Believe that prophecy can be
understood as it is without any changes or additions, and
recognize it simply as a prior record of what will happen
sometime in the writer's or speaker's future. It is history in
advance and should be understood as a future historical record!
The stories
in the
are not
for within
them are
buried the
secrets of
their inner
we tap into
Wisdom which
G‑d has been
waiting for
us to
And we must
thank the
Creator for
making these
stories so
as to spur
us on to
keep digging
until we
find the
Recorded Century
Related Links
Book of the Giants Online! Book
of JasherChapter 3 Enoch
Reigns over the Earth & Establishes Righteousness upon the Earth,
and after Reigning 240 Years is Translated. The Book of Jasher
are one of the apocryphal rabbinic literature.. Book
of Jasper ...Index
Online! Giants
We provide you this
information, but you have to discern by the
of G-d what is the truth!
...But it is very interesting to read!
Enoch; a very remarkable &
Mysterious ancient prophet in
the Scripture!
(Before the flood of Noah!)
It is fair to say
that the patriarch Enoch
was as well known to the ancients as he is obscure to modern
Bible readers. Besides giving his age (365 years), the Book of Genesis
says of him only that he "walked
with G-d,"
and afterward "he
was not,
because G-d
had taken him"(Genesis
5:24). This
exalted way of life and mysterious demise made Enoch
into a figure of
considerable fascination, and a cycle of legends grew up around
him! Enoch biological father became the oldest person in the Scripture
was Methuselah.
He died when he was 969 years old!
Jum’a, a shepherd of the Ta’amireh tribe of the nomadic
discovered ancient scrolls rolled up in leather and cloth in a
cave to the northwest of the Dead Sea in the Qumron Valley. A
remarkable archaeological find!
Dead Sea Scrolls,
(See also below at Isaiah) collection of more than 700 Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek
manuscripts discovered in a group of caves near Khirbat Qumr'n
in Jordan, at the northwestern end of the Dead Sea. The leather
and papyrus scrolls, which survive in varying states of
preservation, came to light in a series of archaeological finds
that began in 1947. The manuscripts have been attributed to
members of a previously unknown Jewish brotherhood. The scrolls
include manuals of discipline, hymnbooks, biblical commentaries,
and apocalyptic writings; two of the oldest known copies of the
Book of Isaiah, almost wholly intact; and fragments of every
book in the Old Testament except that of Esther. Among the
latter is a fanciful paraphrase of the Book of
Genesis. Also
found were texts, in the original languages, of several books of
These texts—none of which was included in the Hebrew canon of
the Bible—are Tobit, Sirach, Jubilees, portions of
(Like also include the book of Giants)
and the Testament of
Levi, hitherto known only in early Greek, Syriac, Latin, and
Ethiopic versions.
The Book of Enoch,
collection of
apocalyptic writings,
the lengthiest work included in the
The book is ascribed pseudonymously to the Hebrew patriarch
It is also called the 'Ethiopic Enoch', because it is preserved
in its entirety only in Ethiopic, a Semitic language formerly
spoken in Ethiopia. This book is a collection of distinct
sections written by different authors at various times during
the 2nd and 1st centuries BC.
Scholars have concluded that the original collection was written
either in Hebrew or in Aramaic. Soon afterward, it was
translated into Greek. The Ethiopic translation is thought to
have been made from the Greek about ad 500. Portions of the
Ethiopic Enoch survive in Greek, Latin, and Aramaic, the last
significantly, the remnants of several almost complete copies of
The Book of Enoch discovered at
Aramaic; in Jordan (see
Dead Sea Scrolls).and
it is clear that whoever collected the scrolls considered it a
vitally important text
The most important
such anthology, and the oldest, is known simply as The Book of
Enoch, comprising over one hundred chapters. All but one
of the five major components of the Ethiopic anthology have
turned up among the scrolls. But even more intriguing is the
fact that additional, previously unknown or little-known texts
about Enoch were discovered at Qumran. The most important of
these is The Book of Giants.
The Book of Enochis one of the most
important non-canonical apocryphal works, and probably had a
huge influence on early Christian, particularly Gnostic,
beliefs. Filled with hallucinatory visions of Heaven and hell,
angels and devils,
introduced concepts such as fallen angels,
the appearance of a Messiah,
Resurrection, a Final Judgment, and a Heavenly Kingdom on Earth.
Interspersed with this material are quasi-scientific digressions
on calendrical systems, geography, cosmology, astronomy, and
meteorology. (Also for more in:
Many of the legends
about Enoch
were collected already in ancient times in several long
In the late 1950's during road construction in Homs southeast
Turkey, Many
tombs of Giants were indeed
unearthed. These tombs were 4 meters long, and when entered in 2
cases the human thigh bones were measured to be 47.24 inches in
length. They calculated that the person who owned this Femur
probably stood at fourteen
to sixteen feet tall.
A cast of this bone is seen at the Creationist museum in Texas.
Flavius Josephus,
the noted Jewish historian of the first century A.D., (Lived
during the destruction of the Temple 70 AD)
described the giants as having "bodies so large and countenances
so entirely different from other men that they were surprising
to the sight and terrible to the hearing." And he adds that in
his day, the bones of the giants were still on display!
The fact that
something sounds strange,
even weird, does not mean that it is necessarily unreal! After
all, we are in the End Times and things will get even stranger
and much more distasteful before the Messiah returns to end it
all as we know it, and then start a new, perfect and beautiful
world. I pray that you all are able to discern in these
alternative news and articles the actual fulfillment of many
which multiple generations of believers longed for the honor to
see and live!
being the first(Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5; see Enoch) Prophet Elijah
second man to be taken to heaven in a natural body,
(2 Kings 2:11),
Both now
reside in heaven in their natural bodies, having never died! However,
they will die their own appointed death on earth as the 'two witnesses'
of the future tribulation period!
(Zacharias 4:11-14; Malachi 4:5-6; Revelation11:3-12;)
Enoch prophesied
that the Lord is going to return! 14. And
also, the seventh
from Adam, prophesied
of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands
of his saints, 15. To execute judgment upon all, and to convince
all that are ungodly
among them of all their ungodly deeds
which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard
speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him. (Jude 1:13-15)
This refers to the
second coming
of Yeshua
Messiah or
as conquering King, with all the resurrected saints who will
have been raptured at least seven years before this (2 Thessalonians.
2:7-8,Zechariah 14:5; Revelation
Where Jude learned of this prophecy
is not known, unless it was from the book of Enoch
which was known in the early church.
(Origen, Tertullian, and others mention a book by this name!).
Book of Enoch...
instructs his sons and all the elders of the people, how they
are to walk with terror and trembling before the Lord, and serve him
alone and not bow down to idols, but to G-d, who created heaven
and earth and. every creature, and to his image.
AND now, my children, keep your souls from all injustice, such
as the Lord hates. 2 Walk before his face with terror and
trembling and serve him alone. 3 Bow down to the true G-d,
notto dumb idols,
but bow down to "his picture", and bring all just offerings
before the Lord's face. The Lord hates what is
unjust. 4 For the Lord sees all
things; when man takes thought in his heart, then he counsels
the intellects, and every thought is
always before the L-rd, who made firm the earth and put
all creatures on it. 5 If you look to Heaven,
the L-rd is there; if you take
thought of the sea's deep and all the under-earth,
the L-rd is there. 6 For the Lord
created all things. Bow not down to things made by man, leaving
the Lord of all creation, because no work can remain hidden
before the L-rd's face. 7 Walk, my children, in longsuffering,
in meekness, honesty, in provocation, in grief, in faith and in
truth, in reliance on
promises, in illness, in abuse, in wounds, in temptation, in
nakedness, in privation, loving one another, till you go out
from this age of ills, that you
become inheritors of endless time. 8
Blessed are the just who shall
escape the great judgment, for they shall shine
forth more than the sun sevenfold, for in this world the seventh
part is taken off from all, light, darkness, food, enjoyment,
sorrow, paradise, torture, fire, frost, and other things; he put
all down in writing, that you might read and understand.'
Enoch; a very remarkable &
Mysterious prophet!
There is an other "Enoch" recorded in
And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare "Enoch": and
he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the
name of his son, "Enoch". (Genesis 4:17) This is
not the Enoch of Seth's line who was the seventh from Adam
(Genesis 5:18-24; Jude 1:14).
This 'Enoch' was third from Adam in Cain's line. This
(other) 'Enoch'
was the eldest son of Cain and father of Irad, the world
first city was named after him!)
1 And
lived sixty-five years and he begat Methuselah; and
with G-d after having begot Methuselah, and he served the L-rd,
and despised the evil ways of men. 2 And the soul of Enoch was
wrapped up in the instruction of the L-rd, in knowledge and in
understanding; and he wisely retired from the sons of men, and
secreted himself from them for many days. 3 And it was at the
expiration of many years, whilst he was serving the Lord, and
praying before Him in His house, that an angel of the L-rd
called to him from Heaven, and he said, Here am I. 4 And he
said, Rise, go forth from thy house and from the place where
thou dost hide thyself, and appear to the sons of men, in order
that thou mayest teach them the way in which they should go and
the work which they must accomplish to enter in the ways of G-d.
