Awake Lakeland! |
The vision concerning Lakeland; Florida....
Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the Lord hath
spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have
rebelled against me! (Isaiah 1:2) Lakeland! You are in a great need to do business with God on His terms! 1
Shall not God search this out? For he knows the secrets of
the hearts! (Psalm 44:21) They have provoked the Lord with their deeds! Lakeland's Churches, ministries and "people of God" or what they proclaim to be, has provoked the Lord with their deeds. The sin of the people and their leaders, who suppose to give the right guidance, has grieved the Holy Spirit deeply, for they have turned their back to God! Instead of looking for His face, in spite off, God has faithfully taught them, they have refuse to listen and learn from Him. Having prejudice attitude against His messengers and each other! |
List of
'your' works! |
Prejudice, strictly defined, a preformed and unsubstantiated judgment or opinion about an individual or a group most often unfavorable in nature or hostile attitude toward other people based on their membership or nation of origin in another social or ethnic group! In most cases, a prejudiced attitude held by a dominant ethnic group against a minority or disadvantaged group within the same society results in various forms of discrimination. Throughout United States history many other groups have suffered racial or religious discrimination. Being disrespectful for those who attend religious services whether they are members of or visitors to that specific congregation! Also because of the Denominational walls many other religious groups and ministers have been neglected and rejected as well. Obviously Prejudice, pride and presumptuous lifestyles are not in order with God!
Religious leaders are having
prejudice attitudes against foreigners
and disfavored minorities within their borders. It may be religious,
such as policies that foreigners, who do not speak “perfect American”!
(?) The clamor of our own thoughts; imaginations; feelings and ideas are
still overwhelming us!? Mostly it is subjected to the
deceptions and selfish
ambitions! Is
nothing more than a hidden
form of hypocrisy.
What is it that
these people think, "they are better!"? "Lakeland"! ...you need to repent! |
Lakeland...Your works are neither cold nor hot! I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne! He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. (Revelation 3:15-22) Your works are neither cold nor hot! You showed yourself humble but it is a false humility, because you are proud, self-satisfied and ignorant of the true! You are like the Laodicean church; neither completely dead nor full of zeal, but indifferent and careless! You are thinking: “I am rich” and increased with goods for personal gain and saying: I have need of nothing”! No more than a big "Show off"! Material as well spiritual! Those who love their own comfort lifestyle in sin and their prosperity more than the Lord, will soon know His resistance to them! You are in a great need to do business with God on His terms! 2 You are in a great need to do business with God on His terms! God paid the price of redemption! Man is now obligated to meet God's terms of faith, repentance, and service if He wants to be (continued) redeemed! That includes also paying the price of renouncing satan, repenting of your sins, and consecrating to God in face of preparing suffering persecution such as Christians must suffer for Yeshua Messiah! The acknowledgement is there also that you had repeatedly refused to listen to God or obey Him. Instead you went your own presumptuous way! You will reap according what you sow! And it is going to expel the evil that has been sown in it and will be manifested! If any man hear His voice and open the door of his heart, He will come in to you! Christianity is not just something you experience only on Sunday-morning! Christianity is not just something you experience only on Sunday-morning; it is a daily fellowship with Yeshua Messiah or the Lord Jesus Christ. It is Not about chasing members & $ from others! Those who are prepared to pay the price and buy from the Lord gold, tried in the FIRE... Those who are wearing the "clothes of humility" are called "sons" & "daughters" of God! Those who are prepared to pay the price and buy from the Lord gold, tried in the FIRE, so that they became rich, and have white raiment, so that they are clothed with the Glory of God and not naked! (Revelation 3:18) They shall have the purity of soul and heart, the obedience to the truth, the yieldedness to the Holy Spirit, the love without hypocrisy and with fervency, and the new birth by the Word! (See also at: The clothes of humility) |
O Lakeland, you that ignore and neglect the prophets, and despise them! O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. (Matthew 23:37-39)
Man is responsible for his own destiny! In the final analysis (Judgment Day) man is responsible for his own destiny (Revelation 22:17). Those who hear; who are thirsty and those who will come! Without any exception, all people are invited to come to God freely! He is held accountable for his salvation or damnation has his own will to exercise in this matter! People are commanded to choose God! If they do not choose God than they are to be cursed! (Outside the presence of God) It is impossible to serve God and satan at the same time? Promises are given to people upon the basis of their choice! Man's relationship with God is entirely on a voluntary basis! He is responsible to God for his every act. He has freedom of (moral) action concerning right and wrong and that he is free to choose his own destiny! For God would not that you should be ignorant, lest you should be “wise” in your own conceits; that you become blind and presumptuous! Trusting themselves in some religion, a denomination,.... Millions trust themselves, some religion, a denomination, secret order, lodge, or program and despise all others who do not have the 'same faith' or belong to the order!? Thus they were growing in law, in organizations etc. …but not in grace!? It is a weak thing to rely upon! It is walking like a horse with 'blinders' before its eyes! |
If “God’s people” shall humble themselves, pray & seek again Gods face...
