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And while
they were conversing and discussing together,
Yeshua/Jesus Himself caught up with them and was
already accompanying them. (Luke 24:15)
of the offices in the 5-fold ministry! -
One of the ascension gifts of
Messiah Yeshua! |
Appeared to many people..
tombs were opened and many bodies of the saints
who had fallen asleep in death were raised [to
life]; And coming out of the tombs after His
resurrection, they went into the holy city and
appeared to many people. (Matthew
After Yeshua’s
resurrection, many resurrected saints went into
the holy city {Jerusalem}, and appeared unto
many They could not have come out before for
Yeshua/Christ the Messiah was to be resurrected
first and enter into immortality in a human
4.And while
they were conversing and discussing together,
Yeshua/Jesus Himself
caught up with them
and was
already accompanying them. (Luke 24:15)
This much is clear:
Yeshua, on the road to Emmaus, could appear and
disappear, make Himself known and unknown, and
change Himself to appear in various ways!
Lk. 24:16,31,36-43;
Jn. 20:14-16,19,26;
Rev. 1:12-17;
Here the Holy
translates Philip about 25 miles
to Azotus. {to seize; catch away; pluck; pull or
take away by force.}
The appearance of the Messiah & His Saints of the End Time
In my dream
In my dream I was suddenly transferred to the street in front of my parents home, where I was grown up. I recognized the street, the homes and on a distance the shop where I used to go, but was changed into a different business . It was very real to me.
It was uncommon to me
Then I was driving my car which I have from my Lakeland {Florida; United States} home location in a street with young green leaves on the trees in the Netherlands. The weather was sunny and it was summer time. I could even use my cell phone as if I was at my home in Lakeland. It became very real to me, but on the other side it was uncommon to me.
L-rd Yeshua appeared
Again suddenly I was at a place that the L-rd Yeshua appeared to me with some of His disciples, which we know from the Gospels of Yeshua. Their were wearing clothes from their ancient time. The L-rd introduced some of the apostle to me. Matthew, Paul, Barnabas were called out to me. They were ready to minister.
Translated Philip...
And when they came up out of
the water, the Spirit
of the L-rd [suddenly]
caught away
Philip; and the eunuch saw him no more, and he
went on his way rejoicing. But Philip was found
at Azotus, and passing on he preached the good
news (Gospel) to all the towns until he reached
Caesarea. (Acts 8:39-40) Here the Holy Spirit translated Philip about 25 miles to Azotus.
The same way likewise Philip in the Book of Acts (Chapter 8) was translated by the Holy Spirit, so I was translated by the same Spirit to other locations around the globe.
Translated; vision Paul...
This time at the large conference location, suddenly I was sitting in a chair on the platform. There was great commotion among the ministers on the platform, but in some way the way to the sanctuary was open for me and these ministers expected me and I started to speak things in a language I could not understand. The interpreter was speechless, there I spoke their language perfect. While I was speaking, G-d's Shekinah Glory was released and the people were astonished The Fire of the L-rd most high was reaching out to them. Instantly there were miraculous healings and deliverances, even without touching them. For a while I was minister toward them. Then I walked away and disappeared from them in a great light.
The L-rd reveals His Divine supernatural plans for His Saints of the End Time
Divine transfers...
You just
experienced Divine transfers by My
Spirit. by
the "speed of thoughts". I am going to use more
and more of my faithfully saints who became
"over-comers" and loyal unto Me. They
are a part of My End Time Divine Army Divisions.
I will send them out, without relying on
Airplanes, trains or cars or any other way of
transport known to this nowadays world.. Even I
can transfer the person with their car and/or
other ways. It doesn't matter. I am not
limited! Just like my loyal servant Philip in
the Book of Acts {8}, I am using today my saints
likewise. (Acts
Divine anointing, and with a Divine mandate!
I am not limited inside the Church walls! They are My people, with the label of quality, the mantel of Divine anointing, and with a Divine mandate! They are the real "sons & daughters" of G-d {YHVH} prepared to operate for this End-Time-Harvest-Revival! These precious saints will not make compromises to get favor, to get money, to get positions! Most of them were rejected at the most places. They were -declares as-: "Not good enough", "Not impressive enough", "Not enough money to show with", "Not an impressive car", "Not an impressive image", "Not famous enough", "Not the good status"...according to the most nowadays Church-leaders! That is the reason why you see these people mostly outside the "Church"- locations! (Part of "Humility" repeated again by the L-rd after 10 years!)
{Me; Paul} I am astonish, about Your words and the Your {L-rd's} plans...
This is the forerunner-Divine-army...
This is
the forerunner-Divine-army as it is described in
the scrolls of My servant and
prophet Enoch
long before Noah's
flood disaster: {969 years as the
age of Methuselah, son of
Enoch} Than I will come with
ten thousands
of My holy ones to execute judgment upon all, to
eliminate all the
un-godly: to convict all flesh of
all the works of their
un-godliness which they have un-godly committed,
And of all the hard
things which un-godly sinners have spoken
against Me. Which will be at the very
Enoch was a man
with great Divine insight & wisdom, a great
artificer, and I {Yeshua}, the L-rd
conceived love for him and received
him, that
should behold the uppermost dwellings and be an
eye-witness of the wise; great and inconceivable
and immutable realm of the L-rd G-d Almighty
{HaShem}, the very wonderful; glorious and
bright position of the G-d's servants, and of
the degrees and manifestations of the
incorporeal hosts, and of the ineffable
ministration of the multitude of the elements,
and of the various apparition and inexpressible
ways of G-d’s manifestations planned in
precisely details for these End Times
With the
righteous He will make peace.
And I will protect the elect,
And mercy shall be upon them.
And they shall all belong to G-d,
And they shall be prospered,
And they shall all be blessed.