5 And Enoch rose up according to the word of the L-rd, and went
forth from his house, from his place and from the chamber in
which he was concealed; and he went to the sons of men and
taught them the ways of the L-rd, and at that time assembled the
sons of men and acquainted them with the instruction of the
L-rd. 6 And he ordered it to be proclaimed in all places where
the sons of men dwelt, saying, Where is the man who wishes to
know the ways of the L-rd and good works? let him come to
7 And all the sons of men then assembled to him, for all who
desired this thing went to
Enoch, and
reigned over the
sons of men according to the word of the L-rd, and they came and
bowed to him and they heard his word. 8 And the
of G-d
was upon
Enoch, and he taught all his men the wisdom of G-d and
his ways, and the sons of men served the L-rd all the days of
Enoch, and they came to hear his wisdom. 9
And all the kings of the sons of men, both
first and last, together with their princes
and judges, came to
when they heard of his wisdom, and they
bowed down to him, and they also required of
to reign over them, to which he consented.
10 And they assembled in all, one hundred
and thirty kings and princes, and they made
king over them and they were all under his
power and command. 11 And
taught them wisdom, knowledge, and the
ways of the L-rd; and he made peace amongst them, and peace was
throughout the earth during the life of
Enoch. 12 And
reigned over the sons of men
two hundred and
forty-three years, and he did justice and righteousness with
all his people, and he led them in the ways of the L-rd. 13 And
these are the generations of
Enoch, Methuselah, Elisha, and Elimelech, three sons; and their sisters were Melca and Nahmah,
and Methuselah lived eighty-seven years and he begat
Lamech. 14 And it was
in the fifty-sixth year
of the life of Lamech when Adam died;
nine hundred and thirty
years old was he at his death, and his two sons, with Enoch
and Methuselah his son, buried him with great pomp, as at the
burial of kings, in the cave which G-d had told him. 15 And in
that place all the sons of men made a great mourning and weeping
on account of Adam; it has therefore become a custom among the
sons of men to this day. 16 And Adam died because he ate of the
tree of knowledge; he and his children after him, as the L-rd
G-d had spoken. 17 And it was in the year of Adam's death which
was the two hundred and forty-third year of the reign of Enoch,
in that time
Enoch resolved to separate himself from the sons of
men and to secret himself as at first in order to serve the
L-rd. 18 And
Enoch did so, but did not entirely secret himself
from them, but kept away from the sons of men three days and
then went to them for one day. 19 And during the three days that
he was in his chamber, he prayed to, and praised the L-rd his
G-d, and the day on which he went and appeared to his subjects
he taught them the ways of the L-rd, and all they asked him
about the L-rd he told them. 20 And he did in this manner for
many years, and he afterward concealed himself for six days, and
appeared to his people one day in seven; and after that once in
a month, and then once in a year, until all the kings, princes
and sons of men sought for him, and desired again to see the
face of
Enoch, and to hear his word; but they could not, as all
the sons of men were greatly afraid of
Enoch, and they feared to
approach him on account of the
Godlike awe that was seated upon his countenance; therefore no man
could look at him, fearing he might be punished and die. 21 And
all the kings and princes resolved to assemble the sons of men,
and to come to
Enoch, thinking that they might all speak to him
at the time when he should come forth amongst them, and they did
so. 22 And the day came when
Enoch went forth and they all
assembled and came to him, and
Enoch spoke to them the words of
the L-rd and he taught them wisdom and knowledge, and they bowed
down before him and they said, May the king live! May the king
live! 23 And in some time after, when the kings and princes and
the sons of men were speaking to
Enoch, and
was teaching
them the ways of G-d, behold an angel of the L-rd then called
Enoch from Heaven, and wished to bring him up to Heaven to
make him reign there over the sons of G-d, as he had reigned
over the sons of men upon earth. 24 When at that time
heard this he went and assembled all the inhabitants of the
earth, and taught them wisdom and knowledge and gave them Divine
instructions, and he said to them, I have been required to
ascend into Heaven, I therefore do not know the day of my going.
25 And now therefore I will teach you wisdom and knowledge and
will give you instruction before I leave you, how to act upon
earth whereby you may live; and he did so. 26 And he taught them
wisdom and knowledge, and gave them instruction, and he reproved
them, and he placed before them statutes and judgments to do
upon earth, and he made peace amongst them, and he taught them
everlasting life, and dwelt with them some time teaching them
all these things. 27 And at that time the sons of men were with
Enoch, and
Enoch was speaking to them, and
they lifted up their eyes and the likeness of a great horse descended from
Heaven, and the horse paced in the air; 28 And they told
Enoch what they had seen, and
Enoch said to them,
On my account does this horse descend upon earth; the time is
come when I must go from you and I shall no more be seen by you.
29 And the horse descended at that time and stood before Enoch,
and all the sons of men that were with Enoch
saw him. 30 And Enoch
then again ordered a voice to be proclaimed, saying, Where is
the man who delighted to know the ways of the L-rd his G-d, let
him come this day to Enoch
before he is taken from us. 31 And all the sons of men assembled and came to Enoch that day;
and all the kings of the earth with their princes and counselors
remained with him that day; and Enoch then taught the sons of
men wisdom and knowledge, and gave them Divine instruction; and
he bade them serve the L-rd and walk in his ways all the days of
their lives, and he continued to make peace amongst them. 32 And
it was after this that he
rose up and rode upon the horse; and he went forth and all the
sons of men went after him, about eight hundred thousand men;
and they went with him one day's journey. 33 And the second
day he said to them, Return home to your
tents, why will you go? perhaps you may die;
and some of them went from him, and those
that remained went with him six day's
journey; and
said to them every day, Return to your
tents, lest you may die; but they were not
willing to return, and they went with him.
34 And on the sixth day some of the men
remained and clung to him, and they said to
him, We will go with thee to the place where
thou goes; as the L-rd lived, death only
shall separate us. 35 And they urged so much
to go with him, that he ceased speaking to
them; and they went after him and would not
return; 36 And when the kings returned they
caused a census to be taken, in order to
know the number of remaining men that went
with Enoch;
and it was upon the seventh day that Enoch
ascended into Heaven in a whirlwind, with horses and chariots of
37 And on the eighth day all the kings that
had been with
sent to bring back the number of men that
were with
in that place from which
ascended into Heaven. 38 And all those kings
went to the place and they found the earth
there filled with snow, and upon the snow
were large stones of snow, and one said to
the other, Come, let us break through the
snow and see, perhaps the men that remained
are dead, and are now under the stones of
snow, and they searched but could not find
had ascended into Heaven.
continued up to the very day Noah
entered the ark, so also sin will continue up to the day of the second coming of Yeshua/Christ.
Vile propensities of our generation parallel
those of Noah's
day. The evil & wickedness that was at hand in that
time is thriving in nowadays generation! Unrestrained fornication, violence, corruption and abortion
are the many signs that we live in those days as
the days of Noah.
Judgment is on its way! Just as Noah
has to deal & to endure with the ridicule of those prediluvian scoffers,
even the nowadays Prophets are many times mocked, pursued, when they try to warn this wicked generation of the coming unavoidable judgment of G-d! There message it the
same as Noah: "Repent or meet the consequences of the same tragic catastrophe!"
Likewise this generation are still ignoring
God's warnings that are revealed throughout the
signs in the heavenly realms. Just likewise in
Noah's days, these many warnings will be swept
away with likewise the coming flood in the form
of the tribulation period!
Destroyed them all (Luke 17:27), that is, the
ones that needed to be destroyed, and saved
and family. So Yeshua/Christ will destroy some at His
coming and leave some to replenish the earth in
the Millennium...
Scripture does not tell us that
Noah and his sons built the Ark by themselves.
G-d gave
the exact dimensions of the ark and explicit directions in
regard to its construction in every particular. Human wisdom
could not have devised a structure of so great strength and
G-d was the designer, and Noah
the master builder!Noah could have
hired skilled laborers or had relatives who help build the
vessel. However, nothing indicates that they could not—or that
they did not—build the Ark themselves in the time allotted. The
physical strength and mental processes of men in Noah’s day was
at least as great (quite likely, even superior) to our own! They
certainly would have had efficient means for harvesting and
cutting timber, as well as for shaping, transporting, and
erecting the massive beams and boards required.
If one or two men today can erect
a large house in just 12 weeks, how much more could three or
four men do in a few years? Adam’s descendants were making
complex musical instruments, forging metal, and building
cities—their tools, machines, and techniques were not
History has shown that technology
can be lost. In Egypt, China, and the Americas the earlier
dynasties built more impressive buildings or had finer art or
better science! Many so-called modern inventions turn out to be
re-inventions, like concrete, which was used by the Romans.
Even accounting for the possible
loss of technology due to the Flood, early post-Flood
civilizations display all the engineering know-how necessary for
a project like Noah’s Ark. People sawing and drilling wood in
Noah’s day, only a few centuries before the Egyptians were
sawing and drilling granite, is very reasonable!
