Trees of
G-d! |
All I wanted to do was lay my hand upon my mouth!
Behold, I am vile; what shall I answer thee? I will lay mine hand
upon my mouth. (Job 40:4) I had nothing to say except that He is an Awesome G-d and I didn't know what answer to give G-d. I was astonished by the way how G-d can reveal things by just so common & simple examples, which refer for illustrations from our own environment and to the scenes with which we as modern people are so familiar! In the first place, I couldn't find G-d, G-d did found me! When tried by G-d, I would "come forth as gold"? But He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. (Job 23:10) All my personal and former arguments were gone now; all I wanted to do was lay my hand upon my mouth. I was brought to complete silence and acknowledgement of G-d and was brought to complete repentance! Are the consolations of G-d small with thee? is there any secret thing with Thee? (Job 15:11) G-d knew that whatever questionable things I had said were spoken in my own debates while suffering persecutions under satanic pressure! Things you never shouldn't have uttered under normal circumstances! G-d knew also that what some “Christian friends”, had spoken through, who have been so nice, refined, polite, well-mannered, polished, high toned, and poised until one would think they were gifts from Heaven, but they were in reality destitute of all truth and spiritual experience and became against me with prejudge mentality. These deceived supposal "Christian friends", who are wise in their own eyes and think themselves to be something when they are nothing are the worst in the Universal Church of G-d! Not understanding at all the cause of my adversaries. G-d considered what I had said and done! When this kind of “test” was over, satan became defeated on this area's in my life! I have heard of You by the ear and I know You can do everything! No thought can be withheld from You! If I ever had a misunderstanding about the Person of G-d {YHVH}, than this was now being enlightened for me! My design in this teaching is to make it simple and for an easy way of understanding! Paul van Beek God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc. |
A still small voice!
When the Holy Spirit {Roach HaKodesh} speaks into your heart it will be a sweet soft voice into your innermost! Waiting on the timing of with patience, unplugging your ears, so that you shall understand & discern the voice of G-d, the Holy Spirit in a quite different amazing and new way! He leads you in higher regions. He makes you able to understand the spiritual levels of G-d. You will also experience the Holy Spirit as a Person otherwise He cannot speak! It is His great desire to have 2 way communication! His voice is convincing, without having to push Himself. He knocks on the door of your heart and asks…, His voice is full of peace and love and never in a hurry. There is rest from His presence. It shall amaze you what He speaks about and says His words are staying and are always in harmony with the Word of G-d. He shows you a specific purpose and reveals to you the “blue-print” of your life! Your faith shall grow. He convinces you of the truth and leads you to the plan of G-d His voice is confirmed and never leads you to confusion, but reveals revelations after revelation!
I heard His
voice and had acknowledgment of G-d. I was not afraid because there was no
guilt discovered by the effect of
The words of G-d must be received into one's own
heart in order to give them out effectively to
others! If the word comes only from the
intellect it will only appeal to the intellect
and fall short of reaching the hearts! The power
of the Holy Spirit operating through men as they
yielded to G-d's will! |
My specific commission from G-d! I am sent to the nowadays believers also! To the leaders of these day! Nowadays Christianity, a great part of them who have become apostate and rebellious! "Others would have heard you had I sent you to them, but not this people!" (Ezekiel 3:5-7). G-d equipped me like Ezekiel for having to be bold, hard, stubborn, and unyielding to be able to deal with these hard and stiff-hearted people! So that I should be able to cut the hard hearts to the core! Sometimes I could be so angry seeing the condition of Nowadays Saints and their leaders, with their attitude against a Holy G-d, His message, against His prophets and ignorance against each other! Than I am filled with righteous indignation which G-d inspired against these sins He was called to denounce! Just like Ezekiel! This means that I am strengthened by Divine power for this specific mission, which at the easiest point would be very difficult and hard on me! But I have to wait, watch and listen very careful for what G-d would command and give in warnings against His people of today! It seems that history repeats itself again!
No sinner
escapes this penalty unless he repents and is
forgiven by G-d
(Mark 16:15; 1 John 1:9). Death
was the
penalty for original
(Genesis 2:17),
and it is the present
penalty for sin under grace as
it always was under the law
(Romans 1:29-32; Romans
8:12-13; Galatians 4:19-21).
There is no automatic work of grace offering forgiveness: without conviction,
repentance without asking for forgiveness and
without putting the
by faith in the blood of Yeshua,
the Messiah {Jesus the Christ}!
