The Miracle & Mystery of the
Jewish "Prayer-Shawl"
P. O. Box 93404;
Lakeland; Florida; 33804-3404, USA
001 (863) 853-8798
Going with
the Prophetic End-time Move!
A place of
intensive radical worship before
the Throne
of the Father
A space
This is an
operation, strategy and vision of God thatwe as a ministry
will use to prepare Pastors, Leaders, and Ministers for the coming greatRevival.
In order to receive the
Revival Fire from God you need to
come before His sanctuary in the place of Revival! Leaders Pastors,
Ministers need to be open and willing to receive in humility! Preparation
themselves is very important for this
great move
of God. We are going to experience the most
beautiful, powerful times in the history of human kind! These are the days
of the harvest that the even the prophets
desired to see! Without continue
cooperation of churches and ministries,
Revivalwill not stay long! The churches and ministries we
have to lead are not ours, but all belong to Yeshua
alone! Isn't it selfish to proclaimRevivalfor your church or your
ministry alone?
Revival is...
It’s a (new)
beginning of obedience to God. The first step for a converted sinner or
backslider convicted by the Holy Spirit
is a deep repentance in humility. Deep repentance requires a broken and contrite heart and
then a forsaking of the old
worldly (dead) man before the
Throne of God.The curse on the sinner’s life is broken, and the sinner is
transformed into a new creation, according to the image ofYeshua, the MessiahorJesus the Christ!
Intercession for the nowadays Church / Synagogue!
In spite of its obvious
human failings, Yeshua said, “I will build My Church and
the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).
It is easy
to criticize the Church for its human failings but we need to remember that
the Church is the Body of Christ,
He is the
1. Increasing
unity (in practice, not just in theory) between the various parts of
Body of Christ;
that churches will support one another, pray for each other and work
together whenever possible. Breaking the denominational walls and come
2. That Yeshua, the Messiah;
Christ will
truly be Head of the Church, and that all Church leaders & decision-makers
will seek His will, not just do
their own will schedule! 3. That
the Church will be sanctified by the Blood of Yeshua; Christ
and its members will walk in repentance and humility, living holy lives
which are both pleasing to God and an example of Godly living to our
4. That all Christian organisations (Jews & Gentiles) will work
closely with churches, supporting the churches and being supported by
5. For the sharing of the Gospel, personal discipleship and
6. That the Word of God will be preached in Spirit
and in Truth – anointed
by God’s Spirit
and true to what God’s Word actually says.
7. That God will again “cleanse His temple” of all uncleanness, hypocrisy and
everything else which is an abomination to Him.
8. For exeptance hearing ear for God's messengers indeed that false
prophets and apostacy
to be exposed and renounced. 9. For all pastors/Rabbi
and church leaders, that God will encourage them, guide them, give them
the strength and wisdom they need to lead and shepherd His people.
10. Also for an continuing out-pouring of God’s Spirit &
Revival Fireon the Church, increasing
our faith, equipping God’s people with His gifts, reaching out to the lost
with the Gospel, and bringing the presence and glory of God
into our communities!
11. For
the strongholds of the enemy,
both within churches and outside, to
be broken down and for the Kingdom of God to be established in our
12. For the
Bride of Christ
to be ready – pure, clean, expecting the soon-coming of the Bridegroom. (Also with thanksgiving for
their cooperation: Pastor Brian Caughley, Intercessors for New Zealand, PO
Box 3399, Wellington, New Zealand. Web site:
God is waiting!
For our prayersfor salvation and activation for
much compassion do we feel for them who are going to the eternal flames in hell?
Are we really concerned about the position from the heathen and do we have
still that compassion to win them for the Gospel of Messiah
Yeshua? Is it not
hypocritical, if we deny and neglect this and pretend to be a Christian? If
we deny and neglect and haven't any feeling of compassion for the lost souls
and the backsliders, are we not an insult to the Gospel, and Messiah
Yeshua Himself? We ought to pray for Revival, through effectual, fervent,
compassionate, prevailing prayers together as an army of
Revival can not exist,
without these kinds of prayers by fervent (hot-hearted) Christians! That's
why God requires intercessors for the lost souls and backsliders!
