Enoch; a very remarkable & Mysterious ancient prophet in
the Scripture!
Before the flood of Noah!
It is fair to say
that the patriarch
Enoch was as well known to the ancients as he is obscure to modern Bible
readers. Besides giving his age (365 years), the
Book of Genesis
says of him only that he "walked with God,"
and afterward
"he was not, because God had taken him"
(Genesis 5:24).
This exalted way of life and mysterious demise made
into a figure of considerable fascination, and a cycle of legends
grew up around him! Enoch biological father became the oldest person
the Scripture was Methuselah. He died when he was 969 years old!
Dead Sea Scrolls
In 1947 Jum’a, a shepherd of the Ta’amireh tribe of the
nomadic Bedouins, discovered ancient scrolls rolled up in leather
and cloth in a cave to the northwest of the Dead Sea in the Qumron
Valley. A remarkable archaeological find!
Dead Sea Scrolls,
collection of more than 700 Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek manuscripts
discovered in a group of caves near Khirbat Qumr'n in Jordan, at the
northwestern end of the Dead Sea. The leather and papyrus scrolls,
which survive in varying states of preservation, came to light in a
series of archaeological finds that began in 1947. The manuscripts
have been attributed to members of a previously unknown Jewish
brotherhood. The scrolls include manuals of discipline, hymnbooks,
biblical commentaries, and apocalyptic writings; two of the oldest
known copies of the Book of Isaiah, almost wholly intact; and
fragments of every book in the Old Testament except that of Esther.
Among the latter is a fanciful paraphrase of
the Book of Genesis.
Also found were texts, in the original languages, of several books
of the
Apocrypha and
Pseudepigrapha. These texts—none
of which was included in the Hebrew canon of the Bible—are Tobit,
Sirach, Jubilees, portions of
Enoch, (Like also include the book of Giants)
and the Testament of Levi, hitherto known only in early Greek,
Syriac, Latin, and Ethiopic versions.
Qumr'n, Caves
where the scrolls are found
The Book of Enoch,
collection of
apocalyptic writings, the
lengthiest work included in the
Pseudepigrapha. The book is
ascribed pseudonymously to the Hebrew patriarch
Enoch. It
is also called the 'Ethiopic Enoch', because it is preserved in its
entirety only in Ethiopic, a Semitic language formerly spoken in
Ethiopia. This book is a collection of distinct sections written by
different authors at various times during the 2nd and 1st centuries
Scholars have concluded that the original collection was written
either in Hebrew or in Aramaic. Soon afterward, it was translated
into Greek. The Ethiopic translation is thought to have been made
from the Greek about ad 500. Portions of the Ethiopic Enoch survive
in Greek, Latin, and Aramaic, the last significantly,
the remnants of several almost complete copies of The Book of Enoch
discovered at
in Aramaic;
in Jordan (see
Dead Sea Scrolls).and it is clear
that whoever collected the scrolls considered it a vitally important
The most important such anthology, and the oldest, is known simply
as The Book of Enoch, comprising over one hundred chapters.
All but one of the five major components of the Ethiopic anthology
have turned up among the scrolls. But even more intriguing is the
fact that additional, previously unknown or little-known texts about
Enoch were discovered at Qumran. The most important of these is The
Book of Giants.
The Book of Enoch
is one of the most important non-canonical apocryphal works, and
probably had a huge influence on early Christian, particularly
Gnostic, beliefs. Filled with hallucinatory visions of Heaven and
hell, angels and
introduced concepts such as fallen angels,
the appearance of a Messiah,
Resurrection, a Final Judgment, and a Heavenly Kingdom on Earth.
Interspersed with this material are quasi-scientific digressions on
calendrical systems, geography, cosmology, astronomy, and
(Also for more in:
Many of the legends about
Enoch were
collected already in ancient times in several long anthologies.
Pre-flood Giants
Giants: In the late 1950's during road construction in Homs southeast
Turkey, Many tombs of Giants were indeed unearthed. These
tombs were 4 meters long, and when entered in 2 cases the human
thigh bones were measured to be 47.24 inches in length. They
calculated that the person who owned this Femur probably stood at
fourteen to sixteen feet tall. A cast of this bone is seen at
the Creationist museum in Texas.
