merciful words after betrayal! |
Hosea's merciful words after betrayal!
"No," Hosea said, first to himself and also to others! He wanted a official divorce. "No, Gomer is not my wife anymore and I am not her husband!" Hosea was angry and wounded in his heart. He was full of grief for what his wife has done unto him!
Then said the L-rd
unto me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of her
friend, yet an
according to the love of the L-rd toward the
children of Israel, who look to
other gods, and love flagons of wine. (Hosea 3:1)
This also was applied to Israel!
Hosea must have been a wonderful man to obey the order to obtain a
wife of whoredoms
in the first place, and to show no resentment at being asked to buy her
back again, after she had returned to her old lovers.
Hosea was told to
go again and love Gomer his wife who had forsaken him.
He was to love
her as G-d loves Israel who left Him to go after
other gods!
(Hosea 3:1).
Hosea seemed to recognize the experience as part of G-d's eternal
message to his people; and being a true servant he did not question the
wisdom of G-d! He simply made a cold contract with his wife to keep
herself only to him for the price of $75 to buy her back again! The
amount of 15 shekels ($ 75) was the redemption price of a slave!
(Hosea 3:2).
And I
said unto her, Thou shall abide for me many
days; thou shall not play
the harlot,
and thou shall not be for another man: so will I
also be for thee. (Hosea 3:3)
Afterward they were to
return to G-d and become His wife again as Gomer had become the wife of
a second time after being away from him for a
(Hosea 3:5).
All this
for Israel
has been literally true for many centuries. From 606 B.C.
until today Israel
have not had a king or a prince. They did
return from Babylon and renew the sacrifices, but since 70 A.D. they
have not even had this. They have been without images and teraphim all
these years so this
has been literally fulfilled. The part about returning is now in process of fulfillment, but
seeking the L-rd and
And than the L-rd changes His voice and made it new! Suddenly the Lord started to speak gentle to His people! "How can I give you up? How can I hand you over? My heart twist within Me! My merci grows warm and tender! After your sin and your punishment, I will whisper to you as a husband whispers to his wife! I will bring you to my home and speak tenderly to you. I will not destroy you for I am G-d and NOT man! I will have pity on NOT pitied and to 'not' My people I will declare: 'You are My people! And in that day you shall say to Me: 'You are my G-d'!" (Hosea 6:1)
The sins committed inside the Church walls of this Nation!
Judgments or "just" disasters?
P Those who pretend secrecy, and carry out false accusations against innocent people, blasting their own reputation by clandestine lying and gossip! P Those who hateful to undue sense of superiority; unnatural self-esteem; arrogance; wishing all people to receive their way of their own sayings as the only way of authority! (spirit of control; jezebel spirit!?) P They had ignored, forgotten, denied and despised the principles of G-d, and will become hope deferred! P They are parading their own follies, being contentious, trusting only in themselves; uttering all they know, but it is full of empty words without real foresight! … They are perverse in speech; following the ways of the Fools! P They are chattering empty talk, uttering slander and showing NO interest in G-d’s wisdom! P Their hope when delayed in its realization prostrates and sickens their heart! (Proverbs 13;12) P Lest they fall victim their own ignorance, they must discern the "true" heart of this enemy of Christians! P Earthquakes, great distress, explosions and all kind of catastrophes are heading their direction, and most will simply ignore it! P Your cities will waste, and your mankind; self-made; ‘sanctuaries’ will be brought unto desolation! (Like Hurricane Katrina; & especially Sandy! the diversities of recent disastrous tornado's) P A serious warning for them who ignore: …*that they are running out of time! They must stop sinning and repent! (See picture below ↓) The enemy wants people to eat, drink and be merry until the time the disasters hit – in spite of the warnings many times! P You will be appointed over you terror and continued be humiliated before your enemies! (Terrorist like 9/11) P The pride of your power will be broken! P All kind of strange diseases like pestilence will be among you! (Chicken-flu/ rear flu that's killing people?) P Your land shall not yield her increase for periods of time; neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruits, through all kind of disasters! Nature will be out of balance! (Unusually weather conditions; environmental response of pollution of modern ‘technical’ men!) ONLY when we are standing in UNITY; we are able to send the enemy running from the warnings of the Prophets once again!
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of G-d: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of G-d? (1 Peter 4:17) The idea here is that if G-d will show the righteous when they sin, the consequences of their sin and will give them corrections; He will surely consequently punish the ungodly! If the ones who are righteous are scarcely saved, is there still any possible hope left of sinners being saved!? If the righteous are found sinning He judges them first, and if they are found righteous He delivers them from judgment! *There is not much time left to consider whether this is what you really want? See picture _ My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shall be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law {Teachings} of thy G-d, I will also forget thy children. (Hosea 4:6) Knowledge of G-d and His ways; the people that do not understand will fall!
merciful words
after betrayal!
