We will come over and establish "God'sOutreach Ministry Int.
Inc." in the
United States, Florida
and depend on G-ds Supernatural provision.
We had to sell
our home, cars, and more in Belgium! My wife, Connie, had to resign from
her life-time secured job with a bank-company in Brussels and I had to discontinue my
activities as an independent business man. So that we could move with our
possessions (in a 40-Ft Container) to Florida, between Orlando and Tampa!
We believed
in that time
it would be in the Lakeland area, which is a fact now! That was still in a time of a high US
$-quotation! We need to have a serious $ fall in prices, when we transfer
the money of the sale of our house in Belgium! (It happen a year and
half later with a very good $-quotation!) It is not easy to sell
your house, when people try to force you to sell too cheap! Moving with our possessions"
We have received our "Definitive Visa" from immigration (Religion worker;
Special Immigrant) at the 9-th August 2000 from the US Embassy at Brussels,
Belgium. This is the result of the good news is that we received on the
20-Th. March 2000, the Approval Notice for Special Immigrant-Religious
Worker! The papers were ready. An interview with the consular
officer with
the US-Embassy at Brussels Belgium was on 07 August 2000, 01.30 PM! That
means that the “Green Card/Visa”
for the United States will follow automatically as soon as we arrived!
That's what we always believed in! This is means also
that we had to arrive in the United
States in a time-period of a half year, and that
is a very short time, when you still have to sell your house at a fair
price! But now we all as family-members received the "Permanent Resident
Card". Our house in Belgium has to be sold, and we came over and established
"God'sOutreach Ministry Int.
in the United States, in
the Lakeland-area, officially and depend on the income, from G-ds
supernatural provision through work and in the end
through the Ministry.
Loading-in furniture in the 40-Ft Container;
But all these things had to go
on in G-ds perfect timing, otherwise we shall have problems, and "the puzzle
is not fitting together"! A lot of forms had to be filled in by the IRS, to
get the Ministry in the
United States legally incorporated as a non-profit
the furniture out the 40-Ft Container; Florida!
Again, if I told you the obstacles we had to overcome you
would not believe it! It seems to be as impossible! There are so many things
that are standing between me as person and my vision from G-d. But if the L-rd said that you
are going to do it, than there is nobody who can stop me. But, honest, it
brings also a lot of frustrations with it. It is also very difficult to make
it understandable for the surrounding Christian and non-Christian people,
what is really going on in our lives! My son, Jonathan, who was 10 years
old at that time, has to change his school, language, his culture etc! But......!!!
We have said "yes", to the call of
We are still waiting and praying
in faith for more breakthroughs in specific areas. This was a very
difficult time, but also a great challenge! In Yeshua's Mighty Name!
We will continue to rise up inside God'sOutreach Ministry Int.Inc.
other related ministries as well. Such as the Prophet
End Time
Harvest Revival;
(Replacing Revival -Lakeland); We
also realize it's still the work of G-d, not ours! It
has been confirmed several times. Also the future-Place of Radical Worship
Streams of Heaven
and all about the office of a Prophet:
www.Prophetoffice.org has
made progress!
End-Time-Harvest-Revival(was Revival-Lakeland)
is a part of and an initiative from God’s
Outreach Ministry Int. Inc. and
was a serious "target" in the whole world concerning Revival!
These several Ministries web-site's exists since October 2005!
Thanks to all these efforts through this web-site's; many people world-wide could
find their way also to the local Lakeland-healing outpouring
meetings & guiding more than
8,000 online visitors daily local. (60,000.000 online visitors in
the June 08 only!)
Before people know about the existence of Lakeland and it's healing outpouring
revival I was already by G-d instructed in October 2005.
Healing Outpouring in Lakeland;
spring 2008! Whether I like it or not, I was already involved since begin of
April 2008, by the online visitors for
"Revival Lakeland" web-pages! Revival doesn't belong to you, neither to any other
person, but belongs to G-d only!
