Revival Lakeland; P. O. Box 93404;
Lakeland; Florida; 33804-3404, USA |
This page is the 2-sd page continuing the Revival News 2008 beginning on the Home-Page of Revival Lakeland
This page is only giving the
historical remembrances for what happen
during the Healing Outpouring Revival in Lakeland 2008! It is
NOT active anymore! |
Index-1: We encourage you to provide information about the revival on your website, and even to let people know where the meetings are being held. We also appreciate your integrity regarding the offering coming to you that are designated for the Revival and Fresh Fire Ministries, and thank you for your heart to serve. Our staff member, Dan, gave you the guidelines for the other information you can post on your site! Blessings, Lakeland; 13 May 2008 FFM (Fresh Fire Ministries) Staff |
About the worship leader Roy Fields Shortly... Todd Bentley with several Guests like: John Arnott; Bill Johnson; Che Ahn... A Formal Apostolic Alignment of Todd Bentley. Monday 23 June 08 Lakeland is an epicenter… Keith Miller 05-16-08 Bob Jones' third wave prophecy Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter.. The first night in the Tiger-Stadium Out of no where three ospreys’ fly over Sporting tattoos, spiked hair and a sold-out to Christ! David Tomberland shares 05-16-08 Todd Bentley shares 05-15-08 4 Revivals that are going to take place in the World Todd introduces Prophet Bobby Conners Todd prophetic conversation with Rob Delucca I am overwhelmed and speechless… The prophetic conversations on platform...04 May 2008 |
Surprised by
the Spirit;
what we’ve learned from a sudden
I had invited evangelist Todd Bentley for a five-day “Signs and Wonders Conference” at our church. Todd had spoken at Ignited Church the year before—the first time we’d met—but something was different this time. The expectation was extremely high. Two weeks earlier in Australia, New Zealand prophet Rob DeLuca had prophesied a coming anointing on Todd that would “boomerang” around the world. Rob said the boomerang was to have doubled the force when it came to central Florida, and he even mentioned the Lakeland revival of 1993. He didn’t know that Todd was headed to the very congregation that experienced that Revival. When we heard about the prophecy, we knew something special was about to happen, but we had no idea just how big it would be. As with any planning in church leadership, we wanted to leave room for the Holy Spirit to do whatever He wanted. Since Todd had informed me that his following week of meetings had just been cancelled, I told him that we were prepared to extend a week if we wanted to. However, he had already changed his tickets to fly home and was looking forward to a week of rest. Obviously, those plans changed.
By the second night the first overflow room was filled. The atmosphere was charged with the electricity of God. Incredible miracles began to take place. Even Todd appeared to be taken back with the ease at which they happened. Both of us conduct overseas crusades and regularly see great miracles take place in other countries, but we’d never seen them flow in America like this. The third night, when Todd walked into the room, our eyes met while standing on the front row. “I think we need to go another week,” I told him. It turns out he had just told his staff, “I think we need to talk with Pastor Stephen about going another week.” We announced it that night. Every night from that point was like taking another step deeper into the anointing, as if we were reaching another level. The crowds now filled both of our overflow rooms. In fact, by Sunday we had to lock the doors because the fire marshal required us to limit the capacity to 1,300. Hundreds watched on screens outside the building on the patio, and hundreds more had to be turned away. People would begin lining up to get in as early as 3 p.m. Changing Venues For those of us in leadership, the first three to four weeks were consumed with finding facilities to accommodate the growing crowds. Once it became obvious that our church couldn’t hold everyone, my brother-in-law, Shane Simmons, who pastors Life Church in Auburndale, Fl., allowed us to use his 3,000-seat facility only 20 minutes away. It wasn’t long before we overflowed his building and began to turn hundreds away. Next, we moved into the Lakeland Center arena, which seats 8,000 or more. We filled that building.
