Biography & Introduction of
Paul van Beek is the founder of God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc., which include also the Prophet Office; Stream from Heaven; & End-Time-Harvest-Revival! (which replaced Revival Lakeland) The Noah facts; pre-post-flood generations.... Paul is devoted to release the prophetic End-Time-Message of encouragement, repentance, warnings and End Time Harvest Revival to the lost souls throughout numerous foreign countries in a time as it was in the says of Noah before the flood-Catastrophism! As a recognized licensed minister, with authority to preach the Gospel of Messiah Yeshua, {Jesus Christ}, he has established the Ministry-base in the Lakeland-area; Florida; USA. ...It is his answer to the call of G-d. (See also: My personal testimony 1-2-3)
Geography, Archeology, Ancient-history; Jewish Roots & Inheritance; and Science
ministry; "God's
Outreach Ministry Int. Inc.";
Scientifically - Archeology - Teaching’s web-page's throughout several major
web-site's, with many of Scriptural
Scientifically studies is always freely available for everyone! It is
written in various fields of geography,
ancient-history; Jewish Roots &
Inheritance; and science in the so many
Involving Paul's actively shortly...
Paul is having strong connection with Messianic movements world-wide! (There he believe he has Jewish roots from his ancestors like the Huguenots from West-Europe! His great-grand-mother was even "wanted" by the Nazis during WW-II) Operating mostly in the Office of the Prophet Paul will not have rest until he has to release G-d's prophetic End-Time-Messages! Even Paul often have to risk his "position" as minister to be rejected or accepted! Part of the reason is that even his life is such a dangerous one because people will not always believe or accept the message he have to release as a Prophet! Especially when Paul have to predict bad future events for a specific Nation and Church people (suppose to be G-d's people!?) in that same Nation! The fact that what Paul have to predict, in G-d's terms and timing it aloud helped make it happen! Paul is pointing sinners (including Christians) to salvation and deep repentance and motivate them to exercise their authority over the enemy by realizing their position & (hope-deferred; Proverbs 13:12) situation involved and becoming 'converted' with Divine hope & faith (again, when back-sliding) in Yeshua Messiah (See also for more at: "Prophecies" & Prophet Office") G-d has involved Paul by raising up to be a prophetic End-Time voice to the Universal "Body" of Yeshua, whether in the Office as a Prophet or such as in the area's of praise, prayer, spiritual warfare, dance, and expressive worship. Using the "Arts" for spiritual warfare and to enhance worship. It is is total different from most other traditional dance & worship expression in in praise, worship & dance with using flags, banners, and silks, visually displaying G-d's Shekinah Glory in all kind of specific colors, referring to a specific subject and His purpose within a worship service! It is using the “Arts´ for Spiritual warfare and prophetically enhancing praise & worship! You need to have spiritual insight to understand what they Prophetically expressing in the Heavenly realms! It is also including a vision is to make it understandable and returning to the Jewish roots of the Christian faith! Exploring the Jewish origins of the Scriptures & teach how to study this from Hebraic perspective!
Also Paul was involved in the Staff-organization with Holy of Holies Ministry, the Ministry of Dr. Stan Kmet; (Tallahassee; FL) involved of the St Petersburg; Florida; Radical Worship Conference. Below this site you will read "G-d’s desire – Our original destination & call!"; that we share both! Including the teaching's about 'our' Jewish Biblical roots!
Place of Birth
van Beek
is born in 1959 at
Heerlen, from
origin a Roman City
(Corriovallum), the
very south of the Netherlands of West-Europe! This is about 15 miles East of another
City that was built by the Romans:
and is very close to the borders of
Belgium and Germany. (Vaals;
Drie Landen Punt) For over more
than 21 years, Paul & Connie (who is from Belgium) lived (with their son, Jonathan born in 1991),
in Genk, Belgium.
(About 60
miles east from the Capital of West-Europe:
(Picture left: View of the County Limburg; Right:
Church; Heerlen; which is a very old building)
the age of 14 years Paul became a new born Christian. Since that time G-d
never stopped teaching Paul about the principles of His Kingdom. Paul has
always carried a strong burden for the ministry and is called to the
office of a prophet
and evangelist.
After a long period of education in the Word of G-d in their church in
Belgium, they went out to the nations to fulfill their destiny.
Fulfilling his calling...
Paul has to fulfill his calling as a End-Time-Prophetic-Preacher & Evangelist, and to operate basically in the Office of a prophet & Evangelist, but also to teach the believers about intensive worship (See below: G-d’s desire – Our original destination & call!) (See also at: Streams from Heaven), to the Churches, to the lost souls, and in several foreign countries. He went out, together with his family, to the desperate & hungry hearts, to the broken lives, to the thirsty souls, and so many more. Their answer was & still is: "YES" to the call of G-d, to became worthily to be "chosen" in spite of all kind of resistance!
ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15;
Acts 1:8; John 21:15-17; Matthew 28-19,20; Luke 24:46,47)
Discernment & Recognition...
As a dynamic recognized prophet & evangelist, anointed by G-d, Paul is called to Minister G-d's {YHVH} END-TIME-MESSAGE of the call for salvation through Yeshua Messiah to the world. Having been in this ministry since 1997, Paul's primary goal is to spread the Gospel. His anointed prophetically sermons point sinners to salvation and deep repentance and motivate Christians to exercise their authority over the enemy by realizing their position in Yeshua/Christ. Paul believes that Christianity is not just something you experience on Sunday-morning; it is a daily fellowship with the L-rd Jesus Christ / Yeshua Messiah! Through anointed Prophetic & Biblical teaching's; based from the Hebrew roots, Paul is bringing G-d's message of hope and encourage to this end-time generation. A straight message that cuts through all denominational barriers and transcends human hypocrisy and frailty, traditions & religion and reaches the heart of mankind! It happened often that Paul point prophetically to people who are, through the eyes of G-d, able to do the work of the Kingdom of YHVH. So far as known, very precise in what, how and which kind of function and anointing! He will be alert, when G-d points out people; ONLY by the guidance of the Holy Spirit {Roach HaKodesh}! It is of essential importance to have the ability to hear, discern & obey the voice of the Holy Spirit!
G-d's Word as final authority!
.....For the Word that G-d speaks is alive and full of power [making it
active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any
two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life
(soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest
parts of our nature], exposing {and} sifting {and} analyzing {and} judging
the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.
(Hebrews 4:12;
Amplified) Paul takes G-d's Word as final authority. Since 1997 the L-rd has called him to preach the uncompromised Word of G-d in every available place, proclaiming the truth of G-d's Word and His unconditional love has been the focus and mission of God's Outreach Ministry Int. Paul has ministered to over thousands of people in many services in several foreign nations inclusive the United States. He clearly understands how serious it is to guard the anointing of the L-rd during preparation for and during these meetings for ministry! Also throughout his advance web-sites he is reaching over more than 12,000.000 online visitors on a yearly base! During the "Healing Outpouring Lakeland 2008" his web-site's, specific "Revival Lakeland" has received more than 60,000.000 online visitors in a period of 4-5 months! "Revival Lakeland" was a few years before the "Healing Outpouring" was a initiative of Paul to to have intercessions for a revival in Lakeland! The Name: "Revival-Lakeland" is replaced by End-Time-Harvest-Revival!
If you knew the L-rd Yeshua Messiah was returning tomorrow, what would you do...?
Be ready for a new & last outpouring of G-d's love. A very specific
outpouring of His Divine END TIME
Again it will affect the whole world by the millions! It is G-d's move only!
It will not be about "the big men-show", for G-d ONLY in charge! Still, if
people, supposing & claiming to be "His" servants, trying to control it, in
order to take the glory for themselves, G-d, Himself will take it (and them)
away {from them}! We are living in
the very END of the END TIME. The
L-rd Yeshua Messiah
is returning, whether you believe it or not!. There is only a short time
left! For those who are carrying the
"Mantle of humility";
being righteous un-compromising victorious {over-comers}
saints; they only are belonging in the Divine
End-Time-Army of G-d!
Would your daily life-style change? Would your priorities rearrange
themselves? Are
you would be eager to confess? Changes you would make? People you would want
to warn? Get your heart right with G-d ...
"L-rd Yeshua!"
Are you willing to challenge yourself in areas you would want to change if
Yeshua/ Christ
were returning in the next coming days? Are you? Are you really making
action-plans to prepare yourself for the assembly of the "righteous
& uncompromising saints"
and to meet Yeshua?
If you knew the L-rd
Yeshua Messiah was
returning tomorrow, what would you do; are you prepared and ready?
About the Office
of the Prophet...shortly
Paul has proven his love, commitment, and understanding of the ministry of the prophet by self-sacrifice and his own personal experience as a gifted prophetic voice! Remarkable is that he is a voice 'crying out of the wilderness' the prophetic expression through his fair and balanced web-site of the Prophet Office, thereby giving an opportunity to many people to hear & read the secrets& mysteries of G-d fresh from Heaven. Prophecy is an exegesis of existence from a Divine perspective and can only be expounded by a person who has the heart to not only listen, but hear what G-d is saying through His chosen vessels! (Amos 3:7)
Truth sometimes hurts!
