The Heavenly Supreme Court!










The Emerald Throne of G-d's
The "Justice Court Room" in Heaven...

Part 2

 Picture-source with permission:     ©  Please respect the copy-rights! (Pictures are edited)

The Heavenly Supreme Court...


You are able to submit your pleadings to
the Honorable
Supreme Judge,

in the courtroom in Heaven “The Justice Courtroom”...

 Parts from the teaching's of Paul van Beek (Prejudice) 

Click on subject of choice!

A Supreme Court
The Supreme Court of Heaven...
To write down the petitions in the form of a Court-motion.
YOU will be informed about the proceedings and what the Honorable Supreme Judge will granted or deny your motion.
4 things to acknowledge...
IF you are having a righteous indignation...
You would convene the council, throughout your own written motion, signed by you and sealed.
Next Steps to do...
Things that constitute a saint...
Righteousness_is_an action....

Supreme Court in Washington DC
Important related site's

A Supreme Court...

A supreme court is the highest court within the hierarchy of many legal jurisdictions. Other descriptions for such courts include court of last resort, instance court, judgment court, apex court, and highest court of appeal. Broadly speaking, the decisions of a supreme court are not subject to further review by any other court. Supreme courts typically function primarily as appellate courts, hearing appeals from decisions of lower trial courts, or from intermediate-level appellate courts.

The "Supreme Courts of Heaven"


In this case it the highest Court in the Universe and is in the Heavenly realms. The "Supreme Courts of Heaven" shows Divine justice is available for every believer. You can access Heaven 24/7, and experience results. Repentance is the “key”, which gives us authority in the Supreme Court of Heaven. There is a fowler in the Heavenly Supreme Court rooms that get your prayers/motions by pleading answered. The accuser in Heaven, the enemy, will try to stop you to be bold and pleading your case. The Honorable Supreme Judge will declare that the enemy’s evidence is not permissible at this Supreme Court. It is already repented off. As it is on earth so will it be in Heaven. As it is in Heaven so will it be on earth


Hereby you are able to submit your pleadings to the Honorable Supreme Judge, in this courtroom in Heaven which do have different rooms, assigned for every single one according its specific purpose. In this case: the "Justice Court Room”.

We have every right to believe that the Honorable Supreme Judge will act when the enemy takes from us!


So you will be able to leave this Heavenly Supreme Courtroom with your faith; respect and gratitude to the Honorable Supreme Judge, trusting Justice will be granted!


To write down the petitions in the form of a Court-motion.


A request of the L-rd to write down the petitions for those who needed one. But they by themselves need to apply a written official Court-motion unto the Supreme Court room, which they have to write things that these petitions came from themselves. Therefore, a counselor/intercessor, when willing to assist with their written petitions in the form of an official Court motion, and they by themselves need to appeal their written motion before the Supreme Honorable Judge at the Supreme Court room (of Justice) in Heaven {YHVH}, and so the intercessor will be able to make intercession for them in reference to their position, when they had made a court appeal in the Supreme court-room, before the Honorable Supreme Judge of Heaven. 


YOU will be informed about the proceedings and what
the Honorable Supreme Judge will granted or deny your motion


In a short time period you will be informed about the proceedings and what the Honorable Supreme Judge will granted or deny your motion. If you have unrepentant sin, you will be judged or even condemned, as those people who cannot even raise their face towards Heaven, because they are embarrassed of all their wrongful actions, in this specific case. Their petitions (written in their motion), which they have made known, have not come to be, and even though them mutually weep, and beg for these things, nevertheless, they will not happen by this speaking together, and it is not happening because of unrepentant sins. Their motions will not be granted, but denied.


According to Psalms 82:1, We have a petition being made to G-d for justice against his enemies. G-d stands in the assembly [of the representatives] of G-d; in the midst of the magistrates {or} judges He gives judgment [as] among the gods


4 things to acknowledge:

1)  Recognize that you are illegible.
2)  Fill out and write the proper Motion-forms.
3)  Present {pleadings} your case to the Honorable Supreme Judge and {included} the judicial Supreme panel.
4)  Wait, knowing that following the proper way that the judgment & settle {Granted/Denied} will come to you.


IF you are having a righteous indignation...


Please, think and act very honest about your own personal life! If there is a complaint against the enemy that you’d like to bring before the Honorable Supreme Judge. IF you are having a righteous indignation that rises up within you against the enemy then you’re going to bring this before the Honorable Supreme Judge { and before the L-rd}. Even so, He already knows, but He wants us to get involved personal. You have something to do and you need to take care of these {personal} issues. It is time to take to make your own stand-point and declare, with deep respect before the Honorable Supreme Judge: “Enough is enough”!


You would convene the council, throughout your own written motion,
signed by you and sealed.