How Could
Noah Round Up So Many
Of the birds after their kind, of animals after their kind, and
of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind, two of
every kind will come to you, to keep them alive (Genesis 6:20)
This verse
tells us that Noah didn’t have to search or travel to far away
places to bring the animals on board. The world map was
completely different before the Flood, and on the basis of
Genesis 1, there may have been only one continent. The animals
simply arrived at the Ark as if called by a “homing instinct” (a
behavior implanted in the animals by their Creator) and marched
up the ramp, all by themselves
Noah a Prophet in his Pre-flood
As God’s
Son, Yeshua
Messiah or the Lord Jesus Christ
is like Noah’s
Ark. Yeshua came to seek and to save the lost. Just as Noah and
his family were saved by the Ark, rescued by God from the
floodwaters, so anyone who believes in
Yeshua Messiah,
Jesus as Lord and Savior
will be spared from the coming final judgment of mankind,
rescued by God from the fire that will destroy the earth after
the last days
(2 Peter 3:7).
Noah and his
family had to go through a doorway into the Ark to be saved, and
the Lord shut the door behind them
(Genesis 7:16).
So we too have to go through a “doorway”
to be saved so that we won’t be eternally separated from God.
The Son of
God, Yeshua,
stepped into history to pay the penalty for
our sin of rebellion.
said, “I am
the door.
If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out
and find pasture” (John 10:9).
"Noah’s Flood" AIG Section -
Catastrophism such
as the Noah's flood
Catastrophism such as
the Noah's flood has been clearly and consistently associated with
The Scriptural
Books of Genesis and Job
are similarly found to be correct with respect to Earth history!
The writings' on the Biblical Flood; this is why it is essential
to understand the nature of the Flood, as well as the scope of
the effects! The fact remains that
remarkably good source material on Earth history! An reviewing
of the ancient celestial motifs, and
the Biblical story of a global Flood.
An serious investigation of the
circumstances of our solar system, and its neighboring stars is
required! A reviewing of the structure of our fragile little
sphere, as it spirals through galactic space.
Could this be a clue as to the Ice Epoch which engulfed the
Earth at another time in the history of our solar system? The dating of the Ice
Epoch Catastrophic is approximated
2,800 B.C.
+/- 500 years!
catches up with its neighbor 'Mars'
and passes relatively close to it! The suspicion that planet
may have indeed interacted with the Earth, but rather may have been
responsible for the primordial hydrocarboniferous catastrophic era!
SO OFTEN THE FLOOD has been pictured as having been caused only by excessive rain!The proposition herein set forth is that the Flood was caused by
tidal movements of the oceans, tides in sub-continental
proportion. Rain was also involved, but its ratio was the
proverbial drop in the bucket!
There is so more to tell: See at:
Noah's Flood -Old Testament Catastrophism Christian Science &
Scriptural Archeology
And I
will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and
make thy name great; and thou shall be a blessing: (Genesis
12:2; KJV)
And I
will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that cursed thee:
and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Genesis
12:3; KJV)
is the first person in the
to be called a "Hebrew"!
{Crossing over}
Abraham was lonely
in his convictions
determined to worship the Almighty, the Creator, and objected to the
pantheizing of these bodies into nature worship. The Creator, rather
than the created, merited man's worship. Abraham was lonely
in his convictions,
and he emerges as one of those persistent, stubborn, and even
cantankerous individualists of history--a protestor and reformer. He
might be classified as a twentieth century B.C. non-conformist who,
though his life was filled with difficulties and trials, yet was great
among the greatest!
literature, unanimously identify Melchizedek {Malki Tzedek;
Shem son of
Noah (Targum
Yonathan to
Genesis chap. 14,
GenesisRabbah 46:7,
Babylonian Talmud
to Tractate Nedarim 32b). The
Bavli attributes
him (Shem and his beth din court of justice) as pioneers in
banning prostitution (Avodah Zarah p. 36a).
The Chumash:
The Stone
Edition, Full
Size (ArtScroll)
(English and
Hebrew Edition)
The Torah:
Haftaros and
Five Megillos
with a Commentary Anthologized from the
Rabbinic Writings
Rabbi Nissan D. Dubov Director
of Chabad
Lubavitch in
Wimbledon, UK.;
Book of Jasher... The book of
Jasher is referred to twice in Scripture -- here and in
(2 Samuel 1:18).
It is said to be
a collection of
triumphal odes
composed by
different men to
celebrate their
victories, or by
one man (Jasher)
who wrote of
such victories.
In the
of Abraham's seed
all nations will be blessed eternally
(Psalm 72:17;
Isaiah 9:6-7; 35:1-8; Daniel 7:13-27; Micah 4; Revelation 11:15;
Fourteen Commands
to Abraham:
1. Get out of
your country (Genesis
12:1; Acts 7:2).
2. Leave your kindred (Genesis
3. Leave your father's house (Genesis
4. Go to a land I will show you (Genesis
5. Arise, walk through the land (Genesis
6. Make a sacrifice to Me (Genesis
7. Walk before Me and be perfect (Genesis
8. Keep My covenant(Genesis 17:9-14).
9. Circumcise all your males (Genesis
10. Circumcise on the eighth day (Genesis
11. Call your son's name Isaac (Genesis
12. Obey your wife in this matter (Genesis
13. Offer Isaac as a sacrifice (Genesis
14. Lay not your hand upon Isaac (Genesis
the source of history referring to the Shofar!
There is a great deal of
symbolism tied in with the legal requirements for what constitutes a
proper Shofar.
Shofar of
Rosh Hashanah, whose purpose it is to rouse the Divine in the listener,
may not be constructed of an artificial instrument. It must be an
instrument in its natural form and naturally hollow, through whom sound
is produced by human breath, which G-d breathes into human beings. This
pure, and natural sound, symbolizes the lives it calls Jews to lead.
What is more, the most desirable Shofar is the
bent horn of a ram. The ram reminds one of Abraham's willing sacrifice
of that which was most precious to him. The curve in the horn mirrors
the contrition of the one who repents.
(Source: Jewish virtual Library)
Why do we sound the
"Because the Holy One, blessed be G-d, said: Blow me a ram's horn that I
may remember to your credit the binding of Isaac, the son of Abraham,
and I shall account it to you as a binding of yourselves before Me."
The Torah tells us: And Abraham
lifted up his eyes, and looked,
and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and
Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering
in the stead of his son. (Genesis 22:13)
is the first
person in the
to be called a "Hebrew"!
Abram left the land
of Chaldea {Ur; the area of Iraq; former
Babylon & Nimrod},
at the age of 75 at the command of G-d!
identify Malki
Tzedek as
the son of Noah
It is
in the "Holy Land"
{Today Israel;
Mount Moriah}
where he met Malki Tzedek
King of Shalem,
who was a priest
to G-d, the Most
High (Genesis
Our Sages
identify Malki
Tzedek as Shem the
son of Noah.
There is
evidence that
the mystical
tradition was
taught to
Abraham by Shem.
According to
some authorities
Abraham authored Sefer
(the Book of
Formation), one
of the
works of
Talmud states
that Abraham,
and Jacob
all studied in
the academies of
The Talmud
proclaims that
the Patriarchs
kept the entire
Torahbefore it was
given. How was
this possible?
The Kabbalists
explain that
they kept the
Torah in its
spiritual form,
for it was only
through Moses
that the Torah
became manifest
in the physical
observance of
The Patriarchs,
however, were
well aware of
the spiritual
flow affected by
performance. Source:
Rabbi Nissan D.
Dubov Director
of Chabad Lubavitch in
Wimbledon, UK.;
11 And Adonizedek
{Malki Tzedek;
Melchizedek} king of Jerusalem,
the same
was Shem, went out with his men to
meet Abram and his people, with bread and wine, and they remained
together in the valley of Melech. Book of Jasher
The tyranny,
(from Nimrod; Tower of
Babylon) but
even more
particularly the engulfing idolatry
in Ur, the jewel of the Chaldees, which provoked Abraham to protest.
Abraham's not-so-serene life as a citizen
of Ur of the Chaldeans--a recount of some of Abraham's difficulties
prior to his migration to the Promise Land!
Now Abram, having no son of his own, adopted Lot, his brother Haran's
son, and his wife Sara's brother; and he left the land of Chaldea (Ur
-Today is it is the area of Iraq!), when he was 75 years old, and at the command of
G-d went into Canaan, and therein he dwelt himself, and left it to his
posterity. He was a person of great sagacity, both for understanding all
things, and persuading his hearers, and not mistaken in his opinions;
for which reason he began to have higher notions of virtue than others
had, and he determined to renew and to change the opinion all men
happened then to have concerning G-d; for he was the first to venture to
publish the notion that there was but one God, the Creator of the
universe; and that as to
other gods,
if they contributed anything to the happiness of men, that each of them
afforded it only according to his appointment, and not by their own
power. This his opinion was derived from the irregular phenomena that
were visible both at land and sea, as well as those that happened to the
sun and moon, and the heavenly bodies thus: 'If (said he) these bodies
had power of their own they would certainly take care of their own
regular motions ; but since they do not preserve such regularity, they
make it plain that so far as they cooperate to our advantage, they do it
not of their own abilities, but as they are subservient to him that
commands them, to whom alone we ought to justly offer our honor and
such doctrines, then the Chaldeans and the people of Mesopotamia raised
a tumult against him, he thought fit to leave that country; at the
command, and by the assistance of G-d, he came and lived in the land of
Canaan; and when he was there settled, he built an altar and performed a
sacrifice to G-d!