From there we held an open-air meeting at the Sun ’n Fun Campground at the Lakeland airport, and about 12,000 people came. In fact, the police told us a traffic jam developed that was so bad it blocked thousands from getting into the campground for miles down the road.
finally settled at the campground using two tents attached side-by-side that
would hold 10,000. By that time, the nightly crowds ranged from 3,000 to 8,000,
with more coming on the weekends. Throughout the changes, we’ve continued to
meet at Ignited Church each morning, Sunday through Friday, and on Saturdays
we’ve moved to the tent to fit the larger crowds. During the first few weeks our
staff and volunteers nearly burned out because of the day-and-night,
seven-days-a-week schedule.
Quick Critics As with most moves of God, there are those who question the authenticity of what’s happening in what’s been dubbed the “Lakeland Outpouring” or the “Florida Healing Outpouring.” Yet it seems this time the critics have not only become quicker to respond, but also louder with their objections. The amazing amount of controversy has admittedly caught me off-guard. I had no idea how prejudiced the Christian world is to Todd Bentley’s ministry. I never found anything in his ministry that concerned me—including his tattoos. Frankly, I had to work through being offended by some of my ministry friends who were expressing their “concerns” publicly. Some wrote in their e-mails, blogs, magazines or newsletters; others voiced their concerns through sermons. The heresy hunters were quick to point out that “even [Stephen’s] friends are speaking against him.” What hurt was that these ministry friends never tried to contact me. Most still have not. Even when I tried to reach out to ask why they didn’t call or e-mail me, it was as if they had a blind spot to what they had done. They never apologized, but simply said they felt they had to “express themselves” because so many of their constituents were asking them for answers. Admittedly, I’ve needed a lot of prayer and counseling to keep my spirit pure of offense. I’ve also had to apologize to some for my rebukes. In fact, I work my way through repentance daily. One of the side effects of this outpouring has been a work of holiness and the fear of God. I can’t go for more than a few minutes in any kind of sin before I feel God’s hand squeezing me. Temptation of any kind is met with a swift move of the Spirit, followed by strong repentance. That’s one of the reasons why I know beyond any shadow of a doubt that this is God. Show Some Support! For some reason, the body of Christ seems to have ignored the Scriptures that admonish us to hear both sides of the story. Even the secular press would at least contact us for a comment before writing a story about us. Yet our Christian brothers and sisters never once tried to contact us. They appear to have ignored the passages that tell us to go to our brother who we feel is “overtaken in a fault” (Galatians 6:1, KJV). Instead, they have used the bully pulpit of their e-mails, newsletters and Web sites to express their concerns that often have been based on incomplete or faulty information. Todd, a few friends and I were able to formulate statements and theological responses to some of these concerns, but even these seem to be ignored or refused. It appears that many are simply predisposed to believe this outpouring is “demonic—period”.(?) It’s like trying to convince non-Pentecostals that speaking in tongues is really for today; no matter what Scripture you give them, they have chosen not to believe.
