Revelation Ch 11
2 Tribulation
 The 2 End-Time-Tribulation

The Miracle & Mystery of the
Jewish "Prayer-Shawl"

This Ministry site has placed on the List of Messianic Jewish Web Top 100 under “G


P. O. Box 93404; Lakeland; Florida; 33804-3404, USA 
Contact us
  for information to the Editor/Web-designer/Founder   
Entered into the End-Time-Harvest-Revival!


Students working for YHVH!

Hereby I would like to ask for your cooperation and of your Church! Especially from the youth; the high-school students to write each a part of Christian Archeology and Biblical Catastrophes; Prophetic revelation according Scriptures, concerning the End-Time. There is so much work and I need help. High school student has to make about 150 Community hours for their Graduation. (So far I understand) There these ministries are under a official non-profit Christian non-denominational Ministry I can signed for their C-Hours. (God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc.)

If you have an opportunity at our Church as well than I will coordinate this if possible. There are many pages to type over into a Word-Files. I can use all help for these major projects.

Several assignments are to be fulfilled. After finishing the subject ; these will be placed in order of the specific subject; edited and immerged into these web-site's.

These web-site's has already proved its accuracy of correct predictions

These web-site's has already proved its accuracy of correct predictions for the Healing-Revival-Outpouring for Lakeland in 2008! Many intercession meetings over the last years were hold here for having a Revival in Lakeland! It operates undependable and it was informing to the "world" what was happening during those days of Revival 2008 in Lakeland; Florida! Not only the visions, but everything people (world-wide) need to know about this specific healing-Outpouring-Revival!

The actual average reach  about hits & views online visitors on a yearly based on the sites are more than 12,000.000!


1 High school student has to be a member of a church and devoted Christian.
2 Ability to write from certain pages into a word-file  (Word.doc  or Word.docx  or work-file)
3 Hours will be signed after the work has done; and had filled the hour into a through God's Outreach Ministry Word-file for Community hours. or by Excel-filewere your recorsd will be hold
4 Approval of the Senior Pastor of the attending Church
5 Approved by their local attending school principal (The Hours under God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc.)
6 Good insight and knowledge in the English Language
7 Prepared while writing; to be automatic involved in the studies of God's word!


There different kind of subjects; Some are written in hand-writing, other are typed document with an old type-writer. You need to have  good readings qualities!
1 Christian Archeology and Biblical Catastrophes;
2 Noah's vessel (about 50 pages)
3 The flood of Noah (234 pages)
4 The recent organization of the Solar System  (120 pages)
5 Intercession End-Time
6 Joseph' trials
7 Lordship
8 Foreknowledge
9 Believers in the "Last days".
10 Hypostatic Union/ Jesus
11 Anointing of the Prophet and more related subjects
12 The anointing
13 The case for Faith
14 Revival in the End-time
15 Jeremiah
16 Hosea / in progress
17 Elijah & Elisha
18 Testimony in deferent expressions
19 Belief-system in frameworks
20 Angels on assignment
21 Tabernacle worship
22 And much more can follow


 Type of files:
1 The Ministry will provide all prepared documents of Word files and copies of the subjects
2 A prepared Word-file with specific subjects
3 A prepared Word or Excel-file for Community hours (only for students)
4 A Ministry-letter will be send to you to confirm the amount of Community hours
Paul van Beek
God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc.
Non Denominational - Non Profit Organization 501(C)(3)!
Incorporated by Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. Lawyers; Miami, FL
Approved IRS #501 C3; Consumer's Certificate of Tax-Exemption 85-8012815835C-2
Gifts/Offerings/Supports are Tax
deductible; Controlling Treasurer &  Accountancy: Mike Mollica; Orlando; FL
Approval for Community hours



See for more info how to reach us:
Contact us
  for information to the Editor/Web-designer/Founder

Name Function/Office

@ Mail address

Rev. Paul van Beek

God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc.

' (863) 660-2444
Students working for Yahweh!
Send your information by this email; It will be handled with confidential! 

God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc.
P. O. Box 93404; Lakeland; Florida; 33804-3404, USA
@ Paul van Beek

Rev. Paul van Beek

Online  Web- Coordination & Information

' (863) 660-2444

P. O. Box 93404; Lakeland; Florida; 33804-3404, USA
@ Paul van Beek

Noah's Flood Catastrophism Science-Site's
If you want to contact concerning the site's of Noah's Flood Catastrophism
@ E-mail to the Editor/Web-designer for information
' (863) 660-2444

Noah's Flood! Catastrophism

P. O. Box 93404; Lakeland; Florida; 33804-3404, USA

Ministry Request for speaking arrangements
Word File for Ministry-invitation by
Paul van Beek at your location!

Ministry Request Form
For ALL related Ministries!
Outreach Ministry Int.
P. O. Box 93404; Lakeland; Florida; 33804-3404, USA

Paul van Beek  Founder

Paul van Beek is the founder of God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc., which include (Cover) also the Prophet Office; River of Jordan; and the "neutral place":  End-Time-Harvest-Revival (which  recently replaced Revival Lakeland)
Paul is devoted to release the prophetic message of encouragement, repentance, and
End Time Harvest Revival to the lost souls throughout numerous foreign countries in a time as it was in the days of Noah before the  flood-Catastrophism! As a recognized minister, with authority to preach the Gospel of Messiah Yeshua, Jesus Christ, he has established the Ministry-base in the Lakeland-area; Florida; USA. It is his answer to the call of God. (See also: his personal testimony 1-2-3)

Biblical Scientifically studies are always freely available for everyone!

