The Father |
At the beginning You existed and laid the foundations of the earth; the heavens are the work of Your hands. (Palms 102:25)
Thousands of galaxies were identified and cataloged by the British astronomers during the early part of the 19th century. Since 1900 galaxies have been discovered in large numbers by photographic searches. Galaxies at enormous distances from earth appear so tiny on a photograph that they can hardly be distinguished from stars. The largest known galaxy has about 13 times as many stars as the Milky Way. When I view and consider Your Heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained and established, (Palms 8:3)
For most galaxies, only the
combined light of all the stars is detected. Galaxies exhibit a variety of
forms. Some have an overall globular shape, with a bright nucleus. Such
THE HEAVENS declare the Glory of G-d; and the firmament shows and proclaims His handiwork. (Palms 19:1) The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has revealed many more ring galaxies than astronomers expected, suggesting that galactic collisions may be common.
For ever since the creation of the world
His invisible nature and
attributes, that is,
His eternal power and
Divinity, have been made intelligible and clearly discernible in and through
the things that have been made (His
to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the
beginning of the world hath been hid in
who created all things by
Jesus Christ / Yeshua Messiah:
(Ephesians 3:9) Gravitation is the power that holds all these heavenly bodies in their own orbits. They orbit eternally with unerring precision so that man can accurately foretell their location in the heavens hundreds of years in advance, as well as the exact hour, minute and second when eclipses will take place. For thus saith the L-rd that created the heavens; G-d himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited: I am the L-rd; and there is none else. (Isaiah 45:18)
did G-d
create the material universes? The answer is: to be inhabited with intelligent, free moral agents, to whom He could reveal Himself, and who would enjoy His infinite blessings and goodness. The earth was created to be inhabited!
Thou art worthy, O L-rd, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast
created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
(Revelation 4:11) |
The Person of the Father; G-d; the Superior Divine Person of the eternal G-d-head of the Trinity! (***) He is the Beginning; He Who WAS, and IS, and IS TO COME! He is the Source, He is Light, Life and Love, The creator of the ATONEMENT. The Eternal, Invisible, Father! He is the Creator of the Universe, Galaxies or Space. There was, there is and there shall be no end of His creations! |
By faith we understand that the worlds [during the successive ages] were framed (fashioned, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose) by the word of G-d, so that what we see was not made out of things which are visible. (Hebrews 11:3) Also He said, I am the G-d of your father, the G-d of Abraham, the G-d of Isaac, and the G-d of Jacob. And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at G-d. (Exodus 3:6) We believe in the one true G-d, the Creator of Heaven and earth the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The reverent and
worshipful fear of
the L-rd is the beginning and the principal and choice part of knowledge
[its starting point and its essence]; but
fools despise skillful and G-dly Wisdom, instruction, and discipline. (Proverbs
G-d the Father {YHVH} (Avinu) |
Faith in the existence of G-d!
Could there be a creation without a creator? To believe in the Creator of the Universe, and the world; The G-d of this creation, is not just a result of cultural conditioning or a result of traditions of men. No, belief is a serious act of faith, that is consciously made by a person. The revelations required to genuinely believe are a gift to man from the Creator Himself!
Mankind possesses an inner sense of right and wrong as well as a
sense of responsibility to keep to what is right and avoid that what is wrong!
To believe in the
existence of the Creator or a personal G-d, is in harmony with all the inputs of mankind's
moral and mental given nature and character! |
Biblical Forecasts of Scientific Discoveries
Scriptural Statements | Science Ancient Times | Science Nowadays |
Earth is a sphere (Isaiah 40:22). | Earth's a flat disk. | Earth is a sphere |
Number of stars exceeds a billion's (Jeremiah 33:22). | Number of stars totals 1,100 | Number of stars exceeds a billion |
Every star is
different & named by G-d (1 Corinthians 15:41). |
All stars are the same. | Every star is different. |
Light is in motion (Job 38:19-20). | Light is fixed in place. | Light is in motion. |
Air has weight (Job 28:25). | Air is weightless. | Air has weight. |
Winds blow in cyclones (Ecclesiastes. 1:6). | Winds blow straight. | Winds blow in cyclones. |
Blood is a source of life and healing (Leviticus 17:11). | Sick people must bled. | Blood is a source of life and healing. |
centuries the conjectures of science also were at odds with
Genesis 1
concerning the origin
and development of Earth and of life on Earth. However, science has progressed
beyond these conjectures and now agrees with
Genesis 1
in the initial
conditions of Earth, the description of subsequent events, and in the order of
these events. The probability that
writing more than 3,400 years ago, would have guessed all these details is less
than one in trillions. Below is a partial list of other fundamentals of science
explained in the Bible:
Conservation of mass and energy
1:9; 3:14-15).