There have been a few who responded immediately in support—John Arnott, Ché Ahn, Patricia King, to name some of those supporters. Several others came, though only for one night or part of a service. And a few apostles have reached out to me personally when I asked for their help, including Peter Wagner and another major leader who asked me to withhold his name for a season. I’m thankful for them all. Still, there are those who have labeled the Lakeland Outpouring as a work of an “angel of light” or “a deceiving spirit or “familiar spirit”. Do they truly know what they are saying? Isn’t it a sin to attribute the work of the Holy Spirit to satan? How can we worship for up to two hours in each service, preach the gospel, exalt Christ and emphasize holiness—and yet be operating in “a demonic spirit”? I’m baffled by their assessments. A New Move My prayer for the body of Christ is that we learn that “eye has not seen, nor ear heard ... the things which God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). I pray that when we “see” something new, we truly investigate it from all sides before we label it “not of God.” Is it possible that God is doing something new? The reality is that there is mixture in every Christian endeavor. There is flesh, there is the counterfeit; and yes, even the demonic tries to infiltrate. But I’ve been in church board meetings where there was more demonic involvement than anything I’ve ever experienced in one of the outpouring meetings. In Matthew 13:24-30, Jesus told the parable of the wheat and the tares. The field workers complained about the mixture of the tares with the wheat, yet when they asked if they should pull up all the weeds, the owner responded, “No ... lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them.” Honestly, sometimes I think that the Body of Christ hasn’t learned a thing from our past mistakes. We rejected the Latter Rain, Word of Faith, Prophetic movements—virtually all of them when they first appeared. And most were dismissed simply because we couldn’t understand them. Here’s what I know: I love Jesus more now than ever before. I can’t even write these words without tears flowing from my eyes. People are being saved in the meetings and in the marketplace. Many in the body of Christ have a renewed faith in miracles, and we’ve received more than two-dozen recorded resurrection stories since we began. Multiple funerals have been canceled! I’d say that is pretty good verification. I currently have more than 5,000 praise reports on my computer that I haven’t been able to read yet. Todd’s ministry, Fresh Fire, and GOD TV have multiplied thousands! What will it take for us to even suggest that maybe, just maybe, God is doing something fresh?
Strader; Senior pastor;
5859 Hwy 98 North; Lakeland Florida
' (863) 594-1750 Guest Evangelists and Speakers will be coming from all over the world and ministering in the anointing and power of the Lord in Miracles, Signs, & Wonders as the Holy Spirit leads! Picture Source "P v Beek/God's Outreach Ministry Int.: The healing Revival meeting at Ignited Church in Lakeland on Monday April 21. (Begin of the Revival) Drawing growing crowds of people seeking miraculous healing of serious medical conditions! In a few days these line were tripled and still growing! The same amounts of people were drawing together for the morning-sessions! Expected a change of Glory in the Outpouring!?
Apostolic support for Todd by John Arnott, Bill Johnson & Che Ahn; and to state that this revival was from God. Therefore, Todd would like to invite as many friends and partners to come and celebrate with Todd as he is commissioned by these apostolic leaders.
In what is
becoming the norm, once again the worship was taken over by those assembled for
the space of at least half an hour. During that time, without instrument or
leaders the faithful simply worshiped their Lord in harmony and unity. Actually
most of the four hours which were broadcast was dominated by worship with some
time used by Rob Deluca who brought a Word of the Lord for Israel.
There is an open heaven over
Lakeland Lakeland is an epicenter… There is a portal that is open and it will never close! Lakeland is called as a “hub” It is meant to connect all over the world to those that are hungry. Revival “hubs” ... fires burning continuously all over the earth! God is pouring out in this hour is the wine and only those regions that have the wineskin... and apostolic wineskin... that God is going to begin to move on revival “hubs”. And He wants to connect all the revival “hubs”! Decree a thing and it will be established!
Under the anointing you make a declaration and
it forms tonight. It is no longer a hope, and a vision, and a dream, and a
promise... we have an opportunity to form… to bring a maturity to what God has
spoken… to bring it out of the womb of expectancy.
It was Peter who recognized Him. Had Peter not
recognized Him when everybody else thought its a ghost, Jesus would have never
come into the boat. Jesus made out like He was going to pass by. "Dear L-rd: I desire to appropriate Your Word so that I will be able to be a warrior for You. Let Your Word permeate my mind and my spirit so that I will be a bold warrior, filled with Your confidence to fight each spiritual battle that is thrown at me. I pray that Your Word would be hidden in my heart that I wouldn't sin against You. I also pray that I would rightly divide Your Word of truth. Finally, if there is any excellence, let my mind dwell on these things!"
On MSNBC-News!
This is an open portal!