And I will help them all,
And light shall appear unto them,
And I will make peace with them'.
I will open the store chambers of blessings
And in these
days I will open the store chambers of blessings
which are in the Heaven, so as to send them down
upon the earth over the work and labor of My
devoted; loyal
{overcoming} saints. Truth and peace shall be associated together
throughout all the days in the end times. Before
these things Enoch
was hidden, and no one of the children of men
knew where he was
hidden, and where he
abode, and what had become of
him. Activities had to do with the Heavenly beings
Enoch's activities
had to do with the Heavenly beings, and
his days were with
the Holy ones. And Enoch
was a blessing to the L-rd of majesty and the
King of the Ancients! He; the Ancient One called
Enoch; the scribe-
and said to Him: 'Enoch,
thou scribe of righteousness, go, declare
to the those who have left My Heavenly
presence, the Holy Eternal place, and
have defiled themselves
with the evil of this earth "They
have accomplished in their evil ways, great destruction on the
earth: And you shall have no peace, nor
forgiveness of sin:
(They have rejected the L-rd's way of
forgiveness) and inasmuch as they delight themselves in their
"children of evil", Mercy and peace shall ye
not attain until
this evil generation."
The end of time draws very near to
its end...
There is no different!
Repentance and turning to Me gives you hope!
With the signs of warnings, then there is still hope! Repentance and turning to Me gives you hope! For those who response to My voice and crying out to Me, there is still hope! For those who do not, their last hope is disappeared! If you only turn your attention to the Middle East, You are going to realize how desperate you need to be on guard for the promised return of Me; Your Savior. You need to be clean and prepared! The time is near the end. Whatever is not right in your life and not of Me or in My perfect will, than now it is the time to rule it out of your life, without hesitation or delay!
I have given to man the power of understanding the words of Divine wisdom...
As I have given to
man the power of understanding the words of
Divine wisdom, so had I created
also and given him the power of
someone, especially officially; "officials
were dismissed or reprimanded for poor work";
admonish · chastise · chide · upbraid · reprove;
a severe
reproof or rebuke, especially a formal one by a
person in authority; to
reprove or rebuke severely, especially in a
formal way}
And I spoke to Enoch,
and he
heard; discerned & understood My voice: 'Fear
not, Enoch,
You are a righteous man and scribe of righteousness:
approach hither and hear; discern & understand
My voice!
The words of My mouth are hidden in ancient
pre-flood history, but concealed and revealed
for those who are able to recognize and discern
My voice for & in the End of times!
You are going to
experience Divine transfers...
Yes, likewise
Philip! You
are going to
experience Divine transfers by My
Spirit. by
the "speed of thoughts". I am going to use more
and more of my faithfully elected saints who
"over-comers" and loyal unto Me.
You are going to
experience these Divine transfers as quit normal...
In places where
enemies forces had
the power to rule..
Be alert and be prepared..
About Enoch shortly...
Where Jude learned of this
prophecy is not known, unless it was from the
book of Enoch which was known in the early
church. (Origen, Tertullian, and others mention
a book by this name!).
became a preacher of righteousness, making known
to the people what G-d had revealed to him.
Those who feared the L-rd sought out this Holy
man, to share his instruction and his prayers.
He labored publicly also, bearing G-d's messages
to all who would hear the words or warnings.
In the midst of a life of active labor,
steadfastly maintained his communion with G-d!
The greater and more pressing his labors, the
more constant and earnest were his prayers. He
continued to exclude himself, at certain
periods, from all society. After remaining for a
time among the people, laboring to benefit them
by instruction and example, he would withdraw,
to spend a season in solitude, hungering and
thirsting for that Divine knowledge which G-d
alone can impart. Communing thus with G-d, Enoch
came more and more to reflect the Divine image.
For three hundred
years Enoch
had been seeking purity of soul that he might be
in harmony with Heaven. For three centuries he
had walked with G-d. Day by day he had longed
for a closer union; nearer and nearer had grown
the communion, until G-d took him to Himself. He
had stood at the threshold of the eternal world,
only a step between him and the land of the
blest; and now the portals opened, the walk with
G-d, so long pursued on earth, continued, and he
passed through the gates of the Holy City--the
first from among men to enter there!
Enoch’s Prophecy
• We know the
(second) is
Nadir of
was translated
midway between
Adam and
“Walked with
Not a
casual stroll:
300 years
There is so much more...!
Go back at:
Recent Prophecies!
Paulus van Beek
P. O. Box 93404;
Lakeland; Florida; 33804-3404, USA ' (863)
Study materials for use on all web-site's:
Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible © Copyright 1961, 1989 by Finis unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are taken from the Jennings Dake 13-Th. printing-January 1997 (King James Version) Using as a study material: The Amplified Bible (1987); Orthodox Jewish Bible; New Strong’s exhaustive concordance; Virtual Jewish Library; The Chumash; Jewish Orthodox; the Stone version of Torah; Haftaros and five Megillos; Several Bibles with illustrations are mentioned by the Picture as source.
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Please note:
This & ALL other web-pages in All web-site's of these Ministries
contains the Awesome Holy Name of G-d, YHVH.
If you print it out, please treat it with appropriate respect!
Correct forms of translations...of the Name of Yeshua/Jesus/Christ...
Joshua, Jeremiah, & Daniel all give us insights about the faith, courage, & compassion of the Messiah. “Joshua” and “Jesus” even had exactly the same name! “Yeshua”, meaning the Salvation of G-d, “Joshua” is an English transliteration of the original Hebrew Name “Yeshua”, and “Jesus”, is a transliteration of the same Name from the Greek!
Violating grammatical rules...?
Take also note that the
name of
related names
not capitalized. We choose not to acknowledge
even to the point of violating grammatical rules.
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