Flavius Josephus,
the noted Jewish historian of the first century A.D., (Lived during
the destruction of the Temple 70
AD) described the giants as having "bodies so large and countenances
so entirely different from other men that they were surprising to
the sight and terrible to the hearing." And he adds that in his day,
the bones of the giants were still on display!
The fact that
something sounds strange, even weird, does not mean that it is necessarily unreal! After all,
we are in the End Times and things will get even stranger and much
more distasteful before the Messiah returns to end it all as we know
it, and then start a new, perfect and beautiful world. I pray that
you all are able to discern in these alternative news and articles
the actual fulfillment of many
prophecies which multiple generations of believers longed for the honor to see
and live!
One of the
2 witnesses
during tribulation?
Enoch being the first
(Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5; see Enoch)
Prophet Elijah
was the second man to be taken to heaven in a natural
(2 Kings 2:11),
Both now reside in heaven in their natural bodies, having
never died! However, they will die their own appointed death on
earth as the 'two witnesses' of the future
(Zacharias 4:11-14; Malachi 4:5-6;
that the Lord
is going to return!
And Enoch
also, the seventh from Adam,
of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands
of his saints, 15. To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all
that are ungodly
among them of all their ungodly
deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard
speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against
Him. (Jude 1:13-15)
This refers to the second coming
of Yeshua Messiah
or Christ
as conquering King, with all the resurrected saints who will have
been raptured at least seven years before this
Thessalonians. 2:7-8,
Zechariah 14:5; Revelation 19:14)..
Where Jude learned of this
prophecy is not known, unless it
was from the book of Enoch
which was known in the early church.
(Origen, Tertullian, and others mention a book by this name!).
Pre-flood-men; whose mental and physical powers were developing for
There are men who now apply themselves to study during a period of
from twenty to fifty years, and the world is filled with admiration
of their attainments. But how limited are these acquirements in
comparison with those of men whose mental and physical powers were
developing for centuries!
It is true that the people of modern times have the benefit
of the attainments of their predecessors. The men of masterly
minds, who planned and studied and wrote, have left their work
for those who follow. But even in this respect, and so far as merely
human knowledge is concerned, how much greater the advantages of the
men of that of the Pre-flood!
The advantages
enjoyed by men of that age to gain
a knowledge of G-D
through His works have never been equaled since. And so far from
being an era of
religious darkness,
that was an age of great light. All the world had opportunity to
receive instruction from Adam, and those who feared the Lord had
and angels for their teachers! And they had a silent witness
to the truth, in the garden of G-D, which for so many centuries
remained among men. At the cherubim-guarded gate of Paradise the
Glory of G-D was revealed, and hither came the first worshipers.
Here their altars were reared, and their offerings presented. It was
here that Cain and Abel had brought their sacrifices, and G-D had
condescended to communicate with them.
could not deny the existence of Eden while it stood just in sight,
its entrance barred by watching angels. The order of creation, the
object of the garden, the history of its two trees so closely
connected with man's destiny, were undisputed facts. And the
existence and supreme authority of G-D, the obligation of His law,
were truths which men were slow to question while Adam was among
the prevailing iniquity, there was a line of holy men who, elevated
and ennobled by communion with G-D, lived as in the companionship of
Heaven. They were men of
massive intellect, of wonderful attainments. They had a great and
holy mission--to develop a character of righteousness, to
teach a lesson of Godliness, not only to the men of their time, but
for future generations! Only a few of the most prominent
are mentioned in the
but all through the ages God had faithfully witnesses, truehearted
it is written that he lived sixty-five years, and begat a son.
After that he walked with G-D three hundred years. During these
earlier years
had loved and feared God and had kept His commandments. He was one
of the "Holy line", the preservers of the true
the progenitors of the promised seed. From the lips of Adam he had
learned the
dark story
of the Fall, and the cheering one of G-D's grace as seen in the
promise; and he relied upon the Redeemer to come!