You then make your pleading and prayers, before the Honorable Supreme Judge; King of kings and as our, L-rd, that You would convene the council, throughout your own written motion, signed & sealed by you only! By your own personal faith, confident and trust You have ascend into the Heavenly Court places, which hare having many rooms, where you are being present in person before the Bema-seat, and before the Honorable Supreme Judge; He will call the court in session in to order now!


You are now being into a position, where you have the right to stand before the Honorable Supreme Judge, and in the blood of Yeshua/Jesus the Christ, declare that it’s time for the attack against us to stop. You must declare that the enemy has no more right, because of what Yeshua/Christ has done on the cross and your repentance of any committed sin!


Next steps to do!

· Pray that G-d will help you and give you a revelations throughout His Divine ways!
· Let’s acknowledge the injustice that has been done to you in your motion in detail and your pleading before the Honorable Supreme Judge. Bring the injustice one/offender" and bring her/him before the Heavenly Supreme Judicial Courts  and before  the Honorable Supreme Judge;  the Judge of judges!
· Let your position be that no matter what the enemy does to you (whether satan or some individual), that you will remain innocent before G-d!
· Ask G-d to help you understand and discern Justice!
· Except the fact that 'good" always overcomes evil!
· Remain innocent before G-d and pray that G-d's justice will prevail in your life and the life of others!
· Promote justice everywhere you go and demonstrate Justice in all you do!



Hereby I submit my pleadings to the Honorable Supreme Judge, in this courtroom in Heaven which do have different rooms, assigned for every single one according its specific purpose. In this case: the "Justice Court Room”. I will leave this courtroom with my faith; respect and gratitude to the Honorable Supreme Judge, trusting Justice will be granted! I, Defendant; {Your name}, under the penalty of perjury, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Sec.1746, and Fla. Statute 92.25 declares that I have read the foregoing motion and the facts stated herein are true and correct. (Your State may different from this)

Executed "Date" Year". Respectfully submitted                  
  Signed & Sealed with your signature  
  "Your name" & Phone number  
  "Your address; City; State; Zip code  
  Defendant's Civil case has been represented by  


Court session is ended…

(Genesis 18:25) Far be it from You to do such a thing--to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous fare as do the wicked! Far be it from You! Shall not the Judge of all the earth execute judgment {and} do righteously?


Walk in humility before the L-rd and you will gain wisdom, and with wisdom you will receive riches and fame and long lifeThat is the Justice of G-d! We need to ask for understanding and discernment of G-d’s Justice!

Things that constitute a saint:
(added by author—PvB)

· Control of own spirit                                     (Psalms 37:1;7,8) 
· Freedom from jealousy; envy & revenge(Psalms 37:1)
· Absolute trust & confident in G-d              (Psalms 37:3;5,40) 
· Consecration to do good only                   (Psalms 37:3) 
· Constant delight in G-d                                (Psalms 37:4)


Saying, If you will diligently hearken to the voice of the L-rd your G-d and will do what is right in His sight, and will listen to {and} obey His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases upon you which I brought upon the Egyptians, for I am the L-rd Who heals {restores} you. (Exodus 15:26) {Amplified}

Righteousness is an action...
(added by author—PvB & Text from the New Man Bible / glossary)

Righteousness is an action! The word 'righteousness' means to do what is right and just in the eyes of G-d! They are verbs that require action by the subject of the verb. When we are made righteousness by our faith in G-d our behavior has to change! This change of behavior comes from Above, as evidence by Paul's reference to "the gift of righteousness" in (Romans 5:17 & 6:8). There is a lot each one can do to be a righteous (better) person, but we can do so much more when faith and {our own} commitment to G-d bring us "the gift of righteousness"! We need to know that in the Jewish mind the word 'believe' requires the change in {our} behavior!

Righteousness, Holiness and to do justice are the foundation of relationship for all of humanity! Each of us (Christian believers) has a form of relationship with G-d, and with other people. We are to do right, to be just in every endeavor, and we are to keep ourselves pure! That is our minimum standard! G-d knows very well that none of us is perfect (We are perfect in Yeshua), but He also knows our hearts and sees our faith in Him through the Blood of the Lamb (Yeshua Messiah)! So long as we acknowledge Him, to continue to be righteous (in G-d's eyes) and keeping ourselves pure {transparent} we know we have eternal life with our Creator. This righteousness is our minimum standard! To go beyond that 'minimum' is a great blessing that our G-d rewards! (Text from the New Man Bible)

Court Motion Example ê
Names are removed for privacy reasons
See below
Download below this web-page

Supreme Court in Washington DC


The Supreme Court consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and such number of Associate Justices as may be fixed by Congress. The number of Associate Justices is currently fixed at eight (28 U. S. C. §1). Power to nominate the Justices is vested in the President of the United States, and appointments are made with the advice and consent of the Senate. Article III, §1, of the Constitution further provides that "[t]he Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office."