Truth sometimes hurts! When it does we are tempted to want good news, even in spite off, it is not true. This is even foolish for ourselves! Just as today, times were filled with trouble. Just as today will feel the treat of "modern terrorism, natural disasters, etc. living under a dark cloud people are anxious for good news. False humility and false messengers will smoothly tell you that all is still OK! Giving you the good news maybe you wanted so much! Foolish! For the largest part Christianity in this nation is foolish enough to do the same! Including those who come with their well-pleasing compromising message to impress predicting peace and good times! It not only what the people want to hear, it is also what they ("want to") believe! ...Foolsish!
Obviously pride and presumptuous lifestyles are not in order with G-d! Because of the wickedness also into this nation of America "people of G-d" or what they proclaim to be in America refuse to listen to Him, instead of their own prestige and desires, they shall become useless, like this rotting loincloth! (Jeremiah 13:6-11) Many of them were once real G-D's own people, who honored His Holy Name and brought Glory to Him, but now they are refusing to listen to His voice, His messengers...His prophets ...and become stiff-necked, prideful and presumptuous! It is important, as prophets, to release a serious sign of warning to remind them today of coming disasters that will come to pass, as a response of sowing, and sowing and sowing the seeds of evil! (See more at site: Awake America!
It continues to be Paul's privilege to preach the the message of YHVH at every available possibility...
Over the years, Paul has delivered many Scriptural-based Prophetic teachings about faith, love, healing, redemption, righteousness, the call & destiny of G-d over your life, the anointing and the principles of G-d's Kingdom. In order to bring as many people as possible the great news that Yeshua, Is L-rd! It continues to be Paul's privilege to preach the message of YHVH at every available possibility, such as local meetings, at conferences, through the Internet Ministries web-site's, and in the near future on You-tube/television broadcasting. This vision is also being accomplished through the ministry efforts of God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc. on a worldwide scale. It is committed to keeping the Word of G-d before your eyes, so that you become rooted and grounded enough to overcome your own adversity, reach out to others and share those same principles of G-d's Mighty Kingdom. As an International Ministry Paul has endeavored to bring believers from the milk to the meat of the Word, and into full maturity in their walk with G-d. (Hebrews 5:12, 13, 14)
We are called to build an army of mature
righteous uncompromising believers. From
to reality! Also to train them to become skillful and armed with the whole
End Time Divine Armor of G-d, in the Word of righteousness, to stand firm in the spiritual
warfare against the
kingdom of darkness!
(Ephesians 6:10-18;Hosea 4:6)
Paul's decision was firm...
Paul's decision was firm. He vowed to the L-rd never to teach or write one thing that He could not prove with plain Scriptures. (In these web-site's, in his books or somewhere else!) Any interpretation which is out in harmony with what is plainly written in the Scriptures must be rejected as a theory of mankind! He also have learned that one must either believe what the Scriptures alone teach or spend his/her life wrestling with the confusing and varied interpretations, man-pleasing, and perplexing arrays of the doctrines of mankind. (Galatians 1:6-10)
He had chosen to serve the Almighty G-d; {YHVH; Elohim; אלהים } the rest of my life and do His perfect will, whatever it may be. (See for more on the sites of: Personal Testimony) He is having the witness of the Holy Spirit with his own spirit that he is a child of G-d! The Blood of Yeshua, the Messiah; {Jesus the "Christ"} has cleansed him from all un-righteousness. He was baptized in water {Mikvah} as an outward symbol for choosing for G-d to this world and of an inward work of Messiah Yeshua in his life! Paul is more and more hungry & thirsty for G-d and he is still crying out & desiring for a more closer intimate personal walk with G-d. Paul is still hearkening to His Divine voice and desire to be filled abundantly with His Holy Spirit. (See also on this site: Faith Statement)
change through
It is not about “playing” church! Transformational change
will come forth through devotional behavioral commitment!
(James 2:7)
The way the L-rd judged the seriousness of your commitment is to expect you
to leave your “old
life style”
...Therefore if any man be in
Christ {Yeshua}, he is a
new creature: old things
are passed away; behold all things are become new! (2 Corinthians 5:17) behind and
follow & obey Him……immediately! Real Christian behavioral change can be
demonstrated that G-d wants you to sacrifice such as:
Compromise leads to deceit...
We live in a day of
compromise. Many change
their 'beliefs' based on whether it might be acceptable for the particular
audience they are speaking to. However, G-d's character never changes. He is
a G-d of absolutes. Politicians often change their position based on the
political risk. Compromise will always lead to
deceit in a life and will lead to a leanness
in your soul. You will lose confidence in the spiritual part of your life as
you begin to compromise your integrity. G-d is looking for your integrity.
