Prophetic Revelation/Warnings... |
Wearing the clothes of humility… |
È Prophetic Revelation/Warnings...
Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the L-rd hath
spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have
rebelled against
Me! (Isaiah 1:2) |
the L-rd Yeshua Messiah
You know, there is a great multitude of people; lost souls, backsliders, hungry people for the Word, desperate waiting for your correct response! Is it possible that the state of Church-members included their leaders of a congregation are sunk down in a low state? This shows the total lack of appreciation of blessings by the nowadays Church-leaders. Rebellion; Ignorance; sins; moral state; weakness; hypocrisy; rejecting etc...
The works of the
hypocrite ministers
were done to be seen by others and to attract their attention how
“important” they may be?! Like many ministers of today, outward style in
dress, impressive cars, positions and status-symbols and beautiful forms
of religion made the sum of their
To be seen of men, but they are still acting their “performance” as an
actor! Only to attract attention to themselves! It is steeling from
My Fathers Glory! It is about the “show” made of them in public! They
became “badges” of vanity and hypocrisy! Isn't it up to My Father {YHVH}to make you into who you really should be? They need to learn to trust Me to make them into who they really should be! They need to desire and to learn how to abide in My presence and allow Me only to flow My life through them in order to touch others!! A man's haughty spirit brings him destruction and a humble spirit brings honor! (Proverbs 18:12)
And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through !covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. (2 Peter 2:2-3) {Lusts and slander of the truth have destroyed multitudes. “Heresies of destruction” or "follow their lasciviousness" or "their lust of the flesh”. In order to get money to spend upon their own lusts, they fabricate counterfeit doctrines, false theories and fake miracles to deceive. G-d predicted their punishment long ago and their damnation is sure.} This was also a very vivid picture of the state of ancient Israel at that time of her backslidden life! Their condition did not improve in spite of the ministries of many prophets and the demonstration of many miraculous acts of G-d on behalf of their nation. Rather, it grew worse until there was no remedy!? G-d let the nation go to total destruction and captivity. As also in the ancient days of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon when Jehoiakim became his servant for three years, and when he also rebelled against this king. (2 Kings 24:1) Ancient Israel was even compared to animals (!) who, in spite of their stupidity, are smarter than G-d's own people? Men, on the other hand, have much intelligence but use very little of it! Israel's ignorance was willful, and it became the root of all their troubles! When apostasy comes to this point there is no return, for one has willfully thrown all faith overboard and has done away with the only sacrifice that could renew to repentance. In spite of, and up to this point there is still always forgiveness to the ‘backsliders’! But you have to come in humility to Me before the Cross!
Is it irresponsible that a congregation complains of the plain and strict words of a Prophet or a messenger sent by G-d? Or rejecting it as "Old Testament Prophets"! How can they expect G-d's interference when they aren't awake and not willing to humble themselves and repent before a Holy G-d? Why do men willfully destroy themselves and endure the effects of sin when they could have the riches of G-d's grace in peace, material prosperity, physical health, and spiritual power? G-d has a soul as well as a body and spirit, and He is capable of emotions, desires and soul passions like other beings (Isaiah 1:14; 42:1; Leviticus 26:11,30; Hebrews 10:38) The Father {YHVH} becomes weary of these things and disgusted; filled with grief; and other things that these people continuing to do! (Isaiah 7:13).
us settle the differences between us!
reasoning with you as your state your own case will put an end to all
other reasoning! Simply the
will see his need and give himself to
My Father; then
will be just in cleansing him from all sin
with My Blood
and making him My
son!" |
There was a moment a complete silence...! There was a moment a complete silence! I could literally feel the grief of the L-rd! I was able to cry it out! I was filled with righteous indignation about what the L--rd's inspired against these kind of corruption into the Church and how His people, special how leaders response to His Divine appointed messengers! Again, as history repeated itself time after time, Their sins he was called to denounce, which I experienced that it was difficult and hard on Him! It still exist the day of today that G-d can speak about judgments {harbingers} over His people's wickedness and that He will reveal it through His anointed messengers: the Prophets! This means that the L-rd is still is doing and going to strengthened by His Divine authority over His Servants; the people who are wearing the mantle of humility! |
Than the L-rd Yeshua Messiah continued...:
Many people have to experience first great affliction and calamity before they will seek Me before the Cross and turn to Me with a whole devoted heart. How much suffering they could save themselves if they simply would do such seeking first? You need to lift up your vision on a higher level! Than you will be able to discern the Holy Spirit's voice and separate yourself from the wrong voices and wrong influences! Without rejecting My anointed messengers! Look for having a closer relationship with Me! I desire to walk with you! To those who hear, who are thirsty, who will seek Me before the cross!
Mankind has no
choice about coming into the world, but after you are here and old
enough to be responsible, you are held accountable for your own
salvation or
It is My
Father’s will that all people who are willing, shall be saved!
