The two Tribulation witnesses ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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In the End-Time there will be one of the greatest spiritual
awakenings in the history of mankind!
Not all illustrations are coming from the same source!
End-Time Tribulation
witnesses! These two tribulation witnesses are literal 2 personalities who are going to appear in the 70th week of Daniel! They are ancient (2) Prophets from historical OT Israel! They are preparing the way of the second coming of the Messiah, Who will come as King of kings and as Lord of lords! In Scriptural history (records) only two mortal men escaped death and were translated into Heaven.
& They
are wearing a sackcloth Prophet Elijah was the second man to be taken to Heaven in a natural body, (2 Kings 2:11), Enoch being the first (Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5; see Enoch) Both now reside in Heaven in their natural mortal bodies, having never died! However, they will die their own appointed death on earth as the 'two witnesses' of the future tribulation period (Zacharias 4:11-14; Malachi 4:5-6; Revelation11:3-12;) But also Moses could be a "candidate", because he represented the Law of God, but he died! Than in the book of Zechariah; Chapter 4 there are also 2 other potential candidates (?) to be the 2 witnesses: Zerubbabel & Joshua! (Also men must also die to fulfill Hebrews 9:27)
Many of the early
Christians, likewise Irenaeus; Tertullian
& Hippolytus were believing that
Enoch &
Elijah will be the
2 tribulation witnesses!
NOTE: The Early
Church Fathers is a 38-volume collection of
writings from the first 800 years of the Church.
This collection is divided into three series,
Ante-Nicene (ANF), Nicene and
Post-Nicene Series I (NPNF1), and Nicene and
Post-Nicene Series II (NPNF2 These writings are
not the
This collection of early Christians who wrote
are not inspired. They are not
part of the
They are absolutely not authoritative in
determining doctrine.
(sola scriptura)
authoritative and inspired!
is our sole guide. However, these quotes do
contain an interesting snapshot of the doctrine
early Christians believed after the apostolic
age. All quotes are sorted by date. But one
final warning. ,There are
within what Christians commonly call the:
"Early Church Fathers". Some of
are obvious, but for others, there really cannot
be sure what is
forgery and what is genuine.{} So we do not know really sure who are to be the two witnesses? But some day in G-d's Divine appointed moment of time they will appear during the Tribulation-time! Personal, I believe that Elijah is one of the 'candidates'! Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: (Malachi 4:5) (Tribulation-period or "Jacobs trouble"; "Part in Daniel’s 70th") In Revelation 11:3, two witnesses arise to prophesy to the nations during the time of tribulation and will be given incredible power by G-d! (Revelation 13:3-6)! They are the usefully effective "vessels" G-d will use to call forth the first six trumpets mention in Revelation Chapters 8-9! In spite of G-d's super-natural protection and the power they are using from G-d, they be be persecuted as well! When they are bringing plague after plague upon the face of the Earth, the beast and his followers will view these witnesses as their enemies! The supernatural protection of G-d will last for three and half years. (Revelation 11:5) G-d allow them to be killed by the antichrist. The whole world rejoices at the deaths of these two witnesses, who have caused trouble by saying what the people didn’t want to hear—words about their sin, their need for repentance, and the coming punishment. Sinful people hate those who call attention to their sin and who urge them to repent! They hated Christ, and they hate His followers (1 John 3:13). When you obey Christ and take a stand against sin, be prepared to experience the world’s hatred. But remember that the great reward awaiting you in heaven far outweighs any suffering that you face now!
