It is not correct
to categorized with details the Prophets
in the "Office
of Prophet"
concerning personalities, positions, states, finances, and performances! It will
grieve the Holy Spirit
when people on their "human" way formulate methods for evaluating & determining
the "Office
of Prophet"
by some (shortly human thinking minded) analysis technique or personality
profile! That is touching
G-ds anointed
that could harm them! (Psalm 105:15) Basically the
Prophet has the ministry of revelation &
anointing that points the way to
the Messiah!
The prophet has
together with the apostle the closest working relationship in their 'hand'
ministry to the Universal Body of the Messiah! His ministry is recognized by the Body of
Yeshua, because of the
years of bringing good fruits and a consistent ministry, not just by analysis
chart from a narrow mindset!
Surely the L-rd G-d will do nothing, but he revealed His secret
unto His servants
(Amos 3:7)
"High calling" High
The commissioning
in the "Office
of Prophet"
is asking for high demands!! It is a "High calling" ! Only a
really knows the ministry and function of a "Prophet".
And even one prophet
should not try to "box" other prophets
into 'his prophetic rule'! It is unscriptural & unwise to put a Prophet
(as for the other 5-fold offices) into a "box" of limited anointing &
activities! There are similar characters, but different in verities of G-d's
destiny and anointing, specific for each person (prophet)!
The 5-fold ascension gifts overlap and integrate just as the 9 gifts of the
Holy Spirit do! Non are
specific inferior or superior but they all are anointed,
appointed & commissioned of God for His specific purpose!
The Prophet is called to move on!
also had to
depart from our family, from the security you build on, our friendly &
familiar walking; going into uncertainly with a promise of G-d; “You are sent
by the G-d of the Universe!" Leaving our Country where we grown up, going
into an unknown “{also hostile}-zone”, with expectations. Like Abraham it is the promise of
G-d and His voice that spoke unto us: Now the L-rd had said unto Abram, Get thee out of
thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land
that I will shew thee: (Genesis 12:1)
Misunderstanding or
oppression? The prophet' sufferings!
“yes” there are times we need to ‘deal’ against a hostile environment ofunrighteousness, pride,
prejudice & discrimination against us as (foreign)
ministers in the
Prophetic movement
and in the active operation in
the office of a Prophet! Against “saints” who still
make compromisesto get favor, to get money, to
get position with striving, fighting, arguing and neglecting! They still love their traditions and common habits; but
these are abominationsunto a Holy G-d! For
many times we had to deal with thosewhose hearts, are full of
un-forgiveness and works of the flesh, what’s make them questionable if they
are calledof G-d! They areso ignorant or neglectthe knockings of the Holy Spiriton the door of their
hearts, and then they don’t realize that they often grieve the Holy Spirit;
don’t really cherish Hisinfluences and so missing the
“prophet’s blessings”!
If you don’t ‘fit’ intheir own programs, within
the framework of their organization, according to their own insight and will,
you do not ‘count’ for
Against Pastor-(s) who finding themselves ‘very important’ and holding
up their position and are not prepared with a G-dly open mind to receive
the Prophet
in it’s right position!It also called
So often believers
(minister or not!) are trapped by satan:
to man, people and leaders to obtain a good impression?”!
When the prophet is expected to preach good,
sound comfortable words, to “please” to people who receive the message, and
make them “feel comfortable” by pleasant words. So they accept it and think
its ok?
it is wrong!
I feel like the
Prophet Jeremiah,who was seeking after G-ds
righteousness and wanting immediate action of dealing with the people who
came so against him! (Picture: Jeremiah in the pit.) Is not My Word like as a Fire? [That
consumes all that cannot endure the test] Says the L-rd, and like a hammer
that breaks in pieces the rock? (Jeremiah 23:29)
Instead of recommending the message...
of recommending the message of
the Prophet,
and holding up his hands in all possible ways for support; most Churches,
Ministers, leaders and pastors stand right in the way and contradict the
message and his positive influence! They are complaining still to receive a
good straight message of the L-rd; they can be changed by the power of G-d.
If not, they still want to sleep further?! G-d will send His people out for
labor, but if people do not want to receive the prophet, than I have to put
off the 'dust' from me and go further on!
I feel like the
when he was called and sent tothe children of
to a rebellious nation that had rebelled against
G-d. The impudent children and stiff-hearted! And whether they will
hear, or whether they will forbear: This
rebellion house, yet, shall know that there had been a
prophet among them.
Andheshall speakHisWords unto
them! (Ezekiel
2:1-7) I feel like
Stephen, stones by religiously!(Picture)
America, America!!!?
America, it’s called the blessed Nation! And we believe in it! But, in theBody of Yeshua/Christ,
there is so much, which
I cannot call “blessed”; I am force to say “sick”!
If there is no radical and serious turn to G-d, this “blessed” nation will
lose its preferable position!
Prejudiceand in combination with
any form of discrimination in a disaster for
human kind. None of reasonable & capable human
beings thought's & speeches is immune from
harboring prejudice! It often will take
deliberating efforts and also awareness to
eliminate any form of prejudice; with the right
and (G-d-ly) sufficient motivation, it could be
dealt with it! The right information & education
is a powerful weapon against prejudice! It is a
way also to expose the root causes prejudice,
enable to examine the attitudes more
objectively, or the pride in that specific
person or group associate with the same issue
and/or thoughts! It could be a way to help
certain victims of prejudice in a more wisely
and tactfully way!
is a form of discrimination that its roots have
from mostly pride! It causes people to
distort, or even ignore the facts that is in
conflict with their predetermined opinions,
without any knowledge of the
facts; but just by assuming!
