G-d's Anointed Empowered Divine Army Division of




Scriptural identification with the Anointing Outpouring:


Some Divine End Time Army Divisions will come separate, some will come "overlapping" others follow up each other very fast! Names to these Outpourings/Divine Divisions are given according the Biblical figures that played a role in their ancient Biblical time! The names by themselves are recognizable according their Scriptural identification with the Anointing Outpourings! Name's could be different pronounced for the same kind of wave. It is just trying to  keep it simple! The numbers does not refer to the chronological way of outpouring! They can come any time! People can have the activation of different level in several ways! Like as example the 'End-Time-Deborah's' (Divine Army Division) need to have the understanding fore what 'the spirit of humility' really stands for. Without a revealing and outpouring of Divine love, nothing will have it's value! G-d is love, so we need to operate from G-d's love from within us towards others!  (Several anointing's for one person; or a specific group of people, selected by G-d!) All useful 'vessels' for G-d should have this kind of understanding with an open mindset!

Heaven or Hell?

There is life after death!
Picture-background with permission: www.Revelationillustrated.com  © 
Please respect the copy-rights!

People of G-d, chosen by G-d, especially because of their crying out for your  "Repentance"! ; to avoid that you will be one who are crying out from
the depths of hell...!
"Please help us, We will pay back everything we stole; we will make everything in order..."

"The Repentance Outpouring -
Divine End Time Army Division
G-d is about raising up & releasing men & women: 
The Repentance-by
the Holy Spirit


People of G-d, chosen by G-d, especially because of their cry for "Repentance"!

They have heard from the other side of terrible crying of desperations: "Please help us, We will pay back everything we stole; we will make everything in order..." They could not see where it came from, but it had changed them dramatically and afraid them to hear and see souls are going to be lost for ever, if they do not make effort to save them from hell & destruction! Looking for an answer the voice of the Holy Spirit spoke to them: "These cries from the depths of hell are the tormented souls crying out for forgiveness and restoration, but unfortunately it is TOO LATE for them! They were so ignorant or neglect the knockings of the Messiah Yeshua many time on the door of their heart! There was always a way of redemption available, but they did not want to listen, even if, then still they refused! There was always a way to escape judgment available! If they just would listen to G-d's voice and give ear to it!"

There is always grace and a way of redemption. There is always a way to escape judgment! If G-d's Church-people including their leaders humble themselves, pray, seek His face before the cross and turn from their wrong attitudes; He will not ignore them, but He surely will hear them, forgive them and heal their ways of thinking! He is speaking about restoration! (2 Chronicles 7:14) If they just call unto Him with a honest and humble heart, He will answer them, and reveal even more great and mighty things, which they do not realize it is possible. (Jeremiah 33:3) 
I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. (Luke 5:32; KJV)
But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, .that they should repent and turn to G-d, and do works meet for repentance.  (Acts 26:20)
The L-rd is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that  any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)
Repentance is one of the main themes of the Scripture, being found 110 times from Genesis 6:6 to Revelation 16:11.

The just are righteous that need no repentance (Luke 5:32), because they have already repented and have become justified by faith (Romans 1:16-17;  5:1; 2 Corinthians 7:9-10). There is joy in Heaven over one sinner repenting! From being lost into being saved! This simply told the hypocrites that it was for sinners that He came and that only one sinner repenting brings joy to Heaven!

G-d will also destroy the power of hell so that it will not touch His people whom He will redeem. Death and hell will only cause those who reject His redemption to be marred, ruined, and punished. Repentance by G-d or the changing of His mind and plans concerning death and hell will never be; such hope for the rebellious is vain and eternally hidden from the very eyes of G-d. Proof was required in genuine repentance to discourage mere profession and outward show! People may fail Him so that He cannot fulfill such callings with them, but when, if ever, they come back to repentance G-d holds them to the original obligation to obey Him. G-dly sorrow that works repentance to salvation, changes the life and cleanses it from sin (2 Corinthians 7:8-10)


Make restitution and show proof of the repentance you profess:


Nature: contrition, confession, faith, restitution (2 Corinthians 7:8-11)
Necessity (Luke 13:1-5)
Power (Romans 10:9-10; Luke 18:14)
Qualifies for pardon (1 John 1:9; Acts 2:38;  3:19; Romans 10:9-10)
Demanded of all people (Luke 13:1-5; 24:47; Acts 10:35; 17:30)
Must not be delayed (before it could be TOO LATE!) (2 Corinthians 6:2; Hebrews 4:7; Ephesians 5:14)


G-d's love for the lost!
Reconciliation & Grace!


