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under “G”
This is a flower Carpet
in Brussels; the Capitol of West-Europe!
P. O. Box 93404;
Lakeland; Florida; 33804-3404, USA Contact
information to the Editor/Web-designer/Founder Preparing
the Prophetic End-time Harvest Revival for the children!
Hello precious
have just come to this site
special for Children to find out more about God'sOutreach Ministry Int.
& the End-Time-Harvest-Revival; and will find one or more of the pages that you are
really going to like as your favorite one! You are
not here by accident!
Spend some time with us! Discover the awesome pages created to build up your
personal friendship with your Lord Yeshua, the Messiah or Jesus, the
Christ, and see what great things God has in store
for you personally! My persevering prayer is that you will know who God
really is and have a place in your heart! You will also find more
and links, below this page, which
will direct you to your favorite site's! Also we want to tell you, that your
writing to us is always welcome! Please, understand, we have the duty to
inform your parents and have their cooperation! Is that OK for you?
Paul van Beek;
You can write to us
Your writing to us
is always welcome! Just click on: "Contact
us for Children"! Listen! There are some rules you need to keep!
OK? Inform your parents! (or guardian) Also let your parents (or guardian)
read the contact form first before you write and send! It is
protection for you! We will avoid any kind of harm on you! We will take your
writings confidential! But we must also obey your Daddy, mammy or guardian!
That is a law in the USA, for your own protection! That is very good! So we
will be faithful and trustworthy in these things! You also must under the
age of 18! But that is not a problem, isn't it? We are looking forward to
hear from you!
Who are
I am Paul van Beek
and I am born in 1959 at Heerlen, from origin a Roman City, the very south of the
Netherlands (West-Europe), about 15 miles East of another City that was built by
the ancient Romans: Maastricht, and is very close to 3-front section of the
Netherlands, Belgium and
For 21 years, Connie (my wife) & I lived (with our son, Jonathan
in Genk, Belgium. (About 60 miles east from the Capital of Europe: Brussels!
Click on Author to know more about me)
Lord Yeshua, the Messiah
called us in a faith-call
many years ago. In December 2001 we as family took a great step
in faith, and
moved from Belgium to
Lakeland in Florida; USA.
The beginning of a new season in another nation, arriving with just 6
suit-cases, for devoting as a form of scarify, our lives as servants
into the leadership of
this Ministry by God's grace!
Now we have
ministered to many people in services in
several foreign nations, especially
But via the web-sites of this Ministry we reaching more than 12,000.000
people yearly all around the world!
Retired sea captain giving away
18 million gospel books : "He
Lived Among Us!"
In 1989,
retired sea captain Warmolt Houwing discovered an illustrated Bible story
book, entitled "He
Lived Among Us".
He obtained the copyrights and started giving the books away to fellow
seamen in the Port of Antwerp.
away these books has since become his mission in life. By enlisting the
support of others, the Toronto-based evangelist has been able to print
more than 18 million copies of this book in 27 languages. He distributes
all the books free of charge, with help from many different organizations;
and now he displays this book on the Internet in 18 languages for free
download at:
use of flags can be quite an entertaining sight to see, but when used to
lift up blessings, glory, honor, and power to the Lord in His presence,
flags can be more than entertaining. Used in accordance to the Word, flags
become the primary sign for lifting up a "standard" of God. The Bible refers
to the word flag as "standard" or "banner."
Ministry or Flag Worship is the union of flags, music, and the Word of God
that allows one to enter into the awesome presence of God. This worship art
form brings a memorable experience of worshiping our Lord under His
anointing. There are several purposes for Flag Worship:
To exalt the name of the Lord
and give Him
all the praise and the glory! To destroy the works of
the enemy!
To be involved in celebration with joyful
expressions! To
attracts people for the worship to God! To involved
you as children into a pleasant way of
worship! To show the world that it is joyful to
belong to God's children!
The basic
technique of flag waving is not really a new art form! It is used in ancient
Old Testaments Jewish people!
The understanding of thecolors
Without the
understanding of thecolors, there purpose, essence and why; it is also difficult to
understand what going on! So surf also to site:color-codes,
You need get more
information & understanding about Flags with the
understanding and explanations of theircolor-codes!
pillar of Children
“Children are a heritage from the Lord …” (Psalm 127:3-5)
“Let the little children come to Me ...” (Mark 10:13-16)
“If any of you put a stumbling block before one of these little ones who
believe in Me”
(Matthew 18:1-7)
In the light of the above
Scriptures we see
how guilty we as adults are as a society for the multitude of ways in
which our children are abused, led astray, deceived and not cared for in
the way God intends. Immorality, abortion, illegitimacy, sexual
confusion brought about by immoral and perverted behavior, drugs,
violence; physical, mental and sexual abuse
are just some of the ways our children suffer. Yet our children are a
gift from God, the future generation, who should be loved, cared for,
nurtured, trained and disciplined so that they grow up to be the men and
women of the future as God intended. How much God must grieve at the ways
we are destroying them – physically, morally and spiritually!?
Your Favorite
Here we fill in your favorite
Please write us!
Yeshua , the Messiah lived among us
(Jesus, the Christ)
The use of flags
Here we explain why we use so many
Jewish Persecution
Person of
the Father; God
Person of Yeshua
Jesus Christ
Person of
the Holy Spirit
While we encourage your questions or concerns, we must now address
those children who do not do this in a Christian manner. We take
seriously any of your message that is done in a manner unbecoming a Christian, and
are keeping an active file of these messages; and if the content is
considered a wrong way of communicating in any way or improperly language, and sex propaganda,
your parents will be informed as well in later state to the proper agencies (like FBI) will be notified. We care deeply for all of
you, and look forward to your continued correspondence. See at "Contact us
for children"