G-d's Anointed Empowered Army
The Children
of the End-time!
Jewish Sabbath Prayer!
Blessing over ourchildren!
Picture: Young Children blowing the shofar at:
the L-rd protect and defend you!
He always shield you from shame!
you come to be in Israel a shining name.
May you like Ruth an Ephraim
May you be deserving of praise.
Strengthen them O L-rd and keep them from the strangers ways!
May G-d bless you and grant you long life!
May the L-rd fulfill our Sabbath prayer for you.
May G-d make you good husbands and wives!
May He send you someone who will care for you.
May the L-rd protect and defend you!
May the L-rd preserve you from pain
Favor them O L-rd with happiness an peace O,
Hear our Sabbath Prayer, Amen!
Beit-TehilaJewish Shabbat Prayer; Blessing over the
not under-estimate the power
G-d put upon ourchildren!
the End-Time there will be one of the greatest spiritual awakenings
in the history of mankind! The hearts of fathers and sons, all
children and parents, will be turned toward one another; families
will be united in
will be outpoured upon all flesh!
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My
upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall
prophesy, your old men shall dream
dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants
and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out My
Spirit. (Joel 2:28-29)
G-d is going to use the children as well in the End Time Harvest
Revival! They will dance, worship, cry out for the lost, prophecy,
heal, minister,… They will be devoted anointed worshippers and
dancers as well! Dancing in the Spirit for the glory of
It's amazing how G-d is going to operate through our Children!
That's one of the reason we need to give love to the children so
much and not limit them for the things of G-d! They are so innocent
and with such a great potential of G-d! ...But how many can
understand this and is having this discernment?
What's Heaven like?...! A song from Freddy Hayler;
started with a little girl!Click
on turning note!
Little girl:
Daddy, what's heaven like? How big is Heaven? Is Heaven pretty? How
do I get there? How far away is Heaven? Do I see Jesus {Teshua} there? Are
those angels...
Freddy Hayler:
Who are the pure in heart, who love to wait in His presence? Who a
child like to think, seek those things who above for internality
come like children? We can not enter the Kingdom of Heaven, nor can
we behold of Heavens Throne...
great move of the healings and miracles will be at the hands of
children! Working creative miracles as they speak the words of
great faith! Driving out
evil spirits
and healing the sick, because the Kingdom is truly theirs! They
will also become a part of the Army Divisions of G-d, likewise
described in the other Army divisions of G-d's Shekinah Glory,
but also in the intercessors army! They are also forerunners in
G-d's Holy army to prepare the way of the very soon coming L-rd
and to activate Christians to be serious with their relationship
G-d! It is not of their great ability, but their innocent
compassion and devotional availability!Not by might, nor by power,
but by My Spirit, saith the L-rd of hosts.
(Zechariah 4:6b) The true
of power was not by might, nor by human power, but by the
Holy Spirit's
anointing-power! It G-d's sovereign choice to use, to anoint and
commission anyone in His Divine Prophetic End-Cycle! Yes,
even children! Allow Him to give
your heart to be ignited with His Divine Holy Fire and passion
for Him and your vision to explore! …but the people that do
know their G-d shall be strong, and do exploits. (Daniel 11:32b)
G-d is going to do amazing incredible things with just ordinary people
especially the younger generation: the children, who totally devoted their
lives to Him! G-d is not limited in time and space!
Children are precious in
the eyes of G-d! G-d will never set them aside! Children are having that
innocent; G-d's consciousness way in measures. Little children and children
at the age from 8 to 14 shall tough the hearts of many people dramatically!
In ancient Israel it was commanded among the Jews to take the children to
G-dly men for blessings and prayers! These are the children under the age of
accountability are saved! Permit, allow and do not hinder the children
among us!
Pictures: Kindell; Age: 4
Ç[ …But Jesus
(Yeshua} said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto
Me: for of such is the kingdom of
Heaven. (Matthew 19:14 )
G-d is going to harvest through
young children...
I believe we just entered in the
End-Times where G-d is going to harvest through
young children the last
lost souls whether it is in or out the Church! We are going to
experience the greatest Revival world-wide, ever was in
Human history! Especially young children are going to pray prophetically,
lying on hands for immediately healing for the sick; Casting out
making prophetic
proclamations; etc...