The 36th parable in Luke (Luke 15:11-32), illustrating the difference between the concern of G-d and the murmuring “Pharisees” over the salvation of a lost soul.


The prodigal son...


The younger son, like many who are rebellious and immature, wanted to be free to live as he pleased, living ruinously and he had to hit bottom before he came to his senses. It often takes great sorrow and tragedy to cause people to look to the only one who can help them—Yeshua. Are you trying to live life your own way, selfishly pushing aside any responsibility or commitment that gets in your way? Stop and open your eyes before you hit bottom. You will save yourself and your family much grief! Yeshua Messiah made use of the fact to show the depth of misery to which ruinous living brought the prodigal son. It illustrates the depravity and misery of sinners in their lusts and sins!


Misery & chastisement...


His condition brought him to his senses and he realized his end if he continued thus. Living and eating with the pigs of the field, was considered one of the most degrading employments, not only by the ancient Jews, but other nations as well!


Conviction & resolve...


The 'prodigal' son compared his lot with the servants of his father, making his final decision to go back home and plead for the lowest place in the household (Luke 15:17-19). Making a decision to repent is not enough...

Confession & repentance...


True repentance is confession of sin, genuine sorrow, and humility because of sin! Repentance is to change yours mind for the better. Not merely to forsake sin, but to change your attitude toward it and your love for it!  Hence, it is demanded by G-d as a condition of forgiveness and grace. I tell you, nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. (Luke 13:3)  Making a decision to repent is not enough! One must truly repent—being genuine in acts, words, and deeds—to be honored of G-d or man. One must come to himself before he can properly come to the Heavenly Father in circumstances as these!


Our Heavenly Father is waiting for your return and want to welcome you!


In this parable in Luke (Luke 15:11-32), illustrating, the 'father' watched and waited! So also our Heavenly Father! He was dealing with a human being with a will of his own, but he was ready to greet his son if he returned. In the same way, G-d’s love is constant and patient and welcoming. He will search for us and give us opportunities to respond, but he will not force us to come to him. Like the father in this story, G-d {YVHV}, our Heavenly Father was waiting patiently for us to come to our senses. The son left out of selfishness (Luke 15:12). G-d’s great love reaches out and finds sinners no matter why or how they got lost!


Acceptance of repentant sinners wholeheartedly...


People who repent after leading notoriously sinful lives are often held in suspicion; churches are sometimes unwilling to admit them to membership. Instead, we should rejoice like the angels in Heaven when an unbeliever repents and turns to G-d. Like our Heavenly Father, accept repentant sinners wholeheartedly and give them the support and encouragement that they need to grow in Yeshua/Christ!

The father forgave because he was filled with love. The other son refused to forgive because he was bitter about the injustice of it all. His resentment rendered him just as lost to the father’s love as his younger brother had been.


Forgiving others...


Don’t let anything keep you from forgiving others! If you are refusing to forgive people, you are missing a wonderful opportunity to experience joy and share it with others. Make your joy grow: Forgive somebody who has hurt you!

Jealousy & anger...


The older brother represented 'the Pharisees', who were angry and resentful that sinners were being welcomed into G-d’s Kingdom. How easy it is to resent G-d’s gracious forgiveness of others whom we consider to be far worse sinners than ourselves!? But if our self-righteousness gets in the way of rejoicing when others come to the the Messiah Yeshua or the Lord Jesus {the} Christ, we are no better than the 'Pharisees'!

Repercussions between the 2 sons...


