Old Testament's
Catastrophism Introduction
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Catastrophism such as the Noah's flood
SO OFTEN THE FLOOD has been pictured as having been caused only by excessive rain! The proposition herein set forth is that the Flood was caused by tidal movements of the oceans, tides in sub-continental proportion. Rain was also involved, but its ratio was the proverbial drop in the bucket!
To view catastrophism in terms of cause as well as effect!
catastrophism) is a basic view for the history of our planet, and of the
other planets in our solar system. It presumes periodically disturbed
and conflicting conditions, and those, at least to an extent, have been
relatively recent. Evidence is derived not from just one or two
planetary systems, but from most, and perhaps from every one of them.
Severe need for fresh concepts in Earth history! So it has been with the historic and pre-historic catastrophes, some more severe, and others, though fearful, were less severe. The Mayans and Hindus were right when they maintained that there have been separate and more or less distinct ages or cycles of human activity, punctuated by catastrophes, even requiring revised calendars. Genesis and Job are similarly found to be correct with respect to Earth history! (12) This is why this study on the Biblical Flood. This is the reason why the correct dating of the Flood is essential to the correct reconstruction of ancient conditions. And this is why it is essential to understand the nature of the Flood, as well as the scope of the effects!
Thus we review the magnificent engraving and etching
which has occurred to our planet. Thus we review the ancient celestial
motifs, and the
story of a global Flood. Thus we investigate
the circumstances of our solar system, and its neighboring stars. Thus
we review the structure of our fragile little sphere, as it spirals
through galactic space. Review these evidences carefully. Prepare to
draw conclusions which may seem amazing, or awesome, and which may
indeed lead to new thoughts! The 'Babylonian' Flood Story... The Epic of 'Gilgamesh' includes the Babylonian Flood Story. Again, the biblical record is greatly superior. As Nozomi Osanai wrote in her master’s thesis on a comparison between Noah’s Flood and the Gilgamish Epic, “According to the specifics, scientific reliability, internal consistency, the correspondence to the secular records, and the existence of common elements among the flood traditions around the world, the Genesis account seems to be more acceptable as an accurate historical record.
This is the Babylonian Creation Record. We
also have the Ebla Creation Tablet. The Bible record is clearly superior
to this as the Enuma Elish has creation from pre-existing matter, which
really isn’t creation at all. The Bible is the true account of this
historical event.
Earth was NOT exempt from historical cosmic conflict! If ancient astral catastrophism is correct, then certain elementary conclusions must follow. One refers to the position of the Earth, in a relatively inner position with respect to most of the planets, and close-in with respect to the orbits of some comets and meteor streams. The Earth, in this inner position, is among the more likely candidates for "periodic visitations"! The Earth's location within the solar system indicates that it would be unlikely that it would be excluded from such ancient conditions!
The Ancient Jews apparently have gone through at least two cycles The Jews apparently have gone through at least two cycles of this same pattern, and if their history in Egypt were better known, perhaps three cycles. In the era, circa 450 B.C. to 70 A.D., they too passed from the era of pioneer faith, migration and from such outstanding leaders as Ezra and Haggai to the era of depravity, and such poor leaders as Caiphas and the rebel zealot leaders against Rome, who led the nation into such ill-advised policies and horrible fortunes. Archeological evidences are substantially numerous! The acknowledge that sediments, sea shells, and other marine materials have been found at nearly every altitude! Review these evidences carefully. Prepare to draw conclusions which may seem amazing, or awesome, and which may indeed lead to new thought!
Careful consideration of the Flood catastrophe!
