Non-discrimination Policy...
Racism & Ethnic Disparity

  All these Ministries from its inception has contended to be inclusive of peoples regardless of...
The sufferings of Yeshua/Christ, was not a tragedy, but a accomplishment, for all races!

Things that constitute a saint:
There is no other way to reconcile
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy Related to Online "Students"
Scriptural Scientifically studies are freely available!
Important related web-page's :

All these Ministries from its inception has contended to be inclusive of peoples regardless of...


Whereas God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc. and all related Ministries from its inception has contended to be inclusive of peoples regardless of gender, cultural background or race; foreign accent; foreign background & inheritance/ethnic distinction; also this Ministry adopted a resolution on human rights affirming the worth of every individual; every race bears the image of G-d and has its origin in Adam who is the Father of all mankind; Yeshua / the Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile, slaves nor free men, men nor women, but we are all one in Him; Whereas the Resolution on Leadership and World Vision God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc.  commits the Ministry to be “international...transcending culture, race, nationalism, and politics”; Whereas we are beholden to a 'Yeshua/Christ' like example and lifestyle, one of acceptance, affirmation, and unconditional love;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that these International Ministries recognizes all members of the body of Yeshua/Christ as equal in function and consequence, and every race and ethnic distinction  and every kind of accent or native tongue a valuable and necessary field for the winning of souls and the furtherance of the Kingdom of YHVH upon this earth; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we commit towards the elimination of racism and bigotry, corporately identifying racism and bigotry as sinful hindrances which prevent us from truly realizing brotherhood and Christian love within and outside the body of this international Ministry and the many peoples and races which it reaches and encompasses

The sufferings of Yeshua/Christ,
was not a tragedy, but a accomplishment,
for all races!



Prejudice and in combination with any form of discrimination in a disaster for human kind. None of reasonable & capable human beings thought's & speeches is immune from harboring prejudice! It often will take deliberating efforts and also awareness to eliminate any form of prejudice; with the right and (G-D-ly) sufficient motivation, it could be dealt with it! The right information & education is a powerful weapon against prejudice! It is a way also to expose the root causes prejudice, enable to examine the attitudes more objectively, or the pride in that specific person or group associate with the same issue and/or thoughts! It could be a way to help certain victims of prejudice in a more wisely and tactfully way!

Prejudice is a form of discrimination that its roots have from mostly pride! It causes people to distort, or even ignore the facts that is in conflict with their predetermined opinions, without any knowledge of the facts; but just by assuming! Prejudice may have its beginning in seemingly innocent, but it is misguided; with a wrong mentality, without a real reason, but more in a different way of (wrong) opinions. It may be sown by those who deliberately promote warped or miss-understanding, not having the willingness even to try to understand views of other races, cultures, religions, denominational differences! It is evil 'product' of inordinate pride!

Things that constitute a saint:

(added by author—PvB)

· Control of own spirit                                     (Psalms 37:1;7,8) 
· Freedom from jealousy; envy; prejudice (Psalms 37:1)
· Absolute trust in G-d                                     (Psalms 37:3;5,40) 
· Consecration to do good                            (Psalms 37:3) 
· Constant delight in G-d                                (Psalms 37:4)


Saying, If you will diligently hearken to the voice of the L-rd your G-d and will do what is right in His sight, and will listen to {and} obey His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases upon you which I brought upon the Egyptians, for I am the L-rd Who heals {restores} you. (Exodus 15:26) {Amplified}

 There is no other way to reconcile


Indeed, there is no other way to reconcile with a Holy G-d or escape eternal judgment, G-d's wrath, except through the propitiatory sacrifice of Yeshua Messiah or Jesus the Christ, the Living Son of G-d and the shedding of His innocent blood!


...By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of {Yeshua}Jesus Christ once for all (Hebrews 10:10) ...But this man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sin for ever, (Hebrews 10:12a) ... Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the Holiest by the blood of Jesus...verse 19.


What a powerful and tremendous plan of G-d, made the covenant of redemption in the counsels of the Eternal G-d-HEAD!


The atonement of G-d gives us life forever and ever with G-d! The atonement is the very nature and being of G-d expressing His holiness and love! At physical death the believer enters immediately into eternal, conscious fellowship with the L-rd and awaits the resurrection of his body to everlasting glory and blessing. Without faith in Yeshua / Jesus, at physical death the unbeliever enters immediately into eternal, conscious separation from the L-rd and awaits the resurrection of his body to everlasting judgment and condemnation!


To be a child of G-d and have the authority to call Him "Father"{YHVH}, one should be born again of the Holy Spirit {Roach HaKodesh} and be adopted into His family. (John 8:41-47; Ephesians 2:1-10; 1 John 1:8-10)


Sinners are NOT children of G-d! They are destined to wrath, and eternal hell! One must know and confess he is a sinner before he can be saved! (Romans 3:23)


Men are either children of the devil by choice and nature, or children of the Living eternal G-d by choice and nature.


Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy Related to Online "Students"


God's Outreach Ministry Int. Research Center is open for any online students; religious leaders; ministers, professors, teachers, Rabbi's and Pastors of any race, color, national, or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to any online visitor. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, handicap, national, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. The Research Center reserves the right to withdraw a student for cause at any time.

Scriptural Scientifically studies are freely available!


There are also several other Scientifically organizations involved who gave their permission & their devotion to add their information about this subject on this site; to serve the L-rd and to serve you as well! See at list below this site! As editor & Graphic-Art-Web-Designer; I, Paul van Beek; really appreciate the authors


This ministry Teaching’s web site, with many of Biblical studies is always freely available for everyone! Mostly it is written on “Neutral Site’s", which you can link to your site as well! (Please inform us) As such, these detailed teaching’s site’s cost a lot of precious time and financial commitment for the author and the publisher as well! Every study, that takes you only minutes to read, and few the pictures according the story, takes many hours of work to write, to edit, to design, to format and technically make available & maintain on the web server. That is the simple reality of the situation! Paul van Beek
See also at:
Graphic Design

Important related web-page's :

Racism & Ethnic Disparity...

Racism & Ethnic Disparity. Ministry Faith base statement

 Learn how injustice in your life can release greater anointing!
 Implement G-d's plan of justice in your life to avenge the enemy's attacks.
 Recognize injustice, catch the ‘injustice one / offender’, approach the Heavenly Judge, and ask for a Heavenly settlement!
 Learn to live a life that justifies G-dD to act on your behalf!

Prejudice and in combination with any form of discrimination in a disaster for human kind. None of reasonable & capable human beings thought's & speeches is immune from harboring prejudice!.....
Related & Important studies/research:

This "Web-page" of Non-discrimination Policy...Racism & Ethnic Disparity
is created by:
Paulus van Beek
God’s Outreach Ministry Int. Inc.
Contact us  for information to the Editor/Web-designer/Founder
P. O. Box 93404; Lakeland; Florida; 33804-3404 Phone: (863) 660-2444