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble
themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways;
then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal
their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14) Today’s Churches and Ministries have not met the nearby any of the conditions! Since Lakeland’ today’s Churches and Ministries have not met the nearby any of the conditions still the blessings are waiting when these simple conditions are met! Likewise Jeremiah he was confronted with backsliding and the dangers of apostasy of ancient Jerusalem. He was a radical prophet having continuous open warfare with God’s own people! His theme seems to be that of judgment without mercy for those who become apostates and defy God. His messages repeatedly refer to the immediate Babylonian captivity! The purpose is to make clear to ancient Israel the consequences of sin and apostasy; to reveal to them their own future in the plan of God for man; and to emphasize the fact that the destiny of every man is determined by his conformity or lack of conformity to God and His plan! This need to be taken serious for consideration in the same way for today’s Churches and Ministries in this City! From generation to generation the depth of sin has taken deep root in man! You are created to walk with God, as Adam did in the Garden of Eden, before his fall! We are reaping the consequences of sin by disobedience. Death is spread throughout each generation! But… we have also beheld the Cross of redemption and have victory over sin! That will include not only redemption, but also a major change: removal of sin! If we accept the Lord on His terms! When truth is spoken in Godly love is rejected, death has been chosen over life! Obedience to God will bring life! Humility is not related to poverty! Every little remark or negative comparison with poverty cannot based from the scripture! It has to do with your attitude toward God and one another! Humility is not related to poverty, but to a broken spirit; accomplished through God’s dealings and signified as a person submitted to God! |
Those who love their own comfort lifestyle in sin and their prosperity more than the Lord will soon know His resistance to them! These people will not able to stand in the times that are coming now and already are! Prosperity can be one of the major strongholds on God’s people! If they looking still for Him during times of prosperity He is willing to entrust you with more of His Kingdom as well! There is a different in the prosperity of given by God or from the prince of evil! If the Lord cannot trust you with Earthly prosperity, how can He trust you with His Heavenly riches for the times that are coming? |
Jonah and his mission for Nineveh is the example for Lakeland! Nineveh is the subject for the Prophet Jonah. Let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands. Jonah knew that his God was merciful and that is why he was fleeing; he did not want Him to show mercy to the enemies of his people. He wanted them destroyed (Jonah 4:2), but it would be unlike God to fail or refuse to warn man of coming destruction and give him an opportunity to avoid it! A bigoted Jewish Prophet who, after being chastened by the Lord for disobedience, preached to and converted the whole city of Nineveh! The illustration of the fact that God's mercy and salvation are for both Jews and Gentiles who will repent and turn to Him! Jonah had one of the greatest preaching anointing given to man! It seems to be in the first impression Jonah’s action was a great folly, but not as foolish as many still are thinking. He had to understand the reality of God’s (Fire-burning) presence and the responsibility as response. Jonah had one of the greatest preaching anointing given to man! Without miracles or signs, when he preached, one of the most wicked cities, Nineveh, that ever existed! Maybe, if Jonah should preach in Sodom, that city would have remained until today! When he awakened and was vomited out of the beast, he had this power! TODAY God is sending His "Jonah's" to revive Lakeland! TODAY God is sending His "Jonah's" to Lakeland to revive this city, and His people! The lord had visited many Churches in the Lakeland area, but was not really welcome! You are thinking how?...... |
What you did it not to
one of the least of God's Messengers,
Then shall he
answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to