To pray out of one's own heart's desires, to pray out of guilt
and not to rush ourselves with fleshly selfish prayer without the right
motives; in the presence of God, is just insulting and tempting God! It is
also grieving the Holy
It's a fact that religion and traditions are deeply rooted.
This hinders us from effectual, fervent, (prevailing, persevering)
prayers, and intercessions, that are acceptable and pleasing to God,
unless they are influenced by the Holy Spirit of
Saints, who haven't the right habit of persevering prayer, has
maybe lost the Spiritof prayer.
Let us consider asking God to change the hearts of the lost
souls and bring about their conversion, resulting in a prayer-life that
glorifies God, because they were dishonoring God with their lifestyle. So
it is not only dreadful for them to go to hell, but it is
also a grieving, tempting and a
dishonoring to God by their living in sin and rebellion!
And I sought for a man among
them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before Me for
the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.(???) (Ezekiel
22:30) ...And he saw that there was one, and wondered that there was no
intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation unto him; and his
righteousness, it sustained him (Isaiah 59:16) Still among our generation God
is searching for a man or a woman who is prepared to plead before the
Throne of God! Where are these?
There are so many promises* in the Word of God that we can
apply in the Name of Messiah
Yeshua, through the leading of the Holy Spirit!
It's the Divine
providence of God. It is the Holy Spirit
Who clarifies our minds for the truth and leads us to a deeper
consideration of divine things. I
will pour out My Spirit
upon all flesh; (Joel 2:28)
Covenant Promises! (See site: Faith Statement)
Christians, who have a devoted prayer-life,
will often see the subjects and the urgency for praying very clearly. They
can see it as if through the eyes of God, and mostly their visions are far
ahead of many other saints.
If Christians are so ignorant or neglect
the knockings of
the Holy Spirit
on the door of their hearts, then they don't realize that they often
the Holy Spirit
and don't really cherish and yield to His influences. How can such
Christians expect God's blessing and His answers to their prayers? (Out of the book:Preparation for the great RevivalSee at: Bookshop)
Covenant Agreement
Unity among Partners; Pastors, Leaders, Ministers, Churches, Denominations,
God is faithful, by whom you were called unto fellowship of HisSon, Jesus Christ our Lord"
(I Corinthians 1:9) When two people
involved in a "deal” work out it's terms, it has to be written down in the
form of an agreement to define the relationship between the two partners, to
stand firm together and for each other. Terms of agreement are written on
this site to spell out our common responsibilities, our strategy,
purpose, and to accomplish the goals of the Divine Kingdomtogether as one team! It's an informal pledge of friendship, like
that made by David & Jonathan to each other. Then Jonathan and David made a
covenant, because he loved him as his own soul (2 Samuel 18:3) the word "Covenant"
was used in the ancient world whenever people wanted to spell out the nature
of their relationships. So we prefer to use this name.
relationship that we can have with many different parts of the body of
Christ is to promote interchange, understanding and friendship! The vision
for Fellowship of Leaders & Pastors of Churches and Ministries is to serve
local churches who are devoted to fulfilling the whole purpose of God in
this generation. This is defined as devoted passion for God! Thus is our
main purpose to bring and promote radical intensive worship and adoration
for our Almighty God! Because of our devotion and passion for Messiah
Yeshua, we desire to
make every possible sacrifice to reveal His
passionate love for us, through radical worship, preaching the Gospel and
being useful vessels that the Holy
Spirit will use!
is a relationship-based fellowship and friendship, with respect for each
precious vessel of God! To each congregation from other streams, we offer
Covenant-Partnership for Fellowship of Leaders or Pastors of Churches and
Ministries of all kind of movements or denominations, who are prepared to work
together in unity and who are prepared to support in the area's they are
able to! They will not quit membership of their own denomination! Instead
they will bring the Glory
and anointing, the blessing
to their denomination so that they will be blessed in their turn! We are looking after the
lost souls, backslidden Christians, the hurting hearts…! Not
chasing members from others! ...To bring them worthily before the Throne of the Heavenly
Father into the
sanctuary of God!
...To worship Himin
withthe Spirit,
with a contrite and humble heart!
6 Reasons of covenant-partnership:
Equipping, to help, to comfort, to encourage and support
To use the relationship with many different parts of the body of Christ for
the understanding and friendship between each other, and to share the
important vision of the Kingdom, among all of them.