The Elder Son (Luke 15:25-32) had  a lack of wisdom; a problem with his anger and sullenness; bragging on himself; complaining against his father and brother; un-forgiveness! A type of a 'Pharisee'! There was distance & bitterness!

The younger son, after he lived a ruinously life, came to his senses; he came to real repentance and humility (Luke 15:17-19); returned home and was welcomed by his compassionate merciful father; (Luke 15:20) after his confession to his father and proof of his humility; (Luke 15:21) he also was prepared to be the lowest among his father's people! There was reconciliation & Rejoice!


It is My (Heavenly Father) desire to lavish My love on you...


"And it is My desire to lavish My love on you simply because you are My child and I am your Heavenly Father! (1 John 3:1) I offer you more than your earthly father ever could, for I am the perfect Father! Every good gift that you receive comes from My hand, for I am your provider and I meet all your needs. My plan for your future has always been filled with hope, because I love you with an everlasting love!     The Heavenly Father "

(1 John 3:1) (Matthew 7:11) (Matthew 5:48) (James 1:17)(Matthew 6:31-33) (Jeremiah 29:11) (Jeremiah 31:3) 
Partly out of the
Love-Letter of the Father - See also more on the wave of "Love"!

 Contrasts Å Æ Repercussions!
What is your choice going to be?

We think it's all over when we die, but that is only the death of the flesh. After that there is the second death when the judgment of G-d is pronounced upon the soul. We either have a life sentence given to us in G-d, or we have a death sentence - but we do not “die”. We do not cease to exist. We are even more aware after the first death. The soul lives on forever and forever. The rich man's soul (Luke 16:19-31) is still out there screaming and hollering and gnashing his teeth, awaiting the Judgment Day, to be cast into the Lake of Fire.

Where will you spend eternity? It will be in one of two places, Heaven, or Hell with its Lake of Fire. Unless you repent of your sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ {Messiah Yeshua} as your Lord and Savior, it will be Hell!

G-d did not create Hell for you! He created Heaven for the soul of man, and He created Hell for the devil and his fallen angels. And if you go there, it will be your own responsibility! Yeshua made a way for you by the shedding of His precious Blood! 

Contrasts Å Æ Repercussions!
È What is your choice going to be? È

Humility & obedience will always lead to the Lord! G-d will resist the pride!
Those who serve Him love to work in unity! Those who serve for their own ambition cause strife!
Yeshua will be revealed through restored men! The enemy will be revealed through  wicked men.
Those who choose for Him are worthy to be heirs! Who choose to disobey will fall as the evil one!
Those who trust in Him will bear good fruits! Those who trust in themselves will end in failure.
Those who steadfast for Him are called His sons! Those who deny Him are called sons of the enemy!
Those who love truth; finding Divine understanding Those who are hypocritically do not love the truth!
His messengers are burning with zeal for Holiness! They will find compromise after compromise!
Living waters comes from their innermost being! Their heart are like an open grave.
Consumed by the Holy fire of G-d! Consumed with themselves
They will not put themselves in higher positions! The hypocrites, for they love the uppermost seats!
Working behind the "screens", without notice! Seeking for recognition of people
Ambitions for G-d only! Ambitions for only own positions
Sacrificial toward others! Jealousy
G-d's appointed! Self Appointed
G-dly; Spiritually! Carnality
Knowing distinction & discernment; Divine wisdom Lack of discernment & wisdom
Sacrificial in giving; honest stewardship! Greedy & dishonesty
Humble Spirit; real in word & actions! Arrogant; presumptuous
Guided by the Holy Spirit only! Manipulations
Known by G-d! Counted; honored by man
Seeking only for G-d's Glory! Seeking after own glory
Boldness; truthfully! Cowardness
Abiding in Him; pleasing G-d! Pleasing man, not G-d
They are washed by the Blood of the Lamb! They are filled with defilements.
His messengers are as flames of fire! The enemy's messengers are full of evilness!


What is your Choice

È Making the right choice!

Making the
wrong choice!