Picture: Young Children performing Jewish dancing at:
consists in the return of the Church and their people from her
backsliding and
apostasy state! In this
kind of state - Churches are not able to awakened and have
right away without first deep serious and honest searching's of
their own hearts! By the
End-Time-Harvest-Revival people
of G-d, are coming under such
a conviction of the Holy Spirit,
that they can see the state of their own hearts and theirownsins, whatever it could be, under such
a Light
that they are going to realize under great conviction their
"far distance relationship" with G-d! A new sacrificial attitude
toward G-d! A new beginning and new acceptance with G-d is just
While many "Christians" are still in backslidden state; they were blind to their
own state of sin! In this End-Time-Harvest-Revival many will come out of their
backslidden state and renew their love of
G-d in their hearts! The Revival-Fire is
burning in their hearts and they are changed dramatically! They have
got a new foretaste of the Fire strait from Heaven!
Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields;
for they are white already to harvest!
G-d {YHVH} is going to use especially
among us as well! Special because
are more open for God's anointing contagious anointing power
than adults are!
do still have their innocent conscious over them and are
easier usefully 'vessels' for G-d! The
will be used by G-d for the great End-Time-Harvest-Revival!
G-d’s seal upon
the life's of our children!
The purpose is to fulfill
G-d’s perfect will, being selected specific carriers of
G-d’s Holy anointed oil – the
anointing of the
Holy Spirit
– with power! That sacred anointing
flowed through the Disciples and believers of the First Century
Church, releasing a Divine capability – a power and authority they
never had experienced before! Now in a greater Holy anointing
is what we must have flowing, unlimited, unhindered, in these End
Times! Without it, we will continue to stay in the position of
weakness, powerless and impotent! It is because of the anointing
that ‘every yoke’ will be broken and destroyed!
The anointing
of the Holy Spirit
is G-d’s seal also upon the life's of our children!
...And it shall come to pass afterward, that I
will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your
shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: ....and
also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour
out My Spirit.
(Joel 2:28,29)
The blessings from G-d, taken away in the judgment will be restored when
people are willing to repent and turn back to G-d!
His Divine Anointed Empowered Army Divisions
is the time of G-d in these last days to activate His Divine Anointed
Empowered Army Divisions, who already exist! They will receive G-d's
power and anointing that will 'blow' our mind! They will receive
& Prophetic
authority and healing power
in measures greater than humanity had ever experienced in whole historic
time! G-d is about to release super-natural; world-wide; new "mantles of
anointing"; promises and commissioning upon this nowadays generation! It
will definitely level up the measures of expectancy of how much of G-d
we can receive and manifest now! The warrior
L-rd's Army represent men &
women, but
especially the children of holy anointed useful "vessels" to
usher in the Kingdom of YHVH so that no man can take credit for it! It has to be for the
Glory of G-d alone! No apostle
or prophet
who ever lived, equaled the power anointing of these
Fellowship Faith Church;
5240 N. Socrum Loop Rd.; Lakeland; Florida;
Children are praying for the teachers of their school! 23 August
2009 [
Numbered; weighed & Divided...
A lesson from the Book of Daniel...
That one evening, as King Belshazzar
from the 'great' Babylonian Empire and his most important were feasting,
suddenly the king saw human fingers writing on the Palace wall. His face
turned white with fair, and his knees started shaking.
No-one was able to explain the meaning of it except the
Prophet Daniel... Then
replied modestly, as
simple wanted to serve G-d in humility:
“But you, Belshazzar, remained proud, though you know of your
grant-dad Nebuchadnezzar's fate! You have exalted yourself
against G-d Himself! You, your 'nobles' and your wives
have drunk out of the {Temple} vessels Holy to G-d! You have
praised your
and not given glory to the only and true G-d who holds your life
and deeds in His hands! It was He who sent the hand you was and this is the meaning of the words: "Numbered;
Weighed & Divided"! Because you, king have used the sacred cups
{From the Temple in Jerusalem; Destroyed by the Babylonians
before capture the Jewish people and bringing them into
exile} for your partying and have
worshipped false gods,
the Only G-D (of
the Prophet Daniel)
has shortened your reign. He has weighed you on His scales and
decided that you are not good enough to be king”!