(Revelation 22:17; John 3:16)
You are responsible and accountable to G-d for
your every act! It is your moral action, concerning right and wrong! You
are free to choose your own destiny and your daily moral actions!" |
Cries from the depths of hell...! "Please help us, We will pay back everything we stole; we will make everything in order..."
It continued
for a short period.. I could not see where it came from, but it was
making me so cold and afraid to hear! Looking for an answer
the voice of the
L-rd spoke
again: "These are the cries from the
depths of hell!
These are the tormented souls
crying out for forgiveness and restoration, but unfortunately it is
TOO LATE for them! These are also the
desperate crying's from ministers, pastors and
leaders, who did not give charge to My anointed
messengers! They
had chosen their own destiny and chosen for their daily
actions! They
continued make
to get
Again there was complete silence! Again I could literally feel the grieve of the L-rd,
but this time you could feel He was crying! I was
able to cry it out, but I was powerless to do something's! I was
shocked! |
I was astonished by the way how G-d can reveal things! I had nothing to say except that He is L-rd and I didn't know what answer to give G-d. I was astonished by the way how G-d can reveal things! All my personal and former arguments are not important anymore. All I wanted to do was lay my hand upon my mouth. I was brought to complete silence and acknowledgement of G-d and was brought to complete repentance! Are the consolations of G-d small with thee? is there any secret thing with thee? (Job 15:11; 40:4) G-d knew that whatever questionable things I thinking about in my own debates while looking around me! Like Jeremiah was walking in Jerusalem and saw all the sin in the Holy city! G-d just know that what some “Christian friends”(???), had spoken through, who have been so nice, refined, polite, well-mannered, polished, high toned, and poised until one would think they were gifts from Heaven, but they were in reality destitute of all truth and spiritual experience and became against me with prejudice mentality. These deceived supposal "Christian friends", who are wise in their own eyes and think themselves to be something when they are nothing are worst in the Universal Church of G-d! Not understanding at all the cause of my grieve. G-d considered what I had considered! I have heard of You by the ear and I know You can do everything! No, any of our own thoughts or imaginations can be withheld from You! If you read this, please understand that this is a serious warning for those who still refuse to listen to the knockings on the door of your heart by the L-rd!
(Revelation 3:20, 21) Behold, I
stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears
{and} listens to {and} heeds
My voice and opens
the door, I will come in to him and will eat
with him, and he [will eat] with Me. He who
overcomes (is victorious), I will grant him to
sit beside Me on My throne, as I Myself overcame
(was victorious) and sat down beside My Father
{YHVH} on His Throne. Be serious with G-d's Holiness! Be serious about the life-style you have. This will remain of the sincerity of your consecration whether you are serving G-d or the enemy! Whether you are a minister or not. Whether you are famous, influent, rich, powerful, important etc...Consider the sincerity of your consecration! ******* My design in these prophetic revelations is to make it simple, trustworthy and for an easy way of understanding!
Paul van Beek God's Outreach Ministry Int. - Prophet Office - End Time Harvest Revival God's Outreach - Research Center End of this vision |
remarks to humility - Part I! |
Humility is not related to poverty! Every little remark or negative comparison with poverty cannot based from the scripture! You can be very prospered, but still humble! You can be very proud and still live in poverty!
It has to do with your attitude toward a Holy G-d
{YHVH} and one
another! Living in great poverty, and saying I am living in great
humility is not always correct! It is the extreme way for many to say,
that they live in "humility"! (Which all the respect for those who
suffer in great poverty, because of the circumstances they have to go
through, and because of really serving G-d to preach the Gospel in
extreme circumstances into desolated places in the world!) There are exceptions, but that is when
G-d has a special purpose for specific persons! But...still G-d wants to
meet the needs! Not always we understand G-d's ways of acting and why
certain things happen! He IS still a Sovereign G-d! There are numbered of G-d's appointed people in & more outside the church who had paid the price! They have lifted up their vision in a higher dimension! They are sent to the lost souls; to the rebellious children among G-d’s own people! They are the real sons & daughters of G-d!
Be clothed with “humility” (1 Peter 5:5) "Humility" (1 Peter 5:5; Colossians 2:18, 23); "humility of mind" (Acts 20:19); "humbleness of mind" (Colossians 3:12); "lowliness" (Ephesians 4:2); and "lowliness of mind" (Philippians 2:3).
With the mantle of humility you will be able to know G-d’s voice!
Because of this “mantle” or “clothes of humility” you are ready for
battle! You will be able more and more to love
Yeshua Messiah
and appreciate what
has done for
you in
sacrificial; painful; agony; -more than our comprehension-; process at
the crucifixion! A plain and ordinary cloth, which in the first place
seems to refer in the world to 'poverty', but in G-d’s eyes you are
wearing a mantle covered with His grace and it is esteeming to a far
higher level of authority; spiritually! It goes even further than your
comprehension! Those who are still in
without wearing this “cloak” will be under
the dominion of the enemy! By wearing this “mantle of humility” and by
your own willingness to
sacrifice your own desires for the sake of G-d’s Kingdom and for the sake
of others, the grow to our Spiritual maturity will be a fact! Everyone
is different; together, not individually, we will be able to receive and
to know the secrets mysteries of the L-rd and of His Kingship!