We have to gather instead of to scatter!
The mobilizing of spiritual forces for the sake of the Gospel. Together in
unity we are more able to save the lost souls from destruction
and win them for Messiah
Yeshua! Bringing them
"Home"! So that we, as partners together, in teamwork, can also educate,
teach, counsel, help, deliver and equip them! In the "local" churches!
("Local" is close to were revivals are!) This is
a very important key!
We have to prepare ourselves together as partners, for the coming
great Revival, so that we become able to take the "harvest" together! To
prepare churches and ministries, leaders and ministers, for the
Revival, because the "harvest" shall be large!
Now when he had left speaking, He said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep,
and let down your nets for a draught. And Simon answering said unto Him, Master,
we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing; nevertheless at Thy
Word I will let down the net. And when they had this done, they inclose
a great multitude of fish and their net brake. And they beckoned
unto their partners, which were in the
other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and
filled both the ships, so that they began to sink.(Luke 5: 4-7) After a long
period of discouragement they nearly quit! No fish, nothing, after so much
labor. No hope for a solution soon. Then Messiah
came! "Trust
Me, have faith in
and do it" ..."But
Master, for so long
we labor for it, but if
said; on the basis of
Word, we will labor again!"
They trusted
the Lord
and with faith in
Words they became active again. The results were tremendous! A great
multitude of fish, as their nets was at the point of breaking. They had to
signal their partners, because they were not able to take the complete
catch! Come ye after Me, and I
will make you to become fishers of men. (Mark 1:17; Matthew 4:19)
It is a message for what is coming for this Revival and that we have to
discern of the Holy
Spirit’s voice: “Break
up your fallow ground, Prepare ye the way of the coming Lord!”(Hosea 10:12;
Isaiah 40:3)
Fifth Who are they"? Those who
are prepared to pay the price and buy from the Lord gold, tried in the
so that they became rich, and have white raiment, so that they are clothed
with the glory of God and not naked! (Revelation 3:18)
They shall have the purity of soul and heart, the obedience to the truth,
the yieldedness to the Holy
Spirit, the love without
hypocrisy and with fervency, without mutual striving for own position,
without any discrimination and prejudice against foreign ministers! To have
the new birth by the Word! They haven't any confidence in the flesh or
self-righteousness and count all things loss and but dung so that they may
win the Excellency of the knowledge of Messiah
(Philippians 3:8)
They reach out for future things and press toward the prize. (Philippians 3:13, 14)
They strive to be an example and look forward to their Lord, Jesus Christ.
They know the Lord and found Him and His power. They are as flaming FIRES!
They are the people of God with the label of quality, the mantel of Divine
anointing with a mandate! In keeping irreproachable
honest motives, without any self-interest with in (1 Corinthians 3:13) mentioned characteristics they
live according the laws and commandments written in their hearts bythe Holy Spirit Himself!
We have to forgive, accept, respect and love
everyone. Let us love one another as the Lord commanded us! Love is the
healing upon the wounds. We are facing and going to experience the
most beautiful, powerful times in the history of human kind! ...But! You
need to were the mantle of humility!
A plain and ordinary cloth, which in the first place seems to refer in
the world to poverty, but in God’s eyes you are wearing a mantle covered
with His grace and it is esteeming to a far higher level of authority;
spiritually! It goes even further than our comprehension! Without this kind
of cloth, you are useless for God! (See more about : "Humility" on site "Prophecies"
of the
Prophet Office!)
Sixth The benefits of partnership in unity is that you are also sowing in
good, fertile soil, so on Gods terms you can expect an abundant harvest
To have a deep, personal relationship with
the Lord
To have a sensitivity to
the Holy Spirit
and the ability to recognize His voice
To have a strong discernment
between the voice ofthe Holy Spirit,
people’s mindand the enemy!
To have a constant deep desire to worship,
and adoration for the Lord in spirit and truth.
To have an in-depth knowledge of and love
for the Scriptures
To have a solid foundational understanding
of basic Christian doctrines
To have the knowledge of and use of the
gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit
To build and seek relationships with other
To maintain Biblical standards of
integrity, doctrine, practice, and spiritual growth.