Norwegian Pentecostal magazine Dear Paul, I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus, and rejoice to hear about the great things God is doing in parts of USA. In our Norwegian Pentecostal magazine, Korsets Seier (Cross Victory), The article is in now our web; the number is going to have an article about the revival in Florida. It is fantastic to see how the work of Jesus is going on and a great inspiration for our readers!.........God bless you all; Greetings in The Lord; Ernst Knudsen/ Norway / 23 May 2008
Huge ray of light from heaven; there is an open Heaven!
Bentley calls up the First nation people!
They heard the
word about this move of God! We have come to give an official welcome of this
outpouring to America! God’s going to heal this land and remove this curse!
(05/09/08) Over 40,000 prayer requests have been sent in
by email over the last 48 hours! On picture you will see that huge packets of
prayer-request are on FIRE! Todd anointed with oil and prayed over the nearly
20,000 prayer requests! Rebuking infirmity; poverty; emotional distress;
division in homes! Then we took the requests and placed them in a giant barrel
and burned them up with FIRE! The fire truck was standing by, but the FIRE
consumed every request!
The open field at the Lakeland Airport...
The billion-soul harvest has begun!
The billion-soul harvest has begun! The harvesting angels; evangelists;
Churches; crusades; the greatest harvest of souls has begun! We are about to
experience book of acts miracles; the great miracles we heard about from the
past and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is going to be proclaimed in & from
this place; Lakeland and globally! From other countries! It’s coming to
America! We are battling the prince of the air waves! It’s an open heaven
What is the
fruit of this outpouring?
is releasing a great impartation of
Glory! The fire also spread out onto...
Let the streams come together! A Spirit of
unity that the
Holy Spirit cannot resist! Let this spread to foreign
(05/07/08) The chanting melody of baptize us in the
Holy Spirit; baptize us with
FIRE! I want to burn for you lord!!! The
FIRE of the
Holy Spirit to come upon everyone’s hands and taking this
FIRE to the nations! There is a
Spirit of Revival sweeping through the crowd! God send us another
“Azusa street”
Revival of FIRE! The Glory angels are coming into the
building! The FIRE goes up; the Glory comes down… The holy
glory; The holy glory! The fire also spread out onto the streets of Belfast as we prayed for all of those we met many young people stood shaking under the anointing of the Holy Spirit and was leading 35 Roman Catholics to Christ! This is a marvelous sign that the healing and impartation is spreading from Lakeland into Belfast! Todd shares the story of the outpouring Todd shares about the hot spots that are flaring up all over the world! There are stories of dead being raised in several places. Todd calls for everyone from the Netherlands; Germany and Ireland to come up here now! They ran to the platform and they all fell under Gods power! All you need is one small burning coal in your belly! Let the wind of the Holy Spirit blow through you! Suddenly, the crowd rushes the stage when Todd releases the fire through the crowd! The stage goes electric A mass impartation of the fire rips through the crowd!!!
Pray for you country; the only way this
Outpouring will continue is if God sees your hungry! You come in here with your
dry wood! Get close to the fire and soon you will catch fire! The word says: “Offenses will come” When you allow offenses to come into your life because of religious politics it will shut down the Glory! It will produce scar tissue on your heart! It will hinder the work of God in your life. Many in the church world have been offended because you have tried to step out and do something different, or reach out for the glory; or become involved with this ministry or that ministry and your brethren rejected you! This outpouring is costly oil! It’s worth losing everything this world has to offer even what the ministry has to offer! God was releasing an anointing of His presence this night (05.05.08). Thank God for the many different kinds of anointing’s; but the greatest impartation is of His presence! You have to be willing to follow the Glory-Cloud! The great, and greater historical healing-outpouring of the Holy Spirit
angels are singing with us; all heaven is singing with us!
