Hashem - Adonai - Elohim - YHVH - אלהים -’s blessing for you...
Words of welcome...
Speak to Aaron and his sons saying, In this way you will bless the children of Israel, Saying to them, The L-rd
will bless you and He
will keep you; The L-rd
will make His face to shine upon you and He
will be gracious to you; The L-rd
will lift up His countenance to you and He
will establish Shalom* for you And they
will put My name upon the children of Israel, and I
will bless them.
One New Man
(1 Chronicles 23:13). ![]()
A Shofar-blow!
A powerful catalyst to bring the glory of YHVH- Elohim (אלהים)! "In unison when the Shofarers and the singers were to make themselves heard with one voice to praise and to glorify the L-rd, and when they lifted up their voice accompanied by Shofars and cymbals and instruments of music, and when they praised the Lord saying, 'He indeed is good for His loving-kindness is everlasting,' then the house of the L-rd, was filled with a cloud..." (2 Chronicles 5:13) Click on Music-note to hear the Shofar-blow!!
Dedication of President George Washington, United States; 30 April 1789
"The propitious smile of Heaven can never be expected on a nation
that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself had
Source: The
HARBINGER & Companion; The ancient mystery that holds the
secret of America's future; by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn; Page 213
Hebrew word SHALOM is understood around the world to mean “peace”!
But peace is only one small part of the meaning of the word
Shalom! It means much more than just "peace",
"hello" or "goodbye"! It represent: Completeness, wholeness,
health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity,
perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, and the absence of agitation or
discord! So in essence, when you speak out the word SHALOM - you
are not only proclaiming peace, but all the meanings of the word over that
person you are blessing with a mighty blessing!
...and this is the way I like to bless you as well! Sar SHALOM (Prince of Peace) is one of the descriptive names the Scriptures uses to indicate the ministry and personality of the Messiah (Isaiah 9:6) The Son of God is completely perfect in all things!
Scripture - Inspiration - Word of G-d!
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of G-d spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit! (2 Peter 1:21) The prophets were borne along or moved by the Holy Spirit. They uttered things far beyond their knowledge and searched diligently the meaning! Consequently, inspiration pertains to even the words of the Biblical ancient writers! All of it is reliable for all Scripture is "G-d breathed"! The Scriptural text growth from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 is the product of G-d having spoken! In 4 area's the Scripture are profitable:
The Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa)
...is one of the original seven Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in Qumran in 1947.
It is the largest (734 cm) and best preserved of all the biblical scrolls,
and the only one that is almost complete. The 54 columns contain all 66
chapters of the Hebrew version of the biblical Book of Isaiah. Dating from
ca. 125 BCE, it is also one of the oldest of the Dead Sea
Scrolls, some one thousand years older than the oldest manuscripts of the
Hebrew Bible known to us before the scrolls' discovery.
warrior L-rd, King of kings; is rallying His Divisions
It will not be just the pastors or evangelists, but the righteous;
uncompromising saints released by
G-d! They will prophetically preach the Gospel and healing the sick! It's in
G-d's plan that every believer gets involved in the Ministry of
Yeshua Messiah
or Jesus the Christ!
You are not here by accident to this web-site!
To find out more about God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc., and one or more of the pages that you are excited in: Discover the awesome pages designed to enhance your personal growth and knowledge, and see what great things G-d has in store for you personally! As you browse through these web-site's, my persevering prayer is that you will be strengthened and built up in your most Holy faith. You will also find information about the Prophetic Ministry and links, which will direct you to our beliefs, real testimonies, statements, prophetic revelations and many others! On the left column you'll find all web-site's links.
Alike the Prophet Jeremiah; bringing G-d’s message un-conditional & uncompromising!
Alike the Prophet Jeremiah, seeing the moral decline of nowadays people, seeing the enveloping idolatry which they were increasingly practicing, sensed an impending national doom, fast approaching upon the anti-spiritual leaders of the people. Possessing much concern, he began to proclaim his pro-spiritual message! It gained but few listeners, but it was very successful in rankling the anti-spiritual leaders in government and in religion. His generation failed to heed his message. However, the next generation, suffered & humbled by captivity, recognized the value of his message!
The prophet Jeremiah, in his day was awarded a 'religious court martial; in recent decades another non-conformist, and patriot, received persecution because of his keen Divine Inspired foresight, plus his unwillingness to be silent, but willing to speak out G-d’s message un-conditional, uncompromising & paying a heavy price!
But this is no different than the age of, say, Jeremiah (and also Isaiah) when anti-spiritual ideas of a pantheistic nature were & are metamorphosing into dominance in this world at a rapid pace. Whereas today it is atheism, new age etc... uniformitarian related! But it is needing for serious essentially views of negation! If these cycles and parallels (repeating throughout history) are a commentary on collective human nature, they are also a reflection of individual human nature!