Each applicant shall file with the Clerk

(1) a certificate from the presiding judge, clerk, or other authorized official of that court evidencing the applicant’s admission to practice there and the applicant’s current good standing, and

(2) a completely executed copy of the form approved by this Court and furnished by the Clerk containing (a) the applicant’s personal statement, and (b) the statement of two sponsors endorsing the correctness of the applicant’s statement, stating that the applicant possesses all the qualifications required for admission, and affirming that the applicant is of good moral and professional character. Both sponsors must be members of the Bar of this Court who personally know, but are not related to, the applicant.

3. If the documents submitted demonstrate that the applicant possesses the necessary qualifications, and if the applicant has signed the oath or affirmation.


Yeshua Messiah; (The L-rd Jesus Christ)
The only complete expression of Righteousness & Justice!
The King of kings!

Riding on His Heavenly Horse
to conquer
the Righteous & Victoriously un-compromising saints from Heaven!

2-sd Coming (Revelation Chapter 19) Ç
Picture source: 1.
Believers Fellowship Faith Church;  / work of Art; Messiah as Conquering King in His 2-sd coming/ Ç

Important related site's :

 Learn how injustice in your life can release greater anointing!
 Implement G-d's plan of justice in your life to avenge the enemy's attacks.
 Recognize injustice, catch the ‘injustice one / offender’, approach the Heavenly Judge, and ask for a Heavenly settlement!
 Learn to live a life that justifies G-d to act on your behalf!

A supreme court is the highest court within the hierarchy of many legal jurisdictions. Other descriptions for such courts include court of last resort, instance court, judgment court, apex court, and highest court of appeal. Broadly speaking, the decisions of a supreme court are not subject to further review by any other court. Supreme courts typically function primarily as appellate courts, hearing appeals from decisions of lower trial courts, or from intermediate-level appellate courts.

The "Supreme Courts of Heaven"


In this case it the highest Court in the Universe and is in the Heavenly realms. The "Supreme Courts of Heaven" shows Divine justice is available for every believer. You can access Heaven 24/7, and experience results. Repentance is the “key”, which gives us authority in the Supreme Court of Heaven. There is a fowler in the Heavenly Supreme Court rooms that get your prayers/motions by pleading answered. The accuser in Heaven, the enemy, will try to stop you to be bold and pleading your case. The Honorable Supreme Judge will declare that the enemy’s evidence is not permissible at this Supreme Court. It is already repented off. As it is on earth so will it be in Heaven. As it is in Heaven so will it be on earth

Racism & Ethnic Disparity. Ministry Faith base statement
Motion Example Word file
Motion Example PDF -  file

Hereby you are able to submit your pleadings to the Honorable Supreme Judge, in this courtroom in Heaven which do have different rooms, assigned for every single one according its specific purpose. In this case: the "Justice Court Room”.

You will be able to leave this courtroom with your faith; respect and gratitude to the Honorable Supreme Judge, trusting Justice will be granted!

This page is a part of:

This site of  “The Heavenly Supreme Court..."” is created & Edited © by:
Paulus van Beek
God’s Outreach Ministry Int. Inc.
© Research Center
Graphic Design
Information source also out of:
Note's (Part) Dake's Annotated Reference Bible.
( )
New Man Bible & Amplified Bible
Orthodox Jewish Scriptures
The Chumash
The dictionary online
Several court motions examples by lawyers in real {Earthly} cases
Law libraries; Miami/Bartow Florida
Legal Shield

Inspiration source: David Herzog Ministries




Text is edited by Paul van Beek with lay-outs and Scriptural color-codes; underlining's, bold; entitling; illustrations; etc...; Names of "Jehovah" & Yahweh are replaced by the Scriptural Names : YHVH or G-d" {"Tetragrammaton"}; The Name "God" is replaced in a more awesome respect into G-d; To recognize His Awesome Holy Name!  Yeshua is the Jewish/Hebrew Name of "Jesus the Christ" is added; Original text is maintained so far as possible. The name "Jesus" is the Greek translation. The of "satan" is NOT caponized even in conflict with grammar issue's
Expressions are written in a more understandable way. ; Grammar issues are removed & improved so far as possible! This because of spoken language is now expressed in a written language.


Note's (Part) & editing are from Paulus van Beek    God’s Outreach Ministry Int. Inc.
Front-Picture-source unknown  from old sheet; part of a rejected old Bible
P. O. Box 93404; Lakeland; Florida; 33804-3404
Contact us for information to the Editor/Web-designer ' (863) 660-2444
Picture-source with permission: 
My appreciation to a precious sister Pat Marvenko-Smith for her awesome illustrations
NOT ALL illustrations are from the same source! Please
Contact us for more info concerning  ©
©  Please respect the copy-rights! (Pictures are edited)