The angels are singing with us; all heaven is
singing with us! Now the crowd is totally singing on their own… no one
leading… The chanting melody is filling the arena. The air is so thick…
it’s one of the most powerful manifestations of His Holiness since the
Outpouring began.
satan has no authority in this place! Spirit of
infirmity… spirit of death… spirit of poverty… spirit of
This is the most contagious, transferable, and
tangible anointing that will sweep around the world! Thousands of leaders are
coming to “get some” – of this anointing and take it to their
churches, ministries, and global evangelism! This anointing is to give away!
To share it out on the nations!
Pastor Pedro
Ibarra from the great Argentine
Pastor Pedro Ibarra from the great Argentine
revival has come to release his blessing on America that is greater than
Argentina! “We feel the power of the Holy Spirit in this place… I have
a fresh hunger from God… just like I had 20 years ago in Argentina…
we want to see the fire of God hit America… many of come from America as
missionaries… NOW IT’S TIME FOR AMERICA!” “I feel a glory from my
head to my toes; a hunger and a thirst is growing in the lives of God’s people!“
Todd’s message... “God is doing something here that only He can put together! This is only beginning! This is already historic. A week ago we were trying to fit 1500 people into Ignited Church. Then we moved into a Life Church in Auburndale with 3,000 seats. Turned away thousands! Then we’ve moved into the Lakeland Center Hockey Arena with 8,000 seats and we are at 80% capacity the first night! On Friday May 02 we will be in the TIGER BASEBALL STADIUM! This healing outpouring will take us into the largest arenas and stadiums across America and internationally. America is ready for the shaking and the outpouring that goes from coast to coast! The four corners of the globe will be impacted by this outpouring!” This anointing is the most contagious transferable anointing’s in history!!!
Unstoppable, unshakable, mighty wave of the power of God!!!!
Prophet Rick Joyner
has reported that two of his high school students came down to the outpouring…
drove all night home to be in class on Monday morning… shared in their
Bible Class what they experienced… and now the power of god has hit the
entire morning star campus!!! Night after night of glory!!!
“Breaking the chains over our lives and families!”
"I pray for the true Spirit of
The enemy
has become aware what happen here in Lakeland!
This is still the preparation for the greater
things what will come! The Glory of God will be bringing down into this City of
Lakeland and will come under this “Glory-Cloud”!
About the worship leader Roy Fields shortly
P.O. BOX 401;
(410) 330.1037
Todd Bentley with
several Guests like: Many of you know that an extraordinary healing revival has broken out in Lakeland, Fla., led by Todd Bentley. Unfortunately, there are some who have criticized or opposed this revival. History seems to be repeating itself. In order to stand with Todd and support Todd and this mighty work of God, Dr. Peter Wagner made the suggestion that some of the leaders of the Revival Alliance network, commission Todd as an evangelist and as a revivalist. Bill Johnson, John Arnott, and Che Ahn (three of the leaders of the Revival Alliance) have agreed to come for this special commissioning service. This is not an ordination service, since Todd is already an ordained minister, but this is to show apostolic support for Todd and to state that this revival is from God. Therefore, Todd would like to invite as many friends and partners to come and celebrate with Todd as he is commissioned by these apostolic leaders. Join us in Lakeland Florida for this special service or join us on God TV or www.freshfire.ca Source © Fresh-Fire
Formal Apostolic Alignment of Todd Bentley.