To be our "brother's keeper" for
Jews & Gentiles!
To be a good and responsible steward over
his own household
To equip others for ministry.
To work for the unity of the
body of
To behave with grace toward non-Christians.
To maintain a sound Biblical form of church
To have the willingness & believe in unity
in the preparation for the coming Revival!
To have the love without
hypocrisy and with fervency, without striving for position, without any
discrimination and prejudice.
Revival is at hand, a great multitude of people (lost souls,
backsliders, people hungry for the Word, etc..) are coming on your
way! As the “fishermen's nets” were at the point of breaking! Rabbi, Pastors, leaders, deacons, ministers, or
whatever your responsibility may be! We have to
signal to our “partners”, because we are not able anymore to take the
complete harvest in "our" church only, because it will be so tremendous!
We have to organize the order into our churches and ministries, our
leaders and ministers, together with our partners, for the coming great
Revival, so that we are able to take care of the just convicted and
converted people!
We have to hunger so after the Lord and His presence, that we become
more and more willing to set aside anything that is not pleasing God. We
must labor together as entire Body of Christ!
To allow the Holy
Spirit to revive us, so
that we are able to take care of the great "harvest"!
We have to forgive everyone who hurt us in the past, so that
bitterness shall flee away out of our live.
We have to be awake to worship at the Throne of the Father. No
religion foolishness anymore, but real Radical devoted worship in the Spirit
of God. We have to look after His Holy presence and GLORY!
Allow the Holy Spirit to lead our meetings in the congregations.
Praying for anointed worship leaders, so that they can lead the
church through their music, in commotion for the Lord and that His anointing
becomes tangible!
You cannot limit yourselves to your own denomination!
You cannot limit yourself to your
own denomination, or own designed programs and reject all others
who do not join the same kind of (your) denomination! A weak thing to rely upon!
based on Godly principles and in grace, and is not limited in Church
denomination’ barriers! Prepare to accept ministers from "outside "your" denominational walls as well! By
their fruits you will recognize who they really are. You need to have a strong
(Godly) discernment of “spirits”!
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. (Matthew 7:20)
I will take up lamentations for...
Moreover I will take up lamentations for the saints who still make
compromises to get favor, to get money, to get a position, etc. Still
ministers, pastors and leaders are striving, fighting, arguing, and
neglecting. They still scattering instead of gathering!
will take up lamentations for those who still love their traditions and
common habits; this is an abomination unto the Lord. To what
purpose is the multitude of their sacrifices unto God, when they come to appear before God?
Who has required this of them, to enter His holy court?
To bring more vain oblations unto Him, with hypocrisy and their hands spread to the Lord.
Will He hide His eyes from
will take up lamentations for those churches and ministries who refuse to
accept the Holy Spirit
and His guidance. Churches that make their own programs put everything
within the framework of their organization according their insight and will.
They do not allow the Holy
Spirit to lead the
meetings according to the perfect will of God.
Ye are they that which justify yourself before men; but God knoweth your
hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the
sight of God. (Luke 16:15)
Many more of
these "foundations" shall crumble; and, many more supposed, "churches",
shall shake and also fall down. They become "OUT OF ORDER"
in the sight of God! But
still many
people shall cry out again desperately to the Lord!
of the Lord, Most High
shall spring
forth! There are many of them who are going to search for solutions for
themselves, in a general way in the super-natural world and even in the
occult spiritual world. Even if they think they were found answers, they are
deceived by the principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this
world and spiritual wickedness. Traditions are becoming their idols. This is
the other side of the picture of the Revival!
I will take up lamentations for those who refuse to give up their ways of
doing evil and do not repent! There is no other solution then...!?
(You can read about all this subjects in the Book:
"Preparation for the great Revival!”
by Paul van Beek; See atBookshop)
Wrong motives
Doing things (for God???) for the wrong reasons, and many wrong
things we did, obviously you could have good motives for! Having prejudices and judging
so many people and so many situations wrongly! The voice of God is still
so small within us and the clamor of our own thoughts; imaginations;
feelings and ideas are still overwhelming us!? Mostly it is subjected to
the delusions,
deceptions and
selfish ambitions!
Therefore sometime it is hard to discern and understand His still voice!