Christians are unaware that Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) was
Jewish! Mary, His mother on Earth; John the Baptist and
His cousin; all His disciples and the Apostle Paul were all Jewish!
The New
Testament is a Jewish Document, written by Jews! Our goal is to accomplished
the taught about Jewish foundations of Christianity and we will become aware
more and more that gentile Christian believers have a very little understanding
and so respect of the Scriptures or any of the Jewish religious customs
of which it spoke. So we will found for ourselves in the Jewish heritage a
richness of new and better understanding in
Scriptures, which was there already for many centuries! We believe in
the Word or the Scriptures of G-d from
Genesis to the end of
Revelations! The nowadays Christianity ignorance of the Jewish heritage
and customs which is also in
Scriptures, kept us from the understanding and knowledge of certain
things that would have been clear to any people to whom the Scriptures were written!
Christian gentile believers owe a debt of eternal gratitude to the Jewish
people for their contributions that gave birth to the Christian faith!
Yeshua, the Messiah (Jesus Christ), a prominent Rabbi from Nazareth said, "Salvation is of the Jews!" (John 4:22)
consider what the Jewish people have given to Christianity:
a) The Sacred Scripture
b) The Prophets
of the Scriptures
c) The Patriarchs
d) Mary, Joseph, and Messiah Yeshua; or Jesus Christ of Nazareth
e) The 12 Apostles
Parts of the Torah Scroll
heritage from the
ancient Prophet Daniel
The main themes of Christian eschatology were developed
by the great ancient Prophets, especially by
Daniel & Ezekiel.
Several "New Testament" prophecies found there
source in the Book of Daniel. This
prophet heavily influenced the concept and
language of the prophet Zachariah &
Haggai and the Apostles Paul & John! More about the Prophet Daniel? Go to
"Shalom" -
"Peace" is just a 'piece' of it!
A Messianic Ministry Based on Mt Carmel; Haifa ISRAEL. David Silver
Hebrew word
understood around the world to mean peace. But peace is only one small
part of the meaning of the word SHALOM. The
word “Shalom” also cannot be translated into Englishwith a single word! SHALOM
means much more than "peace", "hello" or "goodbye"! Shalom come from “Shalem”
meaningto be complete. When there is “Shalom” ,
there is , justice,sufficient food, clothing, housing. There
is Divine health, with NO sickness!
Shalom means an absenceof: disorder, injustice, bribery, corruption,
conflict, , lack, hatred,abuse, violent, pain, suffering, immorality
and all other negative forces!
SHALOM says: Completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare,
safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest,
harmony, and the absence of agitation or discord.
No good thing is withheld!(Strong's Concordance 7965 - Hebrew “shalowm” A word study in the New King
James Version for SHALOM. Also from the "One New Man Bible")
In Modern
Hebrew the obviously related word “Shelem” means to pay for, and “Shulam”
means to be fully paid!
Sar SHALOM (Prince
of Peace) is one of the descriptive names the Bible uses to indicate
the ministry and personality of the Messiah(Isaiah 9:6)The Son
of G-d is completely perfect in all things!
So in essence, when you speak out the word SHALOM
- you are not only proclaiming peace, but all the above meanings of the word
over that person - that's a mighty blessing!!! Remember what the word of YHVH; Elohim, G-dאלהים says:
Death and life are in
the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
(Proverbs 18:21)
Death and life are
greatly determined by the power of the tongue, and he who uses this power
rightly shall live because of it!
We recently heard someone on a Christian TV program say " no
wonder the Jewish people are so blessed, because every time they say SHALOM to one another, they are also allowing the full meaning (see
above) of SHALOM to be pronounced over them. He humorously proceeded
to say that this greeting word would be much more beneficial to the American
people if they greeted each other with SHALOM instead of their usual
"Hi" or "Howdy" greeting. As Josie and I (David) adapted to live in Israel, we adapted to the
SHALOM habit over the "Hi" habit. You will notice that we either begin
or end the majority of our correspondence with SHALOM. As Messianic Jews,
we are called to bless you and we take that very seriously, by praying for
you and by greeting you with SHALOM
Therefore from now on, when we or someone says
to you, you should receive it as a tremendous blessing. And bless them back
with a hearty “SHALOM!”
The High priest lightening
the Menorah
Celebrating the feasts of the L-rd! The
Feasts of YHVH
Three commands -- the Feasts of YHVH:
Speak to Israel concerning the feasts of Yahweh
(Leviticus. 23:2)
Proclaim My feasts to be holy convocations!