(Ecclesiastes 1:7; Is. 55:10).
(Job 26:7; Job 38:31-33).
Pleiades and Orion as gravitationally bound star groups
(Job 38:31).
NOTE: All other star
visible to the naked eye are unbound, with the possible exception of the
Effect of emotions on physical health
(Proverbs 16:24; 17:22).
Control of contagious diseases
(Leviticus 13:4546).
of sanitation to health
(Leviticus; Numbers 19: Deuteronomy. 23:12-13).
Control of
cancer and
heart disease
(Leviticus 7-19).
In the crucible of scientific investigation, the Bible/Scripture has proven invariably to be correct! No other book, ancient or modem, can make this claim; but then, no other book has been written by G-d! (through men)
I laid the foundations of the earth...
Where wast thou when I
laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Who
hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line
upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner
stone thereof; When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of G-d
shouted for joy? Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if
it had issued out of the womb? When I made the cloud the garment thereof, and
thick darkness a swaddlingband for it, And brake up for it my decreed place, and
set bars and doors...
(Job 38:4-10)
The inanimate
Creation of G-d!
Foundations of the earth (Job 38:4)
Laying the measures thereof (Job 38:5)
Stretching the line upon the earth
Fastening of earth's foundations (Job 38:6)
Rejoicing when the cornerstone of the earth was laid (Job 38:6-7)
Shutting up of the sea (Job 38:8)
Limiting or setting bounds for the sea (Job 38:9-11)
Laws of day and night (Job 38:12-13)
The springs of the sea (Job 38:16)
The depths of the sea
Wisdom in the inward parts (Job 38:36)
Understanding in the heart
The foundations of the earth were laid by G-d, a Divine Holy Person; they weren't the development of an evolving, 'self-existent molecule', or any number of molecules. Job was asked to explain how G-d formed the earth, if Job had understanding. If he couldn't do this, he was a poor critic of God's government. (Job 38:4)
This expression gives the idea of a carpenter using a line to lay out his work. The earth is represented as a building. Plans were laid out in advance, and it was made according to this (Divine) plan. The earth didn't happen by chance; it was constructed according to certain specifications, and the method used proves infinite and personal skill.
An Example of Infinite Perfection...
The idea here is that of an architect planning the size of the earth. This is an example of the infinite perfection of God in creation. The earth rotates on its axis at 1,000 mph. If it were 100 mph, our days and nights would be 10 times longer and the hot sun would likely burn up our vegetation each long day while surviving sprouts would freeze in the long night. Also the earth has been placed the proper distance from the sun to give it the right amount of warmth. If the sun gave half as much more we would roast. Furthermore, the slant of the earth, tilted at an angle of 23 degrees, gives us our seasons. If it had not been tilted, vapors from the ocean would move north and south, piling up continents of ice. If our moon were only 50,000 miles away instead of its distance of 221,000 to 253,000 miles, our tides would cover the continents twice daily. If the crust of the earth had been only 10 feet thicker, there would be no oxygen, and thus no animal life could be sustained. Had the ocean been a few feet deeper, carbon dioxide and oxygen would have been absorbed and therefore no vegetable life could exist. It is evident from these and other facts that there is not one chance in millions or trillions that life on our planet could be a work of itself. There had to be a super-intelligence at work in the creation of all things. (Source: Dake's Annotated Reference Bible © 1963, 1991)
G-D formed the earth on a solid and eternal basis. The earth doesn't rest on a solid foundation like a building, but is suspended and rotates in space, governed by the law of gravitation. ...If Job didn't know these things, how could he be qualified to criticize God and His government? (Job 38:6)
The Father - G-d is and will give
immeasurable, incomprehensible light!