(Ellen G. White, is in the
public domain)
There is another "Enoch"
This part is added
There is another "Enoch" recorded in
And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare "Enoch":
and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the
name of his son, "Enoch". (Genesis 4:17)
This is not the
Enoch of Seth's line
who was the seventh from Adam
(Genesis 5:18-24; Jude 1:14). This 'Enoch' was third from Adam in Cain's line. This
(other) 'Enoch' was the eldest son of Cain and father of Irad,
the world first city was named after him!)
walk with G-d!
But after the
birth of his first son,
reached a higher experience; he was drawn into a closer
relationship with G-d! He realized more fully his own
obligations and responsibility as a son of G-d. And as he saw the
child's love for its father, it's simple trust in his protection; as
he felt the deep, yearning tenderness of his own heart for that
first-born son, he learned a precious lesson of the wonderful love
of G-d to men in the gift of His
Son, and the confidence which the children of G-d may repose in
their Heavenly Father. The infinite, unfathomable love of G-d
became the subject of his meditations day and night; and with all
the fervor of his soul he sought to reveal that love to the people
among whom he dwelt.
Enoch's walk with G-d
was not in a trance or vision, but in all the duties of his daily
life! He did not become a hermit, shutting himself entirely from the
world; for he had a work to do for G-d in the world. In the family
and in his intercourse with men, as a husband and father, a friend,
a citizen, he was the steadfast, unwavering servant of the L-rd.
His heart was in
harmony with G-d's will;
for "can two walk together, except they be agreed?" (Amos 3:3).
And this Holy walk was continued for three hundred years.
There are few Christians who would not be far more earnest and
devoted if they knew that they had but a short time to live, or that
the coming of
was about to take place. But
Enoch's faith waxed the stronger, his love became more ardent, with the
lapse of centuries!
was a man of strong and highly cultivated mind and
extensive knowledge; he was honored with special revelations
from G-d; yet being in constant communion with Heaven, with a
sense of the Divine greatness and perfection ever before him, he was
one of the humblest of men. The closer the connection with G-d, the deeper was the sense of his own
weakness and imperfection!
(Ellen G. White, is in the
public domain)
Distressed by the
increasing wickedness of the ungodly...
Distressed by
increasing wickedness of the ungodly,
and fearing that their infidelity might lessen his reverence for
avoided constant association with them, and spent much time in
solitude, giving himself to meditation and prayer. Thus he waited
before the L-rd, seeking a clearer knowledge of His will, that he
might perform it. To him prayer was as the breath of the soul; he
lived in the very atmosphere of Heaven.
(Ellen G. White, is in the
public domain)
Revealed to
His purpose to destroy the world by a flood!
Through holy
angels G-d revealed to
Enoch His purpose to destroy the world by a flood, and He also
opened more fully to him the plan of redemption. By the
spirit of prophecy He carried him down through the generations that should live after
the Flood, and showed him the great events connected with the
second coming of Yeshua/Christ and the end of
the world!
Enoch had been troubled in regard to the
It had seemed to him that the righteous and
the wicked would go to the
dust together, and that this would be their end. He could not see
the life of the just beyond the grave. In
prophetic vision he was instructed concerning the death of
Yeshua/Christ, and was shown
His coming in
glory, attended by all the holy angels, to ransom His people from
the grave. He also saw
the corrupt
state of the world when
Yeshua/Christ should appear the second time--that there would be a
boastful, presumptuous, self-willed
generation, denying the only G-d
and the
Lord Jesus Christ/Yeshua Messiah,
trampling upon the law, and despising the atonement. He saw the
righteous crowned with glory and honor, and the
wicked banished from
the presence of the L-rd, and destroyed by fire!
(Ellen G. White, is in the
public domain)
Messiah's Second Coming;
prophesied by
Enoch! |
 |
L-rd Jesus Christ
The King of
riding one His
Heavenly Horse
to conquer
with the
righteous saints
from Heaven!