one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. (Matthew 25:45) "By their fruits ye shall know them" To accept, approve, embrace, give ear to the Prophet or minister, including his message and also embracing it as truth. If he will preach Yeshua Messiah and God, both will be received if he is received. If men will not hear of Christ or God they will not receive the minister sent by them as well! "By their fruits ye shall know them" (Matthew 7:15-20) Even the minutest details of goodness, if done for the right person and with the right motive, will be rewarded! You have to hear and obey the words of His messengers the Prophets that are from God without any delay or neglects! To reject or to neglect and showing no ears for His messengers will respond in disobeying God and will bring a more severe judgment upon you! Saying, Touch not Mine anointed, and do My prophets no harm. (Psalm 105:15) (1 Chronicles 16:22) God is using messengers to teach, to edify, to correct, to warn and to encourage His people, so that they will live in righteous judgment! The results by lack of discernment and Divine wisdom are often misinterpreted and misapplying of prophecy, which results also in rejection. Those who have a pure heart will discern what is pure!
He that
receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that
sent me. He that receiveth a
in the name of a
shall receive
a prophet's
and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man
shall receive a righteous man's reward. (Matthew 10:40-41) |
A Revival consists in the return of the Church and their people from her backsliding and apostasy state! In this kind of state - Churches are not able to awakened and have revival right away without first deep serious and honest searching's of their own hearts! By the coming Revival Lakeland people of God, who had visit the places of Revival in Lakeland, are coming under such a conviction of the Holy Spirit, that they can see the state of their own hearts and their own sins, whatever it could be, under such a Light that they are going to realize under great conviction their "far distance relationship" with God! A new sacrificial attitude toward God! A new beginning and new acceptance with God is just born! This is a painful process! While they were still in backslidden state their were blind to their own state of sin! In this revival many will come out of their backslidden state and renew their love of God in their hearts! The Revival-Fire is burning in their hearts and they are changed dramatically! They have got a new foretaste of the Fire strait from Heaven! The All-consuming Revival-Fire
The All-consuming FIRE of God will burn, deep, deeper in our hearts so that every religious spirit will be burned and consumed! So that freedom comes back into the Lakeland - churches and in our lives! There will be a closer and deeper walk with God for those who are coming under His Revival-Fire! It’s now time to prophesy and speak unto to the dry bones, to come alive! (Ezekiel 37) A deeper work from God, through His capable no compromising ministers! It means to remove all stubbornness in the nature against God, stopping all opposition to Him and to His anointed Prophets and messengers, and not stiff-necked anymore! A cleansing FIRE, Revival-Fire, Purifying FIRE, for those who keep their faith in God! Holy Revival-Fire is a sanctifying, Holy Divine work in the lives and souls of those at the Revivals! |
are numbered of God's appointed people outside the
church, There are numbered of God's appointed people in & more outside the church who had paid a price and were tried into the fire! They have lifted up their vision in a higher dimension! They are sent to the lost souls; to the rebellious children among God’s people! They are the real sons & daughters of God! They are His people who are wearing the robes of humility with the label of quality, and with a Divine mandate! They have the purity of soul and heart, the obedience to the truth, the discernment of the voice of the Holy Spirit! They carrying His love without hypocrisy and haven’t any confidence in selfishness or self-righteousness! They know Yeshua really and have found Him and have received His power to worship Him, to speak, to preach, to prophecy, to heal, to reveal the truth, to oppose, to discern, and to cast down demons from their thrones. They are the real sons & daughters of God prepared to operate for this End-time!... Since January 2009 is this revealed online through the web-site www.Endtimeharvestrevival.org Clearly described the Divisions of God's army in the End-time. See also at: God's Anointed Empowered Army Divisions The Heavenly Host is prepared and The Lord, King of kings; of war is rallying His Divisions of His large End-Time Harvest Revival - Army! He is calling you today as one of the many to be part of this End-Time -Generation! Planet Earth is going to have a Divine invasion from the Heavenly Host! The warrior Lord's Army represent men & women of holy anointed useful "vessels" to usher in the Kingdom so that no man can take credit for it! It is for the Glory of God alone! No apostle or prophet who ever lived, equaled the power anointing of these End-Time-Harvest-Revival - Men & women...! God will give the authority for the Revival in Lakeland to...