Written as part
of the law during the eleven months at Mt. Sinai-area on Mount
Horab—about 1688 B.C.
Five Promises
of G-d to (Ancient) Israel:
1. I will meet
with you, to speak to you (Exodus 29:42-43).
2. I will sanctify the tabernacle and altar
(Exodus 29:44).
3. I will sanctify Aaron
& sons.
4. I will dwell among Israel
(Exodus 29:45).
I will be their G-d! (Revelation 21).
Moses at the
burning Bush
Exodus 3:2-4
And the angel of the L-rd appeared unto him in a flame of fire
out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold,
the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not
consumed. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see
this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. And when the L-rd
saw that he turned aside to see, G-d called unto him out of the
midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am
Moses,(1393-1273 BCE) A common Jewish
name. Greatest prophet
to ever live. Son of Amram and Jochebed,
younger brother of Miriam & Aaron. Born in
Egypt and raised by Pharaoh’s daughter. Fled
to Midian, where he married Zipporah.
Deployed by G-d to Egypt to liberate the
Israelites. Visited ten plagues upon Egypt,
led the Israelites out, and transmitted to
them the Torah at Mt. Sinai. Led the
Israelites for forty years while they
traveled in the desert, all the while
performing astonishing miracles and wonders.
Died in the Plains of Moab, and succeeded by
his disciple Joshua.
the lawgiver and leader of Israel during the exodus from
Egypt and the wilderness wanderings.
The Pentateuch
was originally one book, written on one scroll, called The Torah
"The Law," (613 Laws) The Book of the Law." Over time, it was
divided into five sections called "The Five Parts of the Law,"
each section named by the leading Hebrew word or words in the
first verse. The title of this book was "Elleh" "These the
Names," or simply ":Shemowth" Names." Exodus signifies a
"departure" or "going out," referring to the leading event of
the book, the going out of Egypt by the children of Israel!
Exodus: It
sketches the early life of Moses and his call to lead Israel out
of Egypt; tells of the plagues which made Pharaoh willing to let
Israel leave; and records the fundamental principles of the
constitution of the Jewish nation. It gives the history of the
political and religious organization of Israel as a people of
G-d and a mighty nation among men. The book may be divided into
two main parts: Historical and Legislative!
Purpose: To
continue the history of Israel in fulfillment of the
and prophecies
given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob concerning their seed; to
show the time, circumstances, and purpose of the Law given by
Moses to Israel; and to record the organization of the nation
and the establishment of a visible form of worship with G-d
dwelling in the midst of His people.
If You will look on my affliction and give me a
son, I will give him to You all the days of his life!"
Mother of
a great Prophet
who taught G-d's
He was a
who cared for the spiritual needs
of his people! He was a Judge
Samuel still as child
growing up in the temple was hearing God's voice! 1204-1035
And ere
the lamp of G-d went out in the temple of the Lord, where the ark
of G-d was, and Samuel was laid down to sleep; That the Lord
called Samuel: and he answered, Here am I. (1 Samuel 3:3-4)
And the L-rd came, and stood, and called as at other times,
"Samuel, Samuel".
Then Samuel
Speak; for Thy servant heard.
(1 Samuel 3:10)
life history of Samuel;
the last of the days of the
judges; the
moral failure of the priesthood under Eli; the moral failure of
the judges under
the beginning and failure of the monarchy under Saul; the
anointing and trying experiences of David; and the end of Saul.
The records which
make up 1 Samuel and 2 Samuelwere written
by Samuel,
David, Nathan,
and Gad from 1204-1035 B.C. in Palestine!
Eli a priest at
Shiloh accused
Hannah(mother of Samuel)
to be drunk
of wine, (`Picture)
while she was
praying to the L-rd at the Temple court, because she was barren.
vow of Hannah to G-d: "If
You will look on my affliction and give me a son, I will give
him to
all the days of his
As a result of her faithful prayer, Samuel
was born as her promised son from G-d. When Samuel was about 3
years old Hannah took him to the temple. Hannah said: "I
have come to keep my promise and give Samuel back to G-d!"
Hannah kept her promise to G-d, and as result, the entire nation
of Israel was wonderfully blessed! The people of Israel had
fallen away from G-d because there was no G-dly leader! ...But
Samuel grew up in the Temple, to become one of the greatest leaders of
all time! G-d instead has His future prophet;
delegated by Hannah to G-d to serve Him in the Temple! Samuel
became a great
who taught G-d's
He was a
who cared for the spiritual needs
of his people! He was a Judge who made decisions about
Government & settled quarrels!
Therefore also I have lent him to the L-rd; as long as he
lives he shall be lent to the Lord. And he worshipped the L-rd
there! (1 Samuel 1:28)
Israel knew Samuel
and was conscious of the fact that Samuel
was G-d's chosen
leader in place of Eli and the priests. Never did a priest of
Eli's house rule in Israel again as judge or king. All in his
family were either under Samuel,
Israel turned to Samuel(1 Samuel
1:20; 1 Samuel 7:1-17).His own mother
was a prophetess,
and so was Miriam
as well as Deborah!
Samuel 2:1-10; Exodus 15:20; Judges 4:4).
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My
upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall
your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see
visions: (Joel 2:28)
Summary of
about 837-800 B.C.
Written in Palestine
about 795-755 B.C.
son of Pethuel (1:1) Little else is known about him! Unlike
other prophets
who condemned idolatry, injustice, or
other specific sins of the
ancient Jewish people, Joel simply called for repentance without
describing the sin
Through G-d judges sin, He always offers a way for a solution!
In our generation, through
Yeshua Messiah!
He was a prophet
to Judah, and claimed that the word of the
L-rd came to him. It seems that the entire
book of Joel
is one
prophecy instead of a series
as in previous prophetic writings. However,
various sections of the
are listed separately for a better
understanding of the book as a whole.
like Hosea,
mentioned the name of his father, and that
is the only personal reference to his family
background, the time he lived and
or the tribe he came from. It seems he
wanted to be known only as the instrument of
G-d. {Dake's
Annotated Reference Bible.}
Joel the prophet(Joel 1:1; 2:28-32; Acts 2:11-21).
The immediate and
latter-day destruction of Israel by Babylon, and the futureAntichrist;the battle ofArmageddon;and the restoration of
Israel in the day of the
Lord. Joel, Isaiah, Ezekiel,andZechariah
all speak of the future
outpouring of
Holy Spiritupon all flesh(Joel
2:28-32; Isaiah 32:15; Isaiah 44:3; Ezekiel 36:26-27; Ezekiel
37:14; Ezekiel 39:29; Zech. 12:10-13:1).
Their purpose is to
make clear the sufferings of Israel because of herbackslidings;
to assure
her of God's blessings when she comes to repentance and
obedience to His will; and to state again the blessings of
future and eternal restoration under the Messiah. See headings
of the text.
Three great outpourings ofthe
Holy Spirit: 1.On the day of Pentecost and many years following this day
2:1-28:31) 2.During the future tribulation(Joel 2:28-32;
Acts 2:16-21) 3.During the Millennium(Isaiah 32:15; Isaiah 44:3;
Ezekiel 36:26-27; Ezekiel 39:29; Zech. 12:10)
On the day of Pentecost and many years following this day I will
pour out My Spirit
upon all flesh;
(Act 2:17)
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and
it sat upon each of them. (Acts 2:3) (fulfilled
prophecy of Joel 2:28!)
Famous near futuristic Prophecy
(Joel 2:28-32
And it shall
come to pass afterward, that I will pour out
My Spirit upon
all flesh; and your sons and your daughters
shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams, your young
men shall see visions: And also upon the
servants and upon the handmaids in those
days will I pour out My
And I will shew
wonders in the heavens and in the earth,
blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The
sun shall be turned into darkness, and the
moon into blood, before the great and the
terrible day of the L-rd come. And it shall
come to pass, that whosoever shall call on
the Name of the L-rd shall be delivered: for
in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be
deliverance, as the L-rd hath said, and in
the remnant whom the L-rd shall call.
And it came to pass,
as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared
a chariot of
fire, and horses of fire,
and parted them both asunder; and Elijah
went up by a whirlwind into heaven. (2 Kings 2:11)
The chariot appeared while they were
having their last words together. Elijah was probably giving Elisha his final instructions for carrying on in his place.
Elisha took up also the mantle (Prayer-shawl) of Elijah(2 Kings
that fell from him, and went back, and stood by the bank of Jordan!
Elijahwith a
common Jewish name, is considered one of
the greatest
of the prophets!