2-sd Coming
Chapter 19)
Picture source
with permission:
Fellowship Faith Church;
work of Art;
as Conquering
King in His
2-sd coming/
Ç |
also, the
seventh from
of these,
saying, Behold,
the Lord cometh
with ten
of his
To execute
judgment upon
all, and to
convince all
that are
among them of
their ungodly
which they have
and of all their
hard speeches
which ungodly
sinners have
against Him.
These are
walking after
their own lusts;
and their mouth
speaketh great
swelling words,
having men's
persons in
because of
advantage. (Jude
Also in:
(Zechariah 14:1-21; Matthew 24:29-31; Mark. 13:24-27; Luke. 21:25-27; Revelation 19)
(7-th generation after
was the father of the oldest man
on record of human history: Methuselah, whose age became
Where Jude learned of this
is not known,
unless it was
from the
book of
which was known in the early church.
(Origen, Tertullian, and others mention a book by this name!).
a very
remarkable &
ancient prophet
(Before the flood of
It is fair to say
that the patriarch Enoch
was as well known to the ancients as he is obscure to modern
Bible readers. Besides giving his age (365 years), the
Book of Genesis
says of him only that he "walked
with G-d," and
afterward "he
was not, because
G-d had taken
(Genesis 5:24).
G-d "translated"
without dying as
in Elijah's
case (2 Kings 2; Hebrews 11:5).
His biography is brief but outstanding—one sentence revealing
the history of 365 years, 300 of which were spent believing,
being humble and holy, walking with G-D. This
exalted way of life and mysterious demise made Enoch into a figure of
considerable fascination, and a cycle of legends grew up around
represented G-d’s judgment on the days before
flood Catastrophe! He also will be
one of the
witness (see
Revelation Ch. 11)
G-d’s judgment
likewise on the days
as before
flood! (See
also about
Enoch at:
Ancient Prophets;
One of the 2 tribulation
was caught up
and transferred
to Heaven...
Enoch walked [in
fellowship] with
God; and
he was not, for
God took
him [home with
Him]. (Genesis
The 7-th
was translated
to Heaven.
7 is the
number of
perfection or
completion of a
Because of faith
was caught up
transferred to
Heaven, so that
he did not have a glimpse of death; and
was not found,
because God had
him. For even before
was taken to
he received testimony [still on record] that
had pleased
{and} been
satisfactory to
God. (Hebrews
Hebrew the word
'took him" means
carry away"
seize by force
or "to
take up"!
The Greek word
means: "to
or "to
change side".
The traditions
among the Jews
is the
was born &
translated at
is the 7-th
generation of
7 dispensations of time. (which the 7-th will be the Kingdom of G-D
of Earth!) It
begins by the
rapture, the
"Church of the
righteous saints
being caught up"
G-D showed
the great events
connected with
second coming of
(This part is added)
I-V. Parable of
Enoch on
the Future Lot
the Wicked
and the

" Behold,"
he declared,
"the Lord cometh
with ten
thousands of His
saints, to
execute judgment
upon all, and to
convince all
that are ungodly
among them of
all their
ungodly deeds."
(Jude 14, 15).
The words of the
blessing of
wherewith he
blessed the
elect {and}
righteous, who
will be living
in the day of
when all the
wicked {and
are to be
2. And he took
up his parable
and said--Enoch
a righteous man,
whose eyes were
opened by God,
saw the vision
of the Holy One
in the heavens,
the angels
showed me, and
from them I
everything, and
from them I
understood as I
saw, but not for
this generation,
but for a remote
one which is for
to come.
3. Concerning
the elect I
said, and took
up my parable
concerning them:
The Holy
Great One
come forth from
His dwelling,
4. And the
eternal God will
tread upon the
earth, (even) on
Mount Sinai,
{And appear from
His camp}
And appear in
the strength of
His might from
the Heaven of
5. And all
shall be smitten
with fear
And the Watchers
shall quake,
And great fear
and trembling
shall seize them
unto the ends of
the earth.