There are also several other Scientifically organizations involved who gave their permission & their devotion to add their information about this subject on this site; to serve the Lord and to serve you as well! See at list below this site! As editor & Graphic-Art-Web-Designer; I, Paul van Beek; really appreciate the author

This ministry Teaching’s web site, with many of Biblical studies is always freely available for everyone! Mostly it is written on “Neutral Site’s", which you can link to your site as well! (Please inform us) As such, these detailed teaching’s site’s cost a lot of precious time and financial commitment for the author and the publisher as well! Every study, that takes you only minutes to read, and few the pictures according the story, takes many hours of work to write, to edit, to design, to format and technically make available & maintain on the web server. That is the simple reality of the situation! Paul van Beek See also at: Graphic Design

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Example of Important site's
See for detailed information at site of:

End Time Harvest Revival
Click on the subject of your choice to read a short description of that page! È

"7-Waves-of-Shekinah-Glory-Outpouring"  Short version
Wave of Love
Wave of Repentance
Wave of New Faith
End-Time Deborah's
The 300-Gideon-Warriors
Wave of Overcomers
Wave of Humility
Children's' move  
is coming soon!
Daniels' 70-th week 
is coming soon!
Prophetic Time-cycles
Revelation Ch 11; 2 Tribulation witnesses (New)
The 2 End-Time-Tribulation witnesses (New)
The Scriptural "raptures"
The Tabernacle in the Sinai Dessert (New)
Revelation Events in Scrolls


Christian Prophetic Teaching & Revelation
Click on the subject of your choice to read a short description of that page! È

 Understanding the colors
 Miracle & Mystery of the Prayer-Shawl
 Blowing the Shofar
 Jewish Expressions ABC...
 Percussions Descriptions
 Prophet's Office; The Prophet's heart!

Recent Prophecies
 Ancient Old Testaments Prophets
 Fire Figuratively
 Anointing Oil
 Living Waters
The jezebel-spirit  a contending principality
 Visitation in Hell

 Jewish Persecution
 The Vineyard of God
 The trees of God
 Brokenness; Ingredients for Revival Experience
 The Father's Love Letter
Time's of disasters!
 The two witnesses during tribulation?
 The Scriptural "raptures"

OT - Catastrophism Christian Science & Archeology  (New)

Noah's Flood! Catastrophism Donald W. Patten © Permission granted! ©
Preview of impression & subjects only: Contents
Donald W. Patten ©
Mars & Earth Wars 
Donald W. Patten © Newer added version is coming soon! (New)
Chapters of Noah's Flood Catastrophism
Donald W. Patten ©
What kind of rule the Moon for Planet Earth?
Paul van Beek ©
Prophetic Time Cycles & Numbers

Scriptural Studies

Scripture 2 Chronicles 20:1-25
To discern & distinct the voice of the Holy Spirit

Revelation Ch 11; 2 Tribulation witnesses (New)
The 2 End-Time-Tribulation witnesses (New)
The Tabernacle in the Sinai Dessert (New)
Revelation Events in Scrolls (New)
Daniels' 70-th week  is coming soon!
Dake Annotated Reference Study Bible
Amplified Bible

Faith Doctrine! Faith Statement are for all these ministries the same!

Faith Statement
Israel Support Promise of Abraham
Person of the Father
Person of Yeshua (Jesus Christ)
Person of the Holy Spirit
Is it Jewish to believe in Yeshua, the Messiah?
Yeshua; 93 Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled
Lord's Holy Supper
Ascension gifts of Yeshua
The Atonement
A Christian must believe...!
Counterfeit Faith! ; Cultural Faith!; Courageous Faith!
The motivational Gifts
Christian Growth to maturity
Warfare Prayer
Prayer of Jabez
Scriptural Inspiration basically from Daniel 9:1-19
Battlefield of the mind

Concerning Revival...

Charles G. Finney Revival Lecture
Autobiography of Charles G. Finney
Extract from the Evan Roberts' Welch-Revival
The mantle of humility  -  Paul van Beek
Battle-Line  Grace Warnock
Revival Fire on PowerPoint!
Vision for a local Church in Lakeland -  Paul van Beek
Hezekiah's Revival Restoration Worship!-  Paul van Beek
Vision over the State of Florida  - Cindy Jacobs'
“The hour is late, it’s time to gather the intercessors”- Pray Lakeland Grace Warnock
AWAKE AMERICA! -  Paul van Beek
God's Tolerance! -  Paul van Beek
"How to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit" -  Paul van Beek


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Most of the titles of these web-page are written with the  lettertype "Papyrus"
Also other of the titles of these web-page could be written with the  letter font "Australian Sunrise" Click on the name to download also this  lettertype!
The lettertype : "Eras Medium ITC" is been use in most of the written text throughout these web-pages

Instructions to download the letter Fonts into your Computer:

Click on the name to download the  lettertype of your choice! Save the Lettertype-file also in your "Documents" as reserve and than you can also copy + paste it into "Fonts"! Instruction: 1. Start 2. Control panel  3. Appearance themes  4. Open "Fonts" 5.  Paste Letter types or fonts "Papyrus" "Australian Sunrise"  "Eras Medium ITC" 6.Close!

God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc. ©
End Time Harvest Revival

God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc. ©
End Time Harvest Revival