For we are to G-d the
aroma of
among those
who being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the
smell of death; to the other the fragrance
of life. And who is equal to such a task?
May I introduce myself? With a message of the Holy Spirit: "I am sending you!" I want to tell you about the Ministry briefly, so that you can learn about me. Back in 1991, G-d called me into the ministry in the United States, (Florida) He connected this ministry later in 1997 with a Spanish Church in Orlando, Florida. I have visited Orlando for several years, with the message of the Holy Spirit: "I am sending you!" "Your ways are Mine!” ...And He said, certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve G-d upon this mountain. (Exodus 3:12) Picture on the right: Like G-d chose Abram and brought him out of Ur...
G-d has blessed, anointed & confirmed me time after time! I have met also other believers, who have had visions about my coming. For about 3 years I have preached in the Orlando Area. In the Spanish church and I have experienced a great anointing upon the ministry and myself, and it is still growing have learned about the American way of life! This Spanish church became my basic church for Florida.
When you start to speak your dreams and you feel
...Now the L-rd had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee. (Genesis 12:1)
When G-d said: "go", even Abram didn't know where he had to go to; he had to trust G-d for 100%! G-d was calling Abram, and gave him instructions. The L-rd spoke to our hearts: "You are going to America!" This was our call of G-d and His Divine order! ...Who am I, that I should go unto the Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt? (Exodus 3:11) People around us rejected and denied it. But I knew, G-d placed this miracle upon my heart!
It's G-d Who still initiates! It's G-d Who still chooses! It's G-d Who still give a "new name"! It's G-d Who makes a covenant with people! And it's G-d Who is still finding a faithful heart before Him! It's because of the responding to the of faith Abraham, that G-d accounted it to Him for righteousness! (Genesis 15:6) As commanded, by G-d, Abraham left Ur, separate from his old associations and moved to a land which G-d would show him. While Abraham obeyed G-d's instructions to leave, he did not go on his own initiative when he set out for Canaan. From your country; from your family; from father's house! (Genesis 12:1) This is a call to abandon everything to follow. The L-rd moves from less to more difficult. It's hard to leave a society in which we have grown up and leave that circle of relations where relationships are closest and love deepest! Abraham was to become a useful vessel through which G-d's blessing may flow to many others (Genesis 12:2)
If I told you the obstacles we had to overcome. If I had the statements did today, it should amaze you! It would be as if impossible! There were many things that were standing between "me" as a person and the vision I was carring. There were many times of distress and discouragement. But if the L-rd said that you are going to do it, than there is nobody who can stop me. So I will move! There is no demon power from hell that can stop me, from fulfilling what G-d called me to do! Only I can stop fulfilling what G-d called me to do. If God said: "GO", then GO! Not looking upon the people who said this and that. I just neglect the people's arguments. People can change their opinion, but G-d NEVER changes!
created something's in the innermost of me, and it's
I can't build the vision upon people, but G-d will send people who will catch also the vision and they will say: "I am here, I am locked in". Others will come in for a time and G-d will move them out later on His time. They are stopping by me for a while to fulfill their vision. That's what I had done also in the past.
When G-d created something inside of me and it's burning inside me like a FIRE, and you start to talk about it and you start to get excited about it. That's the direction you have to go To move in, no matter how impossible it's looks
P. O. Box 93404;
Lakeland; Florida; 33804-3404, USA ' (863)
Testimonies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
Outreach Ministry Int.
End Time Harvest Revival