* In spite of rejection by men, outward appearance maybe not the best; but your fruits of the Holy Spirit is the proof of G-ds work through you! (Bold Faith)

* You are outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. (Counterfeit faith)

* In spite of following the massive crowd of religion, you will find G-d in your search for Him! Your faith will be shown by G-d in your actions!

* As the same way of millions today in churches whose Christianity goes no deeper than what can be seen! Their “Cultural faith” was academic, intellectual, and cultural!

* You are His messenger and will be as a flame of fire! He will embrace you!

* You are neither cold nor hot, because you are 'lukewarm', He will spew you out of His mouth!

* You are enriched by His love & glory; opened your eyes & filled you with His Holy Spirit; the Spirit of truth!

* You are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, naked, proud, self-satisfied and ignorant of true state!

* For it is time now that the sprit of jezebel is to be exposed and resisted in this generation!

* The jezebel spirit was & is introducing the same vile practices into the Christian Church today! Attaching herself to the Christians and manipulating them, she is insisting on the right to teach and practice licentious indulgence and claiming inspiration for her teaching!

* And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. (Revelation 12:11) * When the enemy and his “servants” are realizing that they have failed to continue to destroy, to kill, to deceive, etc...?

Written in the Book of life!

He that overcomes, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the Book of life, but I will confess his name before My Father, and before His angels! (Revelation 3:5)

No more compromises!

Sorry, there is not a "Grey zone"! No more compromises anymore! ....it is for or against G-d! It is for or against the enemy! And whosoever was not found written in the Book of life was cast into the lake of fire! (Revelation 20:15)

Appearance doesn’t reveal what people are really like or what their true value is. The Lord is seeing not as man is seeing; for man looked on the outward appearance, but the Lord looked on the heart! (1 Samuel 16:7; about David

Their ceremonially cleanse outward things which typify inward cleansing but they never purify the inward man from which come the issues of life.
People who judge by outward appearance, they are overlooking quality individuals who lack the particular physical qualities society currently admires.

The word "belief" denotes the act and process of “faith”! This use of the present tense indicates that faith must be continued in to receive its benefits of the place confidence in  G-d!
The substance or conviction of things hoped for, the assurance of things not seen!
Absolute dependence upon and reliance in the Word of G-d and of
Yeshua/Christ, with full surrender, yieldedness, and obedience to all known Scriptural truth!

They made interpretations of Scripture and ungodly means in escaping responsibility in vows which were made in hypocrisy!

Looking for a real relationship with G-d!

Concerned outward religion, the things they held as proof of religion which sinners could easily do as well as ‘religious’ people.

Sharing relationship with Yeshua/Christ, not its own religion. Placing your own life at risk for what you believe (or be) in Yeshua/Christ!

Outward religious show of entertainment!

To persevere or stand strong in the face of challenge and difficulty! Standing for right in the face of intimidation! Held on to real faith in Messiah Yeshua or Jesus the Christ!

Their “Cultural faith” was academic, intellectual, and cultural!

Y A trust, a place of security of a true and faithful God. Deliver from the snare of the fowler. Eternal life with G-d!

They need to make their lives in order with G-D!
By His
Son Jesus the Christ!

Cleaning "your Temple"


How long will G-d tolerate the evil doings? We call it "Christianity". G-d thinks different than we do! He is well-pleased to receive you, when you seek the face of the Father before His Holy Throne. But it grieves the very heart of G-d that there are people in His temple, who are coming before the Throne of G-d and they are not prepared! They haven't cleansed themselves by the precious Blood of Yeshua Messiah!   (This part is from: Jesus is going to clean...!)

"Real - Repentance!


In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish .... (Daniel 9:2)
Prophet Daniel indentify himself with the sin of his people, committed to G-d, that His judgment was just! He prayed not because he and his people were so 'righteous, but because of the great mercy of G-d! Daniel had a sense of 'cooperate' guilt before G-d! (Also Moses)

When we confess our sins we also verbalize our spiritual limitations! Your 'real' confession could be painful! In your confession to the L-rd, you will have to recognize that also the responsibility to change that thing you are planning to do toward G-d! The more you devoted you are, how deeper will be your love for G-d and your commitment to Yeshua Messiah; so greater will be your sense of sinfulness! This period of your devotions to G-d will include times of pain! By walking with G-d, in a close relationship, will result that even the smallest incidental and even it looks like innocent, -sins-  of your own life, will be as serious in your own mind! Life - changing - of  devoted prayer of  confession also magnifies the L-rd G-d!