He is and will give the
immeasurable, incomprehensible light!
For the perfection is majestic!
He is pure, perfect Holy,
immeasurable mind!
He is life-giving life!
He is a blessedness-giving
Blessed One!
He is knowledge-giving
He is goodness-giving goodness!
is merciful and redemption-giving!
He is graceful!
For we know not the ineffable things, and we do not understand what is
immeasurable, except for him who came forth from Him, namely (from) the Father.
For it is He who can tell it to us!
He is indestructible!
For he is the head of all the creation, the universes, Galaxies, the
Heavens, the ---------world, and so much more!
It is far behind our comprehension!
Existing in silence, reposing (and) being prior to everything!
And He (the Father) anointed us with his goodness until we become
perfect, in
Messiah, not
lacking in any goodness, because he had anointed us with the goodness of the
invisible Holy
And it attended Him as He poured
upon it!
It is always a
super-natural testimony when one can say:
There is a G-d!
The heavens declare the glory of G-d; and the firmament sheweth His handly work. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge. (Psalms 19:1, 2) It is be foolishness, to say, or to think, that there is no G-d! ...For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with G-d. (1 Corinthians 3:19)
What kind of rule the Moon for Planet Earth? Can Science go align with the Spoken Word of G-d?
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note: |
Adonai - Elohim - YHVH - אלהים | ||
To know the very
Holy Name of G-d?
His Name
is according to His acts. When He judge His
creatures, He is called
Elohim, "Judge"; when He rises up
to do battle against the sinners, He is: "Lord Zebaot", "the Lord of
hosts"; when he is waiting with
longsuffering patience for the improvement of the sinner, His Name is El
Shaddai; when He has
upon the world, His Name is "Adonai". But
unto the children of Israel He is as: "I
am He that was, that is, and that ever will be,
and I am He that is with them" in their
bondage now, and He that shall be with them in
the bondage of the time to come." |
The Eternal Creator - G-D! The L-rd Creator |
Genesis 1:1; 2:4 Isaiah 40:28 |
ADONAI-YHWH | The L-rd our Sovereign, Lord of Hosts, Master | Genesis 18:3 Psalms 69:6 |
The L-rd, the L-RD Almighty
Lord |
Isaiah 3:1 Daniel 2:47 |
EL GADOL GIBOR YARE | The Great, Mighty, Awesome G-d | Deuteronomy 10:17 |
EL GHAH'Y | Living G-d | Joshua 3:10 |
EL-GIBHOR | Mighty G-d | Isaiah 9:6 |
EL SHADDAI | G-d Almighty | Genesis 17:1 |
EL HAKABODH | G-d of Glory (KABODH) | Psalm 29:2 |
EL KAHVOHD | G-d of Glory | Psalm 29:3 |
EL MELECH | G-d the King (of the Universe) | Ps. 68:24 |
MELEK KABOWD | King of Glory | Psalm 24:7 |
Holy G-d Holy One |
Joshua 24:19 Psalm 71:22; Isaiah 40:25, 43:3, 48:17 |
YHVH (YAW) | Self-Existing L-rd! | Exodus 6:2 |
YHVH-ORI | The L-rd is my Light | Psalm 27:1 |
YHVH-JEREH (JIRED) | The L-rd will provide | Genesis 22:14 |
YHVH-NISSI | The L-rd my Banner | Exodus 17:15; Ex. 1:15 |
YHVH-RAPHA | The L-rd that heals | Exodus 15:26; 15:22- |
YHVH-SHALOM | The L-rd our Peace | Judges 6:24 |
The L-rd our Righteousness G-d my Righteousness Righteous One |
