid like the Earth with a thin crust. Volcanic action has been reportedly observed recently. The Moon, unlike the Earth, has no atmosphere, no weather, and virtually no erosion. Ancient scars have not healed over, as they have on our planet through processes of erosion and vegetation. The Moon has many craters, of many sizes. The craters on the Moon's side facing the Earth may exceed 30,000 in number, and range all the way from pitlets up to 150 miles in diameter. The crater named in honor of Copernicus is approximately 40 miles in diameter and has an average wall height of 12,000 feet. In addition to craters, the Moon has scratches on its surface, indicative of explosions either at or near its surface, another indication of a less-than-serene history.
The face of the Moon is fairly heavily pocked, but not so
much so as the backside of the Moon. And the backside of the Moon is not
nearly as heavily scarred as is Mars. Mars has craters overlapping
and/or within craters, overlapping upon craters, in places in a triple
overlay. |
Science be in alignment with If Greece, Egypt, China, and Mexico have records of a long day (or night) corresponding to the time of Joshua. By counting the equinoxes, eclipses, and transits backward from our day to his, and counting them from the prime date of creation on to Joshua's time, a whole day is missing. Mathematically, such a conclusion is unavoidable. YES, science goes in alignment with the Spoken Word of God! If we will take the Scriptures literally as to what it says about God, as we do with other things the subject will be very clear; and if we see God Divine work throughout His creation, but if we make God a mystery, ignoring the plain statements of Scripture about Him, and refusing to believe the many descriptions and expressions of God given to us then we ill remain in ignorance! It is no co-incident... Could there be a creation without a creator? The Ancient Hebrews used a lunar calendar based on new moons. The feasts—especially the Passover—were thus based on new moons, so they were very strict in observing them. Not only did the king feast on such days, but no doubt every family offered some kind of sacrifice and feasted together. However, the gathering of the whole tribe (which David referred to in 1 Samuel 20:6, 29) was only once a year. |
The Dateless Past... We understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. (Hebrews 11:3)
In “our” solar system we have 9 major planets (see picture) and 31 satellites which, counting the sun, make 40 great bodies of material substance in this one system! If each of the 40 sextillion stars has the same in its planetary system, there would be “1,520 sextillion” such bodies which took that many days (or more) to create. Reduced to years we would have the astonishing figure of 4,164,383,561,643,836,164,383 years to create these systems alone, just as example! “Our” solar system is approximately 6 billion miles across. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains roughly 400 billion stars, the nearest of which (Alpha Centauri) is 26 trillion miles away, or 4.5 light-years. At the rate of 186,324 miles a second, light travels about 5.8 trillion miles in a year. It takes 400 years for light to reach earth from the North Star; 700,000 years from the Great Nebula, the galaxy nearest our own; and 500 million years from the faintest galaxy seen by our telescopes. There are estimated to be 100 billion galaxies like the Milky Way, containing an estimated 40 sextillion stars. Therefore, there could be 40 sextillion solar systems with a possible 360 sextillion major planets, 10% of which are believed habitable! It is created with such a “Divine established” mathematically precision! Indeed without doubt the creation of the Universe is beyond human comprehension and bewilders the most learned scientism! |
The Sun The sun which is about 93,000,000 miles from the earth; it is 865,400 Miles in diameter; weights about 1,980,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons and is considered a dwarf star compared to others. It is a large magnet, as are all the fixed stars and planets. It is the center of our solar system with 9 major planets. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) There are trillions of solar systems beyond ours. Distances out there are measured in LIGHT-YEARS. By example, it takes 400 light years to reach us from earth from the North Star! At the beginning You existed and laid the foundations of the earth; the heavens are the work of Your hands. (Palms 102:25)
And He brought him (Abram) outside [his tent into the starlight] and said, look now toward the heavens and count the stars--if you are able to number them. (Genesis 15:5a)
The earth
All planets are round
(Isaiah 40:22).
earth turns on its own axis eastward at more than 1,000 mph. Each year the
earth revolves more than 584 million miles around the sun at the rate of
66,700 mph, or 1.6 million miles a day. The earth's revolution round the sun
establishes our year; rotation on its axis establishes our day. The 23.5
degree inclination of the earth's axis causes the change of seasons and
varying lengths of night and day as the earth journeys around the sun. The
earth requires 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds to complete one
revolution around the sun; and 23 hours and 56 minutes to complete one
rotation on its axis.
to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the
beginning of the world hath been hid in
who created all things by Jesus Christ:
(Ephesians 3:9) |
Believe in the existence of a Universal G-D!
It is always a super-natural testimony when one can say:
The heavens
the glory of God;
and the firmament sheweth His handly work. Day unto day uttereth speech, and
night unto night showeth knowledge. (Psalms 19:1, 2)
It is be foolishness, to say, or to think, that
there is no
...For the wisdom of this world is
foolishness with God. (1 Corinthians 3:19) |
God’s Outreach Ministry
Int. Inc.
End Time Harvest Revival