He is not called a writing
prophet because he didn't leave
a book like the ones from
to Malachi,
but he did write four verses. No prophet
has been more vividly described as he has been, nor have any
been so counterfeited! Many throughout the ages have claimed to
be "Elijah",
since he is
clearly predicted to return to the earth
(during the 70-th week of Daniel - Tribulation time) to help
restore Israel just before the second
coming of Messiah Yeshua.
is also revealed as one of two
anointed men who now stand
before G-d, symbolized by
two olive trees
and two
(The two tribulation witnesses. se below)
He is the
only prophet
whom people tried to identify with John the Baptist
and the only one whom John
the Baptist imitated in spirit,
power, and ministry. They wore the same kind of garments and
lived simply.
the Prophet;
A disciple of Ahijah the Shilonite, he
famously challenged the prophets of Baal
at Mt. Carmel. He did not die, rather
ascended to Heaven in a fiery chariot. He
was succeeded by his student Elisha.
According to Jewish tradition, he
occasionally reappears to rescue individuals
from danger and reveal secrets of the Torah
to the worthy. Additionally, he visits every
brit and
Passover Seder.
Ultimately, he will announce the coming of
was anointed with the Holy Spirit
and power; fearless and bold to
rebuke kings and was prone to discouragement! Elijah
was a preacher of righteousness and was fruitful in his
ministry. He had a great influence over Israel. Elijahhas been or will be a
forerunner of the Messiah. (John
the Baptist before the first
advent and Elijah
Fed by the
ravens (Picture)`Elijah
before the second Elijah was
subjects of prophecy
and had a lapse of faith but quickly recovered! He was familiar
with deserts and solitude! Elijahwas the second man to be taken to Heaven in a natural body,
being the first (Genesis
5:24; Hebrews 11:5; see Enoch). Both now reside in
Heaven in their
natural bodies, having never died!
However, they will
die their own appointed 'death'
on earth as the two witnesses of the future tribulation period! And it came to
pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there
appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both
asunder; and Elijah
went up by a whirlwind into
heaven. (2 Kings 2:11;
Prophet Elijah
second man to be taken to heaven in a natural mortal body,
(2 Kings 2:11),
being the first(Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5; see Enoch)Both now reside in heaven in their natural
mortal bodies, having never
died! However, they will die their own appointed death on earth as the
'two witnesses' of the future tribulation period!
(Zacharias 4:11-14; Malachi 4:5-6; Revelation11:3-12;
Hebrews 9:27)
Elishais considered also a
with a doubled anointing
from Elijah!
least fifty men witnessed Elijah's
translation and the first miracle of Elisha,
and testified that the Spirit
of Elijahnow rested upon
was, therefore, immediately accepted as the successor of the
translated prophet!
A "double portion"
proves that men have received different measures of the Spirit
and power, and have done things in a miraculous way according to
that measure. If one has any degree of power or any gift of the
he will be able at any time to do what the power or gift is
designed for. How could Elijahgive what
didn't have? The answer is by faith and God honoring his
request. Many would have been jealous of a successor receiving
more than they themselves had, but not someone so godly! The water of Jericho was bad and the ground barren. Elisha
called for a new cruse with salt in it. By casting the salt in
the spring he healed the water and the ground, in the name of
the Lord. Some more of the
miracles of Elisha:
Barrenness healed Resurrection of a boy; Barrenness healed;
Bread multiplied for a hundred men; Leprosy of Naaman
healed; (Picture)
Y…etc. (He
did 2x more than Elijah;
A "double
proves that men have received different measures of the Spirit
and power, and have done things in a miraculous way according to
that measure.)
prophesiedto Israel, probably shortly before the fall of Samaria. His book
uses the story of Hosea's unfaithful wife to describe
Israel's un-faithfulness to G-d!
Prophet Hoseatold of his wife that betrayed him, but he loved her and had
taken her back into his house. "In the same way", saidHosea,"God has not deserted his own people when they had turned to
false gods!" Hosea married a woman named Gomer. She ran away
from Hosea and went after other men, other lovers! She broke
their marriage covenant. For material goods and food, she sold
herself and shamed her husband Hosea.
"No," Hosea said, first to himself and also to others! He wanted
a official divorce. "No, Gomer is not my wife anymore and I am
not her husband!" Hosea was angry and wounded in his
heart. He was full of grief for what his wife has done unto him!
But then the Lord spoke to Hosea
and said: "Take her back again.
Go after her, Hosea. Find her sitting in her sin; wash her;
bring her into your home again and love her. Your love alone can
help her and save her from disaster!"
"This!" cried the Lord to the prophet Hosea! "This!" cried the
prophet Hosea before all the people of Israel! "This is what
happens between you and Me," said the L-rd. (See also
Prophetic Revelation
connection with
Surrounded by
the glory of Heaven
while worshipping in the Temple,
prophet Isaiah
cried: "I am a man of
unclean lips," and an angel touched his lips with a glowing coal of
the altar!
The Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa)
is one of the original seven Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in
Qumran in 1947. It is the largest (734 cm) and best preserved of
all the biblical scrolls, and the only one that is almost
complete. The 54 columns contain all 66 chapters of the Hebrew
version of the biblical Book of Isaiah. Dating from ca.
125 BCE, it is also one of the oldest of the Dead Sea
Scrolls, some one thousand years older than the oldest
manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible known to us before the scrolls'
discovery.NOW online available! Click on the title See also below
in Judah during the
reigns of Kings Uzziah, Lotham, Ahaz and
Hezekiah. His book predicts punishment for wickedness,
but it also promises G-d's comfort! Isaiah prophesied
most about the coming of Yeshua
Isaiah 52:13-15
53:12 lists more than 20 things about
all of which are true!
But this is no different than the age of, say,
(and also Jeremiah!)
when anti-spiritual ideas of a pantheistic nature were
metamorphosing into dominance in Jerusalem at a rapid pace. The
only difference is that the anti-spiritual ethic in that age was
pantheism, astrologically related, whereas today it is atheism,
uniformitarianly related! But both are essentially views of
negation; only their form varies. If these cycles and parallels
are a commentary on collective human nature, they are also a
reflection of individual human nature!
In ancient times prophets were called
"seers"(1 Samuel
Its means a seeing person; one who perceives mentally the
purpose of G-d. He was also sometimes called a
one who has visions or supernatural revelations!
These visions often made the
angry, and in the heat of the Spirit
that was upon them, they were moved to declare to Israel her
sins(Micah 3:8)
and to make the people obey G-d if at all possible! The same
idea is given of Yeshua
or Jesus
when He said: "The zeal of
thine house hath eaten Me up" (Psalm 69:9; John 2:17).
A like zeal was upon Jehu who was commanded to fulfill prophecy
in executing G-d's wrath upon the house of Ahab and in
destroying Baal
in Israel!
prophetic office
in Israel, heathen prophets, seers, augurs, priests,
priestesses, and oracles all pretended to be divinely inspired
and truthful. There were even many among Israel who claimed
inspiration and gave messages, but they were inspired
by satan
when there was a supernatural element present
foresaw future events in the light of the righteousness or
of the people to whom G-d made everlasting covenants.
His main work was to urge men to live righteously and G-dly
according to the law of Moses. (613 Law according the
Torah) His other work was to warn of events to come in view of
the attitude of the people concerning the will of G-d, and to
pray and make supplication for the people and for G-d to be
merciful. The prophet's
of things to come were chiefly conditional, and many of their
were stated in conditional terms. The unconditional prophecies
were the fixed plans of G-d concerning necessary events to bring
the earth into complete submission to Himself again and do away
with sin,
rebellion, and enemies
so His eternal program could finally be realized!
The Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa) •
Qumran Cave 1 • 1st century BCE • Parchment • H:
22-25, L: 734 cm • Government of Israel •
Accession number: HU 95.57/27
The Great Isaiah Scroll
(1QIsaa) is one of the original
seven Dead Sea Scrolls
discovered in Qumran in 1947. It
is the largest (734 cm) and best
preserved of all the biblical
scrolls, and the only one that
is almost complete. The 54
columns contain all 66 chapters
of the Hebrew version of the
biblical Book of Isaiah. Dating
from ca. 125 BCE,
it is also one of the oldest of
the Dead Sea Scrolls, some one
thousand years older than the
oldest manuscripts of the Hebrew
Bible known to us before the
scrolls' discovery.NOW
online available! Click on
the title
prophesied to
Judah and was often in danger because his predictions angered the
officials. His book gives a good picture of what Judah was like before
going into captivity.
prophecy of Jeremiahmight be considered the great book onbackslidingand the dangers ofapostasy.
Hewas the first prophet
having continuous open warfare with his people. His
theme seems to be that of
judgment without mercy for those who becomeapostates and defyG-d.
His messages
repeatedly refer to the immediateBabylonian captivity,
the return of Israel after
seventy years, another
worldwide dispersion, a final regathering of Israel at the end of this
age (1948
was the start of the gathering in the new formed State of
Israel!), and the reign ofMessiah over Israel forever!