Whether you are a famous minister or unknown! I was and still I am willing
to be faithful! Now this web-site
make space for the End-time Harvest-Revival,
which will be
also worldwide!
web-site has already proved its accuracy of correct predictions
This web-site
has already proved its accuracy of
correct predictions
for the
for Lakeland in 2008! Many intercession meetings over the years were hold here
before having this
Healing Outpouring
in Lakeland! It operates undependable and it was informing to the "world" what
was happening during those days {2008} in Lakeland; Florida! Not only the visions, but everything
people (world-wide) need to know about this specific healing-Outpouring-Revival!
hits & views on the sites (Online visitors were mostly over the
500,000 -
in the month May, June, July & August 2008 - EarthLink-Web-Host!)
The month May 2008 had 11.776,238 online visitors! Range Total for the month of June 2008: more than 12,000.000!
Daily Average: 324,790.56 The actual views online daily
(People who are spending time to read) About 8,000 Online visitors were guided directly to the local Lakeland
Healing Outpouring local meetings!
study materials available for you...today!
ministry; "God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc.";{cover}
Scientifically - Archeology - Teaching’s web-page's throughout several
web-site-groups, with many of Scriptural Scientifically studies! It is
written in various fields of geography, archeology, ancient-history; Jewish
Roots & Inheritance; and science in many web-pages!
To create these
many teaching’s/ scientifically web-page’s with all the detailed information
and in the prophetic-time-cycles - visions will cost a lot of 'Earthly time!
This ministry with the Prophetic visions
web-page's, and with many Biblical study-notes are always freely available
for everyone! Especially for the
End-Time-Harvest-Revival - online visitors! As
such, these many detailed teaching’s site’s cost a lot of precious (study)
time and financial commitment for the author and the publisher as well!
detailed study, that takes you only a shorter time to read & study, and to
view the illustrations according the story, has take many hours; days, weeks
and even months; of devoted work to write, to edit, to design, to format and
technically make available & maintain on these Ministries-web-sites.
When I preach the gospel of Messiah Yeshua
I was preaching the gospel of Messiah Yeshua or Jesus Christ
in several locations at Belgium, the Netherlands, France and other places in
West Europe, (also in the United States), in several languages, I may have the privilege to
experience great anointing and Heavenly FIRE
from the Holy Spirit {Roach
Nearly every time people get saved! The messages were pointed to Revival
preaching's. Also a lot of
Personal Prophecies
spoken or in singing (native or in the Spirit
– language) over the people! I am not specifically a singer, at least that what
I thought. We have to prepare and warn the people for the soon coming of the l-rd!
Like John the Baptist said and proclaimed: "I am the voice of one crying
in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the L-rd"(John 1:23& Isaiah 40:3) (You can read more about this in
the book: Preparation for the great Revival, Chapter 6 by Paul van Beek)
I am also experiencing that G-d is changing the present state of many churches
also here in the United States aswell in West Europe. He is giving life in the form of
Living Waters!
He is quickening us. He is restoring us. (Romans 8:11) His people, His churches,
Countries, Nations, Continents, The whole world! It's what I believe the
preparation of the End Time Harvest Revival!
Also with a great sense of wonder and humility, I am pleased to report that G-d
is using also this Ministry for Revival! That is
what I have experienced also in several Church-meetings people were literally
running forwards after the alter-call. They were repenting of their sins,
getting saved; getting new devoted lives for Yeshua, etc.
To be real for the L-rd,
also in Belgium
you want to be real for Yeshua,
as in Belgium, you are pronounced as weird or they are going to say, that you
belong to a sect! Even the Belgium government will be superficially against you! There
is persecution in Belgium. It's very difficult to be recognized as a legal
non-traditional church in Belgium! Also among the other Christian-organizations,
ministries and Churches! But the Ministry was official recognized by the Culture
society of the City Genk, (Belgium) where we lived in 1998.
What shall I find in Florida, in America
and the rest of the world?
I find churches & Ministries who will open their doors and will not be limiting
me to bring Revival,
by the power of theHoly Spirit? What shall I find? So many times I also find great
superficiality and passiveness about Revival, when I
minister in Florida! Can I find righteous man and woman of G-d who have the
right Spirit, the understanding and discernment of the voice of the Holy Spirit
and the love to give all their help for those who are sent by G-d with a
purpose? Those who are willing to bless, cooperate and support the work of the
Kingdom of YHVH,
unconditionally; are blessed people! I am waiting for more open doors that G-d
will give to me!
is a form of discrimination that its roots have
from mostly pride! It causes people to
distort, or even ignore the facts that is in
conflict with their predetermined opinions,
without any knowledge of the
facts; but just by assuming!