But...after 3½
days they will rise again! It is the Lord our
G-d Who will raise them back to life before
audience world-wide. It seems to be possible to
comprehend, how this can ever happen! Probably
the Apostle John had a view on our day
technologies. Now it can happen and all around
the world throughout cable news people can watch
such an "incomprehensible" spectacle!
after three days and an
half the
Spirit of life
from G-d entered into
and they
stood upon their feet; and
great fear fell upon them
which saw
(Revelation 11:11)
Their dead bodies
Will see their
dead bodies…
Nearly 2000 years ago the idea of everybody from
all over the Earth seeing the same event would
be impossible. Today with cable; satellite TV,
internet and radio, dramas of the world
unfold daily. Events in Jerusalem, daily find
their way into homes, causing everybody to form
an opinion on the issues of the Jewish state of
Israel. For 3½
days the world will have time to make sure they
are dead. The earth will be celebrating and
savoring their death because through them the
judgments from Heaven fell on earth. The
two witnesses' death and ministry is a 'passion
play', of the events in Jerusalem 2000 years
ago. They are living witnesses to
Yeshua Messiah / Jesus Christ,
they are a demonstration of G-d’s love
an evil world. Who are the 2 witnesses during tribulation?
Moses could be a "candidate", because he represented the Law of G-D, but he died!
(Deuteronomy 34:5)
So Moses . . . died—after having governed the Israelites forty years.
He buried him—or, “he was buried in a valley,” i.e., a ravine or gorge
of the Pisgah. Some think that he entered a cave and there died, being,
according to an ancient tradition of Jews and Christians, buried by
angels (Numbers 21:21; Jude 1:9).
But no man should known of his sepulcher unto this day—this concealment
seems to have been owing to a special and wise arrangement of
Providence, to prevent its being ranked among “holy places” and made the
resort of superstitious pilgrims or idolatrous veneration
in later ages! Some people believe Moses will be one of the witness in
Tribulation time, because he represents the Law, ...but Moses
has to be the real "candidate"!
Jared lived an hundred sixty and two years, and
he begat
(Genesis 5:18)
all the days of Jared were nine hundred sixty and two years (962)
and he died! (Genesis 5:20)
It is significant that his name was the first after the middle of ten names from Adam to Noah. In the day of his son Enoch, God foretold the flood as a judgment upon the apostate and corrupt race! The Book of Enoch, written during the second century B.C.E., is one of the most important non-canonical apocryphal works, and probably had a huge influence on early Christian, particularly Gnostic, beliefs. Filled with hallucinatory visions of Heaven and hell, angels and devils, Enoch introduced concepts such as fallen angels, the appearance of a Messiah, Resurrection, a Final Judgment, and a Heavenly Kingdom on Earth. Interspersed with this material are quasi-scientific digressions on calendrical systems, geography, cosmology, astronomy, and meteorology.
prophesied that the Lord is going to
also, the seventh
from Adam,
of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with
ten thousands of his
saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to
convince all that are
among them of all
their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly
committed, and of all their hard speeches which
ungodly sinners have spoken against
Him. (Jude 1:13-15)
This refers to the second
coming of
Yeshua Messiah or
Christ as conquering King, with all the resurrected
saints who will have been raptured at least
seven years before this
(2 Thessalonians. 2:7-8,
Zechariah 14:5; Revelation 19:14)..
Where Jude learned of this
prophecy is not known, unless it was from the book of
which was known in the early church.
(Origen, Tertullian, and others mention a book by this name!).
These two witnesses are Enoch & Elijah…
For the following reasons:
never died! These two witnesses do have the power…
two witnesses do have the power…
During the period of
Elijah ministry he prayed and rain stopped
for 3.5 years.
(James 5:16),
this will be repeated during the 1st
half of the tribulation-period. The
source of the Judgments that fall on the earth
during the first
3½ years will proceed from Jerusalem.
When they finish their testimony…The time of
their witnesses is 1260 days or 3.5 years after
that there time, their mission is complete. The
will be the reason many on the earth find Yeshua/Christ. They openly proclaim him with their judgments. This will be a
spiritual battle for the souls of men.
satan will incarnate the Antichrist after satan
is cast out of Heaven.
satan in the body of Antichrist will kill
the “Two witnesses” at the “Midpoint” of the 7-year period! Islam has a teaching of also that is the "Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal"
Dajjal's Turmoil;
Dajjal's Deception; Two
angels resembling two Prophets,
one on either side will
accompany him. This will be to
test mankind
; Statement
of Muslim side
The End Time, End Times, or End of Days are the eschatological writings...