6. And the
high mountains
shall be shaken,
And the high
hills shall be
made low,
And shall melt
like wax before
the flame
7. And the
earth shall be
{wholly} rent in
And all that is
upon the earth
shall perish,
And there shall
be a judgment
upon all (men).
8. But with the
righteous He
will make peace.
And will
protect the
And mercy shall
be upon them.
And they
shall all belong
to God,
And they shall
be prospered,
And they shall
{all} be
{And He will
help them all},
And light shall
appear unto
{And He will
make peace with
And behold!
with ten
of {His}
holy ones
To execute
judgment upon
And to destroy {all}
And to
convict all
Of all the works
which they have
And of
all the hard
things which
ungodly sinners
{have spoken}
against Him.
Picture source:
Fellowship Faith Church;
work of Art;
as Conquering
King in His
2-sd coming/Ç
became a
preacher of
became a
preacher of
making known to
the people what
G-d had revealed
to him. Those
who feared the
L-rd sought out
this Holy man,
to share his
instruction and
his prayers. He
labored publicly
also, bearing
G-d's messages
to all who would
hear the words
or warnings. His
labors were not
restricted to
the "Sethites".
In the land
where Cain had
sought to flee
from the Divine
the prophet of G-d made known the wonderful scenes that had passed before
his vision.
"Behold," he
declared, "the
L-rd cometh
with ten
thousands of His
saints, to
execute judgment
upon all, and to
convince all
that are ungodly
among them of
all their
ungodly deeds."
(Jude 14, 15).
He was a
'reprover' of
sin. While he
preached the
love of G-d in
Yeshua/Christ to the people of his time, and pleaded with them to forsake
their evil ways, he rebuked the
iniquity and warned the
men of his
generation that
judgment would
surely be
visited upon the
transgressor. It was the
that spoke
Enoch; that Spirit is manifested, not alone in utterances of love, compassion, and
entreaty; it is
not smooth
things only that
are spoken by
Holy men. G-D
puts into the
heart and lips
of His
truths to utter
that are keen
and cutting
as a two-edged
(Hebrews 4:12)
(Ellen G. White, is in the
public domain)
Facts about
Enoch’s Prophecy
• We know the
L-rd’s coming
(second) is
• We know who
will accompany
the L-rd.
• We know the
purpose of
His coming.
• We know the
result of
the L-rd’s
Nadir of
• Enoch was
midway between
Adam and
• Elijah was
midway between
Abraham and
Yeshua (Christ).
By faith
was translated
that he should
not see
and was not
found, because
G-d had
translated him:
for before his
translation he
had this
testimony, that
he pleased G-d.
(Hebrews 11:5
“Walked with
• Not a
casual stroll:
300 years
(Hebrews 11:5 Amp.); Because of faith Enoch was caught up {and}
transferred to
heaven, so that
he did not have
a glimpse of
death; and he
was not found,
because G-d had
translated him.
For even before
he was taken to
heaven, he
testimony [still
on record] that
he had pleased
{and} been
satisfactory to
(Amos 3:3 KJV) Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
available today
(Colossians 2:6
As ye
have therefore
Jesus the L-rd,
so walk ye in
(Galatians 5:25
we live in the
let us also walk
in the
(2 Corinthians
5:7 Amp.) For we
walk by faith
[we regulate our
lives and
ourselves by our
conviction or
respecting man's
relationship to
G-d and divine
things, with
trust and holy
fervor; thus we
walk] not by
sight {or}
The servants of G-d are to bear a similar message to the world in the
last days, and it will also be received with
unbelief and mockery!
The power of God
that wrought with His servant was felt by those who heard. Some gave
heed to the warning, and renounced their
the multitudes mocked at the solemn message, and went on
more boldly in their evil ways. The
servants of G-D are to bear a similar message to the world in the last
days, and it will also be received with
unbelief and mockery!
The antediluvian world rejected the warning words of him who walked with
G-D. So will the last generation make light of the warnings of the
Lord's messengers!