As were the days of Noah, so
will be the coming of the Son of Man!!! As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For just as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, [men] marrying and [women] being given in marriage, until the [very] day when Noah went into the ark, And they did not know {or} understand until the flood came and swept them all away--so will be the coming of the Son of Man. (Matthew 24:37-39)
continued up to the very day
entered the ark, so also
sin will continue up to the day of the second coming of
Vile propensities of our generation parallel
those of
The evil & wickedness that was at hand in that
time is thriving in nowadays generation!
Unrestrained fornication, violence, corruption and abortion
are the many signs that we live in those days as
the days of
Judgment is on its way!
Just as
has to deal & to endure with
the ridicule of those prediluvian scoffers,
even the nowadays
Prophets are many times mocked, pursued, when they try to warn
this wicked generation of the coming unavoidable judgment of G-d! There message it the
same as
Likewise this generation are still ignoring
G-d's warnings that are revealed throughout the
signs in the Heavenly realms. Just likewise in
days, these many warnings will be swept away
with likewise the coming flood in the form of
tribulation period! Destroyed them all (Luke 17:27), that is, the ones that needed to be destroyed, and saved Noah and family. So Yeshua/Christ will destroy some at His coming and leave some to replenish the earth in the Millennium...
Noah's flood Catastrophism has been clearly and consistently associated with the recent Earth-quake's- Catastrophism like as in Japan and the expected Catastrophe at the West-coast of the USA! We have to prepare for it and not ignore as what happen in Noah's time!
These Ministries include...
These Ministries include: God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc. Prophet Office. It also coach & support the End-Time-Harvest-Revival! Noah's Flood! Catastrophism God's Outreach Research Center Revelation; Shofars; YouTupe-Paul; These are several a huge web-site's; in connection with each other and constantly growing! We update approximately on regular base constantly! You probably will not be able to view every page in a few visits. Please, come back routinely to ensure you have discovered all the information contained herein.
Detailed study materials available for you...
To create these many teaching’s/scientifically web-page’s with all the detailed information and in the prophetic-time-cycles - visions will cost a lot of 'Earthly time! This ministry with the Prophetic visions web-page's, and with many Biblical study-notes are always freely available for everyone! Especially for the End-Time-Harvest-Revival - online visitors! As such, these many detailed teaching’s site’s cost a lot of precious (study) time and financial commitment for the author and the publisher as well!
That is the simple reality of the situation!
Thank you for your understanding! There are major changes still possible,
but it will not change the original visions! Paul van Beek See also at:
Graphic Design
As you invest time...
I pray that you will find the encouragement and Divine Wisdom you need to overcome the trials of life and become all that G-d has called you to be, when you meditate on the Ministry Statements, detailed information & visions from God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc.; and related web-site's. As you incorporate the Word of G-d into your daily devotions, I believe that you will find the direction you need to discover G-d's practical guidance and destination for your life!
My decision was firm..
I Chose to serve the Almighty G-d
I Chose to serve the Almighty G-d*; YHVH; Adonai; Elohim אלהים the rest of my life and do His perfect will, whatever it may be. (See for more on the sites of: Personal Testimony) I have the witness of the Holy Spirit {Roach HaKodesh} with my own spirit that I am a child of G-d! The Blood of Yeshua, the Messiah; Jesus the Christ has cleansed me from all un-righteousness. I was baptized in water as an outward symbol for choosing for G-d to this world (Mikvah) and of an inward work of Messiah Yeshua or the L-rd Jesus Christ in my life! I am more and more hungry & thirsty for G-d and I am still crying out for a closer intimate personal walk with G-d. I have hearkened to His Divine voice and desire to be filled abundantly with His Holy Spirit. (See also on this site: Faith Statement)
If I have inspired you to study G-d's tremendous Word
If I have inspired you to study G-d's tremendous Word with an open mind, and if I have influenced you to take the Scriptures literally; and if my testimonies has made you hungry and thirsty for G-d, His Word and His anointing, than I have accomplished the purpose I had in mind: That is to be a blessing and encouragement to your personal life! Be filled with G-d's Divine Shekinah Glory, during your visitation on these Ministries web-site's!
Special color-codes
Every site of these Ministries webs has special color-codes, which are based in principle on their original purpose, essence, clarification, and the fact that it makes it easier to read or study. (See on the site of: Color-Codes)
Non Denominational - Non Profit Organization 501(C)(3)
Outreach Ministry Int.
is a world-wide non-denominational
prophetic Pro-Jewish
going with the Prophetic
That looks after the lost souls, backslidden Christians, the hurting
hearts...even inside the Church walls! To bring them into the house of
G-D and is called to bring people worthily before
the Throne of the Heavenly Father!
...To worship Him in and with
the Spirit, with a
contrite and humble heart. This
Ministry will
teach, preach
and prophecy
for the freedom of
Yeshua Messiah... FREEDOM from the "strongholds"
of bondage, religiosity, traditions of men, false doctrine, etc.
Ministry Request Form
on Word-File for Ministry-invitation by Paul van Beek at your location!
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