One hundred and fifty years ago, numerous controversies clouded the academic horizon, controversies which involved the leading scholars of that day. Fossils were being found in every country in Europe. Some were discovered high in the Alps, and others were unearthed below sea level, deep in German or Welsh coal mines. The fossils included remains of marine animals, mammoths, bison, giant birds, dinosaurs, exotic vegetation, and many other hard-to-classify forms. Some were tiny; many were huge. There were so many different forms and sizes of fossils that their classification became quite an art. Some were being found practically in the back yards of the leading academic figures of that day. These abundant fossil finds demanded an explanation. Many, such as Cuvier, felt that some sort of gigantic, watery cataclysm or cataclysms had indeed engulfed the past. This possibility immediately suggested the Biblical Flood! There are abundant evidences of a watery, global cataclysm -- evidences which are not easily refuted. They are so universal, so astounding, and so inter-related that they require re-examination. How is it explained, for instance, that ancient peoples, from six separate continents, almost invariably had a Flood tradition? Why is it that ancient peoples almost always had a pantheon of sky-gods and traditions of celestial chaos? Why is it that ancient peoples all over the world, in diverse cultures possessing independent traditions, yet possessed similar traditions of cataclysms containing similar motifs? And if the ancients simply happened to have comparable or corresponding hallucinations, why, then, does our solar system also contain abundant evidences of historical astral chaos? And is it possible that our Earth could have escaped this? Re-examination of these universal evidences and their implications leads to a serious and careful consideration of the Flood catastrophe. The evidences of a global Flood are sound and they increasingly demonstrate with drama that worldwide catastrophes have occurred. However, the Biblical Flood is far from a fully developed subject. Newer circumstances and additional evidence requires a more comprehensive review. Renewed analysis and synthesis are needed. This labor has been dedicated to young scholars. Dare to think, and to re-think. Have the courage to cheerfully challenge the current generation in its disappointing crescendo of turmoil and trouble. Investigate the history of our solar system during the last 10,000 years, especially that of our fragile sphere. Examine the many traditions of the ancients. Review the magnificent job of engraving and etching that has occurred upon the surface of our swirling sphere. Examine these evidences carefully. Prepare to draw conclusions that may seem at first somewhat amazing.
The Flood is an historical, global fact,
If catastrophism and Creationism are facts, as the evidence strongly suggests, then the modern intellectual world is schizophrenic, and the case is not a mild one. Uniformitarianism is taught to the near total exclusion of catastrophism and Creationism in 99% of the college classrooms of Western Civilization, and it prevails to the total exclusion of catastrophism and Creationism in Russia and China. Is it possible that this disorder is also an academic flight from the Biblical ethic, upon which Western Civilization was founded? Is it possible that the reaction against catastrophism which has set in has in reality been geared to reject the spiritual ethic contained in Genesis? Is it possible that, through confused thinking, the rejection of the spiritual ethic also involved the rejection of the historical reality contained in Genesis? The reality may be as follows: (11)
About the author Donald W. Patten & his scientifically written book!
Donald W. Patten, a geographer by training and lifelong interest, was born on November 11, 1929, in Conrad, a small town on the high plains of Montana near Glacier National Park. He entered the University of Montana in 1947 and engaged upon a series of studies including Ancient History, Ancient literature, climatology, genetics, geography, geomorphology, mathematics and philosophy.
While absorbing humanistic viewpoints, he also began to read the Bible, and to reflect upon its claims. In 1948, he experienced conversion to Biblical Christianity, and through a coincidence, was given pulpit duties as a student at a small, rural community church in the village of Lolo. Following his conversion, this further experience in lay preaching and teaching was a most profound influence in his young manhood, coming in the midst of his studies. Mr. Patten received a B.A, in Geography from the University of Washington in 1951, and an M.A. in Geography in 1962. Mr. Patten and his wife Lorraine have one daughter and six sons. The biblical flood and ice epoch was conceived in 1960, and has been generated by his interests in various fields of geography, history and science. The Biblical Flood & The Ice EpochThe author contends that, through the agency of astral principles, the Earth became engaged, or engulfed, in simultaneous gravitational upheavals and magnetic conflicts. There came with suddenness to our fragile, spiraling sphere, THE BIBLICAL FLOOD AND THE ICE EPOCH. Readers of this unique book will find a challenging and refreshing view of ancient catastrophism and its conclusion, Divine Creation, a subject of importance in this age of increasing intellectual rootlessness. It is over and against the prevailing monopoly of uniformitarian thought (which proposes that oceans of time are necessary for anything and everything, both geologically and biologically) that Mr. Patten proposes his view of historical celestial crises, global catastrophes. Such catastrophes may explain many features about several planets. Such catastrophes, relative to the Earth-Moon system, explain the raising up of mountain ranges, sweeping across the face of the Earth in arcuate alignment, similar to the mountain patterns of the Moon. This was achieved suddenly, and by tidal upheavals within the oceans (of centrifugally rotating lava) within the Earth's crust. Simultaneously, tidal upheavals engulfing the oceans raised tides of subcontinental dimensions on the Earth's crust, thus the historically recorded Deluge, or Flood.
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