"This is the hour that I (Jesus) am pouring
out the oil of the over-comers. I am desperately hungry that I would
have my full inheritance in my Bride!" Ezekiel 44:28 – "I and I alone will be your inheritance! You are to have no possessions in Israel, for I and I alone are to be your possession!" Amen? When this glory presence comes, it is going to literally open up the creative realm of Heaven and equip the Body of Christ to bring Heaven to earth! We have so many believers who are living their life just to be a good Christian, have good discipleship, pay their tithes, give their offerings, and one day Jesus will come and suck us all out of here before we go to hell in a hand-basket. That’s how so many believe! But, Jesus Christ is coming back for a Warrior Bride that’s carrying the tangible glory of God upon them. I am telling you, revivals in times past have been times of visitation where God has come to restore a truth – and we’ve had the apostolic restored, and the prophetic restored, and the pastors restored, and the evangelists restored, and the teachers restored... but in that wineskin of the restoration of truth, God has begun to bring leaders into place. God has begun to bring apostolic centers into place. This right here is the beginning of the end-time Kingdom wine - it’s the substance that will begin to fuel the apostolic wineskins that have been birthed all over the world. And there are some of you leaders here right now and you have an apostolic center, you have an apostolic base, you have a wineskin, you have an infrastructure, you have all these kind of things that have been put into place! I’m ready to fill it! There is an open heaven over Lakeland
is a portal that is open and it will never close! Lakeland is called as
a “hub” It is meant to connect all over the world to those that are
hungry. Lakeland is an epicenter…
“hubs” ... fires burning continuously all over the earth! Why is it when
Jesus was resurrected from the dead he appeared to two disciples on the
road to Emmaus... he appeared in a different form. He didn’t come the
way they were used to. Some people cannot receive, they cannot see
Jesus in this form. People may not be able to receive and recognize
Jesus in this form. |
Watching Todd
Prophetic Word
Over Keith and Janet Miller!
Click here!
Jones' third wave prophecy Bob Jones has recently prophesied concerning the outpouring that began in Lakeland, Florida with Todd Bentley and the world-wide effects that are only just starting to be seen. God spoke to Bob on New Year's Eve for 2008 about the "third wave" which was coming. Bob shared that the first wave was in Toronto and the second was in Pensacola, but the third wave was to be the "Winds of Change" which would continue growing with global impact. Without a doubt, that third wave is now here and the "Winds of Change" are blowing throughout the earth! This move of God is one that will not be stopped - it will not end! During a time of crying out to God concerning this season, Bob was shown a vision of the glory of the Lord coming on a wave from June 22nd through July 22nd. The wave has been swelling up early in Lakeland, Florida; but Bob believes that the Lord will release an even greater measure of His glory in this approaching season. There have been great & astonishing miracles, healings, signs and wonders; here in Lakeland; Florida and especially in the Historical Healing Outpouring Revival with Todd Bentley. However, this is still only the swell which rises before the wave breaks and crests over the face of the deep, it is preparation for what is coming! Bob Jones feels that this wave will only increase in the days ahead! We are setting our sails to catch the "Winds of Change" and ride the wave which is already beginning to touch in the first place Lakeland; Florida! Bob believes that it will be a very significant event and an extremely powerful time of the release of the glory of the Lord, particularly because of the timing. We strongly anticipate that this event is going to be a significant marking point in this move of God as the third wave continues to swell up until it covers the body of Christ, changing the landscape of humanity throughout the nations! This is the great harvest of billions of souls! The harvest of Harvest! A real historical reformation! And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. (John 14:13; KJV) It’s Gods way to be in a regular relationship with Him, to be close to Him. He will put an earring on your ear as you are His ‘Love-slave’ closer and closer to Him! It is a totally surrendering of love toward the Father! He wants to use you in many ways and many areas. If you have an ear to hear and distinct His voice! What will it cost to you to be intimate with God? It will cost you everything! But what do you have to loose? You are created to minister to the Lord! Hear & obey Him and you will experience the Rivers of life flowing out of you; healing & deliverance; increasing relationship with Him and you will be able to talk with God! God is looking for the Joshua (50+) generation! And now, O Father, glorify thou me with Thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. (John 17:5; KJV) It is the revelation of the Father who He really is! His Holiness in his mind! Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God. (Isaiah 62:3; KJV) This wave; the 3-th wave is a new commitment to God; which include Cleaning your conscience! It is the Father’s desire to talk to His own “family”! He was waiting for a long time and He desires for His “family” and that they come close to Him! It is also time to use your authorities! Please; do not miss the unique opportunity of this historic Healing Outpouring Revival in Lakeland and its life-changing gathering! The Kingdom of God is rising up and we are carrying the glory of the Lord throughout the earth! |