Prejudice may have its beginning in seemingly
innocent, but it is misguided; with a wrong
mentality, without a real reason, but more in a
different way of (wrong) opinions. It may be
sown by those who deliberately promote warped or
miss-understanding, not having the willingness
even to try to understand views of other races,
cultures, religions, denominational differences!
It is evil 'product' of inordinate pride!
A [self-confident]
'fool' has no delight in understanding
but only in revealing his personal opinions
{and} himself. (Proverbs 18:2)
Sole signatory rights?
reserved for themselves sole signatory rights on the Church's accounts, and
often hid the fact that they often used the money for their own personal
use! They control Church’s money; which is still G-d’s money, placing
themselves among the “rich influent men" category! (Ab)-Using their own
ministries, Churches and the money like business, regardless for the ‘own’
people (unless if they are rich & famous; to please them, in order to get
their favor!
I can still hear the terrifying and horrible cry
from hell: "Please, let me pay back the money" is TO LATE...for them there in hell! It was a cry
from pastors, ministers, people who should know the principles of G-d's
Kingdom, but still they refuse to listen to the warnings of G-d, by His
But if they had stood in My counsel, and had caused my people to
hear My words, then they should have turned them from their
evil way, and
from the evil
of their doings. (Jeremiah 23:22)
G-d knows the secrets!
But G-d knows the secrets of
your innermost hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men isabominationin the sight of G-d!
(Luke 16:15)There I am standing,
like Abraham, if I would find contentment, because I am designated with a
specific purpose! The L-rd guards
the prophet
from dwelling
exclusively on the national character of his specific mission. In the midst
of general prejudice,
superficiality &
rejection the prophet
has to stand alone before his G-d and give account of
according to his own works! (Ezekiel 3:17-27; 18:1-23;
33:1-20)They have not only
resisted the Spiritbut
also have “killed”
those (Prophets) inspired by
The" Stiff-necked &
uncircumcised ones".... Ye stiff-necked and
uncircumcisedin heart and ears, ye do always resist the
Holy Spirit {Roach HaKodesh}
as your fathers did, so do you. Which of the prophets
have not your fathers persecuted? And they have slain them which showed
before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers
and murderers: (Acts 7:51, 52)
Being stiff-necked(Acts 7:51)
uncircumcised in
Being uncircumcised
in ears(Acts
the Holy
Spirit(Acts 7:51)
the Messiah Yeshua(Acts 7:52)
the Messiah Yeshua(Acts 7:52)
to obey the law (Acts 7:53)
...unfortunately... TO LATE!!! ...for
Sending instructions!
out of
your country Belgium; West-Europe! ·
Leave your
kindred and your family! ·
Leave the
'security' you build on, your friendly environment & familiar "walking"! ·
Leave your
business & "life-time secure" job both! ·
Sell your
home and cars! ·
Put your
stuff in a 40-Ft Container & sent it to Florida! ·Prepare to
sufferrejection,ignorance, neglecting,
prejudice & discrimination! ·
Make this as
a sacrifice to Me! ·
Pack your
suitcases & go to Florida; USA; the Nation I will send you to! ·
Arise, walk
through the land before Me and be perfect and keep My covenant! ·
(spiritual) yourself to Me! ·Obey your
wife in this matter too!
Do not depend
on "promised" donations! “I am your provider, depend on Me only”!
Likewise Abraham promises' of G-d!
·I will show what’s going in this Nation!
(Genesis 12:1). ·I will bless
you! (Genesis 12:2;
22:17). ·
You will be a
blessing for the nations! ·
Like Abraham; I
will bless them that bless you! ·
Like Abraham; I
will curse them that curse you! ·I will deal
with your oppressors;
do not defense yourself! ·
I am your
shield! ·
I am your great
reward! ·I will make &
establish My
with you! ·
I will multiply
your Ministry exceedingly! ·
You will lead
many, many of My people! ·
I will make you
& Ministry exceedingly fruitful! ·
You will stand
before Kings and great leaders! ·
I will be your G-d
for you! ·
I will bless
your family as well!
Surely the L-rd G-d will do nothing, but he revealed his secret
unto his servants the
prophets. (Amos 3:7)
Different kinds of prophets! by Gene
There are many different kinds of
prophets. All ministers do not have the same calling or emphasis of
ministry. Jeremiah,
for example, was called the "weeping
prophet," while
Ezra, Nathan,
and Gad
were "writing prophets"
the latter two of which wrote 2 Samuel
and 1 & 2 Chronicles.
There are prophets who are
also teachers (Acts 13:1).
There are prophets
whose primary ministry is within a local body. Some
are called to be the local resident apostle over a work, giving it apostolic
oversight. Other
have a traveling ministry, and some function not only as
but also as Missionaries (Acts 13:1-4).
Prophets are SEERS; they see things supernaturally in the Spirit
that other people don't see. (1 Samuel 9:9)
can hear things that are not intended to be heard by others! If G-d reveals
it to them, they can even hear evil plans
conceived in privacy and secrecy! (2 Kings. 6:8-12)
pronounce judgment (Jeremiah 1:16, 17)
...Prophets can execute G-d's judgments! (Revelations 11:3-13) ...Prophets exposes sin:
Nathan the Prophet
exposed the sin
of David. (2 Sam. 11:1;
Revelation 10:7; 11:15)
The ministry of the
bring the culmination of the Church Age. (Acts 3:21)
When the
have finished their ministry, Messiah Yeshua
or Jesus the Christ
will be released to return to claim His Church-Bride! {The righteous
un-compromising saints who are became "Over-comers"} ...When Israel was in
trouble and needed a deliverer, God sent a prophet!
They (Midian) invaded the land to ravage it. Midian so impoverished the
Israelites that they cried out to the Lord for help. When the Israelites
cried to the Lord because of Midian, he sent them a prophet!
(Judges 6:6, 7)
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Prophetic 'End-time Harvest Revival'!