The End Time, End Times, or End of Days are the eschatological writings in the three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) and in doomsday scenarios in various other non-Abrahamic religions.
End Times
are often
depicted as a
time of
that precedes
Second Coming
of the Christian
or a “hoped-for
Jesus or Yeshua,
the Christian
Messiah, who
will usher in
the Kingdom of
God and bring an
end to
suffering and
Yawm al-Qiy-mah "the Day of Resurrection" or
Yawm ad-Din "the Day of
Allah's final
assessment of
humanity, is
preceded by the
end of the
world. In Judaism the term “End of Days” is taken from the Tanakh, Numbers 24:4, as a reference to the Messianic era and the Jewish belief in the coming of 'Mashiach' Various other religions also have eschatological beliefs associated with turning and redemption. The Eastern Orthodox Church teaches that the Two Witnesses will be Enoch and Elias or Elijah (the two individuals who entered bodily into Heaven), who will be sent back to earth to preach during the Great Tribulation, and they will be the last martyrs before the Second Coming!
(Malachi 4:5,6); Identifying
one of the Two Tribulation Witnesses
Behold, I will
send you
Elijah the prophet before the
coming of the great and dreadful day of
the LORD: And he shall turn the
heart of the fathers to the children, and the
heart of the children to their fathers, lest I
come and smite the earth with a curse. (Malachi
This is part of the last
prophecy in the O.T. It concerns the return of
Elijah the prophet (not John the Baptist or some other
man) to the earth, from heaven, shortly before
the coming of the great and dreadful day of the
L-rd; which refers to the
Tribulation period.
4:5-6). At that time there will be one of the
greatest spiritual awakenings in the history of
mankind. The hearts of fathers and sons, all
children and parents, will be turned toward one
another; families will be united in
the Holy Spirit will be outpoured upon
all flesh and even all of Israel will be saved
as a result of the ministry of
Elijah and
Enoch as in
Malachi 4:5-6; and
Revelation 11:3-10;
Acts 2:16-21;
Romans 11:25-29;
Isaiah. 66:7-8 and other
scriptures will be literally fulfilled. All this will come to pass instead of a curse
upon the earth!
This is part of the last prophecy in the O.T. It concerns the return of Elijah the prophet (not John the Baptist or some other man) to the earth, from heaven, shortly before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the L-rd (Malachi 4:5-6). At that time here will be one of the greatest spiritual awakenings in the history of mankind. The hearts of fathers and sons, all children and parents, will be turned toward one another; families will be united in Yeshua/Christ; the Holy Spirit will be outpoured upon all flesh and even all of Israel will be saved as a result of the ministry of Elijah and Enoch as in Malachi 4:5-6; and Revelation 11:3-10; Acts 2:16-21; Romans 11:25-29; Isaiah 66:7-8 and other scriptures will be literally fulfilled. All this will come to pass instead of a curse upon the earth! 2 other 'potential' candidates (?) to be the 2 witnesses: Zerubbabel & Joshua!?
(Zechariah 4:14) Anointed ones—The Hebrew phrase is literally to be understood
“sons of oil.” This comes from the fact that both Joshua and Zerubbabel
had to be anointed into their offices so they
could serve in them to atone for
sins and teach holy living. The oil is a symbol of the
Holy Spirit,
and Joshua and Zerubbabel are symbols of all of God’s children, who must
be anointed with the
Spirit before they are able to furnish it to others!
And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive
branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of
themselves? And he answered me and said, Knowest thou
not what these be?
And I said, No, my lord. Then said he, These are the two anointed ones,
that stand by the L-rd of the whole earth. (Zechariah. 4:12-14)
These witnesses; 2 prophets are the two olive trees and the two lamp-stands which stand before the Lord of the earth. (Revelations 11:4)