(Daniel 5)
lesson of humility that could save the Persian king, but the dominion and
glory bestowed upon him and so the Divine judgment was sentence for his
arrogances & pride! This was his subsequent
acknowledgement of the power & merci of G-d; and than in bold and emphatic
words G-d Himself rebuked the king Belshazzar for his
G-d held the king’s sin up before him,
showing him the lessons he made have learned but did not! The king had not heeded the warnings of the events so significant to himself. The
opportunity of knowing and obeying the true G-d has been given him, but had
not been taken to heart, and he was about to reap the
consequences of his rebellion! He had
refused to humble his heart!
the same way we as Christian are ‘partying’
with; what we think the “important men of G-d” in the way we
like (by our own mind-set choice), not understanding and
realizing we are grieving G-d’s
Holy Spirit!
Numbered; Weighed & Divided …is also "the handwriting” G-d is writing TODAY!
You as Christian, has the make a choice! Your time is running out! He has
weighed you; your church, your ministry, etc... on His scales and decided
that ...??? (Daniel 5) (More about
Daniel at: 7-Waves;
Prophets / Daniel)
with G-d!
have to cry out to God in a desperate way:
"Draw near to me, O L-rd!
Let Your Holy Spirit
fill me with Your
Shekinah Glory!"
Without striving. The L-rd Himself will teach how to receive; knowing you
are hungry! He want to reveal Himself to you more than ever! But you have to
be quiet and be still before His Throne! His Holy Divine presence will be
overwhelming! (Psalm 4:4; 46:10)
Be still, and know that I am G-d: I will be
exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
There are times for talking, there are time
for just listening to; and times for enjoying sweet fellowship with the G-d
of the Universe! Let's just be still in His presence! Allow God overwhelming
you with His Divine wave of Shekinah
Glory, intoxicated with His presence!
Allow Him the 'Rivers of Living waters'
from His Throne to you... out of His very heart of grace. The more
you love Him, the more "Living water" will flow. A well of 'Living
waters' start flowing
contentiously when we
perform the kind of worship you cannot comprehend! ...yet!And he shewed me
a pure river of water of life,
clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
(Revelation 22:1)+(Isaiah
12:3; John 4:14; Revelation 21:6) I will open
in high places, and fountains
in the midst of the valleys: I
will make the wilderness
a pool of water,
and the dry land springs of water.
(Isaiah 41:18) Rest in His Divine presence; quiet
yourself, and let your thinking about to enter into that
Holy Shekinah
Glory; that in you will manifest! The "Ark
of the Covenant" with God's Shekinah
presence, living in us!(1
Corinthians 3:16, 17; 6:19; 2 Corinthians 6:16)
Listening prayer is one of the greatest weapon against the enemy! Resting in His
presence equip for the work of the Ministry. When you cry out for more
intimacy with the Holy Spirit,
you will enter a place where you will grow dramatically in receiving of His
spiritual gifts! See also for more on:
from Heaven!"
G-d is using Children for His
I had visit the
Messianic Congregation in Brandon; Florida. It is the Feast of
Trumpets. There I could see with my own eyes how young children
at the age of 6-7 to 14/15; boys & girls were dancing (Jewish
dance) for G-d and yes, they were blowing the Shofar very loud!
(Jewish Rams horn or horn or antelopes;
see more at the site of
Some peoples’ reaction is sometime’s strange when they see that
children are been used for G-d’s Kingdom. This again is the
testimony that al spoken prophecies even also that G-d me to
prophecy, are coming alive and true in front of my eyes. I have
placed the pictures on this site!
How great is G-d that He is using
our young children to reach out, to bless and to tough. There is
no doubt in my mind that G-d is using and is going to use
children for His Kingdom-work. Do we have humility to submit
yourself even when children are minister to us? (Under
supervision) This is for me the confirmation again the in the
eyes of G-d, children do have a special place also for His
mighty powerful
G-d gebruikt kinderen voor Zijn
Kort geleden ben ik in een Messiaanse Gemeenschap gegaan in de
buurt van Lakeland. Het is het feest van de shofars. Daar zag ik
met met eigen ogen hoe jonge kinderen vanaf 6/7 tot en met 14/15
/ Jongens en meisjes dansen voor G-d Jewish dansen en ja blazen
LUID de shofars (Ramshoorn of hoorn van een antiloop
zie voor meer op de site van:
Sommige mensen reageren vreemd als je kinderen gebruik in de
dienst van G-d. Hier is weer het zoveelste bewijs. Het is of al
de profetien die ik heb gehoord en die ikzelf heb mogen
uitspreken in levende lijve zijn uit gekomen. Ik heb de foto's
direct bererkt en op mijn web-site!