Jeremiah 23:6 Psalm 4:1 Psalm 7:9 |
YHVH MEKADDISHKEM (M'KADDESH) | The L-rd Who sanctifies | Leviticus 20:8 |
YHVH-SABOATH | The L-rd of Hosts | Psalm 24:10; 84:1,3 |
YHVH-SHAMMAH | The L-rd is there, Ever-present | Ezekiel 48:35 |
YHVH-ELYON | The L-rd Most High | Psalm 7:17 |
The L-rd my Shepherd | Psalm 23:1 |
YHVH-HOSENU | The L-rd our Maker | Psalm 95:6 |
YHVH-ELOHEEMU | The L-rd our G-d | Psalm 99;5,8,9 |
YHVH-ELOHEKA | The L-rd thy G-d | Exodus 20:2 |
YHVH-ELOHAY | The L-rd my G-d | Zechariah 14:5 |
YHVHSHPHAT (SHAPHAT) | The L-rd is Judge | Genesis 18:25; Judges 11:27 |
YHVH-KANNA | The L-rd is a jealous G-d | Exodus 20:5; 34:14 |
YHVH-SHAPHAT | The L-rd our Judge | Isaiah 33:22 |
YHVH-AMAN | The Faithful L-rd | Isaiah 49:7 |
YHVH-GAAL | The L-rd thy Redeemer | Isaiah 49:26 |
YHVH-ADDIYR | Glorious L-rd | Isaiah 33:21 |
YHVH-AZAR | The L-rd my Helper | Psalm 30:10 |
EL NASA | Forgiving G-d | Psalm 99:8 |
ABHIR | Mighty One | Genesis 49:24; Psalm132:2; Deuteronomy. 10:17; |
The L-rd my salvation G-d my Salvation |
Psalm 38:22; 68:20 Psalm 62:1 |
ABIYR ISRAEL | Mighty One of Israel | Isaiah 1:24 |
CETHER | My hiding Place | Psalm 32:7 |
My Strength The L-rd my Strength |
Psalm 22:19 Psalm 144:1 |
EL AMAN | Faithful G-d | Deuteronomy 7:9 |
EL-BERITH | G-d of the Covenant | Judges 9:46 |
EL CHUWL | The G-d who gave you Birth | Deuteronomy 32:18 |
EL DEAH | G-d of Knowledge | 1 Samuel 2:3 |
EL-ELYON | Most High | Deuteronomy 26:19; Psalm 18:13; Genesis 14:18; Numbers 24:16 |
EL G'MULAH YHVH | The L-rd, G-d of Vengeance | Jeremiah 51:56 |
EL NATHAN N'QAMAH | G-d who Avenges for Me | Psalm18:47 |
EL NAHSAH | G-d who Forgives | Psalm 99:8 |
EL-OLAM | Everlasting G-d | Genesis 21:33; Psalm90:1-3, 93:2; Isaiah 26:4 |
EL SEHLAG | G-d my Rock | Psalm 42:9 |
EL RACHUM | Merciful G-d | Deuteronomy 4:13 |
EL ROI | All-Seeing G-d | Genesis 16:13 |
El SIMCHAH GIYL | G-d my Exceeding Joy | Psalm 43:4 |
ELOHIM BASHAMAYIN | G-d in Heaven | Deuteronomy 4:39 |
ELOHIM MISGAB | G-d my Defense | Psalm 59:17 |
ELOHIM YAKOL | G-d, the Most Able | Daniel 3:17 |
ELOHIM YARE | G-d Most Awesome | Psalm 68:35 |
EYALUTH | Strength | Psalm 22:19 |
GELAH RAZ | Revealer of Mysteries | Daniel 2:28 |
GAOL | Redeemer | Job 19:25 |
KANNA | Zealous | Exodus. 20:5, 34:14; Isaiah 9:7; Deuteronomy 5:9; |
MAGEN | Shield | Psalm 3:3, 18:30 |
OLAM ZEROWA | The Everlasting Arms | Deuteronomy 33:26 |
PALET | Deliverer | Psalm 18:2 |
RAB | L-rd, Nourisher | Daniel 2:10 |
RUMN RO'SH | The One who lifts my head | Psalm 3:3 |
YESHAU | (Yeshua) Savior (Referring to Jesus Christ; our Savior!) | Isaiah 43:3 |
ZUR | Our Rock (Also used for Jesus Christ; our Rock of Salvation!) | Deuteronomy 32:18; Isaiah 30:29 |
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The essential characteristics belongings to the Person of |
G-d IS OMNIPOTENT | That means that G-d is all-powerful! | Nothing is impossible by G-d! |
G-d IS OMNIPRESENT | That means that G-d is all-present! | He is unlimited by space or time |
G-d IS OMNISCIENT | That means that G-d is all-knowing! | He knows all things at all times! |
G-d IS IMMUTABLE | That means that G-d is unchanged | Unchangeable as to His character & being! |
