greater understanding of and appreciation of
One New Man Bible will help the Church
understand and appreciate its Jewish Roots, and
finally recognize that
Y’shua (Jesus)
was born Jewish, that He grew up Jewish, and
that He is the same today as He was then.
(Hebrews 13:8)
Readers will understand that the
Y’shua, and every New Testament author,
embraced (irreverently called Old Testament by
the Church) are alive and relevant for believers
today. As a proof of G-d’s perfect plan for His
perfect Word, readers will discover that
flows, as if a continuous stream, out of the
book of Chronicles.
Only G-d could have done this! The One New Man Bible has
been written to help present day believers move
toward G-d’s perfect plan to create One New Man,
bringing Jewish and non-Jewish together. The
Hebrew Scriptures
are in the traditional Jewish book order, and
although different from the Christian book
order, it is easy to learn the sequence. This
Bible is very easy to read through,
Genesis to
Scripture translated with the power
and meaning of the original language intact
comes alive! One early surprise is in
Genesis 12:1
when G-d does not say
“Go” to Abram, but “Get
yourself out of here!” Later He
tells Moses to order Pharaoh to
“Send My people away!”
instead of pleading “Let
My people go.” These passages are
the literal translation from the Hebrew. The One New Man Bible
includes more than 4,000 footnotes and the
massive one hundred seventy page Glossary
describes various first century Jewish customs
and explains Hebrew
Scriptures, such as
Leviticus 14,
which on the surface is about cleansing a leper,
but has a much deeper meaning. Many Jewish sources were
studied to bring the
Scriptures to life, including many
modern as well as ancient Jewish commentaries.
Those studies bring real depth to the subjects
in the Glossary, but even more importantly they
give insight into the thinking of the New
Testament authors, the Apostles, and especially
Yeshua. It is important for those of us reading
in the twenty-first century to understand what a
word or expression meant to those who wrote the
passages in Bible times.
The Torah, the
first five books
of the One New Man Bible, is divided into weekly
readings over the course of a year. These weekly
readings coincide with the weekly
every synagogue in the world will be reading
each Sabbath. The
New Testament
of the One New Man Bible was translated into
English from the United Bible Society’s Fourth
Edition Greek text, which employs Textual
Criticism to determine which of the more than
five thousand ancient Greek manuscripts of the
New Testament were closest to what the authors
wrote in the first century. Some words have been
translated differently because the traditional
translation conveys something not intended by
the author. One of those words is the Greek word
Ekklesia, which
means a gathering of
citizens called out from their homes into some
public place. Implicit in
Ekklesia is a
summoning, so this is not just a collection of
people, but people called out to a public
meeting for a particular purpose. Ekklesia is
commonly translated church, but because of our
association of church with both a building and
an organization, in this translation, Ekklesia
is translated congregation. The Greek word Nomos has
nearly always been translated
Law, even
when used for the Hebrew word
Torah does
not mean Law.
It means Teaching.
When you see Torah
in this translation, do not think Law, but of
the Loving G-d teaching
His children, offering an outline to
guide them for a better way of life. This translation has as its goal to be a very readable text that flows from one book to another while preserving much of the Jewish flavor, especially the Jewishness of Yeshua, and much of the power in the Hebrew and Greek expressions. |
About Rev. William J. Morford...shortly...
He was ordained in August
1988 by Christian International of Santa Rosa
Beach, Florida, served on staff as student
advisor for Christian International School of
Theology and is a Certified Instructor to teach
Christian International’s series on the
prophetic gifts. Reverend Morford and his
wife, Gwen have traveled to Israel several times
and expect their ministry to take them back for
extended periods. He has written three books:
The Power New Testament, God’s Rhythm of Life,
and This God We Serve and has been just
completed a fresh edition of the Bible,
The One New Man Bible,
released in 2011. From 1993 through 1999,
Reverend Morford studied Hebrew under Rabbi
Eliezer Ben-Yehuda,
grandson of the Eliezer Ben-Yehuda whose
lifetime work made
Modern Hebrew the
national language of Israel. |
In 1881
immigrated to Palestine, then ruled by the
Ottoman Empire, and settled in Jerusalem. He
found a job teaching at the Alliance Israelite
Universals school Motivated by the surrounding
ideals of renovation and rejection of the
diaspora lifestyle,
Ben‑Yehuda set out to develop a new language
that could replace Yiddish and other regional
dialects as a means of everyday communication
between Jews who made aliyah from various
regions of the world. Ben-Yehuda regarded Hebrew
and Zionism as symbiotic: "The Hebrew language
can live only if we revive the nation and return
it to the fatherland," he wrote
was a major figure in the establishment of the
Committee of the Hebrew Language (Va'ad HaLashon),
later the Academy of the Hebrew Language, an
organization that still exists today. He was the
author of the first modern Hebrew dictionary and
became known as the "reviver" of the Hebrew
language, despite opposition to some of the
words he coined. Many of these words have become
part and parcel of the language but others —
some 2,000 words
The core of the Torah
(the first five books of the Hebrew Bible), and
most of the rest of the Hebrew Bible, is written
in Classical Hebrew, and much of its present
form is specifically the dialect of Biblical
Hebrew that scholars believe flourished around
the 6th century BCE, around the time of the
Babylonian exile. For this reason, Hebrew has
been referred to by Jews as
HaKodesh (לשון
הקודש), "The Holy
Language", since ancient times.
A sacred language, "holy language" (in religious
context), or liturgical language, is a language
that is cultivated for religious reasons by
people who speak another language in their daily
More info:
Progress with the One New Man Bible
My name is Steve Spillman, I'm Rev. Morford's
publisher. We're in our sixth printing of the
One New Man Bible; more than 40,000 copies
are now in circulation! |
Short comments from Paul van Beek... Paul van Beek is the founder of God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc., which include also the Prophet Office; and : EndtimeHarvestRevival! Paul is devoted to release the prophetic message of encouragement, repentance, and Revival to the Churches, to the lost souls throughout numerous foreign countries. As a recognized minister, with authority to preach the Gospel of Messiah Yeshua, Jesus the Christ, by churches and also by the US-official authorities, he has established the Ministry-base in the Lakeland-area; Florida; USA. It is his answer to the call of G-d. The purpose of this study site is to help you to dig deeper into the Word of G-d! I would like to encourage you to study through this New Man Bible; which is giving you a clear view into the Word of G-d!
Text is edited
(by Paul van Beek)
with lay-outs and
underlining's, bold; entitling; illustrations;
etc...; Names of "Jehovah"
are replaced by the Scriptural Names :
is the Jewish/Hebrew Name of "Jesus
the Christ";
Original text is NOT changed; Grammar issues are
removed so far as possible! |
Hi Paulus,
Nice job on your web page.
We appreciate and approve.
Everything else looks great.
Thanks again. Blessings and
Steve Spillman
True Potential Publishing, Inc.
PO Box 904
Travelers Rest, SC 29690
tel: 864.836.4111
fax: 864.610.8047
This "New Man Bible” neutral site is created with help
you to dig deeper into the Word of G-D!
Edited & designed
with permission by :