Hoe groot is G-d eigenlijk dat Hij ook die kinderen gebruikt om
mensen aan te raken. Geen twijfel! G-d gebruikt onze kinderen
voor Zijn Koninkrijk. Kunnen wij die nederigheid opbrengen G-d's
zegen en kracht te ontvangen ook al is het dat G-d kinderen
gebruikt? Kunnen wij ons nederig genoeg opstellen om ons door
kinderen te laten bedienen? (Kinderen staan wel onder leiding
van bedienaars!) Het is weer eens de zoveelste bevestiging voor
mij dat kinderen belangrijk zijn in de ogen van G-d, ook voor
Zijn machtig werk! AMEN???
To exalt the name of the L-rd
and give Him
all the praise and the glory! To destroy the works of
the enemy!
To be involved in celebration with joyful
expressions! To
attracts people for the worship to G-d! To involved
you as children into a pleasant way of
worship! To show the world that it is joyful to
belong to God's children!
writing to us is always welcome! Just click on: "Contact
us for Children"! Listen! There are some rules you
need to keep! OK? Inform your parents! (or guardian) Also let
your parents (or guardian) read the contact form first
before you write and send! It is protection for you! We will
avoid any kind of harm on you! We will take your writings
Without the understanding of the
there purpose, essence and why; it is also difficult to
understand what going on! So surf also to site:
You need get more information & understanding about
Flags with the understanding and explanations of their
raise a banner or a flag, is a form of expression, to
demonstrate to the world the presence of G-d in our lives, the
Kingdom of G-d itself, the triumph over the enemy, a celebration
of victory, the establishment of Divine Reign
(Isaiah 11:10&12), etc.. To carry out a message! It is telling you something in
when you raise a standard or ensigns in specific colors; each
with its own destination, purpose and expression. It is a form
of proclamation
(Leviticus 23:11). To express the Word of G-d in the form of Flags & Banners: Our
confession to this world will become stronger and stronger,
without any form of shame! (Romans 1:16)
Hell would be separation from my G-d Whom I loved so much and
Whom I had accepted as my
at the age of eleven. When the soul sees it's going to be
separated from its G-d for all eternity, it plunges into such a
terrible spiritual fire, as can never be kindled on earth. It is
the spiritual torture of a soul that has once known G-d and now
is cast into that outer, outer darkness, separated from G-d, his
Creator, forever and ever. My friend, I truly found out there is
a Hell. I walked in the pits of Hell. You must choose while you
are in this life where you are going to spend eternity, in
or Hell.
The FIREof
the living G-d burns these things deep in our hearts, IF we allow
the Holy
Spiritto do this tremendous work! Break up your fallow ground.(Hosea 10:12)It’s time to allow the Holy Spirit
to touch us and make this ground soft and ready for the seeds. Break every
stronghold inYeshua’ Name!
Break the power of satan
over every life! Break every resistance and loose the POWER of G-d! Yes,
the All-consumingFIREof G-d will burn, deep, deeper in our hearts so that every religious
spirit will
be burned and consumed! May freedom come back into the church and
in our lives! G-d can restore in our church that which satan
has stolen out of the church; that which was originally G-d's
provision! We can have a closer and deeper walk with G-d!
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Expecting a End
Time Historical Harvest Revival!
Among the
Picture: Young Children
dancing & blowing the Shofar at:
Your donations safe by Pay Pal
for editor-ministry this website of
Many note's come from the Dake's annotated reference; Life Application Study
Bible; Amplified Bible; many other children' bibles; Several illustrated
Bible Dictionaries'; The Interlinear Bible-Hebrew-Greek-English; Jewish
Bible, etc...
Also by
prophetic insight
in the
prophetic revelations
related to the End Time for our generation!