The purpose is to make clear to Israel
the consequences of sin
and apostasy;
to reveal to them their own future in the plan of G-d for man;
and to emphasize the fact that the destiny of every man is
determined by his conformity orlack of conformityto G-d and His plan! Maybe good to consider in the same way for
magnificently rugged prophet,
seeing the moral decline of his people, seeing the enveloping
idolatry which they were increasingly practicing, sensed an
impending national doom, fast approaching upon the
anti-spiritual leaders of his people. Possessing much concern,
he began to proclaim his pro-spiritual message. It gained but
few listeners, but it was very successful in rankling the
anti-spiritual leaders in government and in religion. Seven
kinds of incarceration failed to silence him; stoning ultimately
did. His generation failed to heed his message. However, the
next generation, humbled by captivity, recognized the value of
his message!
The prophet Jeremiah, in his day
was awarded a religious court martial; in recent decades another
non-conformist, and patriot, received persecution because of his
keen Divine Inspired foresight, plus his unwillingness to be
silent, willing to speak out G-d’s Word un-conditional; paying a
heavy price!
But this is no different than the age of, say,
(and also Isaiah!)
when anti-spiritual ideas of a pantheistic nature were
metamorphosing into dominance in Jerusalem at a rapid pace. The
only difference is that the anti-spiritual ethic in that age was
pantheism, astrologically related, whereas today it is atheism,
uniformitarianly related! But both are essentially views of
negation; only their form varies. If these cycles and parallels
are a commentary on collective human nature, they are also a
reflection of individual human nature!
Probably it was
Jeremiah together with the Priests hided the
of Covenant"
somewhere in the hiding-placing with several tunnels under the
mountain in Jerusalem!
The word/name: "Jeremiah"
means: "the L-rd founds"!
The ancient nation of Israel had
against the Holy
G-d, so they were leaping from one disaster to another! The
greatest disaster of all time is imminent.
The Prophet
told them and still today to our generation how to avoid these
kind of disasters. Unfortunately just a few took him serious and
refused to listen! Still today we have the same symptoms! Are we
so blind from
People will
wonder why you are telling them
these horrible things?
Naturally the people will
wonder why you are telling them these (horrible)
things, and why these terrible things to
them! For what do we deserve this kind of horror
upon us? Forsaking G-d in nearby every
area in this Nation! In Government, in schools, in public building,
representing the foreign affairs. "people of G-d" or what they proclaim
to be, became much worse they have been
ever, following their own stubborn will;
turning away more and more from God, His law, His statures, "His"
constitution...! This is an example about the way G-d will cause the pride of America to "rot"!
People of G-d need to understand and to realize in a intense way that
their relationship to G-d was meant to be close as a loincloth to a man!
Now in this time for "G-d's people" or presumed to be "G-d people" that
the loincloth is rotted and useless also
TODAY! Maybe
it is about time that it is needed for consideration among themselves if
they had become just as useless to G-d?
If the "people of God" or what they proclaim to be in America will only
repent and really change their attitudes toward G-d and each other, G-d
can still turn the tide! It is NOW
time to listen and repent! If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves,
and pray, and seek my face, and turn
from their wicked ways; then will I hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin, and
will heal their land! (2 Chronicles 7:14)
"Our" G-d is over all, and
thus we need to go to Him worthily to talk about the various affairs of
our lives, Government affairs, etc. (See for more at:
Prophetic Revelation
connection with
The prophecy of Jeremiah
might be considered the great book on
backsliding and the dangers of apostasy.
Apart from this only one other book even mentions the word
Purpose of
Jeremiah's prophetic messages:
To make clear to Israel the consequences of
sin and apostasy;
to reveal to them their own future in the plan of G-d for man;
and to emphasize the fact that the destiny of every man is
determined by his conformity or lack of conformity to G-d and
His Divine plan!
Divine handwriting by the hand of
G-d on the wall of King Belshazzar's banquet hall (Daniel 5)
was one of the youths taken to Babylon in an earlier invasion of
Judah. He and his friends were trained to enter government
service. But when food & practices in Babylon violated the Laws
of Israel's G-d,
in the lion's
Daniel determined to remain loyal to the L-rd He also was able to
reveal & explain the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar.
was probably seventy years old when
jealous enemies
tricked Darius into making a decree that they would lead to
Daniel'sdeath. The reading is a familiar one about
and the lion's den, but it has fresh truth for all who seek to
be beautiful to G-d! Daniel
went as a
captive to Babylon,
where he rose to a position of power because of his G-d-given
wisdom. His book covers the story of his experiences in Babylon
as well as the dreams and visions he had.
`Daniel went as a
captive to Babylon,
The main themes of Christian eschatology were developed by the
great ancient Prophets, especially
by Daniel &
Ezekiel. Several "New Testament" prophecies found there
source in the Book of Daniel. This prophet
heavily influenced the concept and language of the
prophet Zachariah &
Haggai and the Apostles Paul &
Daniel never lost his humility, and his faith in G-d's plan for
his life, and his dependence on G-d's Grace and mercy! He was a
descended from the family of King Zedekiah. When
Daniel as about probably a 16-year
old boy went into captivity to Babylon, his name has been
changed, following the Babylonian custom; into "Belteshazzar",
which refers to "Bel's treasurer" in honor of the
Babylonian idol pagan god "Bel".
Daniel was captive as one of the
children, in whom was no blemish, but well favored, with great
qualities in all wisdom!
(Daniel 1:4) As 'member'
of the noble families they were taught all the knowledge,
wisdom, and languages they would need to advice their Babylonian
dictator. Babylonian libraries were holding many of documents
inscribed on baked clay-tablets; for education
of their students.
Daniel is one of the greatest
ancient Prophet of Israel, during
his captivity in Babylon. His unblemished character and perseverance
in his unparalleled quality for his understanding given from the
angel Gabriel (Daniel
9:23; 10:11; 19); the future especially the
End-Times! From all the ancient Prophets, Daniel provided even
for us today, the most detailed description of specified the
major events & timing in the "End-Times"! (Daniel 12:9)
Ezekiel; 5th century BCE
& a common Jewish first name. He was commissioned by G-d to rebuke Israel in captivity for
her many sins,
for constant and ever
deepening hardness against Him, and for rebellion against His word.
He was inspired by the Holy Spirit (who gave him
messages by direct revelation) to give many of his prophecies in pantomime!
spoke to
the Jews who were in exile in Babylon. His book contains
descriptions of several strange visions.
valley of the dead bones! Z
are of 4 general kinds:
1. Those concerning the immediate captivity of Israel and
the complete destruction of Jerusalem, and the reasons for
such judgment. These are found mainly in the
first 24 chapters,
with a few latter-day predictions. 2.Prophecies of judgments upon other nations for their part in
the sins and rebellions of Israel
(Ezekiel 25-32).
3.Prophecies concerning Israel in the last days just before
and up to the coming of the Messiah and Armageddon, with a few predictions of immediate
judgment of Babylon
(Ezekiel 33-39). 4. Propheciesexclusively of the millennial temple and the eternal
reign of the
Messiah over Israel
(Ezekiel 40-48). There is not a prediction in this section regarding
anything before the Millennium.
The prophecies
of the third and fourth points are simple and mainly concern 8 great truths:
The second and final re-gathering of Israel as a nation in
Palestine to fulfill their part in the plan of G-d concerning
their redemption and their restoration as a nation to await
their Messiah
from heaven
(Ezekiel 34:11-31; 36:1-15,23-38; 37:1-28)
2. The battle of Armageddon at the return of
(Ezekiel 38:1-39:20)
3. Rebuilding the temple by the
for millennial and eternal worship, and as a capital building
and His visible reign on earth eternally
(Ezekiel 40:5-43:12)
4. The sacrifices, offerings, feasts, and other solemnities of
Israel under earthly priests and Levites
(Ezekiel 43:13-44:31; 45:9-25; 46:1-24)
5. The holy oblation, or the L-rd's portion of the land
(Ezekiel 45:1-8)
6. The millennial and eternal river
from the temple
(Ezekiel 47:1-12)
7. The millennial and eternal division of land for the tribes
(Ezekiel 47:13-48:29)
8. The new millennial and eternal earthly Jerusalem (Ezekiel
during the Babylonian exile, encouraging the
Jews to remain steadfast to "Judaism"
despite their hardships. His famous prophecies include his vision of
the "Merkavah", a detailed description of
the Third Holy Temple,
and the vision of the
valley of dry bones. (b)
b) The
book of Tanach containing Ezekiel's
Purpose: To bring the ungodly
Jews of
Ezekiel's day to repentance that they might avert
further judgment of G-d; to encourage the G-dly ones to continue
being true; to reveal punishment of other nations for their part
in the rebellions of Israel; to reveal a future restoration of
the nation and the eternal reign of their Messiah
on earth.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves,
and pray, and seek my face, and turn
their wicked ways; then will I hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin, and
will heal their land! (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Amoswas a shepherd from Judah whoprophesied
G-d's coming punishment of Israel
His book calls the people to turn toward G-d and leave theirselfish and
often cruel lifestyle!