Take it,
and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter,
The first night
in the Tiger Baseball Stadium
The first night in the Tiger Baseball Stadium; they say it seats 10,000 packed! (See picture below in framework) It was packed PLUS! The wheel chairs were lining the dugouts, and behind home plate. Hundreds sitting on the grassy knoll behind left field, hundreds standing in between the bleachers and concessions… maybe more than a 1,000 extra!!! We don’t know how many hundreds were not able to come in because there was NO PARKING ANYWHERE! The main road was shut down for a half-mile in both directions in a traffic jam! The anointing is so strong in the stadium that we all are OVERWHELMED! 30 Days ago this outpouring began in a 700 seat sanctuary, moved to a 3,000 seat sanctuary, then to a 7,000 seat arena, and now tonight, we are in the 10,000 seat baseball stadium! This will never be the same anymore! Now, the people of God will fill stadium after stadium after stadium all over the world! Out of no where three osprey’s fly over
Todd gave a word of knowledge last night about Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones… Keith called Todd today!!!! Keith was watching!!! 01 May 2008 You can’t ignore miracles! The secular media is starting to report on what God is doing at the Lakeland Healing Revival meetings down in Florida. More and more people are coming. And God is touching more and more people. It’s amazing, and it keeps getting bigger. This weekend The Revival meetings are moving the meetings to a 15,000-seat auditorium (Joker Merchant Stadium, formerly Tiger Stadium). God is taking over the stadiums. He is doing it in Lakeland, and soon He will be doing it in other cities. The Lakeland Revival is releasing an impartation of glory! Increased healings and manifestations are breaking out everywhere! (By reporter Melanie Brooks - TampaBays-10-News) |
Sporting tattoos, spiked hair and a sold-out to Christ!
There is also a continuous chat room, made up of internet users from around the world who have logged on to watch the revival meetings. |
David Tomberland shares You know, for so long in our American culture, the church has been a punch line, a joke, a laughing stock. I heard the lord say; “I’m bringing the victory back to the church. I’m bringing the strength back to the church.” “Transform your people, lord. We thank you for the restoration that’s taking place. Thank you for overshadowing us. The healing anointing is being released even now. Thank you for the healing anointing being released in this place. He’s restoring the church, saints. He’s bringing the victory back to the church. Thank you, lord.” Shout unto God with a voice of triumph. Shout unto God with a voice of praise. Shout unto God with a voice of triumph.
Todd Bentley shares “I can battle the enemy in every country from this little stage in Lakeland; Florida! I heard the lord say tonight, we are going to pull down strongholds! I feel an authority I haven’t felt in years! To pull down stronghold! Luke 10:19 says… I’ve given you power! You cast out demons; you pull down principalities!"
“My prayer tonight is that you really get
jealous for the presence of God! I pray that you will feel this glory right
there in your home or church. Tonight, what I’m feeling right now, is greater
than anything I’ve felt in 43 prior meetings! I feel like Adam in the garden
when the midst came and God asked me, ‘how would you like to feel the glory like
Moses felt’ I want to see entire cities come under this blanket of his presence!
No one will keep me from pressing into God! Pray for the glory! Tell God you
will pay any price! The world is crying out for a touch from God! The glory
brings miracles; some of the healings are instant, some are progressive!" |
4 Revivals that are going to take place in the World...
March 07 2008
4 Revivals that are going to take place in the World...
Todd..., I (Pastor Rob) saw a vision, and
it's concerning 4 revivals that are going to take to place in the world… |
Todd introduces Prophet
Bobby Conners
Christ dwells – YOU ARE COMPLETE IN HIM… you lack nothing… everything
we need is available to us… absolutely adequate… we will do what God
has destined us to do… |
prophetic conversation with Prophet Rob Delucca
(New Zealand)
shall be filled… city, to city, to city… around the world!!!”