...To these people God will give the authority for the Revival in Lakeland in these last days! These precious saints will not make compromises to get favor, to get money, to get positions! There were rejected at the most of your Churches and ministries and by your own people! They were "Not good enough" in your opinion! Therefore in order to receive Revival-Fire the Churches inclusive their leaders needed to come out of their Denominational barriers and must come at the place of Revival! In the first place it will be on several locations in Lakeland Down-town! You cannot limit yourself to your own denomination, or own designed programs and reject all others! Revival is based on Godly principles and in grace, and is not limited in Church denominational barriers! Therefore the Revival in Lakeland will start basically on "neutral ground" outside the Church! Everyone who is hungry & thirsty for God can come. It will be spontaneous guided by the Holy Spirit! No one can claim it! Not us or anyone else! (See important point’s below) There is still a raiment of Churches, just a few, who are looking after His righteousness! He will not forget them! |
It’s a (new) beginning of obedience to God! The first step for a converted sinner or/and backslider convicted spontaneous by the Holy Spirit is a deep repentance. Deep repentance requires a broken and contrite heart and then a forsaking of the old worldly (dead) man before the Throne of God. The curse on the sinner’s life is broken, and the sinner is transformed into a new creation, according to the image of Yeshua, the Messiah or Jesus the Christ! (See more at "Revival"!) |
Place of Revival - some important points to consider!
These prophecies reflect what is in the heart of God
When Revival is at hand, a great multitude of people...
There shall be a great need to organize the order into the Lakeland cooperative Churches and ministries, to place the new converted and give them a "Home"! It is by the Holy Spirit's influence that realize a straight message that cuts through all denominational barriers and transcends human hypocrisy and frailty, traditions & religion and reaches the heart of mankind. Who maketh his angels spirits, his ministers a flaming fire! (Psalms 104:4) (Hebrews 1:7)...Wilt Thou not Revive us again; that Thy people may rejoice in Thee? Shew us Thy mercy, O Lord, and grant us Thy salvation. (Psalms 85: 6,7) |
Warnings seemed unpatriotic for leaders... Naturally the warnings like in this site "Awake Lakeland" seemed unpatriotic to the local Church leaders of this City. Many will reject and neglect even angrily the Prophet's message! Yet, in spite of, I will continue to speak what God has revealed to me. God will deal with those who have falsely prophesied "that there will be no trouble"! You have just look around you! No trouble??? I spoke for God! His Words and they became like burning FIRE! But there are people with a prejudice attitudes, waiting for "my failure" (???). |
sometimes hurts! When it does we are tempted to want good news, even in
spite off, it is not true. This is even foolish for ourselves! Just as
today, times were filled with trouble. Just as today will feel the treat
of "modern terrorism, natural disasters, etc. living under
a dark cloud
people are anxious for
good news
false humility
false messengers
will smoothly tell you that all is still OK! Giving you the good news
maybe you wanted so much!
For the largest part Christianity in this
nation is foolish enough to do the same!
Including those who come with their well-pleasing compromising
message to impress predicting peace and good times! It not only what the
people want to hear, it is also what they ("want to") believe!
...Fools! |
There is a related site "Brokenness" & the site (Prophecies!) of "Wearing the clothes of humility"!
There is so much more...!
Go back at: Recent Prophecies!
Ministry Int. Inc.,