The first confession of a 'broken' person is admission of total inability to succeed without G-d’s favor. A clear heart cares and habitually guards against everything that pollutes the mind. (Psalm 31:12; 34:18; 51:10-17; Matthew 21:44; 1 Samuel 15:24)
Related Web-pages:
Daniel 9:1-19 - Prayer + A broken spirit!



Repentance is a change of thought and action to correct a wrong and gain forgiveness from the one wronged. In Christian contexts it usually refers to confession to G-d, ceasing sin against Him and resolving to live according to His law {His Divine teaching's}. It always includes an admission of guilt and also includes at least one of: a solemn promise or resolve not to repeat the offense; an attempt to make restitution for the wrong, or in some way to reverse the harmful effects of the wrong where possible. Repentance is an activity for believers which we continually practice as we fall into sin


Matthew 3:2  Repent and turn to G-d
Matthew 4:17  Turn from your sins and turn to G-d
1 John 1:8-10 Seeing our sin
Psalms 51:17  Broken spirit
2 Corinthians 7:9-10 Sorrow G-d wants his people to have
1 John 1:9 But if we confess our sins to Yeshua; faithful to forgive!
Jeremiah 31:19 Being ashamed
Matthew 3:8  Prove by the way you live
Luke 13:3  Turn from evil ways
Matthew 3:2  Turn from your sins
Acts 3:19 Turn from your sins so that you can be cleansed
2 Chronicles 7:14 If My people...turned from their wicked ways...
Luke 6:37; Matt.6:14-15 If you forgive others, you will be forgiven
Colossians 3:13 Forgive as Jesus forgave you
Matthew 18:21-22 Forgive seventy times seven
1 John 1:7;Acts 13:38 Yeshua cleanses us from every sin/ their forgiveness!
Eph. 1:7; Acts 5:31 So their/our sins would be forgiven



Forgiveness of sin is one of the constituent parts of justification. In pardoning sin, God absolves the sinner from the condemnation of the law and that on account of the work of Yeshua Messiah, i.e. he removes the guilt of sin, or the sinner's actual liability to eternal wrath on account of it.

All sins are forgiven freely. The sinner is by this act of grace forever freed from the guilt and penalty of his sins. It is offered to all in the gospel.






Ephesians 1:7 Our sins are forgiven
Acts 5:31 So their sins would be forgiven
Acts 13:38 In Yeshua there is forgiveness
1 John 1:7 Yeshua cleanses us from every sin
Matthew 6:14-15 If you forgive, you will be forgiven
Matthew 18:21-22 Forgive seventy times seven
Colossians 3:13 Forgive as Jesus forgave you
Luke 6:37 If you forgive others, you will be forgiven
1 John 1:9 He is faithful and just to forgive us

"New-Repentance-Outpouring-Anointing-Divine End Time Army" -Commissioning...


...To these selected specific people of "New-Repentance-Outpouring-Anointing-Divine End Time Army"  will be given & activated the authority for any Revival word-wide in these last days! People {Righteous, uncompromising, devoted, over-comers}  chosen only by G-d Himself, especially because of their crying  out for you (Un-converted rebellious 'believers"}as intercessors & calling/Crying out for the lost souls, even among G-d's Own people; backslidden; non-Christians for their conviction and repentance; in order to avoid that you will become one of the 'cries' from the depths of hell...! G-d pours out His Revival Spirit upon all people. ...And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: ....and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out My Spirit. (Joel 2:28,29)


There three great outpourings of the Holy Spirit:
1. On the day of Pentecost and many years following this day
(Acts 2:1-28:31)
2. During the future tribulation
 (Daniel's 70-th week) (Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:16-21)
3. During the Millennium; after  (
Yeshua's 2-sd coming - 1.000 years) (Isaiah 32:15; Isaiah 44:3; Ezekiel 36:26-27; Ezekiel 39:29; Zech. 12:10)

The Holy Spirit was also poured out upon Yeshua Messiah in fullness (In full measures) (Isaiah 11:1-2; Isaiah 42:1; Isaiah 61:1; Matthew 3:16; Matthew 12:18; John 3:34; Acts 10:38). Believers may have the fullness of the Spirit at any time during this present age; in this End-Time!