“I saw the
explosion in Florida… now I will herald my glory throughout the world…
a saw a star over southern calf… I saw an angel with fire coming out of
his head – the liberty angel – what is this angel doing… brings the
fire of my presences… throughout florid and California… LA,
Hollywood… they turned their faces toward the fire and they were
changed… |
I am overwhelmed and
“I am
overwhelmed and speechless… I’ve heard the sound of revival tonight!!!”
“My God, release tonight, fiery evangelists all over the world!!! ”Todd
reads a personal account from Burford Dowell, a friend of William
Branhum… “I’ve been a part of a great era of healing revivals, along
with great men of God, such as R.W. shambach, W.V. Grant Sr., Jack Coe,
A.A. Allen. “We’ve seen mighty signs & wonders & miracles. But most of
the time we could only minister to people, one at a time! “But this
season is soon coming to a close and God is ushering in a ‘new season of
the teaching and revelation of the world’!” |
prophetic conversations on platform...04 May 2008 He has a prophetic legacy that we honor in this place. 1999 Paul Cain prophesied this outpouring… (you can read it on www.freshfire.ca) The word came while he was traveling through Jacksonville Florida headed toward Central Florida… God showed him STADIUMS being filled… a great last day revival… on the stage they had wheel chairs… hospital beds with dead people… news media… the services were being aired live… multiple stadiums… multiple evangelists… many haven’t left the building for days… this is going on all over the world… nothing has ever been like this before!!! HERE WE ARE IN THE FIRST OF MANY STADIUMS THAT WILL BE FILLED ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! Paul Cain shares… it’s wonderful to live long enough to see a partial fulfillment of this prophecy… he even saw in the spirit when he landed at the airport – people sitting on a grassy knoll on picnic blankets. WHEN HE ARRIVED AT THE STADIUM, HE SAW THE PEOPLE ON THE GRASSY KNOLL IN LEFT FIELD!!! The eyes are the gateway to the soul… “Todd has clear eyes…” The anointing often causes strange behavior – shaking or jerking -- in order to offend the minds of the religious!!! Evangelism will be so easy when they see dead bodies raised!!! Even entire nations will come to Christ in one day!!! This is the Spirit of Elijah… Todd is heralding this Outpouring… but there will be MANY NAMELESS FACES!! THIS IS NOT JUST AN OPEN HEAVEN… THERE IS A HOLY SPIRIT VORTEX…
A swirl, a
motion that is happening… the WINDS OF CHANGE are in motion… this
Prophet Ron Deluca shares a prophetic vision for
Paul Cain… I saw a letter that said, “this one’s for you”… as you
opened the letter… “I saw flocks of letters coming out of the letter
and flying around the world.” Thousands will now pick up this mantle
that has been on Paul Cain… Todd shares from Matthew 18 God is releasing an anointing to cast out TORMENT…
A divine
SILENCE is coming to your minds! Not one time have we had any warfare in
32 days… it’s been even difficult to preach because the open heavens
releases multiple anointing’s… We are living in the glory!!! Our focus
is not on
the devil; our focus is on
there is an anointing for a release from TORMENT!!! You need Jesus!!!
All that we have experienced so far is the preparation for what is
coming!!! Todd declared, “we have laid everything down for this
anointing!!!” Are you willing to make room for God to show up!!! You
have to learn how to engage to Christ’s presence!!!
has no authority in this place!!! The power is falling in this stadium
unlike anything I’ve ever felt before!!! Whole cities will be enveloped
with this anointing!!! My God let the glory come until we can’t stand
up!!! Let the glory come until we are free!!!
No darkness!!! no bondage!!!
As a
man thinks in his heart (mind) SO IS HE… there is a battle in our
mind… the way we think becomes the way we feel… the way we feel often
makes us SICK!!! we tear down strongholds in the mind… |