In the midst of
a life of active labor,
maintained his communion with G-d! The greater and
more pressing his labors, the more constant and earnest were his
continued to exclude
himself, at certain periods, from all society. After remaining for a
time among the people, laboring to benefit them by instruction and
would withdraw, to spend a season in solitude, hungering and thirsting
for that Divine knowledge which G-d alone can impart. Communing thus
with G-d,
came more and more to reflect the Divine image.
face was radiant with a Holy light, even the light that shined in the
face of
came forth from these Divine communion's, even the
beheld with awe the impress of Heaven upon his countenance.
The wickedness of men had reached such a height that destruction
was pronounced against them. As year after year passed on, deeper and
deeper grew
the tide of human guilt,
darker and darker gathered the
clouds of Divine judgment. Yet
Enoch, the witness of
held on his way, warning, pleading, entreating, striving to turn back
the tide of guilt and to stay the bolts of vengeance. Though his
warnings were disregarded by a
sinful, pleasure-loving people,
he had the testimony that G-D approved, and he continued to battle
faithfully against the
prevailing evil, until G-D
from a world
of sin to the pure
joys of heaven!
The men of that generation had mocked the folly of
who sought not to gather gold or silver or to build up possessions here.
heart was upon eternal treasures. He had looked
upon the celestial city. He had seen the
King in His glory in the midst of
Zion. His mind, his heart, his conversation, were in Heaven.
The greater the existing iniquity,
the more earnest was his longing for the home of G-D. While still on
dwelt, by
faith, in the realms of light! (Ellen G. White, is in the
public domain)
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall meet G-d!
"Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see G-D." (Matthew 5:8). For three
hundred years
Enoch had been
seeking purity of soul, that he might be in harmony with Heaven. For
three centuries he had walked with G-d. Day by day he had longed for a
closer union; nearer and nearer had grown the communion, until G-d took
him to Himself.
He had stood at
the threshold of the eternal world, only a step between him and the land
of the blest; and now the portals opened, the walk with G-d, so long
pursued on earth, continued, and he passed through the gates of the
Holy City--the first
from among men to enter there!
His 'loss' was
felt on earth. The voice that had been heard day after day in warning
and instruction was missed. There were some, both of the righteous and
wicked, who had
witnessed his departure; and hoping that
might have been conveyed to some one of his places of retirement, those
who loved him made diligent search, as afterward the sons of
the prophets
searched for
Elijah; but without avail. They reported that he was not, for
G-d had
taken him! (Ellen G. White, is in the
public domain)
What profit is it that we have feared the L-rd,
since a
heavy curse is resting upon the race, & death
is the portion of us all?
By the
translation of
the L-rd designed to teach an important lesson. There was danger that
men would yield to discouragement, because of the fearful results of
sin. Many were ready to exclaim, "What profit is it that we have feared the Lord and have kept His
ordinances, since a heavy curse is resting upon the race, and death is
the portion of us all?" But the instructions which G-D gave to Adam,
and which were repeated by Seth, and exemplified by
swept away the gloom and darkness, and gave hope to man, that as through
Adam came
death, so through
the promised Redeemer would come life and immortality.
satan was urging upon
men the belief that there was no reward for the righteous or
punishment for the
wicked, and that it
was impossible for men to obey the Divine statutes. But in the case of
G-D declares
"that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."
(Hebrews 11:6). He shows what
He will do for those who keep His commandments. Men were taught that it
is possible to obey the law of G-D; that even while living in
the midst of the sinful and corrupt, they were
able, by the grace of God, to resist
temptation, and become pure
and Holy! They saw in his example the blessedness of such a life; and
translation was an evidence of the truth of
his prophecy
concerning the hereafter, with its award of joy and glory and immortal
life to the obedient, and of
condemnation, woe, and death to the
(Ellen G. White, is in the
public domain)
By faith Enoch "was translated that he should not see death!