Ultimately, compromise sabotages the heart's good intentions and turns us
into a spiritual hypocrite!
Jewish heritage; founding the richness of “new” understanding in the Scriptures!
Having a more intensive serious study to our Jewish heritage for ourselves, we found a richness of “new” understanding in the Scriptures! In the past our ignorance of Jewish customs & heritage kept us from understanding certain important things from the Scriptures that would have been clear to any of the people to whom the Scriptures were written. G-d is still today showing us in His Word an inheritance of many blessings, promises and covenants that the “New Testament Church” has for various reason lost over the Centuries. Remember the whole Scripture from Genesis to Revelation has been written by inspiration of the Holy Spirit {Roach HaKodesh}; and they were all Jewish! I cannot deny to declare even your bible is Jewish! (Especially during the reign of a Roman ‘Christian’ ruler; Constantinople)
Carrying with us our passion for G-d through praise, worship and intercession will be the heartbeat! We need to realize that intercession mingled with intensive worship is the thing that will motivate the very Heart of G-d to send His Shekinah Anointing; breaking the yoke upon His people! Seeing that G-d’s Heart is reaching out His anointing in response through the deep seated worship issuing forth from repentant hearts, something that the Body of Christ/Yeshua desperately needed to experience!
In the most Churches today you will experience a more “Outer Court praise/worship” in the form of praise performance, which is more related to “entertainment” shortly than that G-d Himself can deliver us His blessings through it! It has its roots in the Old Testament {Old Covenant}! G-d is giving the remnant of men & women the opportunity to seek and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth!
One of the goals is Radical Worship is the willingness to be listeners for the voice of the L-rd and planning strategies. Desire that the Revival will make great differences in the lives of many souls winning them for the Kingdom of YVHV!
The musicians, singers, Intercessors and worshippers of Adonai, Elohim, אלהים YHVH have always been G-d’s means of preparing the way for the coming of the Heavenly Host! Primarily because pure worship arises from the heart felt cries of repentant souls wanting nothing more than to rest within their Father’s Loving Embrace!
If Paul have inspired you!?
If Paul have inspired you to study G-d's tremendous Word with an open mind, and if he have influenced you to take the Scriptures literally; and if Paul's testimonies has made you hungry and thirsty for G-d, His Word and His anointing, than Paul had accomplished the purpose he had in mind: That is to be a blessing and encouragement to your personal life!
is also a
Graphic Web Art Designer
is a
Graphic Designer.
more than 19 years in West-Europe, (Belgium; the Netherlands;
Luxembourg; United Kingdom) he has skillfully executed the most
diverse graphic requirements in the "European Traditional Hand-painting Designs"
specifically for business, community and Government agencies. His work has
also proven to be an invaluable commercial service at trade fairs and
exhibitions. Firmly grounded on his years of experiences, activities and
reputation, in this field. In cooperation with other companies also
produces “Chronicles”. These are large panels, the size of a door, with
the presentation (of your Ministry/company), written in calligraphic handwriting
and painted in water-colors on a sort of parchment paper; fully framed, specifically for the
business community. ALL these ministry web-pages are designed by Paul
himself. Paul van Beek
Paul has created thousands of Biblical pictures & Designs and stored it in many files! Online on the Ministry site's there are already more than 10,000 pictures, designs, logo's, icons, active! All of them are designed with very precisely measure. (See for more at: Graphic Design)
Teakwood Outdoor Furniture
- Restoration
Paul as handy craftsman, has the ability to restore and being creative to
change your
outside teak wood or oak furniture into a new state. With the years of
experience also in the antique Furniture world in West Europe, Paul is able
to perform an excellent work! This is for to support his family and
this ministries.
A faith-call from the L-rd...
I also had wrote my personal testimonies about G-d's moving me to the other side of the world! God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc. was a faith-call from the L-rd many years ago. In 2001 his family took a great step in faith, and moved from Belgium " to Lakeland; Florida. The beginning of a new season in another nation, for devoting and scarifies their lives into the leadership of a Ministry; rose up by G-d's grace only!
It is Paul's deep prevailing prayer that also through the Web-site's, of God's Outreach Ministry Int.
Also through his books, Paul will teach, instruct, encourage, bless, and anoint you!
More about Web-sites from Cities:
P. O. Box 93404;
Lakeland; Florida; 33804-3404, USA ' (863)
Picture: Crane-birds; Typical birds for Florida; walking in Paul's own yard nearby every day! _ |