To bring us first to a deep sense of our own sins and impurities! If they are willing to do so! This requires of them a total surrender of one 'selves their whole being to G-d (Matthew 22:37).

And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your G-d: for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repented him of the evil. (Joel 2:13)
G-d can change His mind because of people are coming with repentance back to Him. The blessings from G-d, taken away in the judgment will be restored when people are willing to repent and turn back to G-d!

Too Late!?


Sorry, there is no a "Grey zone". It is for or against G-d! It is for or against the enemy! And they, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear, (for they are a rebellious house,) yet shall know that there hath been a prophet among them. (Ezekiel 2:5) 
Just as in the days of Noah, before the great flood; a rebellious; sinful house with impudent; stiff-hearted; most rebellious and hardhearted “children of G-d”? Many of the house of G-d refuse to listen unto the Lord. It is becoming bitter after being digested, as in Ezekiel’ case it indicates something hard to give out to the people, like lamentations, reasons for mourning, and woes upon them, because they will not listen to the last warnings of G-d's messengers! They were not sent to a strange and barbarous people, but to God's ones own beloved people who have become apostate and rebellious! The world instead would have heard them had He sent His messengers to them, but not His own Church people. His messengers have to be bold, hard, stubborn, and unyielding to be able to cope with these hard and stiff-hearted people! Where will you spent your eternity?

The ark of Noah is an Old Testament-type & shadow or 'picture'! The 'righteousness' were been brought on the ark in order to be saved. It boor the righteousness above the wrath of G-D still it was subsided, brought them right back on the Earth to continue to carry G-D's plan! G-D always removed the righteousness before and after His judgment. (also picture of the "rapture")


In these last days; like in the days of Noah...

In these last days the minds op the believers have been distorted by unbelief and their understanding disturbed so that it will be very difficult for them to accept the Gospel of Yeshua Messiah or Jesus the Christ as the true! (Titus 1: 15; Ephesians 4:18) They are spiritual ignorant of G-d's truth, while still continue to teach the 'truth'! This darkened understanding explain why an unsaved person has difficulties to accept the teaching's of G-d's Word! Men left to themselves, cannot understand the Scripture! It is only when the Holy Spirit enters the 'picture' that a person gains spiritual understanding (1 Corinthians 2:14)  The Biblical message of salvation is exclusive, that is, the Gospel of Yeshua Messiah in the only Gospel of salvation! (Galatians 1:8, 9)   (Included in: Wave Repentance; Wave Overcomers)
Freddy Hayler Copyrights © 'In the Days of Noah.../Freddy Hayler [
Freddy Hayler's music-Cd's  Worship Music  Freddy Hayler Testimony With permission.


The heretics of the End-Times...


The heretics of these last days will be found and exposed eventually (2 Timothy 3:9)  People who heed the warnings of the Scripture about propagators of false doctrines will expose them! (1 John 2: 18-26) Many local Churches and denominations have been overtaken by doctrinal errors of ministers of a false gospel! The truth of God, however, cannot be overthrown! (2 Timothy 2:19)  Opponents or heretics to the Gospel put on a good show of godliness, but in the end their 'charade' will fail!

There will never be a shortage of evil men during these End-Times! Evil men are on the increase! Not only in their number, but themselves will also increase in evil (2 Timothy 3:13) They will progress in their retreat away from God's truth! They will succeed in deceiving others! At the same time their own ability to distinguish between truth and error will diminish, and they will be deceived themselves. Only God's grace can reserve their evil course!