G-d IS ETERNAL | That means that G-d is the Everlasting One! | At ALL time G-d was there! |
G-d IS SELF-EXISTENT | That means that G-d is Self-sufficient | He is the source of ALL life! |
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G-d IS LIGHT | He dwells in unapproachable light, and is the Source of Light | 1 Timothy 6:15,16 |
G-d IS A SPIRIT | He is invisible, a Personal being, with self-consciousness, will, feelings, emotions, and intelligence. | John 4:20-24 |
G-d IS LOVE | It is the very heart of G-d's nature. | 1 John 4:16 ; John 3:16 |
G-d IS A CONSUMING FIRE * | It is connected to G-d's holiness & absolute righteousness. |
Deuteronomy 4:33; 9:3; Hebrews 12:29 |
![]() 1. To devour your enemies. For the wicked one a disaster! Destruction! 2. A cleansing FIRE, Revival FIRE, Purifying FIRE, for those who keep their faith in G-d! Holy FIRE is a sanctifying, Holy Divine work in the lives and souls of believers. |
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Facts about
G-d! |
The word/name: "Jeremiah"
means: "the L-rd founds"!
Purpose of
Jeremiah's prophetic messages:
To make clear to Israel the consequences of
sin and apostasy;
to reveal to them their own future in the plan of G-d for man; and to
emphasize the fact that the destiny of every man is determined by his
conformity or lack of conformity to G-d and His Divine plan!
to Judah and was often in danger because his predictions angered the
officials. |
Hear His word, which the L-rd (Instructor) speaks to you | Jeremiah 10:1 |
There is none like unto You | Jeremiah 10:6&7 |
He is great | Jeremiah 10:6 |
His Name is great in might | Jeremiah 10:6 |
Kings of Nations | Jeremiah 10:7 |
The Lord is true | Jeremiah 10:10 |
He is the Living G-d | Jeremiah 10:10 |
He is the Everlasting King | Jeremiah 10:10 |
He has made the earth by His power | Jeremiah 10:12 |
He has established the world by His wisdom | Jeremiah 10:12 |
He has stretched out the Heavens by His discretion | Jeremiah 10:12 |
When He utters His voice, there is a multitude of waters in the Heavens | Jeremiah 10:13 |
He caused the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth | Jeremiah 10:13 |
He made lightning's with rain | Jeremiah 10:13 |
He brought forth the wind out of His treasures | Jeremiah 10:13 |
He is the Former of all things | Jeremiah 10:16 |
The L-rd of Host is His Name | Jeremiah 10:16 |
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Is "Jehovah" the Name of G-d? |
There is a common belief in modern Christendom that the Divine Name of G-d in the OT is "Jehovah." The most influential group advocating this pronunciation of G-d's name today is the Jehovah's Witnesses. This study is intended to demonstrate that the name "Jehovah" is not, and never was the name of G-d in the OT, but is an accidental, fabricated pronunciation of the Divine Name. Those who came up with this spelling/pronunciation did so from a misunderstanding of the Hebrew “tetragrammaton” "YHVH," as it appears in the OT text. "Some religious scholars suggest that the Name was pronounced "Yahweh," but others do not find this pronunciation particularly persuasive!"