(Leviticus. 23:2)
Proclaim the feasts in their proper seasons
(Leviticus 23:4)
The Eight Feasts ofYHVH; Elohim, G-d,אלהים
The weekly Sabbath
The yearly
Passover feast
The yearly feast of
unleavened bread
The yearly feast of
The yearly feast of
The yearly feast of Trumpets
The yearly feast of
The yearly feast of
Tabernacles 3-(September/
Three yearly main
Feast-seasons gatherings
in Jerusalem to appear
before the Lord their G-d!
The feasts of the
unleavened bread, and
first-fruits were observed
in the same season at the
same gathering. Cycle begins
in March / April!
See for more also at:
Lord's Holy Supper
(Exodus 12;
The feast of
Pentecost 50 days later it is
Shavuot or
23:15-21; Exodus 23:16)
The Feast of Tabernacles
was preceded by two other feasts
which all males attended. By
gathering fifteen days
earlier they could attend
all three which required a
total of twenty-one days!
The great day of
Atonement(Yon Kippur),
One day a year in the Holy
of Holiest Redemption of
Israel(Zechariah 12:9 - 11 Romans 11:26)
(Leviticus 23:23-44; 2
Chronicles 8:13).
The feast of
The millennium reign ofYeshua
(Leviticus 23:33-44; (Revelation 20: 6)
Many people refer to these feasts as just "Jewish feasts", but they are in
the Biblical terms:
The L-rd's Feasts! And if they are the
L-rd's Feasts, is it right to
say that all of the Lord's people; Jews and also Gentiles believers would celebrate His
Eight Other Feasts of the
Jewish people
A septennial (recurring
every seven years) or
sabbatical feast
(Leviticus 25)
The feast of the new moon,
the first crescent moon
after its transition
feast of Purim (Queen Ester),
to celebrate the deliverance
(Esther 9)
The feast of dedication,
or the restoration of the
temple, which was profaned
Antiochus Epiphanies.
This was also called the
feast of lights/ Hanukkah.
(December; 9 branches Candle
stick) (Hanukah) (See in the
Books of the Maccabaeus)
(John. 10:22) Macc.
The feast of branches, to
commemorate the taking of
Jericho by Joshua.
It is
mentioned in Scripture.
The feast for the
of Nicanor
(1Macc. 7:48 of the
The feast for the discovery
of the sacred fire
(2Macc. 1:18)
The feast of carrying wood
to the tabernacle, called
(Josephus, Wars of the
Jews, 2,17:6)
Dake's Annotated Reference
Bible;.Josephus, Wars of the
Jews; Macc. 7:48
of the Apocrypha;
For Gentiles believers it is not a legal
but there are many positive reasons
why it is preferable!
Firstly the Feasts help us understand the nature and character of G-d. We
can also learn much about Yeshua as
is in the centre of all the Feasts! For instance in the
Passover Seder, we
use 3 sheets (a Trinity) of unleavened bread. Each sheet is striped, bruised
and pierced. The middle piece (the Son) is removed, broken in half and one
piece is wrapped in a cloth and hidden for the children to find. This
hidden piece is called the Afikomen, which means "I have come".
It couldn't be clearer, but for 2000 years the Jews have not seen it. (We need to pray for the veil to be lifted.)
2. Secondly the Biblical/Scriptural Feast cycle portrays the redemption plan of
an Awesome G-d! It
helps us to correctly understand the end time events. It seems that G-d
only makes major moves on His appointed Feast days. All of the major New Testament
events took place on the days of the relevant Feast. Four of the seven have
been fulfilled precisely, so we can confidently expect that the last three
will also be fulfilled in the same way. If we understand the Feasts, then we
will have a better idea of where we are in prophetic time!
celebrating the Feasts is simply very enjoyable! Apart from Yom Kippur, all the Feasts
are involving intimate times of fellowship with
family and close friends. The Feasts, as the word implies are celebrated
around the dinner table eating a lot of sumptuous foods. The relevance of
the Feasts of the L-rd Yom ha Teruah - Feast
of Shofar Blowing - the
return of the Jewish people to Israel (Isaiah
27:13) the return of
the Messiah(1
Corinthians 15:52 - 1 Thessalonians 4:16)
Christians can celebrate the Scriptural Feasts!
Read a book on the Feasts from a Messianic
perspective - there are several good ones available at Christian bookshops
or on the web!
2. Even if you have to go work
on the day of the Feast, acknowledge it in your prayer time and thank the
L-rd for His Holy days!
3. Pray that the Jewish people
will have revelation of G-d's mercy, grace and the only way of salvation as
they read the Scriptures and celebrate the Feasts!
4. On the eve of the Feast
prepare a special meal and invite your Pastor and other Christians to
celebrate with you. Share what you have learnt about the Feasts from the
book you have read. This is a very subtle and effective way of imparting the
importance of Israel to the Church!