Terrible times of war, famine, cultural decadence, will increase in these End-times! The increasing 'break-up' of the families, disrespect for religion, denial of fundamental truths. We need to realize that opposition to the Gospel ministry was also a natural characteristic of ancient times, but now also we have to face it in these End-Times! The End-Times will conclude with the rapture, when the righteous saints of His Universal Church will be taken out of this world (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)  and 'the left behind' will enter in the 'Tribulation period'!


Social evils...

Misdirected love

Lovers of their own selves! (2Timothy 3:2)  They will direct their love and their efforts toward themselves. All other vices flow from this misdirection love!


The first fruit or result, of misdirected love! It is to love money and material possessions. Covetousness characterizes false teachers, for in their thinking, material gain, equates to godliness!

Pride & hostility

Following on the heels of self love and covetousness are 3 traits that focus on self pride and disclaim for others boasting; pride; and blasphemy (2 Timothy 3:2) Men full of pretentious words that fit their proud attitudes. An overbearing and inflated opinion of oneself! Pride and boasting then lead to slanderous and abusive speech!


Important related site's :

Depths of hell Heaven or hell? Powerful & personal testimony of Aline Baxley during her visitation in hell!

A master manipulator! It is time for the spirit of jezebel to be exposed and resisted in our generation! We cannot continue to except her to seduce, "teach", "prophesy", and control the Church or Ministry masked and unchallenged!

God's Tolerance How long will G-d tolerate the evil doings among His own people, that supposed to be a Christians?

Jesus is going to clean...! How long will G-d tolerate the evil doings into  our Churches. We call it "Christianity". G-d thinks different than we do! He is well-pleased to receive you, when you seek the face of the Father before His throne. But it makes Him sad that there are people in His temple, who are coming before the Throne of G-d and they are not prepared! They haven't cleansed themselves by the precious Blood of Yeshua Messiah!

1. Counterfeit Faith! (Source:  Victory Church Lakeland)
Pretended zeal to win converts to “god” (?), but with no view in mind other than to make instruments to serve their own oppressions and cruelty!
2. Cultural Faith!

3. Courageous Faith!

Daniel 9:1-19 - Prayer

In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish .... (Daniel 9:2)
Prophet Daniel indentify himself with the sin of his people, committed to G-d, that His judgment was just! He prayed not because he and his people were so 'righteous', but because of the great mercy of G-d! Daniel had a sense of 'cooperate' guilt before God!
This prayer came in inspiration to me when I was studying the book of Daniel. It was a time of hope-deferred position in a period of my life! I was encouraged to pray this prayer daily! It was the Holy Spirit, Who was and still is my teacher, that brought this kind of prayer up in my disrupted and concerned mind! (1 John 2:20; 2:27)

A broken spirit!

The first confession of a broken person is admission of total inability to succeed without G-d’s favor. A clear heart cares and habitually guards against everything that pollutes the mind. (Psalm 31:12; 34:18; 51:10-17; Matthew 21:44; 1 Samuel 15:24)


Letter Fonts not readable on this web-site?

Most of the titles of these web-page are written with the  lettertype "Papyrus"
Also other of the titles of these web-page could be written with the  letter font "Australian Sunrise" Click on the name to download also this  lettertype!
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Instruction to download the letter Fonts into your Computer:

Click on the name to download the  letter type of your choice! Save the Letter type-file also in your "Documents" as reserve and than you can also copy + paste it into "Fonts"! Instruction: 1. Start 2. Control panel  3. Appearance themes  4. Open "Fonts" 5.  Paste Letter types or fonts "Papyrus" "Australian Sunrise"  "Eras Medium ITC" 6.Close!


Expecting a  End Time Historical Harvest Revival!

This site of End Time Harvest Revival - "REPENTANCE is created & Edited & Designed  by:
Paulus van Beek
God’s Outreach Ministry Int. Inc. ©
Graphic Design
P. O. Box 93404; Lakeland; Florida; 33804-3404  ' (863) 660-2444
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God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc. ©
End Time Harvest Revival