But he gives more grace. Wherefore he said, G-d resisted
the proud,
but gives grace unto the humble. (James 4:6) |
Lamentations for the hypocrite rebellious ministers!
For them who still continue make
to get favor, to get money by
manipulation, to get
position and for churches and their leaders who are striving, fighting, arguing,
and are neglectful! They still scatter instead
gather! Whose
hearts, are full of un-forgiveness, unrighteousness, pride, prejudice
and results in the works of the flesh! They are so ignorant
or neglect
the knockings of
the Holy Spirit
and they don’t realize that they often grieve and quench
the Holy Spirit!
...And calling themselves
"Ministers"!? Sorry to tell you,
but than you are no more than a "tool" for satan and
his destructive work! G-d knows
the secrets of the innermost hearts: for that which is highly esteemed
among men is abomination
in the sight of G-d!
(Luke 16:15)
Human Religion, which is powerless and
is any form of worship man chooses for himself
apart from the true worship of
G-d (Romans
1:21-25). Some forms have a great show of refinement, humility, and
asceticism, but they are powerless to deal with
sin and “the
old man”. They only
feed self-righteousness and pride
and do not change their heart!
It is opposing after opposing others by acting for personal gain and of
vanity! It is satan that's called to be the "king"
over all the children of pride,
the spirit that now works in all sons of disobedience and pride!
He beholdeth all high things: he is a king
over all the children of pride.
(Job 41:34)! |
Wrong motives Doing things (for G-d???) for the wrong reasons, and many wrong things you maybe did, obviously you could have good motives for! Having prejudices and judging so many people and so many situations wrongly! The voice of G-d is still so small within you and the clamor of your own thoughts; imaginations; feelings and ideas are still overwhelming you? Mostly it is subjected to the delusions, deceptions and selfish ambitions! Therefore sometime it is hard to discern and understand His still voice! |
Revival is...
A great multitude of people; lost souls, backsliders, hungry people, are desperate waiting for your correct response! You as devoted Christian have also your destination to reach out to the lost souls and to the rebellious children! And whether they will hear or they will forbear; this generation, (“Christian” or non-Christian) shall know that there have been sons of G-d (All kind of ministers; apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists and shepherds...etc.) among them! These ministers will raise from where mankind did not really expect! They will be revealed, which was secret for man! Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him. (1 Kings 19:18) |
Humility... The degree of our humility determines the degree G-d can use us! But he gives more grace. Wherefore he said, G-d resisted the proud, but gives grace unto the humble. (James 4:6) Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for G-d resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble. (1 Peter 5:5) (Quoted from: Proverbs 3:34). True humility is seeing yourself as G-d can see you! For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. (Proverbs 23:7) Humility is reality; Pride is deception! Humility & faithfulness is a key to finding our place in the Universal Body! More than anointing, you need character!
Do not let your gifting for take where your character cannot keep
you! (Avoiding of pride)
Keep yourself humble! Pride & stubbornness are two things that are hard to see in yourself! Submission is not the outward sign of conformity, but the inward sign of humility! Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for G-d resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. (1 Peter 5:5) Attitude!
Exaggeration is based on pride! True submission involved suffering!
Paying a price before
getting the benefits!
Though he were a Son,
yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; (Hebrews 5:8)
Three reasons why some people do not submit:
1. Lack of knowledge
That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than
of gold that perished, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise
and honor and glory at the appearing of
Jesus Christ {Yeshua}
Peter 1:7)
is a related site " Brokenness"! It was created out of what is revealed and
written on this site! |
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Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible © Copyright 1961, 1989 by Finis unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are taken from the Jennings Dake 13-Th. printing-January 1997 (King James Version) Using as a study material: The Amplified Bible (1987); Orthodox Jewish Bible; New Strong’s exhaustive concordance; Virtual Jewish Library; The Chumash; Jewish Orthodox; the Stone version;
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Please note:
This & ALL other web-pages in All web-site's of these Ministries
contains the Awesome Holy Name of G-d, YHVH.
If you print it out, please treat it with appropriate respect!
Correct forms of translations...of the Name of Yeshua/Jesus/Christ...
Joshua, Jeremiah, & Daniel all give us insights about the faith, courage, & compassion of the Messiah. “Joshua” and “Jesus” even had exactly the same name! “Yeshua”, meaning the Salvation of G-d, “Joshua” is an English transliteration of the original Hebrew Name “Yeshua”, and “Jesus”, is a transliteration of the same Name from the Greek!
Violating grammatical rules...?
Take also note that the
name of
related names
not capitalized. We choose not to acknowledge
even to the point of violating grammatical rules.
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