All scripture is given by inspiration of G-d, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of G-d may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good
works. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Wherefore the law was our
schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ/Yeshua, that we might be justified by faith.
(Galatians 3:24) As
parents we do care for the children who are their guardian until they became
old enough to become legal sons! So with us, after faith has come, we are no
longer under a schoolmaster or the law we become children and legally free
from the “schoolmaster” by faith in Yeshua, the Messiah; Jesus Christ!
Also feast can bring us
in the form of as a schoolmaster closer the Yeshua! Of course for Gentiles Christian
believers it is not a legal requirement!
For whatsoever things
were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through
patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. (Romans 15:4)
For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote
of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe My words?
(John 5:46-47) Here
bears full testimony to the Divine authorship and authority of the
Torah! He
also affirms that no man can believe His words if he does not believe Moses'
writings, for they confirm each other!
May the L-rd bless you all and
give you fresh revelation over this season of His Feasts and that you will
indeed see the goodness of the L-rd as you continue to stand with and bless
Israel and the Jewish people!
L-rd {will} bless thee, and keep thee: The L-rd {will} make his face shine upon thee, and
{will} be gracious unto thee: The L-rd {will} lift up his countenance upon thee, and
{will} give
thee peace! (Numbers 6:24-26)
on Music-note to receive
blessing for you!! The Jewish Blessing or the
Aaron's High priest blessing! the Name of our Prince of Peace, Yeshuaour Sar Shalom! In
His love and service, In Yeshua’s Love,
Paul van Beek
The Prayer-Shawl
is a religious symbol, a garment, which envelops the Jew both physically and
spiritually, in prayer and celebration, in joy and sorrow. It is used at all
major Jewish occasions. (Numbers 15:38-40)There
a 613 laws in the Law of Moses! The word for “law” when it’s
translated it also mean “walk”! In that there is a very profound message
from God! He wants us to have our daily walk govern by the Law of God! It’s
not something’s we visit on “Sabbath” or just on "Sunday" for Christians and than forget the
six other days of the week! God said: "I want to give you a garment
that’s going to remind you about My Holy Law every moment
of every
day!" So that you can look down en see My 613 Commandments and know that
you have to live every day of your life a walk in such a fashion that you
obey them and honor Me!
The Jewish men wore this garment called a, “Talis”,
or “Talith”
or Jewish Prayer-Shawl all the time, not just
at prayer.
We believe that the commandment of G-d are still in charge! We
also believe that the Jewish Prayer-Shawl is not just traditions or a ritual but is still a very useful
"symbol" from G-d today!
The prayer-shawl is symbolic of something that G-d is doing on the earth. We have a
Jewish heritage through Yeshua,Jesus Christ.
G-d does not always do away with a lot of things that we do away
with. He is not offended by the Jewish culture. Allow the Holy Spirit {Roach HaKodesh} to further teach and guide you regarding the Jewish prayer-shawl! (see more
Dead Sea
Scrolls a portion of the book of Isaiah;
written in Hebrew, found in 1947 at Qumran; Western shore of the Dead Sea by
a young Bedouin shepherd who stumbled on a cave. Picture will come soon!
I am a Christian and not love the
Jewish people???
It is not possible to say, "I am a Christian" and not
love the Jewish people". The Bible
teaches that love is not what you say, but what you do. (1 John 3:18)
While some Christians try to deny the connection between Yeshua the Messiah
and the Jews of the world, Jesus/Yeshua never denied His Jewishness!
was born Jewish, He was circumcised on the eighth day in keeping with Jewish
tradition, He
had his Bar Mitzvah on his 13th birthday, He
kept the law of Moses,
He wore
the Prayer
Shawl Moses commanded all Jewish men to wear, He died
on a cross with an inscription over His head, "King of the Jews!
We support Israel because all other nations were created by an act of
men, but Israel was created by an act of G-d! It was given to Abraham and
his seed through Isaac and Jacob with an everlasting and unconditional
covenant! (Genesis
12:1-3, 13:14-18, 15:1-21, 17:4-8, 22:15-18, 26:1-5 and Psalm 89:28-37.)
official website of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, Israel. The
Temple Institute is dedicated to every aspect of the concept of the Holy
Temple of Jerusalem, and the central role it fulfilled, and will once again
fulfill, in the spiritual wellbeing of both Israel and all the nations of
the world. The Institute's work touches upon the history of the Holy
Temple's past, an understanding of the present day, and the Divine promise
of Israel's future. The scope of these activities includes education,
research, and development. The Temple Institute's ultimate goal is to see
Israel rebuild the Holy Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, in accord with
the Biblical commandments. We invite you to take a moment and read our
Statement of Principles. To learn more about the Temple Institute, click
Please visit the
page, to keep updated on what is new on the site.