G-d's message of
judgment upon various nations, Gentiles and Jews, because of
their sins and rebellion
against Him; the controversy between G-d and Israel; how Israel
could avert judgment; and the final restoration of the nation
under their Messiah!
main purpose is to show how G-d deals with
sending judgment upon all people who sin, whether Jews or
Gentiles. He is careful to explain why judgment would come upon
each nation. In particular He makes it clear to Ancient Israel
that even though they are chosen and blessed as G-d's people,
they would not escape His judgment! The
prophet Amos
points out
the backslidings
of the nation and states in detail G-d's case against them. The
whole house of Israel, not ten tribes or two tribes only, were
at that time facing complete destruction if they did not amend
their ways
(Amos 2:4-9:10).
Regardless of these plain warnings of immediate judgment, Israel
continued in sin and
until it was necessary for G-d to keep His word concerning the
destruction of the nation.
finishes his book with a note of encouragement: Israel was to be
completely regathered and restored; and the nation was to be
blessed under the
(Amos 9:11-15).
A contemporary of
Hosea, Isaiah
and Micah,
a wealthy man, he tended sheep and sycamore
trees before G-d called upon him to
prophesy in 621
BCE. His prophecies
demand fair treatment of the poor and
sincere worship of G-d. His calls for
repentance were unwelcome in the Northern
Kingdom of Israel and prompted calls for his
The book of
Tanach containing Amos' prophecies,
foretelling the destruction of Israel's
neighbors and warning of Israel's impending
devastation if they don’t serve G-d
wholeheartedly and deal honestly with their
fellows. Amos
also prophesies
concerning the
future redemption!
within the time-range of 30-years after the Babylon's invasion
of Judah in
Probably a person by that name or an unnamed prophet
for whom "Obadiah"
(Servant of G-d) is a title! The shortest Old Testament
is Obadiah.
It has 1 chapter with 21 verses.
Obadiah shows G-d's faithfulness to His
people. This
is a fulfillment of G-d's promise from
generation earlier: "I will
bless them that bless thee, and curse him that cursed thee"
(Genesis 12:3)
(8th century BCE) An Edomite by birth, later
converted to Judaism and became a
disciple of
Steward of King Ahab's
household. Merited the gift of prophecy
after hiding and feeding the prophets whom Jezebel
persecuted. His prophecies pertain to the
destruction of his native nation, Edom. The
shortest book in Tanach, containing Obadiah's prophecy
that foretells Edom's destruction
The wordof the L-rd came to
Jonahrepeated with little variation when theprophet
was finally ready to obey.
Jonahwas a historical
character (Jonah 1:1; 2 Kings 14:25)
the only man so-named in the
O.T.—which adds to the fact that he was a type ofYeshua/Christ.
Nineveh is the subject for
Let them turn every one from
his evil way,
and fromthe violencethat is in their hands.Jonah
knew that his G-d was
merciful and that is why he was fleeing; he did not want Him to
show mercy to the enemies of his people. He wanted them
destroyed (Jonah 4:2),
but it would be unlike G-d to fail or
refuse to warn man of coming destruction and give him an
opportunity to avoid it As bigoted Jewish
who, after being chastened by the Lord for disobedience,
preached to and converted the whole city of Nineveh! The
illustration of the fact that G-d's mercy and salvation are for
both Jews and Gentiles who will repent and turn to Him; and to
typify and illustrate the
death, burial, and resurrection
of Yeshua MessiahorJesus the Christ!
seems to be in the first impressionJonah’saction was a great folly, but not as foolish as many still are
thinking. He had to understand the reality of G-d’s (burning)
presence and the responsibility as response.
Jonahhad one of the greatest preaching
anointing given to man! Without miracles or signs, when he
preached, one of the most
wicked cities, Nineveh, that
ever existed. Maybe, if
Jonahshould preach in today's
Cities, these cities could remained
by real conviction! When he awakened and
was vomited out of the beast, he had this anointing power!
Though Micah
was a prophet
in Judah, his book deals also with Samaria and Gentile nations,
reproving all for their sins,
and warning of impending judgment and the captivity of Israel!
He also sees their future restoration in the kingdom of the
and great events of the latter days. (End Time Harvest) G-d had
warned Israel many times (both kingdoms) regarding what would
befall them if they continued in sin and rebellion;
but they were becoming more openly rebellious and
backslidden in heart and life. G-d
was becoming less tolerant of their pseudo-worship,
ritualism, and sins; and finding it
necessary to invoke the judgment terms of the Mosaic covenant,
He had to formulate a plan of action that would eventually bring
them back to repentance so that He could fulfill with them the
everlasting covenants, and yet do so on the grounds of
fulfilling righteousness.
This book is one of many expressing the ultimate purpose of G-d
in all His dealings—to bring Israel and all mankind back to the
place of conformity to His eternal will and plan, so that the
blessings He originally promised man may be finally and
completely fulfilled!
Battle of
Armageddon foretold...
Now also many nations are gathered against
thee, that say, Let her be defiled, and let our eye look upon
Zion. (Micah 4:11)
Many nations were also to be gathered against Jerusalem besides
those in the days of Nebuchadnezzar. Already there have been
over 2,600 years between the two events. This gathering of the
nations (Micah 4:11)
will be in the day of the L-rd. At the second coming of
Yeshua Messiah, He will find the many nations of earth
already mobilized to make war against Him!(Zechariah 14:1-5; Revelation 16:13-16;
Summary of
Zephaniah the prophet
Date and place:
Written in Palestine
about 679-648 B.C.
Proof of authorship:
The testimony of the book itself that
Zephaniah the prophet
wrote it (Zeph.
Theme: Judgment
of G-d upon both Jews and Gentiles for their
many sins; and His goodness to the G-dly of
both classes. The book opens with a message
regarding immediate judgment upon Judah by
Babylon, then depicts their judgment in the
future day of the L-rd (Zephaniah 1:1-18).Zephaniah 2
is devoted to immediate judgments of G-d
upon Gentiles by
Babylon-Philistia, Moab, Ammon, Ethiopia,
and Assyria. The prophet then
returns to the immediate judgment upon Judah
by Babylon, and
also makes predictions regarding Israel in
the future day of the L-rd, in the reign of
the Messiah (Zephaniah
Ancient Time
Josiah began to reign about 53 years before
the fall of Judah and the
destruction of
Jerusalem by
Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and
80 years after the captivity of the 10
tribes by Assyria. Zephaniah began
to prophesy
before the reformation of Josiah was
completed, for the
remnant of Baal was not yet destroyed
(Zephaniah 1:1,4).The prophecy
therefore must have been given between the
12th and 18th year of Josiah. This indicates
was a contemporary of Jeremiah,
Ezekiel, and Daniel.
Purpose: To
make it clear to Judah that unless they
would consecrate to do the will of G-d
judgment would surely come; and to encourage
the G-dly of the nation regarding the fact
that final and complete restoration under
the Messiah would come.
45 verses of prophecy;
5 verses of fulfilled
prophecy; 40 verses of
unfulfilled prophecy;
and 4 distinct messages from G-d(Zephaniah
1:2; 2:1; 3:1,8).
hidden by YHVH Four men so named:
A prophet of Royal
descendantsThe word of
the L-rd which came unto Zephaniah.(Zephaniah 1:1
2. A Levite(1
Chronicles 6:31-38 KJV)
And these are they whom David set over the
service of song in the house of the L-rd,
after that the ark had rest. And they
ministered before the dwelling place of the
tabernacle of the congregation with singing,
until Solomon had built the house of the
L-rd in Jerusalem: and then they waited on
their office according to their order. And
these are they that waited with their
children. Of the sons of the Kohathites:
Heman a singer, the son of Joel, the son of
Shemuel, The son of Elkanah, the son of
Jeroham, the son of Eliel, the son of Toah,
The son of Zuph, the son of Elkanah, the
son of Mahath, the son of Amasai, The son of
Elkanah, the son of Joel, the son of Azariah,
the son of Zephaniah, The son of
Tahath, the son of Assir, the son of
Ebiasaph, the son of Korah, The son of Izhar,
the son of Kohath, the son of
Levi, the son of Israel {Jacob}.
A priest(2Kings.
Jeremiah 21:1;
52:24-29)And the captain of the
guard took Seraiah the chief priest, and
Zephaniah the second priest, and the
three keepers of the door: (Jeremiah 52:24
A returningexileTake of them
of the captivity, even of Heldai, of Tobijah,
and of Jedaiah, which are come from Babylon,
and come thou the same day, and go into the
house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah;
(Zechariah 6:10 KJV) Source:
Dake's Annotated Reference Bible/
& Zechariah prophesied during the
time when the temple was being rebuilt. Their books and urge the
people to keep a close relationship with G-d.
Zechariah prophesied
during the
time when the temple was being rebuilt. Their books and urge the
people to keep a close relationship with G-d.
had also the vision about the End-Time and saw the two
candlestick, the who olive trees on the Gates of Heaven, which
refers to the 2 Tribulation witnesses. He himself could NOT be one of them,
there he asked G-d who they were!