Every time one commits a
death-penalty sin
it will have the same effect on him! |
You shall know them by their “fruits”! Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. (Matthew 7:16-20) A most perfect and beautiful fruit tree outwardly will sometimes be so diseased inwardly that it produces the worst kind of fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth corrupt fruit and a corrupt tree cannot produce good fruit. Every tree brings forth of its own kind whether it is good or bad. The ways whereby man can be discerned is "by their fruits" and not by their outward appearance and refinement, which is so deceptive! Such people can be ever so good outwardly and they may be more refined and correct in life than many true Christians, but this does not prove that they are of G-d! (?) You are being able to bear fruit only when it remains in Yeshua, the Messiah; Jesus Christ and is powerless to produce fruit if you do not abide in Him! |
Divine wisdom revealed in illustrations! |
I am a "kampfer-tree"
"I am a "kampfer-tree"! You will not see me on this picture! I was so covered with climbing vines. Strongholds of the climbing vine-plant are long, slender, “growing” like shoots rely on their victim as objects for their support. In addition to winding or twining around supporting structures, strongholds are indeed a killing force, that takes away all the light and space to grow. More and more over the years the weight of the strongholds crashed my branches! If I did not not get properly help, I should die soon!" Strongholds are as lianas woody parasite with ropelike stems that climb high into “tree crowns” Strongholds also spread over the “ground” until they find a suitable supporting victim. Creeping strongholds lie on the ground, often layering sending roots into the soil and spreading slowly. At the end strongholds may form an impenetrable thicket known popularly as jungle. Once into the upper canopy, they may spread “horizontally”, maximizing precious “light” and weaving together the tops and take away all the light that still remains! A "Landsman" came... Than a "landsman" came just on time for me! He cuts down away the heavy strongholds of the vines. He pruned me, released me, so the air & light could reach me again! The broken strongholds felt down on the ground by the feet's of my roots! It covered the dry land and kept the water in the ground, so I couldn't dry out! It also became fertilizer for me! It seems to be that in all the years the vines took away life out of me, giving me back what was stolen from me! I got a change to be restored and now people can enjoy my beauty, my well smelling aroma, and find cool in my shadow! Modern Christianity! There are Christian are like this tree! The burdens in their life for so many years became so heavy. They couldn't handle life anymore! For the world they were cast out and not important enough. You could not see what they really are! Than the "landsman" (the pastor, minister, send by the L-rd) came and set them free! It was a process of deliverance and restoration in a period of time. It was hard labor for the minister as for the victim as well! Mostly dirty, hard and dangerous work! But at the end, they became free indeed! They were able to breath the bread of G-d and able to receive again the Light of G-d! That what satan had stolen from their life's, he in the end had to pay back! He became a footstool under their feet, by the victorious Blood of Yeshua, the Messiah! A sweet aroma as a perfume... For we are unto G-d a sweet savor of Yeshua/Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: (2 Corinthians 2:15) Now they became a sweet perfume unto G-d through Yeshua, Jesus Christ in all that are saved and unsaved. To the saved they are an aroma of life unto life. To the unsaved they are an aroma of death unto death! This is another way of saying, whoever receives the gospel will be saved and whoever rejects it will be lost! Triumph in Yeshua/Jesus the Christ means complete victory over satanic powers! Such a triumph in Yeshua as described here makes manifest the aroma of His saving knowledge by triumphant (“Landsman”) -ministers wherever they serve! I am speaking about nowadays Christians! No, I am NOT speaking directly in connection with "the world", I am speaking about nowadays Christianity! They maybe didn't abide in Yeshua, the Messiah, and became astray! But also the burdens that was put on them before they became Christians! There is a great responsibility for the leaders of the church! You have to see Christians through the eyes of G-d! Which makes you able to see them, behind the "coverings" and can see G-d's creative plan & work already in them! Strongholds are growing into men's life. They are worldly-connected, long, slender, “growing” like shoots rely on their victim as objects for "their" support. In addition to winding or twining around your innermost life. The tricks satan use for his deceiving and cruel strategy, which he can connect with your life "to climb" and anchor to its victim and maximize exposure to “Light of G-d” taking away expending energy light and air from its "supporting victim". At the end the "Light of G-d" will vanish and you will find only darkness instead! The tree or their branches are being able to bear good fruit only when it remains in Yeshua, the Messiah; Jesus the Christ! Than the weight of the burden of the strongholds will fall from you, where it will be cut off and you will be transformed into an expression of great joy! He is the "Landsman"! (G-d; YHVH}) Paul van Beek God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc. |
with a testimony!