The Hebrew “tetragrammaton”,
YHVH, is the way the Name of G-d appears in the Hebrew Bible. The Hebrew
language is a consonantal language, possessing no vowels. Vowels were
pronounced, but not written. They were transmitted orally from
generation to generation. This may like a difficult system, and quite
strange to us, but it is not that difficult. Just as you can decipher
that THS S TH WY TH HBRW PPL WRT BCK THN, means "this is the way Hebrew
people wrote back then," so could they easily pronounce words without
By about 200 B.C., after
the time of the Exile, and due to superstition, Jews would no longer
pronounce G-d’s name for fear that they
would take it in vain by not saying it properly! Instead of pronouncing
the “tetragrammaton”, they would say
which is the Hebrew word meaning
Because of this superstition, no one today knows exactly how it was
pronounced. This was also true of the Masoretic scribes who copied the
When the Masoretic scribes, in the 9th to 10th
centuries, invented a system of vowels to preserve the pronunciation of
the Hebrew Bible, they also inserted some vowels into the “tetragrammaton”.
Because they too, did not know exactly how to
pronounce G-d’s Name, and did not believe one should attempt to,
they did not try to insert the correct vowels into the “tetragrammaton”.
Instead, they inserted the vowels from the Hebrew word
which are the sounds of the short “a”, long “o”, and
another “a” with the sound of the word awesome. The
insertions of these vowels were not for the purpose of pronunciation,
but to remind the reader to say
when they came to G-d’s Name instead of pronouncing G-d’s Name. If it
was to be spelled out, however, it would read "Yehowah" (the vocalic
change to the first vowel is due to the fact that yod, the first
letter of the “tetragrammaton” is a non-gutteral, and thus turns the “a”
sound [compound shewa] to a shortened, short e sound [simple shewa]).
Later on, in the days of
the Renaissance, people were discovering the ancient languages all over
again. The
Hebrew Scriptures
were being learned and read. When people came to the “tetragrammaton”,
they simply pronounced it with the inserted vowels, not realizing that
the vowels did not belong to YHVH, but were
intended as indicators to say
Adonai. As a result, they
pronounced G-d’s Name
as “Yehowah”. The spelling of "Iehovah" entered the English language through William Tyndale’s translation of the Bible completed in 1537. He transliterated the “tetragrammaton” into the English language with the Masoretic vowel markings as had those in the Renaissance. The letter and sound of the English "J" was a later development of the English language, and so this spelling and pronunciation would not change to "Jehovah" until the late 17th century. Since this time many English speakers have pronounced G-d’s Name as "Jehovah"!
So how exactly should we
pronounce the Hebrew
Because of the fact that the vocalic tradition for the pronunciation of
YHVH has not been preserved,
we cannot be absolutely sure about its pronunciation. We can be Unfairly
certain, however. Here is a brief examination of the
Name of G-d.
Ineffable Name, the Unutterable Name or the Distinctive Name
So how exactly should we
pronounce the Hebrew
Because of the fact that the vocalic tradition for the pronunciation of
YHVH has not been preserved,
we cannot be absolutely sure about its pronunciation. We can be Unfairly
certain, however. Here is a brief examination of the
Divine Name of G-d.
YHVH is the third person
singular form, most likely coming from the Hebrew word hayah,
which has the meaning of "to be." In
Exodus 3:14,
when Moses asked G-d for
His Name, G-d said His
name was Ehyeh.
This is the first Person form of hayah, meaning "I am!" YHVH is
the third person form meaning "He is!"
In conclusion, although
it is not necessarily wrong to say G-d’s Name as Jehovah, by no means
can it be claimed that Jehovah is the name of G-d that has only been
restored to us in these recent times. At best Jehovah can only be
claimed to be an acceptable way of pronouncing G-d’s name in the English
language, and at worst it could be said to be a phonetic corruption of
G-d’s name. The probable pronunciation of G-d’s revealed name is YHVH. |
Outreach Ministry Int.
End Time Harvest
© Copyright 5756-5771 (1996-2011), Tracey R Rich |
The most important of G-d's Names is the
four-letter Name represented by the Hebrew letters
Yod-Hei-Vav-Hei (YHVH). It
is often referred to as the Ineffable Name, the Unutterable Name or the Distinctive Name.