And Enoch walked [in habitual fellowship] with G-d; and he was not, for G-d took him [home with Him] (Genesis 5:24) By faith Enoch "was translated that he should not see death; . . . for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased G-d." (Hebrews 11:5). In the midst of a world by its iniquity doomed to destruction, Enoch lived a life of such close communion with G-d that he was not permitted to fall under the power of death. The G-dly character of this prophet represents the state of Holiness which must be attained by those who shall be "redeemed from the earth" (Revelation 14:3) at the time of Yeshua's/Christ's second advent. Then, as in the world before the Flood, iniquity will prevail. Following the promptings of their corrupt hearts and the teachings of a deceptive philosophy, men will rebel against the authority of Heaven. But like Enoch, G-D's people will seek for purity of heart and conformity to His will, until they shall reflect the likeness of Yeshua/Christ. Like Enoch, they will warn the world of the Lord's second coming and of the judgments to be visited upon transgression, and by their holy conversation and example they will condemn the sins of the ungodly. As Enoch was translated to Heaven before the destruction of the world by water, so the living righteous will be translated from the earth before its destruction by fire. Says the apostle: "We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump." "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of God;" "the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." "The dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words." (1 Corinthians 15:51, 52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18).
(Ellen G. White, is in the
public domain)
LXV. Book of Enoch
Enoch's instruction of his sons.
AND Enoch answered all his people saying: 'Hear, my children, before that all creatures were created, the Lord created the visible and invisible things. 2 And as much time as there was and went past, understand that after that He created man in the likeness of his own form, and put into him eyes to see, and ears to hear, and heart to reflect, and intellect wherewith to deliberate. 3 And the Lord saw all man's works, and created all his creatures, and divided time, from time he fixed the years, and from the years he appointed the months, and from the months he appointed the days, and of days he appointed seven. 4 And in those he appointed the hours, measured them out exactly, that man might reflect on time and count years, months, and hours, their alternation, beginning, and end, and that he might count his own life, from the beginning until death, and reflect on his sin and write his work bad and good; because no work is hidden before the Lord, that every man might know his works and never transgress all His commandments, and keep my handwriting from generation to generation. 5 When all creation visible and invisible, as the Lord created it, shall end, then every man goes to the great judgment, and then all time shall perish, and the years, and thenceforward there will be neither months nor days nor hours, they will be stuck together and will not be counted. 6 There will be one aeon, and all the righteous who shall escape the Lord's great judgment, shall be collected in the great aeon, for the righteous the great aeon will begin, and they will live eternally, and then too there will be amongst them neither labor, nor sickness, nor humiliation, nor anxiety, nor need, nor violence, nor night, nor darkness, but. great light. 7 And they shall have a great indestructible wall, and a paradise bright and incorruptible, for all corruptible things shall pass away, and there will be eternal life.
LXVI. Book of Enoch
Enoch instructs his sons and all the elders of the people, how they are to walk with terror and trembling before the Lord
Enoch instructs his sons and all the elders of the people, how they are to walk with terror and trembling before the Lord, and serve him alone and not bow down to idols, but to G-d, who created heaven and earth and. every creature, and to his image.
AND now, my children, keep your souls from all injustice, such as the Lord hates. 2 Walk before his face with terror and trembling and serve him alone. {p. 104} 3 Bow down to the true G-d, not to dumb idols, but bow down to "his picture", and bring all just offerings before the Lord's face. The Lord hates what is unjust. 4 For the Lord sees all things; when man takes thought in his heart, then he counsels the intellects, and every thought is always before the Lord, who made firm the earth and put all creatures on it. 5 If you look to Heaven, the Lord is there; if you take thought of the sea's deep and all the under-earth, the Lord is there. 6 For the Lord created all things. Bow not down to things made by man, leaving the Lord of all creation, because no work can remain hidden before the Lord's face. 7 Walk, my children, in longsuffering, in meekness, honesty, in provocation, in grief, in faith and in truth, in reliance on promises, in illness, in abuse, in wounds, in temptation, in nakedness, in privation, loving one another, till you go out from this age of ills, that you become inheritors of endless time. 8 Blessed are the just who shall escape the great judgment, for they shall shine forth more than the sun sevenfold, for in this world the seventh part is taken off from all, light, darkness, food, enjoyment, sorrow, paradise, torture, fire, frost, and other things; he put all down in writing, that you might read and understand.'