Prejudice may have its beginning in seemingly
innocent, but it is misguided; with a wrong
mentality, without a real reason, but more in a
different way of (wrong) opinions. It may be
sown by those who deliberately promote warped or
miss-understanding, not having the willingness
even to try to understand views of other races,
cultures, religions, denominational differences!
It is evil 'product' of inordinate pride!
Regular I have to face this painful issue
here in Lakeland and lesser in Florida, just
because I still have a light West European
Accent. It is also inside the Church walls.
A [self-confident]
'fool' has no delight in understanding
but only in revealing his personal opinions
{and} himself. (Proverbs 18:2)
I was sent out of my country, to go to the nations and to preach His Word. Like
I had to go out of my comfort and security of ... and be tested in many ways! Like
MosesI was asking G-d, "Who am I that....?" Like David was compared
to his grown up brothers, he was not even counted important enough to be urged
to attend the feast. He remained yet the youngest, and behold, he kept the sheep
perhaps smaller than the other sons of Jesse, in people eyes, but he was chosen
of God, Who was looking on the heart and not the outward appearance. He had the
true qualities to be a king! Like the Prophet Ezekiel,
he was called and sent to the children of
Israel, to a
rebellious nation
that had rebelled against G-d. Among impudent
children and stiff-hearted people! Whether they
will hear, or whether they will forbear: This rebellion house,
yet, shall know that there had been a prophet
among them. And he
shall speak His Words unto them! (Ezekiel 2:1-7) Like the Prophet Jeremiah,
who was seeking after G-ds righteousness and wanting immediate action in dealing
with the people who came so against him.
Is not My Word like as a FIRE
? [That consumes all
that cannot endure the test] Says the L-rd, and like a hammer that breaks in
pieces the rock? [-of most stubborn resistance] (Jeremiah 23:29; Amplified) Like Job,
when he was reasoning, with his few friends that were left, about why those
horrible things that happen even to the G-dly of the earth. His tremendous human
sufferings, and the effects of these terrible experiences, were also giving
revelation to us, about human sufferings, through calamities, losing every
possession, even through horrible sicknesses. It shows the reasoning of ordinary
men concerning these trails; and identifies satan,
as the cause of a lot of such miseries.
It gives us also wise teachings about patience! When Job was crying to G-d for
deliverance, in his time of great trails and times of need, G-d showed Himself
as the Deliverer and Helper. Job definitely is an inspired man of G-d, who can give us through this wise
teaching a lot of courage. Like Noah,
When G-d had established His Covenant
with him, and told that he could go into the
ark, with his family. So Noah
only remained alive and they that were with him
in the ark. They escaped the judgment of G-d
over the corrupt
in Noah's days.
While Noah,
who was sent by G-d, was being preparing the "ark", he warned the wicked generation
his day before the flood of the coming judgment of G-d, because of their wicked way
of living. But they
at his "ark", which was still on dry land, and
failed to respond, with the right faith, like
had, and so they were destroyed from the face of
the earth! It was a
corrupted rebellious generation that had
rebelled, transgressed
against a Holy G-d! They were the impudent,
stiff-hearted, sinful, hardhearted, wicked,
evil-hearted, people,
so that the L-rd repented He had made man on the
earth and it grieved him at His heart. (Genesis 6:6)
spite of Noah,
who was preaching (in loneliness) and warning
his generation, about the coming flood and
judgment of G-d, but they refuse to respond in
the right way. They refused to turn their ways
from evil and
wickedness, to G-d. Just a few
were saved: (1 Peter 3:20)Noah only remained alive and they that were with him in the ark!
has found grace in the eyes of the L-rd. These are the generations of Noah: Noah
was a just man and perfect {Not polluted by the
giant race}in his generations, and Noah
walked with G-d! (Genesis 6:8, 9)
What about our generations?Is this not a warning for them also? Isn't it that by
Yeshua only, we will
find deliverance and safety, like the ark? IF we also are willing to walk with
G-d and being as a just man; perfect, by the grace of G-d, in our generations?
In spite of all the resistance and rejections! In spite of, facing many trails,
having many questions, rejected by many, we still serving and continue to serve
an Awesome G-d!