Linguistically, it is related to the Hebrew root
Hei-Yod-Hei (to
be), and reflects the fact that G-d's existence is eternal. In
Scripture, this Name is used when discussing G-d's relation with human
beings, and when emphasizing his qualities of lovingkindness and mercy.
It is frequently shortened to "Yah" (Yod-Hei), Yahu or Yeho (Yod-Hei-Vav),
especially when used in combination with names or phrases, as in
Yehoshua (Joshua, meaning "the L-rd is my Salvation"), Eliyahu (Elijah,
meaning "my G-d is the L-rd"), and Halleluyah ("praise the L-rd").
The first Name used for G-d in
In form, the word is a masculine plural of a word that looks feminine in
the singular (Eloha). The same word is used to refer to princes, judges,
other gods, and other powerful beings. This Name is used in
when emphasizing G-d's might, His creative power, and His attributes of
justice and rulership. Variations on this Name include El, Eloha, Elohai
(my G-d) and Elohaynu (our G-d). G-d is also known as
El Shaddai. This Name is
usually translated as "G-d
Almighty," however, the derivation of the word "Shaddai" is not
known. According to some views, it is derived from the root meaning "to
heap benefits." According a Midrash, it means, "The One who said 'dai'"
("dai" meaning enough or sufficient) and comes from the fact that when
G-d created the universe, it expanded until He said "DAI!" The name
Shaddai is the one written on the "mezuzah" scroll. Some note that
Shaddai is an acronym of Shomer Daltot Yisrael, Guardian of the Doors of
Another significant Name of G-d is
Tzva'ot. This Name is
normally translated as "L-rd
of Hosts." The word "tzva'ot" means "hosts" in the sense of a
military grouping or an organized array. The Name refers to G-d's
leadership and sovereignty. Interestingly, this Name is rarely used in
Scripture. It never appears in the Torah. It appears primarily in the
books of
Isaiah, Jeremiah,
Haggai, Zechariah and
Malachi, as well as many times in
"E-lo-him", the Name that refers to G-d. This Name denotes G-d in His
Attribute of Justice, as Ruler, Lawgiver, and Judge over the world. By
using this Name exclusively in the narrative of Creation
The four-letter Name of
HASHEM { } indicates that G-d is timeless and infinite, for
the letters of His {Holy & Awesome} Name are those of the words { } He
was, He is, and He will be. This Name appears in some additions with
vowel points. { } and in others, such as the present edition, without
vowels. In either case, this {Holy & Awesome} Name is never pronounced
as it is spelled. During prayer, or when a blessing is recited, or when
a Torah {Scripture
from first 5 Books of Moses} verse is read, the
Four-letter Name should be pronounced as if it were spelled { } A-do-nai,
the Name that indentifies G-d as the Master of ALL. At other times, it
be pronounced { } Hashem, literally, "the Name"!
Sometimes the Name appears with the vowelization ...
This version of the Name pronounced as if it were spelled
"E-lo-him", the Name that refers to G-d as the One Who is all-powerful.
When it appears with a prefix { } it is pronounced "La-lo-him. It is
in the Orthodox Jewish Scripture
the Name as
to indicate that it refers to the aspects inherent in each of
those Names. (Source: The Chumash: The Stone
Edition; pg 33 & Introduction/Pronouncing the Names of G-d) |
Outreach Ministry Int.
End Time Harvest
We shall love the L-rd our G-d! We shall love the L-rd our G-d with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it. We shall love our neighbor as ourselves. On these two commandments depend the whole law and the prophets. Therefore, we will go into the entire world and preach the good news (the Gospel) to all creation. We are not ashamed of this good news about Messiah, for it is the power of G-d at work, saving everyone who believes, Jews first, and also non-Jews. (Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Leviticus 19:18b, Matthew 22:37-40)(Mark 16:15)(Romans 1:16) Those who receive salvation through the blood atonement of Yeshua (Jesus) will also share in the power of His resurrection from the dead and will live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven (Revelation 5:9-10) |
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Outreach Ministry Int.
End Time Harvest