(Zechariah 4:14) Anointed ones—The Hebrew phrase is literally to be understood
“sons of oil.” This comes from the fact that both Joshua and Zerubbabel
had to be anointed into their offices so they could serve in them to
atone for sins and teach holy living. The oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit,
and Joshua and Zerubbabel are symbols of all of G-d’s children, who must
be anointed with the Spirit before they are able to furnish it to others! (Zechariah 4:11-12) What are these two olive trees . . . two olive
branches—Zechariah asks for a more detailed explanation of the
significance of the olive trees. This is in contrast with (Zechariah
(Although Zechariah sees the vision clearly, he does not understand its
meaning or the significance of the olive trees!) where he asked for a
more general interpretation of the whole vision. The fact that he wanted
a more detailed explanation is seen in the question he specifically
asked about the two branches which dripped oil into the storage bowl on
the lamp stand. The vision refers primarily to Joshua the high priest
and to Zerubbabel the civil leader. They were both anointed with oil
into their offices, and were thus responsible to G-d for the course of
the nation’s history during their time! (According the NIV-translation)
And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive
branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of
themselves? And he answered me and said, Knowest thou not what these be?
And I said, No, my lord. Then said he, These are the two anointed ones,
that stand by the Lord of the whole earth. (Zechariah. 4:12-14)
The fact that Zerubbabel ask in the vision who these two witnesses
where, makes it clear that he could not be one of them, otherwise he
could recognize himself as one of the 2 anointed one! The
two anointed
ones are not specific referring to
Joshua and Zerubbabel in this vision,
dedicated for this special task!
These [2 witnesses;
2 prophets]
are the two olive trees
and the two lamp-stands which stand before the Lord of the earth. (Revelations 11:4)
The writings of the
prophets Joel, Obadiah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk
Malachi contain important messages from G-d and are worthwhile reading.
However, little else is known about these
The shortest
Old Testament book is Obadiah.
It has 1 chapter with 21 verses.
was the last of the
recorded in the Old Testament. No other is mentioned from his
time until the time of John the
Baptist, a period of
more than 400 years!
I will send you Elijah the prophet
before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the L-rd:
(Malachi 4:5) This is part of the
in the O.
It concerns the return of Elijah the prophet
(not John the Baptist or some other man) to the earth, from
heaven, shortly before the coming of the great and dreadful day
of the L-rd (Malachi 4:5-6).
At that time here will be one of the greatest spiritual
awakenings in the history of mankind! The hearts of fathers
and sons, all children and parents, will be turned toward one
another; families will be united in Christ
(Yeshua Messiah);
the Holy
will be outpoured upon all flesh and even all of Israel will be
saved as a result of the
ministry of Elijah and Enoch
as in
Malachi 4:5-6;
Revelation 11:3-10; Acts 2:16-21; Romans
11:25-29; Isaiah 66:7-8
and other
will be literally fulfilled. All this will come to pass instead
of a curse upon the earth! This will be in the time of the 7-
years (Daniel's 70' - week) tribulation after the rapture close
before Yeshua
2-sd coming!
The Book of Remembrance...
(Malachi 3:16) Then those who feared the Lord talked often one to another; and the Lord listened and heard it, and a
Book of remembrance
was written before Him of those who reverenced {and} worshipfully feared the Lord and who thought on His Name.
For those who fear the L-rd;and think upon His Name!
1. Recorded Memento; a memorable day or writing
2. Meaning to mark;to be noteworthy
3. Record something to mark a person noteworthy
What, Whom& Why is G-d remembering?
1. His
Covenant; His children in time of need & adversity.
2. Those who fear Him; testify; meditate.. Him!
3. To deliver before the
day of trouble (tribulation)
There are 6 scrolls (Books) mention in the Scripture;
One in Malachi 3:16! Illustration Source: Taken on Church-meeting; Lakeland; FL; with permission.
Book of the Living (Psalms 139:16;
The Book of Life (Luke 10:20; Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3 : 5, 20:12)
The Book of works & deeds (Revelation 20:12).
The Book of the Righteous Saints (Psalms 56:8) The Book of RemembranceMalachi 3:16
The Book of the 7 seals (Revelation 5:1)
was a prophet who was preparing the way of the 'coming" L-rd! He caused people
to repent from their evil doings & religiosity in their time,
which was based on tradition only! He also baptized Yeshua, in the beginning of
His Ministry!
Baptism of the L-rd
by John
People that have made a profession of
faith, accepting
the Lord Jesus Christ /Yeshua
as their personal Savior
and that have shown a consistent Christian life and come regularly the services
and are in harmony with the teachings of the Word
of G-d, and
making a profession of faith first, are
to be baptized in water by immersion.
The Father {YHVH},
Son {Yeshua / Jesus}, andthe Holy Spirit
{Roach HaKodesh} are
linked together as one inthe baptismal commandof theL-rd. (Matthew
28:19) The like figure whereunto even
baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer on a good conscience toward G-d) by the resurrection of
Jesus Christ{Yeshua}.
(1 Peter 3:21)
Baptism is
generally a purification ritual using water practiced in many of various
religions including Christianity, Mandaeanism, and Sikhism. Christian baptism
has its origins with the Jewish ritual of “Mikvah”. To some groups, baptism is a
symbolic term meaning "identification with" (e.g.
Jesus / Yeshua) having no connection with
earthly ritual. Mikvah is an ancient Jewish tradition to prepare themselves before going
into the Temple!
Although the term
baptism is not used to describe the Jewish rituals, the purification rites (or
Mikvah - ritual immersion) in Jewish laws and tradition are where the ritual of
baptism can find its origins. In the Tanakh, and other Jewish texts, immersion
in water for ritual purification was established for specific circumstances – in
order to be restored to a condition of 'ritual purity'!
See also more about
the Holy Spirit
Person of the
Holy Spirit
example, Jews who become ritually 'defiled' by contact with a corpse (according
to the Law - Torah
of Moses), had to use the “mikvah” before being allowed to
participate in the Holy Temple. Immersion is required for converts to Judaism as
part of their conversion. Through practices such as these, immersion in the
mikvah represents purification and restoration, and qualification for full
religious participation in the life of the community.
Yeshua Messiah
Jesus the Christ
The Anointed One
Messiah Yeshua’
or Jesus the Christ’Ministry
on Earth was empowered by the abiding fullness ofthe Holy Spirit.Asthe Messiahof G-dHealso desires to pour
out thatsame Holy Spiritupon all flesh and upon those who believe onHimunto eternal life.
The believer inYeshua,
upon the acceptance of the Divine finished work ofthe cross, will find
available to him the gifts* ofthe Holy Spiritand thus come underHisgracious ministrations from regeneration unto
glorification! He was & is the complete fulfillment of the 5 fold Ministry! Thus
also the Office of the Prophet!
there are also many other things which
Yeshua / Jesus did,
the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that
even the world itself could not contain the 'books' that should
be written. Amen. (John 21:25; KJV)
This verse simply expresses the idea that
Yeshua Messiah
had done so many things which are not written, that if they
should be written in books the world (social world) would not
have room for them. Men would not even take time to peruse or
digest them!
The New Testament contains more than 260 Old Testament
quotations! The word "Christian" is first mentioned in
the Bible
Acts 11:26.
The word "Christian" is found in only two other places in
the Bible:
Acts 26:28
1 Peter 4:16.
Many limit the writing prophets to those from Isaiah to Malachi,
but this is erroneous because Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David, and
others were also writing prophets! Actually, Moses and David
were among the greatest. Moses wrote 475 verses of prophecy and
David 385. This compares well with the 985 verses of prophecy by
Isaiah, 845 by Jeremiah, and 886 by Ezekiel. On the other hand,
Moses wrote 4,392 more verses than Isaiah did, 4,320 more than
Jeremiah, and 4,411 more than Ezekiel. David wrote 57 more
verses than Isaiah did, 77 more than Ezekiel, and only 15 less
than Jeremiah if we credit him with Psalm 119 in addition to the
psalms that bear his name. No doubt many other psalms were also
written by him. These facts indicate that both Moses and David
wrote more verses of Scripture than the so-called major
prophets. Solomon follows David in number of verses, having
written 1,254 if we gave him credit for all of Proverbs, besides
the Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes. Regarding the N.T., John
wrote 1,415 verses in his 5 books; Luke wrote 2,158 in his 2
books; and Paul wrote 2,336 in his 14 books. Thus, there
other great writing prophets besides Isaiah, Jeremiah, and
(Dakes Bible;
John the
Apostle & Prophet
Who wrote the Book of
Is coming soon!
Major Prophets
See also at the ancient Prophet
great Prophet!
Ezekiel Israel's
great Prophet!
Daniel End-Time
Minor Prophets
See also at the ancient Prophet
Prophet of repentance
Joel Prophet
of Outpouring
Vision 2
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publisher as well! Every study, that takes you only minutes to
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of work to write, to edit, to design, to format and technically
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Correct forms of translations...of the Name of
Joshua, Jeremiah,
all give us insights about the faith, courage, & compassion of the
“Joshua” and “Jesus”
even had exactly the same name!
meaning the Salvation of G-d, “Joshua” is an English transliteration of the
original Hebrew
is a transliteration of the same Name from the Greek!
Violating grammatical rules...?
Take also note that the name of
related names
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