Come, and let us return unto the L-rd: for he hath torn, and He will heal us; He hath smitten, and He will bind us up. After two days will He revive us: in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight! (Hosea 6:1, 2)
These are to be
the words as already symbolized by Gomer
(Hosea 3:2-3)
and foretold in Hosea
to the Lord your G-d!"
pleaded. But...they did not! Still the people
continued sinning and provoking
G-d, and so the Words of the
came out true! The Assyrians
swept out of the East and
led the sorrowing people away! They had loathed
because they were telling the truth! G-d is still using
the prophets
His messengers
to teach, to edify, to correct, to warn for
great distress, explosions and all kind of catastrophes
are heading their direction, and
most will simply ignore
and to encourage His people, so that they will live in righteous
judgment! The ancient Israelites did not have an ear to it!
Are we?
They rejected and disobeyed the words of His messengers
the Prophets
that were send from God!
Are we; as
the Body of Messiah Yeshua
To reject or to neglect and showing no ears for His messengers will
respond in disobeying G-d and will bring a more severe judgment and
disasters upon those who continue persistence in error!
Saying, Touch not Mine
anointed, and do My
no harm.
105:15) (1 Chronicles 16:22) Many people have to experience first great affliction and calamity before they will realize and understand to seek the L-rd and turn to Him with a whole heart! It was revealing the violent distress and unbearable grief of the ancient Jewish people also during the siege by the Assyrians. After so many warning by G-d through His Prophets the ancient Jewish people couldn’t realize the place where they should go and be confronted with this serious life-threatening issues, face the terrible horrors of "hell" on planet Earth! Are we? G-d is always willing to forgive out of His Grace! The L-rd was gracious and would not turn His face away from His people, if they just returned to Him! How often would G-d have gathered His people together, and they refused even to listen and hardened their hearts! Are we; as the Body of Messiah Yeshua {Christ}?
If G-d’s people humble themselves, pray, seeking G-d's face and turn from their wicked and presumptuous ways!.............??? If your life is not in order with the Almighty G-d, than is it not time to repent in order to have a Divine interference of transformation? Confession and acknowledged the sins of the recent past for which judgment had come upon it is urgent needed! Many nowadays Christians are so ignorant or neglect the knockings of the Holy Spirit on the door of their hearts, by G-ds prophets and then they don’t realize that they often grieve the Holy Spirit and don’t really cherish His influences! All true “cleansing” of people’ hearts should begin with the inner parts; but man often cleans up the outside of himself, making no change on the inside! That’s called hypocrisy!
Many in the nowadays Churches are releasing a "cheap Gospel", that will require not a real radical change in your life! You can get 'saved' (?) at the altar-call, but never give up your old life style? ...Therefore if any man be in {Yeshua} Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new! (2 Corinthians 5:17) A common prayer of salvation and becoming just a member of the church! Naturally the warnings & corrections seemed unpatriotic to the leaders of the so many Churches and Ministries and stand right in the way and contradict the message and the Prophet's positive influence! They are complaining still to receive a straight radical message of the L-rd; they can be changed by the power of G-d. But ...they still want to sleep further?! . Many will reject and neglect even angrily the Prophet's message! They are and still despising the Prophets which are sent unto the Body of Yeshua {Christ}! Now your “house” is becoming desolate. You became “Out of order”, still you will repent and confess the words: “Blessed is he that comes in the Name of the L-rd!” G-d's "issue" for the today Churches is to get someone to listen to Him and thus avert judgment!
What shall your destination be?
with G-d? |
lost separate |
There is no other
choice left!
Holding accountable for your own salvation!
You maybe are at a crossroad!
will not be saved out of (your-selfish) pity,
but only out of His grace! Therefore
have to change your mind about the way ‘you’
want to control your life, You are saved
to walk progressively more each day in His
Holiness. Holiness is becoming like the
L-rd Yeshua
in thought,
All the ways of men, and women, are right in their own eyes...
Hell - infinite
- infinite
from a Holy G-d and from all things good total,
infinitive, eternal judgment!
Your soul is eternal!
One way or another, at the end of a thousand
ages, you'll
still exist.
The question is
And if the joy and glory of being in G-d
presence in Heaven is beyond your imagining, so
then too is the darkness and horror of being in
His absence! It is clear that any answer could
not come from yourself or from this world you
are living in today.
You're only one "heartbeat" away from eternity!
There is so much more...!
Go see for more at:
Recent Prophecies!
www.Godsoutreachministryint.org www.Prophetoffice.org