Un-avoidable! But un-avoidable the day of horror came for them! The people of the shopping center decided to rebuild their parking-lots for a new large shopping unit. Unfortunately these beautiful large trees didn't fit in their plans! Every tree need to be removed, destroyed and taken away as trash! No one seems to be concerned about it! In the midst of all chaos of machines, bulldozers their was no escape from their fatal destiny! These beautiful trees were rejected!
Saved from destruction!
"landsman" came just before our final destruction! He pruned the trees very short!
This was needed in order to guaranty their transplantation! He use machines to dig
the large trees
out, put them on his trailer for evacuation to an other location! It seems to be
impossible that these trees will survive! The trees were put in a
garden in to new fertilized soil and watered every day with persevering
attention! There was taking
Their new destination! More than 2 years later they have been restored and grown (inside first). When spring came the leaves couldn't hold back anymore! You can enjoy their greatness and their pleasant shadow grows by the day when you passed these trees,... again! They are now a beautiful decoration in front of the "landsman" home! |
We are
Myrtle Trees rejected! "Than the un-avoidable day of horror came for us! The people of the shopping center decided to rebuild their parking-lots for a new large shopping unit. Unfortunately we didn't fit in their plans! Everyone of use need to be removed, destroyed and taken away as trash! No one seems to be concerned about us! It was a done deal. In the midst of all chaos of machines, bulldozers their was no escape from our fate! All hope for us us was fading away! We were rejected!" Saved from destruction! "Than a "landsman" came just before our final destruction! He pruned us very short! This was needed in order to guaranty our transplantation! It was a painful process and our beauty was gone! He use the same machines, who would destroy us, to dig us out, put us on his trailer for evacuation to an other location! We were put in a garden in to new fertilized soil and watered every day! With persevering attention he did take care for us in our critical hours of replanting-time! But we all did survive!"
"After more than 3 years we have grown spectacular. You can smell our sweet aroma as a perfume from our large showy white to red and lavender flowers when you passed us, again! Our shadow again is pleasant! We are now a beautiful decoration in front of the "landsman" home!" |
Conclusion A "Landsman" came just before final destruction! He will prune you very short! This is needed in order to guaranty your complete restoration! It shall be a painful process and many will not see your beauty! He put with great care for evacuation to an other location! There you will been put in His garden in to new fertilized soil (the Word into your heart) and with refreshing Living Waters will flow for you every day! With persevering attention He will take care for you and me in our critical hours of "replanting-time"! But we all shall survive and live!
You have to see the
potential in a Christian through the eyes of G-d! Which makes you able to see
in the G-d's creative potential work
already in them! Many time Christians are often been rejected, because the
ways whereby (Christian) men do Like David was compared to his grown up brothers, he was not even counted important enough to be urged to attend the feast. He remained yet the youngest, and behold, he kept the sheep perhaps smaller than the other sons of Jesse, in people eyes, but he was chosen of G-d, Who was looking on the heart and not the outward appearance! He had the true qualities to be G-d chosen one! G-d saw his "beauty far ahead! Are we prepare to do the same way as G-d is doing for us? Or is it proud, greed, position, status, money, lack of knowledge, that will stand in our way? Divine wisdom revealed referring by these illustrations! There are directions on how to profit by that which wisdom has already delivered; the purpose for such examples and the nature of the message. Bow down your ears and hear the words of Divine wisdom, who refer these illustrations from their own environment and to the scenes what happened during the restoration process! So that you become able to apply your own heart to this Divine knowledge! That you may receive personal profit to your own soul and can get experiential Divine knowledge and be equipped to speak of this wisdom also to others! So that on their turn they may learn to trust in the L-rd, get to know the absolute certainty of truth and the excellent things in counsels and knowledge (Proverbs 22:17-21)! |
Almost dying totally far away from to be perfect and beautiful these
Citrus-fruit-trees outwardly Dead
are overwhelming the tree! There is still life and it is still bearing fruit.
But for how long? Dead Branches
are representing “religion
and customs”
which will bring forth death!
The remaining life is force to die also, unless the pruning work will be
accomplish! It also can represent the nowadays Church or a life of a individual
Christian! |
the study about
We have to bind and to take a stand against all kinds of strongholds; workings of satan, his principalities, powers, and demons that would hinder us, in the name of Yeshua, the Messiah {or Jesus the Christ}! We need to take our place with Yeshua and recognize, by faith that all wicked strongholds and satan himself are under our feet as a subject to the L-rd! There is a place where the weight of the burden of the strongholds will fall from you, where it will be cut off and you will be transformed into an expression of great joy!! Paul van Beek God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc. |